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Part 1: Causal Argument (25 points)

1. Focused cause(s) or effect(s):

For causal argument, I will be arguing on a singular effect of the issue, in which the topic for my
argument is “The effect of learning tonal languages during infancy period in order to develop
perfect pitch.” Singular major effect would be discussed in order to inform the readers and the
audience about the huge relevance of the effect on the phenomenon.

2. A clearly stated claim/thesis:

The development of tonal languages during infancy is leading to the acquirement of perfect pitch
ability in infants.

Cause: development of tonal languages during infancy

Effect: acquirement of perfect pitch ability in infants

I would choose to go with approach 2 which is to identify the cause and then examine the effect.

3. Audience-based evidence:

The intended audience would be within the pedagogical community of musicians, the faculty of
music education, and also within the music therapeutic field.

The evidences that I have compiled consist of journal studies and experimental work done that
produce correlations between learning tonal languages and perfect pitch ability in infants. This
might help the intended audience to provide necessary teaching methods to infants in order for
them to develop enhanced musical ability.

4. Anticipation of possible objections or alternative explanations

Perfect pitch ability may be caused by learning to identify musical notes during adulthood.
The effect I have stated should more likely to be in my writing assignment as most articles
emphasize that perfect pitch ability is mainly genetic while relative pitch ability can be acquired
during adulthood through learning.

Part 2: Medium and Genre (5 points)

By recognizing perfect pitch abilities, music instructors and therapists may access many
unexpected developmental areas. Music therapists could open a new means of communication
with their clients, and that concepts about perfect pitch may be well incorporated into standard
approaches in therapy.

The most effective way to deliver my cause could be from writing op-ed magazines and creating
brochures with some visualizations about the concepts.

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