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The Functional Relations of the Logarithmic and Exponential Functions

Author(s): H. Martyn Cundy
Source: The Mathematical Gazette, Vol. 33, No. 306 (Dec., 1949), p. 283
Published by: Mathematical Association
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Accessed: 28-01-2016 18:46 UTC

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point of P) on the normal at P. If the conic is the parabola y2 = 4ax and P is

(at2, 2at), then the coordinates of F are a(ta + 4), - 2at. Thus the locus of F
is the parabola y2 = 4a(x - 4a).
The evolute of the original parabola is 4 (x - 2a)3= 27ay2. By solving the
last two equations, we find that the Fregier parabola and the evolute touch
at the points (5a, ?2a). These are the Fregier points (and centres of curvature)
of the ends of the latus rectum of the original parabola. J. BUCHANAN.
2078. On Note 1996: definition of logarithm.
Although I do not entirely agree with Mr. Lyness about log x, I think that
it should be said that Note 1996 only deals with one of the objections to the
integral method, and perhaps the least important objection.
The two formulae
dy dy du d - du
(i) -=u- z du=z dx,
x (i)

are at the same level. On the other hand, many students become familiar
with (i) before they reach (ii). For such students the best procedure is as
d c 1
{hyp (cx) - hyp x} =0;
hence hyp (cx) - hyp x = constant = hyp c,
so that the use of (ii) is avoided. A. R.
2079. The functional relations of the logarithmic and exponential functions.
The account given of these functions in the article by Mr. Gant, Vol. XXX,
No. 292, p. 277, is an interesting one. The introduction of the formal treat-
ment of these functions by means of the definite integral definition of log x,
or the equivalent statement in the article cited, is in my view the easiest and
most interesting line of approach for the beginner. But the necessary trans-
formation of the definite integral by which the law log (ab)= log a + log b is
obtained proves a stumbling-block in a number of cases. All the more
interest therefore attaches to the alternative treatment given by Mr. Gant.
But surely this is more difficult than it need be. This law, and the correspond-
ing law for the exponential function, can be established more simply as
(1) To prove that if L'(x) =l x, L(1) 0, then L(a) + L(b)=L(ab) for all
positive a and b.
Consider f(x) =L (a) + L(x) - L(ax).
Thenf'(x) = 1/x - alax= 0, so that f(x) is a constant.
On putting x= 1, the constant is seen to be L(1) = 0, and the result follows
with x = b.
(2) To prove that if E'(x) =E (x), E (0) = 1, then E(a) . E(b)=E(a + b) for
all a and b.
Consider f(x) = E (x +a)/E(x), since E(x) is never zero.
Then f'(x) = {E (x) . E (x + a) - E (x + a) . E (x)}{E (x)}2 = 0.
Thereforef(x) is a constant, and on putting x= 0 it is seen to be E(a). The
result follows with x = b. H. MARTYN CUNDY.

2080. Note on Robert Record.

As so little is known about Record this extract may be interesting. It is
taken from The Ordinall of Alchemy by Thomas Norton of Bristol (reproduced
from Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum with annotations by Elias Ashmole)

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