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Sarah Mallon

Year Long Program


August Friendship New Student Lunch: Meet with the new students to Bulletin Board- New
create a supportive environment within the group, Students: Interview the
build rapport with the counselor, and identify students and display their
potential needs. answers next to their
Peer Support System: Work with teachers, parents,
and staff to identify students who may benefit from a Guidance - Good Friends:
tutor or mentor and students who would fit these roles Use age appropriate
appropriately to promote friendship, support, and bibliotherapy to discuss
social and academic skills. how to make and maintain
Group - Social Skills: Develop friendship or social
skill groups based on observation and teacher/parent
recommendation. Create session plans and prepare to
implement the group when applicable.

September Perseverance Growth Mindset - The Power of Yet: Share with Guidance - Yet:
teachers and administration psychologist,Carol Incorporate an age
Dweck’s observation and explanation of Growth appropriate video or book
Mindsets, specifically The Power of Yet. There are to explain The Power of
books, videos, biblio resources, and additional Yet to students. Discuss
resources that can be used throughout a school what guidance activities
curriculum as well as with teams and individuals. will take place throughout
the year and the skills that
Long Term Plans: Collaborate with teachers to they will learn that they
identify students who may need long term support might not know YET.
throughout the school year. Develop approaches and
interventions. Bulletin Board - Coming
Up: Prepare students for
Student Check In: Schedule a lunch or meeting with events, opportunities,
students who have a history accessing counselor deadlines, etc. that will be
support. Check in on their current strengths, areas of happening throughout the
improvement, and personal goals. upcoming school year.

October Bullying Follow the Stomp Out Bullying National Bullying Go Blue Day: Students
Prevention Prevention Outline and Resources: wear blue, make bullying
prevention signs to put
Weekly themes include Go Blue, Make New Friends, around the school, and sign
Stand Up for Others, and Inclusion. Activities, paper chain links as a
resources, outlines, t-shirts, and all other necessary pledge against bullying.
materials can be found online. Be aware of that some
but not all require funding. Using the outline will be Guidance - Standing Up
useful in determining how to implement activities in for Others: Discuss
the particular school. Stomp Out Bullying has age bystander strategies and the
appropriate resources to pick from. importance of standing up
for others.

November Gratitude Thank You Cards: Generate a list of people who Bulletin Board - What We
have helped the school or counseling program and Are Grateful For: Each
send them thank you cards. student receives a cut out of
a food item from a
Food Drive: Set up an area for students to bring in cornucopia and writes what
food donations to be donated to a local charity. Send they are thankful for on it.
home a letter explaining the expectations of the food
drive and explaining the theme of gratitude and how Guidance - Mindfulness -
it can be practiced at home. Gratitude: Students will
practice a mindfulness
Student Helper Recognition: Ask teachers and staff based activity centered
to provide a list of student helpers and why they are around gratitude and
grateful for them. Students could include tutors, appreciation.
mentors, hall monitors, announcers, etc. Ask the
students what they gained from the experience. Read
or display the list.

December Kindness Giving Tree: Create a donation system to help Bulletin Board - Holiday
families in need during the holiday season. Students,
Diversity: Display different
parents, and staff can select a child/family from the
types of religious/cultural
tree and provide the present asked for. holidays and traditions that
go along with them.
Students Give Back: Each classroom thinks of a way Include students if
in which they can give back to the school (or applicable.
community). This could include clean up/set up,
decorations, gifts for staff, etc. Guidance - Wish List:
Write a list of what you can
Food Drive: Continued from previous month. do for others.

January Responsibility Group - Responsibility: Coordinate with teachers to Bulletin Board -

develop a group of students who could benefit from Classroom Resolutions:
psychoeducation about organization, safe decisions, Each classroom creates a
and positive choices. goal that they will work to
Safety Presentation: Coordinate with local
authorities to develop a school wide assembly Guidance - Study Skills:
promoting personal, school, and community safety. Teach students tips for
Address important, age appropriate topics such as staying organized and
stranger dancer, violence, substance use, or safe developing study skills.

Personal Organization: Review monthly objectives

and team goals and make any necessary revisions.

February Diversity Black History Month: Develop a list of influential Guidance - All About Me:
people who are black that partook in that historically Students create an art
contributed to society (Civil Rights, Human Rights, project that represents their
Medicine, Human Services, etc.). Have announcers diversity and individuality.
read a short description of these individuals each Displayed at the Cultural
morning. Event and in the school.

Cultural Event: Depending on feasibility, this could Personal Flags: Students
take place in the classroom, as a school wide event, or create personal flags to be
an after school event. Students and their families are hung throughout the school.
invited to share their diversity and cultural traditions Flags can include
by displaying their culture through food, dress, nationalities, hobbies,
music/dance, etc. favorite things, etc.

Group - Diversity: Based on the school’s need.

Create a group specific to students who share
differences from the majority. This could include
race, identity, family structure, or any other factor
that could make students feel isolated.

March Teamwork Classroom March Madness: Coordinate with Classroom Pride Day:
classroom teachers and in relation to the school’s Kick off Classroom March
Positive Behavioral Support plan to develop a Madness by facilitating a
classroom competition involving team building skills. dress day in which each
Examples could include: cleanliness, quietness, or classroom develops a theme
meeting classroom or grade level goals. and dresses accordingly.

Collect Feedback: Communicate with teachers, Minute to Win It

administration, and staff to develop a needs Activities: During free
assessment of the school, the role of the counselor, times, incorporate short
and the membership of different teams or groups. challenges that require
Create goals for the remainder of the school year and students to work together.
reminders for the next year.Examples could include
district school counselors, emotional support team,
IEP team, or School Wide Program/PBS.

April Community Parent Newsletter: Ask interested parents to submit Social Media Post: Thank
Outreach ideas for about how their professional life could the members of the
contribute to the school or students. community who have
supported the school and its
Local Businesses: Partner with local businesses to students.
meet school needs or create programs. This could
include food, supplies, facility, or time donations. Bus Driver Appreciation:
If applicable, encourage
Local Charities/Programs: Reach out to students to do something
organizations that can provide services or resources special for their bus driver.
for students and families in need. If services are Include a get to know you
already in place, become familiar with the current Bulletin Board.

May Career Technical School Visitation: Coordinate a field trip When I Grow Up Day:
Exploration to the local technical school to promote career Students may dress in
exploration and education. Grade participation will college apparel of a school
vary. Follow up by collecting feedback and student they may want to go to or
interpretations. Based on previous month’s as the professional they
connections, incorporate individuals who are in the would like to be in the
workforce or alternative education. future.

Career Fair: Organize a school wide event in which Guidance - RIASEC Test:
local businesses will set up booths/tables and discuss Use the personality test to
different types of educations and career paths. (Use identify personal strengths
connections gained from the previous month's and possible career choices.
outreach.) When I Grow Up Day will follow the
career fair to promote reflection and application.

June Transitions Meet with Students: Discuss helpful and harmful Guidance - Goal Setting:
aspects of change and transition with students who Each student will make a
will be moving to a new school or career (5th, 8th, list of what they will learn
12th). Topics can include goal setting, expectations, and goals they would like to
organization, and collaboration. accomplish during the next
school year. This prepares
Meet with Parents: Schedule a meeting for parents them for academic
of any grade level to explain transition processes. expectations and will be
Discuss academic expectations, developmental given to them in August.
changes, current issues and events, and resources.
Needs Assessment:
Meet with Faculty: Prepare for any faculty changes Develop surveys for
that could occur between June and the next school students and staff to gain
year and plan accordingly if it affects the school insight into additional
counselor role. school needs and goals.

July Professional Professional Development: Find resources and Self-Care: Take time to
Preparation trainings to gain a greater understanding of successful strengthen wellness and
interventions and community assistance. self-care practices.

Orientation: Prepare for the orientation of the new Projects: Get ahead on art
class of students by communicating with teachers and projects or hands on
parents and developing a plan for the beginning of the activities that would not be
school year. prioritized during school.

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