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Appendix A

Session: 1

Date: ​January 25, 2018 Location: ​Library

Time: 12:35-1:05pm Members:

I. Goal: ​Create a safe space in which students can express their experiences with grief.

- The group will create and agree upon norms and expectations.
- Students will express an understanding of confidentiality.
- The group will begin to share about their deceased parents.

II. Check-In:
- Leader explains the purpose and logistics of the group.
- Open the floor for questions/comments/concerns.

III. Activities:
1. Individual / Group Name
a. Each student selects a nickname (i.e. “Super Sarah”)
b. Work together to create a group name

2. Create Group Norms

a. Materials: poster board, markers
b. Students brainstorm and agree upon group rules and expectations and then
take turns writing them on the poster board
i. Include confidentiality
3. Share Time
a. Take turns sharing about their deceased parents and one word that they
associate with grief
i. Promts: Who passed away? How old were you? How did they die?
What is one word, feeling, thought, etc. that you think of when you
think of your parent or grief?

IV. Check-Out:
- Review activities from the session.
- Ask for feedback or questions for the group.
- Have students use Google Classroom to answer questions about the session.
- Materials: Chromebooks
Group Rules included:
- Privacy
- Confidentiality
- Crying is okay
- You may pass
- Thumbs up if you are okay, thumbs down if you are not okay
Appendix B
Session: 2

Date: ​February 1, 2018 Location: ​Library

Time: 12:35-1:05pm Members:

I. Goal: ​Students will begin to become familiar with expressing grief.

- The group will read and discuss Tear Soup together.
- Inter-group questions will be encouraged.
- Students will express their grief through art.

II. Check-In:
- Review group name, individual names, and rules.

III. Activities:
1. Read Tear Soup
a. Materials: Tear Soup by ​Chuck DeKlyen and Pat Schwiebert
b. Reflect on the story, personal reactions, general thoughts

2. Art Free Time

a. Materials: playdough, paper, crayons, pipe-cleaners, etc.
b. Students can use materials to create what they please

IV. Check-Out:
- Review activities from the session.
- Ask for feedback or questions for the group.
- Have students use Google Classroom to answer questions about the session.
- Materials: Chromebooks
Appendix C
Session: 3

Date: February 8, 2018 Location: ​Library

Time: 12:35-1:05pm Members:

I. Goal: ​Students will discuss their grief, predict challenges, and reflect on memories.

- The group will share positive experience associated with their loss.
- Students will discuss future challenges that they could face.
- The group will express positive memories of their parent

II. Check-In:
- Review the previous session
- Discuss any questions/comments/concerns

III. Activities:
1. Grief Journey Jenga
a. Materials: Jenga pieces with questions about grief written on them
i. Questions should ask about negative and positive experiences
b. Students will take turns pulling out pieces and answering the questions

2. Discuss Future Challenges

a. Associate the Jenga tower falling down with challenges that loss causes
b. Discuss how their losing a parent could affect them in the future

3. Memory Game
a. Materials: two black cards per student, crayons, pencils
b. Associate the positive reflections with thinking about memories
c. Students will draw a memory of their parent on both cards and then share
d. Mix all of the cards in the middle of the group and play Memory
i. Take turns trying to find matches

IV. Check-Out:
- Review activities from the session.
- Ask for feedback or questions for the group.
- Have students use Google Classroom to answer questions about the session.
- Materials: Chromebooks
Grief Jenga rules:
- Rule dye for color
- Answer color-coded question
- Put piece that is the color
Grief Jenga Questions:
- Tell us what you love about your parent.
- Name 3 feelings that you have about the death of your parent.
- Share something negative about the death of your parent.
- Describe your parent in 1 word.
- Share something that worries you or a future challenge
- Share something positive about the death of your parent.
Grief Jenga

Share something you are worried about.

Name three feelings that you have.

Share something ​positive​ that happened.

Describe your parent in one word.

Share something ​negative​ that happened.

Say what you love about your parent.

Appendix D
Session: 4

Date: ​February 15, 2018 Location: ​Conference Room

Time: 12:35-1:05pm Members:

I. Goal: ​The group members will discuss and apply negative and positive coping skills

- The students will talk about how they manage their grief.
- The group will differentiate between negative and positive coping skills.
- Students will use future challenges to role play positive coping skills.

II. Check-In:
- Review the previous session
- Discuss any questions/comments/concerns

III. Activities:
1. Coping Skills Discussion and Poster
a. Materials: poster board, markers
b. Divide the poster board into positive coping / negative coping
c. Students will share how they manage their grief
d. Add coping mechanisms to the poster
i. Include caregiver relationship, responsibility differentiation, active
coping, positive self-esteem
2. Puppet Roles plays
a. Materials: puppets
b. Reflect on the challenges discusses last session
c. Students will role play these challenges using positive coping skills

IV. Check-Out:
- Review activities from the session.
- Ask for feedback or questions for the group.
- Have students use Google Classroom to answer questions about the session.
- Materials: Chromebooks
Future Challenges:
- Getting bad grades
- Not there to teach us
- No 1 on 1 time
- Having someone on your side
- Distracted by “What if…”s
- Things / places that remind us of them
- Activities about parents
- Birthdays
Coping Skills Traffic Light:
- “If you are at yellow, positive coping skills will help you to go through it and keep you
on track like a green light. Negative coping skills will slow you down and keep you from
moving forward like a red light”
- X box / TV
- Play outside
- Flop on the couch
- Play with my dog
- Go for a run
Appendix E
Session: 5

Date: February 22, 2018 Location: ​Library

Time: 12:35-1:05pm Members:

I. Goal: ​Students will strengthen self-esteem and positive memories.

- Students will discuss using their strengths during coping.
- The group will express their strengths through art.
- The group will express their parent’s influence on them through art.

II. Check-In:
- Review the previous session
- Discuss any questions/comments/concerns

III. Activities:
1. Discuss Strengths
a. Reflect on positive coping skills
b. Students their strengths and how they help them cope

2. Self-Portrait
a. Materials: paper, crayons, markers, playdough, etc.
b. Students will create a piece of art that portrays their strengths
c. Students will display ways in which their parent influences who they are

3. Begin termination process

a. Discuss how the next session is the final session
b. Check-in on how students are feeling about wrapping up

IV. Check-Out:
- Review activities from the session.
- Ask for feedback or questions for the group.
- Have students use Google Classroom to answer questions about the session.
- Materials: Chromebooks
Appendix F
Session: 6

Date: March 1, 2018 Location: ​Library

Time: 12:35-1:05pm Members:

I. Goal: ​Students will share what they learned and complete the termination process.

- The group will process what they learned from the group.
- Students will participate in a final activity to unite them as a group.
- The group will express final thoughts and feedback.

II. Check-In:
- Review the previous session
- Discuss any questions/comments/concerns

III. Activities:
1. Rock Painting
a. Materials: paint, brushes, smooth rocks
b. Each student paints a rock and writes one word on it
c. Reflect on what that word means to them

2. Pizza and Feedback

a. Materials: Pizza, plates, napkins
b. Students take turns sharing their takeaways from the group
c. Invite students to also share what they would have liked to include
3. Free Choice
a. The students can chose a game to play

IV. Check-Out:
- Thank the students for participating
- Have students use Google Classroom to answer questions about the session.
- Materials: Chromebooks
Appendix G
Session 1 Evaluation

● Goals and Objectives / Were they met?

○ Goal: Create a safe space in which students can express their experiences with
grief. / YES
○ The group will create and agree upon norms and expectations. / YES
○ Students will express an understanding of confidentiality. / YES
○ The group will begin to share about their deceased parents. / YES

● Notes on Activities
○ Limited because of time
○ Did not create individual names
○ Created group name: Secret-Ninjas
○ Developed Group Norms
○ Reflections were made outside of the session

● What Went Well

○ Development of rules/norms
○ Redirections
○ Created a space that felt comfortable for students

● Areas to Improve
○ Maintain more control of the conversation
Appendix H
Session 2 Evaluation

● Goals and Objectives / Were they met?

○ Goal: Students will begin to become familiar with expressing grief. / YES
○ The group will read and discuss Tear Soup together. / NO
○ Inter-group questions will be encouraged. / YES
○ Students will express their grief through art. / YES

● Notes on Activities
○ Altered because of Student 4
○ Continued the unfinished conversation about each student’s experience with their
○ Tear Soup would be too long so the Memory Game was moved up a week
○ Memory Game went well given short amount of time
○ Reflections were made inside of the session (shorter responses → outside of
group for remainder of sessions)

● What Went Well

○ Connections were made between group members
○ Recognizing humor and allowing for slight inappropriateness
○ Students shared their memories and asked each other questions
○ Reflections of both content and feeling
○ Kept conversation on topic (for the most part)

● Areas to Improve
○ Time-management
○ Establishing boundaries
○ Student 4 monopolizing the conversation
Appendix I
Session 3 Evaluation

● Goals and Objectives / Were they met?

○ Goal: Students will discuss their grief, predict challenges, and reflect on
memories. / YES
○ The group will share positive experience associated with their loss. / YES
○ Students will discuss future challenges that they could face. / YES (Need for
○ The group will express positive memories of their parent / YES

● Notes on Activities
○ Memory Game was moved to previous week
○ Discussion of future challenges will be expanded upon during following week
○ Jenga was played successfully
○ Equal turns and talking time
○ The questions selected were successfully answered appropriately and with

● What Went Well

○ Time-management
○ Organized
○ Behavior management / reinforcements
○ Reflections of content and feeling
○ Connections and discussions between students

● Areas to Improve
○ Not enough discussion on future challenges
○ Could have been done with less questions to create more connecting and
Appendix J
Session 4 Evaluation

● Goals and Objectives / Were they met?

○ Goal: The group members will discuss and apply negative and positive coping
skills. / YES
○ The students will talk about how they manage their grief. / YES
○ The group will differentiate between negative and positive coping skills. / YES
○ Students will use future challenges to role play positive coping skills. / NO

● Notes on Activities
○ Did not have time for puppet role plays
○ Developed a list of future challenges
○ Shared coping skills and whether or not they are positive or negative

● What Went Well

○ Comfortable with confrontation / storming
○ Recognized prompting worked better during psychoeducational piece
○ Stayed on track
○ Consistent boundaries
○ Invited Student 3 when appropriate
○ Reflections and summaries

● Areas to Improve
○ Time-management
○ Too much room for distraction / monopolization by Student 4
○ Too many activities for time limit
Appendix K
Session 5 Evaluation

● Goals and Objectives / Were they met?

○ Goal: Students will strengthen self-esteem and positive memories. / YES
○ Students will discuss using their strengths during coping. / YES
○ The group will express their strengths through art. / YES
○ The group will express their parent’s influence on them through art. / YES

● Notes on Activities
○ Altered due to confrontation at end of last session
○ Discussion of confrontation was organized and comfortable
○ Reviewed challenges and coping skills
○ Students drew self portraits that included how they see their parent’s influence in

● What Went Well

○ Maintained control of the conversation
○ Focused on here and now emotions
○ Successfully worked through storming

● Areas to Improve
○ Time-management improved but could be better
○ Be aware of seating arrangement (Student 1 + Student 4)
Appendix L
Session 6 Evaluation

● Goals and Objectives / Were they met?

○ Goal: Students will share what they learned and complete the termination process.
○ The group will process what they learned from the group. / YES
○ Students will participate in a final activity to unite them as a group. / YES
○ The group will express final thoughts and feedback. / YES

● Notes on Activities
○ Rock-painting activity excluded due to time
○ Ate pizza
○ Reflected on each of the sessions
○ Used ball to take turns talking, incorporate movement
○ Individual takeaways were insightful and detailed
○ Session reflections and scales were made before games were played
○ Played games including Silent Ball and Ninja

● What Went Well

○ Time included lunch, recess, and I&E time
○ Inclusive
○ Maintained control
○ Adaptive to distractions/choices
○ Included light-hearted conversation and fun games

● Areas to Improve
○ Reflect before eating the pizza
○ Visual outline of tasks to remain focused before the fun parts
Name What did you learn? What feelings did you have? What did you like about the session? What did you dislike about the session?
Student 1 how other people thought about their i felt comfortable talking about how my dad i liked every thing i think my favorite was i did not dislike anything
loved ones who passed away and passed away and i did feel sad a little bit when we talked about who we lost
how i felt about them i think that i but i loved it
learned a lot about people that i
didn't even know how they passed
away and i think i am glad i am
doing this because i like to make
other people feel comfortable
Student 2 that i am not the only one who lost a none (yet) so far... everything nothing

Student 4 How would someone feel about Thinking about the past of when they passed It was calming and overwhelming and Nothing.
sharing there family members and away into heaven and how i was feeling peaceful but also relaxing but it was tough to
what your reaction is about it. about it and thinking about it and was about share those feelings about the past of the
to cry but i was holding my tears up into my people in your family that passed away from
eye sockets and my eyes were getting really some type of disease or cancer or damage
red and tired. themselves and passed and went up into the
clouds where God lives and Jesse and that's
called heaven and that's where dead people
live ether from different states or countries or
familys or from your family it's difficult to
share those feelings and share those memories
from the past and it's hard to hold in those
Student 3 that it is ok to say how you feel. that it was safe to say how i felt. we discussed things.
Name What did you learn? What feelings did you have? What did you like about the What did you dislike about the session?
Student 4 cool stuff none really that is really cool nothing

Student 1 how to be com and how to hold i had ruun feelings how we played memory nothing
in the teers
Student 2 that i am not the only one who none everything nothing
lost a parent
Student 3 that it is fun to be a group that it is ok to say funny things we talked about thinks as a group nothing it was all fun
Name What did you learn? What feelings did you have? What did you like about the session? What did you dislike about the session?
Student 3 I learned that Ms. Mallon and Mrs. i had good feelings everything nothing i loved it all.
Albert are fun .

Student 1 how to tell how i felt happy fellings how we played janga and the game cards nothing
Student 4 about it's ok to share about people in i couldn't breath and i couldn't talk because about it's ok to share feelings and about nothing because there's nothing to dislike
your family that passed away and it's it made me momotion and made my heart sharing things about your family members about the session because it's fun to do in the
ok to share those feelings about those faint. that passed away and naming things about session so you don't need to dislike the
people and how it's ok to really think them and thinking about them that they did session it's really fun to do with three other
about it and what happened to other for your in your life that you can think about friends in the session.
people's family members and how they them from the passed that reminds you about
passed away which really can make them and where they always used to go
other people cry and get amotion about when they need alone time or just what to do
it and can really make you cry about it with their friends.
thinking about it so what i learned
about today was it's ok to share
feelings about other people's family
members and it's ok to share about
your family members.

Student 2 how this can affect my life none everything nothing

Name What did you learn? What feelings did you have? What did you like about the session? What did you dislike about the
Student 4 it's ok to expression your feelings none. how it's ok to tell your feelings out loud to a nothing.
out loud to people or grownups. group of people and how it's ok to tell what
they did for you or what they taught you to be
brave or stick up for people or yourself.
Student 3 I learned that challenges are not good feelings i liked that we talked about the challenges. nothing
always easy.
Student 1 what to do with future chalnges funn feelings how we get to draw what our future chalinges nothing
Student 2 about future challenges for everyone regret everything nothing
Name What did you learn? What feelings did you have? What did you like about the session? What did you dislike about the session?
Student 3 strengths, and things be share with good feelings everything nothing
our parent.
Student 4 it's ok to express your feelings out nothing really. that it's ok to say your feelings about nothing because it's talking about it's ok
loud to some people or a group. your dead family member in your to say feelings or memories about your
family that died and which makes you dead parent in your family which they
feel sad and other people sad in your could be your ancestor and it's ok to say
group or session and might make you or feelings about them in a group or a
other people in your group or session session and it's ok to express your
and might make them or you cry. feelings about your dead family member
in your family which they lived along
time ago and it's ok to talk about the
feelings your having about your dead
parent or family member that lived with
you or somewhere else in a different
content or state or country and it's ok to
talk to other people in your group or
session about the feelings your still have
and remember about them like anytype of
memories about that dead parent or
family member that lived in your life and
visited you once in awhile.
Student 1 we learend what coping skils are happy how we drew ourselfs nothing
Student 2 about the challenges in my life none everything nothing
Name What did you learn? What feelings did you have? What did you like about the session? What did you dislike about the session?
Student 1 About talking about our parents Happy The pizza !!!!!!! NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Student 3 i learned more about the other session we did. i had really good feelings everything nothing
Student 2 That I am not the only one who has lost a parent. And all none everything The timing
the memories that I had from the group and the memories
I had from my mom. :) :(
Student 4 if you have emotions that come to you from your none it's just that when i see things that my it's secret and it's quiet and it's chill and it's nothing really because you can't dislike this group
memories that are yours or other peoples memories in dead parent did or took me to that place or also cool. or session because it's cool, it's secret, it's quiet,
your group or session it's ok to let it out you don't need that type of food that he used to buy for or it's chill and it's fun.
to hold in your thoughts or emotions or your feelings you what me and he did together like playing
don't need to hide them it's ok to say them to your group with those toys or playing and building stuff
members or your session members. like with legos, sets, cars and trucks,
spaceships, lego characters, lego tools, lego
furniture, lego trees, lego cups like mugs,
lego animals, lego mario, lego luigi, lego
camries,lego skeletons, lego planes, lego
jets, lego army bases, lego tanks, lego
helicopters, lego knights, lego castles, lego
flags, lego pirate ships, lego boats, lego
buildings, lego dinosaurs.
Student 1 What did you learn? What feelings did you have? What did you like? What did you dislike? STUDENT 1 COUNSELOR OBSERVATIONS
Session 1 how other people thought about their i felt comfortable talking about how i liked every thing i think my favorite i did not dislike anything - Excited to be a part of the group
loved ones who passed away and how my dad passed away and i did feel was when we talked about who we - Supportive of group members
i felt about them i think that i learned sad a little bit but i loved it lost - Understanding of rules for a grief group,
a lot about people that i didn't even suggested the you may pass and the thumbs
know how they passed away and i up/down indicators
think i am glad i am doing this
because i like to make other people
feel comfortable
Session 2 how to be com and how to hold in the i had ruun feelings how we played memory nothing - Connected with Student 3 about feeling scared,
teers both dads were sick
- Memory: positive, camping with dad

Session 3 how to tell how i felt happy fellings how we played janga and the game nothing - 3 words: lonely, not as brave, upset
cards - Connected with Student 3 by suggesting the word
guilty, both did not give final hugs
-Connected with Student 4 over feeling not as brave
- Positive: “Snowball” events for military families,
said it was difficult but was able to understand and
- Wanted to answer 1 word: silly
Session 4 what to do with future chalnges funn feelings how we get to draw what our future nothing -Wanted to show picture of dad on laptop
chalinges are -Asked to talk more about how their parents died
-Was able to name a few challenges
-Explained that when she is thinking about her dad
(on his birthday or another days that remind her of
him) she becomes very distracted and is unable to
pay attention or perform well in school
-Demonstrated an awareness of coping skills by
writing at least 10 ways that she made herself feel
better (All positive)
-Became frustrated when Student 4 said that they
should only think of their parent and verbalized that
she thought what he was saying was “a little crazy”
-Determined to show picture at the end of the
session although there was not enough time
Session 5 we learend what coping skils are happy how we drew ourselfs nothing -Explained to Student 4 that she would prefer if he
did not interrupt or distract the group
-Displayed distracting behavior, seemed to be a
result of sitting next to Student 4
-Reported her strength to be playing basketball, she
was influenced by her dad because he taught her
how to play
Session 6 About talking about our parents Happy The pizza !!!!!!! NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Participated in the discussion of past sessions and
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! was able to reflect upon each
!!!!!!!!!!!! -Reported that she enjoyed talking about future
-Needed a few prompts to pay attention to what
others were saying
-Her biggest takeaway was positive coping skills
Student 2 What did you learn? What feelings did you have? What did you like? What did you dislike? STUDENT 2 COUNSELOR OBSERVATIONS
Session 1 that i am not the only one who lost none (yet) so far... everything nothing - Excited for the group, shares the want for pizza
a parent - Reports that Tides is enjoyable
- Comfortable with the subject
- Seemed to be aware that she is the only member
who lost their mother
- Friendly and inviting to Student 3
Session 2 that i am not the only one who lost none everything nothing - Comfortable sharing about her mother and how
a parent she remembers her
- Made a few attempts to share more but was
interrupted by Student 4
- Demonstrated patience
- Positive memory - picture of mom, said that she
was tan
- Enjoyed the game, wanted to play more
Session 3 how this can affect my life none everything nothing - Expressed that thinking of a positive outcome was
- Future challenge: doing bad in school because her
mom would tell her it was okay
- 1 word: talented, difficulty expanding
- Love: positivity and how she made her feel
- Displayed listening skills, did not ask many
Session 4 about future challenges for regret everything nothing -Agreed with Student 1’s want to share more about
everyone how their parents died
-Recognized future challenges, including her
mother’s birthday and how she felt during it (the
previous Tuesday)
-Struggled initially to describe her coping skills
-Provided two skills including relaxing on the couch
and talking to friends
-Became frustrated when Student 4 said that they
should only think about their parent and verbalized
that she thought that you should “think about
yourselves somethings too because you have to
take care of yourself and make sure you’re okay
and thinking about your parent all the time isn’t
good for you. You should also think about yourself.”
Session 5 about the challenges in my life none everything nothing - Did not say anything during prompt to address
group concerns, displayed agreeing with Student 1
by nodding her head
- Self portrait included her likes (cats, drawing) and
her mother’s influence is the same hair and sense
of humor
Session 6 That I am not the only one who none everything The timing -Talked about how drawing her mom during the
has lost a parent. And all the memory game felt weird (later reflected about a time
memories that I had from the during a mother-daughter activity that she was
group and the memories I had asked to draw her mom)
from my mom. :) :( -Enjoyed all of the activities
-Interested in creating a game or event for all
bereaved students to participate in
-Reported feeling comforted knowing that other
students have experienced the death of a parent
-Feels better supported by the peers in the group as
well as the counselors
-Her biggest takeaway was positive memories
Student 3 What did you learn? What feelings did you have? What did you like? What did you dislike? STUDENT 3 COUNSELOR OBSERVATIONS
Session 1 that it is ok to say how you feel. that it was safe to say how i felt. we discussed things. - During the pre-test, the student did not know the
word “grief” or what it meant
- Quiet, not accustomed to the language
- “Shhh”ed Student 4 when not following
- Built off of Student 1’s age during the death by
saying she wishes she was four because her
younger brother did not seem to understand
- Noticeably most recent death and no experience
with Tides

Session 2 that it is fun to be a group that it is ok to say funny things we talked about thinks as a group nothing it was all fun - Connected with Student 1 about feeling scared
- Memory: positive, milking the cows early in the
morning with her dad
- Nonverbal frustration with Student 4
Session 3 I learned that Ms. Sarah and Mrs. i had good feelings everything nothing i loved it all. - Agreed with Student 1’s three words, especially
Albert are fun . “lonely”
-Connected over Student 1’s suggestion of “guilt,"
did not hug dad
- Sharing caused visible relief based on body
language and response to peers
-Negative: absent, not around (Student 4 connected
with this)
- Wanted to answer positive: getting a dog
- Wanted to show the picture of her dad
Session 4 I learned that challenges are not good feelings i liked that we talked about the nothing -Seemed to be less engaged than previous
always easy. challenges. sessions
-Did not provide future challenges
-Struggled to identify coping skills
-Provided two skills including “not think about him
sometimes” and “think about him sometimes”
-Remained quiet when Student 4 became upset
with her first example, patiently waited to explain the
second one
-Did not respond to Student 4’s comments
-During individual check in later in the day,
explained that she thought that he was being mean
but that it was okay now and she displayed an
understanding that her examples were not wrong
Session 5 strengths, and things be share good feelings everything nothing - Did not express anything during group concerns
with our parent. prompt
- Quiet though focused
- Wrote that her strengths are to milk and feed
cows, she shares the same fingers as her dad and
his work ethic
Session 6 i learned more about the other i had really good feelings everything nothing -Displayed willingness to engage in conversation
session we did. and play games with other students
-Able to remember activities from all of the sessions
and the things she learned
-Said that she learned a lot and that she feels more
comfortable talking about her grief
-Her biggest takeaway was learning about and
feeling supported by peers as well as being able
positive coping skills
Student 4 What did you learn? What feelings did you have? What did you like? What did you dislike? STUDENT 4 COUNSELOR OBSERVATIONS
Session 1 How would someone feel about Thinking about the past of when It was calming and overwhelming Nothing. -Happy to be apart of the group, fixated on the
sharing there family members and they passed away into heaven and peaceful but also relaxing but inclusion of pizza
what your reaction is about it. and how i was feeling about it and it was tough to share those -Provides a group rule that crying is okay, but that
thinking about it and was about to feelings about the past of the you can go in the corner to do so
cry but i was holding my tears up people in your family that passed -Did not show signs of understanding that crying in
into my eye sockets and my eyes away from some type of disease front of the group is okay
were getting really red and tired. or cancer or damage themselves -Monopolized the group while picking the group
and passed and went up into the name
clouds where God lives and Jesse -When asked to share about the parent who has
and that's called heaven and died, began discussing a distant family member’s
that's where dead people live dog, then his great aunt, then his father
ether from different states or -Did not follow directions or redirections immediately
countries or familys or from your
family it's difficult to share those
feelings and share those
memories from the past and it's
hard to hold in those tears.
Session 2 cool stuff none really that is really cool nothing -Continued monopolizing behaviors
-Avoided answering questions directly
-Interrupted other students’ conversations
-Diverted conversation but insisting on completing
comments and jokes regardless of redirections
-Enjoyed playing the memory game
-Memory was positive, but inappropriate: “a hairy
butt because he farted a lot”
-Struggled with what to call his “real dad” vs. his
“step-dad,” explored this a little bit, described father
as brave
Session 3 about it's ok to share about i couldn't breath and i couldn't talk about it's ok to share feelings and nothing because there's nothing -Positive: going skiing
people in your family that passed because it made me momotion about sharing things about your to dislike about the session -Took a long time to tell the story but successfully
away and it's ok to share those and made my heart faint. family members that passed away because it's fun to do in the connected it to the question
feelings about those people and and naming things about them session so you don't need to -Negative: couldn’t be there to stand up for him
how it's ok to really think about it and thinking about them that they dislike the session it's really fun to -Three words: upset, lonely, not stood up for
and what happened to other did for your in your life that you do with three other friends in the -Enthusiastic about the game
people's family members and how can think about them from the session. -Answers were precise and on topic
they passed away which really passed that reminds you about -Agreed with other students including, Student 3
can make other people cry and them and where they always used saying the parent is absent
get amotion about it and can to go when they need alone time -Displayed positive listening skills to the counselor
really make you cry about thinking or just what to do it with their and other students
about it so what i learned about friends. -Distracted by game pieces but followed redirection
today was it's ok to share feelings
about other people's family
members and it's ok to share
about your family members.
Session 4 it's ok to expression your feelings none. how it's ok to tell your feelings out nothing. -Engaged in external disciplinary actions before the
out loud to people or grownups. loud to a group of people and how session
it's ok to tell what they did for you -Provided a few challenges including “they won’t be
or what they taught you to be around to teach us stuff”, added an example of how
brave or stick up for people or to stand up to bullies
yourself. -Displayed frustration and negative affect during
-Became confrontational in relation to Student 3’s
example to not think about the parent, aggressively
asked who wrote it, displayed agitation saying he
“hates when people say that because you should
ALWAYS think about your parent, NEVER yourself,”
ignored redirections
-After hearing group reactions, explained that he felt
very angry, betrayed, and left out
-Coping skills cards included references to
inappropriate body functions, examples were not
serious or respectful, ignored redirections
Session 5 it's ok to express your feelings out nothing really. that it's ok to say your feelings nothing because it's talking about -Responded to verbal and physical prompts
loud to some people or a group. about your dead family member in it's ok to say feelings or memories - Expressed his feelings about thinking of the
your family that died and which about your dead parent in your parent, used i-statements, calmly
makes you feel sad and other family which they could be your - Listened to Student 1’s concerns
people sad in your group or ancestor and it's ok to say - Was distracting but remained on task
session and might make you or feelings about them in a group or - His strengths did not fully connect, counselor said
other people in your group or a session and it's ok to express that it seemed as though he was good at asking for
session and might make them or your feelings about your dead help (based on word bubbles that said “help me”
you cry. family member in your family and fear”), he agreed
which they lived along time ago - Able to speak efficiently and answered properly
and it's ok to talk about the
feelings your having about your
dead parent or family member
that lived with you or somewhere
else in a different content or state
or country and it's ok to talk to
other people in your group or
session about the feelings your
still have and remember about
them like anytype of memories
about that dead parent or family
member that lived in your life and
visited you once in awhile.
Session 6 if you have emotions that come to none it's just that when i see it's secret and it's quiet and it's nothing really because you can't -Able to remain on task and engaged in the
you from your memories that are things that my dead parent did or chill and it's also cool. dislike this group or session conversation
yours or other peoples memories took me to that place or that type because it's cool, it's secret, it's -Had to leave during the middle for band practice
in your group or session it's ok to of food that he used to buy for or quiet, it's chill and it's fun. but was eager to return for the games at the end
let it out you don't need to hold in what me and he did together like -When asked what he learned/found most
your thoughts or emotions or your playing with those toys or playing important, he quickly and directly answered
feelings you don't need to hide and building stuff like with legos, -His biggest take away was that it is okay to express
them it's ok to say them to your sets, cars and trucks, spaceships, grief and talk about the parent who has died
group members or your session lego characters, lego tools, lego
members. furniture, lego trees, lego cups like
mugs, lego animals, lego mario,
lego luigi, lego camries,lego
skeletons, lego planes, lego jets,
lego army bases, lego tanks, lego
helicopters, lego knights, lego
castles, lego flags, lego pirate
ships, lego boats, lego buildings,
lego dinosaurs.
Name: __________________________________ Date: ___________________

Circle the number that best applies to you...

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always

1 2 3 4 5

1. I feel comfortable talking about memories of my parent. 1 2 3 4 5

2. I know how to make myself feel better when I am upset. 1 2 3 4 5

3. I think support groups are helpful. 1 2 3 4 5

4. I have difficulty in school because of my grief. 1 2 3 4 5

5. I avoid things that remind me of my parent. 1 2 3 4 5

6. I talk to my peers about my grief. 1 2 3 4 5

7. I talk to my family members about my grief. 1 2 3 4 5

8. I ask for help when I am sad or grieving. 1 2 3 4 5

9. I feel supported by my peers. 1 2 3 4 5

10. I feel comfortable asking questions about my parent. 1 2 3 4 5


Name of Child: ______________________________________________________________

Select to what degree you believe​ the child experiences​ the following:

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always

1 2 3 4 5

1. Talks about their memories of the deceased 1 2 3 4 5

2. Expresses their grief through conversation. 1 2 3 4 5

3. Asks questions about the deceased. 1 2 3 4 5

4. Feels supported at school. 1 2 3 4 5

5. Shows signs of academic difficulty in relation to the death. 1 2 3 4 5

6. Avoids places associated with the deceased. 1 2 3 4 5

7. Avoids activities associated with the deceased. 1 2 3 4 5

8. Talks to peers about the deceased. 1 2 3 4 5

9. Talks to family members about the deceased. 1 2 3 4 5

10. Seeks help when struggling with feelings of grief. 1 2 3 4 5

RATING SCALE: 1 = Never; 2 = Rarely; 3 = Sometimes; 4 = Often; 5 = Always

School-Based Positive Expressive Coping Negative Coping Goals of Group

A. I feel B. I have C. I ask for D. I feel E. I feel F. I talk to my G. I talk to my H. I. I avoid J. K. I know L. I think
supported by difficulty in help when I comfortable comfortable peers about family things that how to make support
my peers. school am sad or talking about asking my grief. members remind me of myself feel groups are
Student Questions
because of my grieving. memories of questions about my my parent. better when I helpful.
grief. my parent. about my grief. am upset.
A. Feels B. Shows C. Seeks help D. Talks about E. Asks F. Talks to G. Talks to H. Expresses I. Avoids J. Avoids K. L.
supported at signs of when their questions peers about family their grief places activities
school. academic struggling memories of about the the deceased members through associated with associated
Parent Questions
difficulty in with feelings the deceased deceased about the conversation the deceased with the
relation to the of grief deceased deceased

Student 1 Pre-test 4 3 3 4 5 4 4 3 3 5
Post-test 5 2 5 4 5 4 3 3 5 5
Parent 1 Pre-test 3 3 2 4 4 4 4 2 1 1
Post-test - - - - - - - - - -

Student 2 Pre-test 4 4 1 2 4 2 2 5 5 5
Post-test 4 4 2 4 3 4 2 3 4 5
Parent 2 Pre-test 3 2 1 4 4 3 4 2 1 1
Post-test - - - - - - - - - -

Student 3 Pre-test 3 4 3 3 4 3 2 3 2 5
Post-test 4 3 4 4 3 2 3 2 3 5
Parent 3 Pre-test 5 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 1
Post-test 5 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 1

Student 4 Pre-test 1 5 5 5 3 2 5 5 2 5
Post-test 2 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 5 5
Parent 4 Pre-test 4 2 5 3 4 3 5 3 1 1
Post-test 4 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
School-Based Positive Expressive Coping Negative Coping Goals of Group
A. I feel B. I have C. I ask for D. I feel E. I feel F. I talk to my G. I talk to my H. I. I avoid J. K. I know L. I think
supported by difficulty in help when I comfortable comfortable peers about family things that how to make support
my peers. school am sad or talking about asking my grief. members remind me of myself feel groups are
Student Questions
because of my grieving. memories of questions about my my parent. better when I helpful.
grief. my parent. about my grief. am upset.
A. Feels B. Shows C. Seeks help D. Talks about E. Asks F. Talks to G. Talks to H. Expresses I. Avoids J. Avoids K. L.
supported at signs of when their questions peers about family their grief places activities
school. academic struggling memories of about the the deceased members through associated with associated
Parent Questions
difficulty in with feelings the deceased deceased about the conversation the deceased with the
relation to the of grief deceased deceased
3/4 reported 2/4 reported a 3/4 reported 2/4 reported 1/4 reported 2/4 reported 1/4 reported 3/4 reported a 3/4 reported
an increase in decrease in an increase in an increase in an increase in an increase in an increase in decrease in an increase of
feeling academic asking for help feeling feeling more talking to their talking to avoiding things knowing how
supported at difficulty in when they are comfortable comfortable peers about family that remind to make -
school. relation to grieving. talking about asking about their grief. members them of their themselves
their grief. memories of their parent. about their parent. feel better.
their parent. grief.
Positive Change 1/2 reported 1/2 reported
an increase in an increase in
their belief their belief
that the that the
- - student asks - - - student talks - - -
for help when to family
grieving. members
about their
1/4 reported 2/4 reported 1/4 reported 2/4 reported 1/4 reported 1/4 reported 1/4 reported 1/4 reported no 4/4 reported
no change. no change in no change in no change in "always" at no change in no change. change in that they
They "often" academic that they feeling pre- and post- their rating of avoiding things always believe
felt supported difficulty. "always" ask comfortable test. "often." that remind support
at school at for help. talking about them of their groups are
both the pre- memories of parent. helpful.
and post- test. their parent. -
"often" and
No Change one
There was no 1 reported no There was no There was no There was no There was no There was no
change change. All of change change change change change
reported. the scores reported. reported. reported. reported. reported.
Ratings ranged ranged from - - -
from "never" to
"sometimes" "sometimes."
to "always".
2/4 reported a 1/4 reported a 2/4 reported a 1/4 reported a
decrease in decrease in decrease in decrease of
feeling talking to their talking to knowing how
comfortable peers about family to make
- - - - - -
asking their grief. members themselves
questions about their feel better.
about their grief.
Negative Change 1 reported an 1/2 reported a 2/2 reported a 1/2 reported a
increase of decrease in decrease in decrease in
academic their belief their belief their belief
difficulty from that the that the that the
- "never" to student asks - student feels - student talks - - -
"rarely." for help when comfortable to family
grieving. asking about members
their parent. about their
Summary of Item Most of the Half of the Most of the Half of the The majority Half of the Half of the 2/2 parents Most of the According to Most of the All of the
students students students students of students students students and reported no students 4 pre-tests and students students
reported an reported a reported an reported and parents reported an parents change in their reported a 2 post-tests, reported an initially
increase in decrease in increase in feeling more reported a increase it reported an belief of the decrease in all of the increase of reported that
feeling academic asking for comfortable decrease in talking to their increase or no student their avoidance parents knowing how they felt as
supported at difficulties help when when talking feeling peers about change and expressing of things reported he to make though support
school. One because of they are sad or about comfortable their grief. half reported a their grief associated with students never themselves groups were
reported their grief. grieving. One memories of asking One reported decrease in through their parent. avoid feel better. always
"often" in both The other half reported their parents. questions no change and talking to conversations. One reported activities helpful. After
the pre- and reported no "always" The other half about the one reported a family All of the pre- "sometimes" in related to their completion of
post-test. The change. asking for reported no deceased decrease from members and post-tests both the pre- parent. the group, all
parents did not Parent ratings help at both change in their parent. Two "sometimes" about their scores ranged and post-test. of the students
report any ranged from pre- and post- high ratings of students to "rarely." grief. from "never" All of the reported no
change. The "never" to test. One "often" and reported no to parents pre- change.
majority of "sometimes." parent "always." change and "sometimes." and post- tests Therefore, the
both parent At post-test, reported an one reported indicated the group did not
and student one parent increase and an increase in students never decrease any
ratings fell reported no one reported a comfortability avoid places belief that
between change and decrease. . associated with support groups
"sometimes" one reported the deceased. are helpful.
and "always" an increase
with the from "never"
exception of to "rarely."
Student 4 who
feeling an
increase from
"never" to
School-Based Positive Expressive Coping Negative Coping Goals of Group
Summary of Results indicate school- Results Results indicate both increases and decreases in expressive coping. There Results indicate a decrease in Results indicate that the
Category based negative impacts of indicate an were positive changes in comfortability with talking about memories and negative coping. The grief group was affective
grief decreased. The increase in talking to peers and family members about their grief. There were minor majority students reported a based on student ratings on
majority of students positive- positive changes in comfortability in asking questions about the deceased decrease in their avoidance of groups and learned skills.
reported feeling an increase coping. parent. Results indicate negative changes as well. This discrepancy things associated with their
of peer support and a accounts for differing and changing perceptions of negative and positive parent. All of the parents
decrease in academic coping skills. reported the student never
difficulty. avoid places or activities in
relation to the parent. The
two post-tests indicated no

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