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Present Simple / Present Continuous / Past Simple / Past Continuous

1 Complete the mini-dialogues with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple
or Past Continuous.
1. A: Where …………………… you …………………… (take) these photos? They’re amazing!
B: On my trip to Australia. I …………………… (enter) them in a photo contest tomorrow.
2. A: …………………… the doctor …………………… (see) a patient now?
B: No, he …………………… (leave) a few minutes ago. Let’s set up an appointment.
3. A: Why …………………… you …………………… (wait) outside her office? Let’s go home.
B: Just a minute, I …………………… (want) to ask her a question before I leave.
4. A: What …………………… she …………………… (wear) when you …………………… (see) her at the party?
B: I …………………… (not remember). I …………………… (think) jeans and a white T-shirt.
5. A: Emily …………………… (go) mountain biking at weekends when the weather …………………… (be) good.
B: That’s why her friends …………………… (give) her a special helmet on her last birthday.
6. A: When …………………… you and your sister usually …………………… (get) home from school?
B: At four o’clock, but today we …………………… (not come) home until later because the coach
…………………… (want) our team to practice.
7. A: Why …………………… you …………………… (look) so disappointed?
B: I …………………… (think) about the maths exam. I …………………… (not think) I …………………… (do)
very well on it.

2 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Use the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or
Past Continuous. Do not change the meaning of the original sentences.
1. During the hike, we saw many beautiful flowers. (while)
2. Megan isn’t interested in fashion. (like)
3. Their arrival time is in an hour. (are)
4. What was her opinion of the lecture? (think)
5. It’s hard for me to understand him. (I)
6. That car used to be my brother’s until I bought it from him. (doesn’t)


3 Complete the sentences with a suitable verb. Use the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or
Past Continuous.
1. We ……………………………… in the queue when we heard a loud explosion.
2. I ……………………………… TV all evening at home yesterday.
3. ……………………………… you ……………………………… the door after you left the house?
4. Have you got a moment? I ……………………………… to show you something.
5. Zoe ……………………………… her umbrella, so she needs to borrow one.
6. As they ……………………………… breakfast, someone knocked on the door.

4 Complete the passage with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple
or Past Continuous.
It’s a sunny day and you 1. ……………………………… (walk) in the park when you
……………………………… (hear) noises coming from behind the trees. Suddenly you
……………………………… (see) a strange creature. Are you in danger? Should you run
away? No, someone 4. ……………………………… (film) you for the television programme
Just for Laughs: Gags! It is a hidden-camera show that 5. ………………………………
(begin) in 2000 in Quebec, Canada. The main idea of the show was to use a hidden
camera to film actors while they 6. ……………………………… (play) a silly trick or gag to
surprise people into doing funny things. At the end of the short video, the people were told
about the joke and most of them 7. ……………………………… (laugh) when they found
out. People 8. ……………………………… (not talk) on Just for Laughs: Gags. There’s only
music and laughter, so anyone can understand the gag. In 2010, Just for Laughs: Gags
……………………………… (start) showing videos on YouTube, so everyone could enjoy
a good laugh at any time. Every day, people in more than 100 countries
……………………………… (watch) three million Just for Laughs: Gags videos on
television, YouTube and even aeroplane flights.


Perfect Simple Tenses

1 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past Perfect Simple.
Do not change the meaning of the original sentences.
1. They left a few minutes ago. (just)
2. I stopped smoking when I was 20. (since)
3. Yesterday was the first time I met my cousin. (until)
4. Our guests arrived last week and they’re still here. (been)
5. I still owe him money. (paid)
6. I arrived late to the lesson. (started)
7. My girlfriend was angry because I didn’t call her on her birthday. (forgotten)
8. When did you start this job? (How long)

2 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct affirmative or negative form of the verbs in brackets.
Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past Perfect Simple.
1. A: Do you like traditional Polish food?
B: I don’t know. I ……………………………… never ……………………………… (taste) it.
2. A: They’re such a nice couple. How long …………………………… they ……………………………… (be) together?
B: They met a year ago and started dating a month later.
3. A: Was it your first time flying in a helicopter?
B: Yes, until yesterday, I ……………………………… never ……………………………… (fly) before.
4. A: Is dinner ready?
B: No, I ……………………………… (prepare) it yet.
5. A: Why did she leave the party so suddenly?
B: Because she ……………………………… (promise) her parents to return the car by midnight.
6. A: Did you speak with the guests last night?
B: No. By the time they arrived, I ……………………………… already ……………………………… (go) to sleep.


3 Complete the passage with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Simple or Past
The achievements of the British code-breakers at Bletchley Park during World War II
……………………………… (receive) a lot of public attention in recent years. Films,
books and television dramas have been made based on the story. However, until the
1970s the people who 2. ……………………………… (work) there kept it a secret. Nobody
knew that their success 3. ……………………………… (help) England and the United
States win the war against the Nazis. Bletchley Park is a country house outside of London.
In 1939, the British Intelligence Service brought teams of code-breakers there to work
during the war. Their most important achievement was breaking the top-secret Nazi code
system. The Nazis 4. ……………………………… (build) a code machine called Enigma
before the war. Experts said the code was unbreakable because the Nazis changed it
at least once a day. That created millions and millions of new settings each time. After
the intelligence teams 5. ……………………………… (break) the code in 1940, they
……………………………… (sent) important information to the British army fighting in
Europe and North Africa. Bletchley Park became a museum in 1993. Thousands of people
……………………………… (visit) the place since it 8. ……………………………… (open)
to learn more about this amazing story.

4 Complete the second sentence of each pair with a suitable verb to logically follow the first one.
Use the Present Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Simple or Past Simple.
1. I’m not coming back to this restaurant.
I ……………………………… such terrible service.
2. I missed my bus this morning. The lesson ……………………………… by the time I arrived.
3. Don’t you recognise me? I’m sure we ……………………………… before.
4. It’s official! I finally ……………………………… .
5. Why are you leaving? The party ……………………………… yet.
6. She discovered she had a twin sister. They ……………………………… about each other until yesterday.


Future Tenses

1 Write a suitable continuation for each sentence below with the words in brackets and a suitable verb.
Use the Future Simple, be going to or Present Continuous. There may be more than one possible answer.
1. Don’t forget to call her on her birthday. (happy)
2. I can’t join you tonight. (for an exam)
3. Watch out! (off the chair)
4. I heard you’re also going to the party next week. (shoes)

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Perfect Simple or Future Continuous.
1. Our friends are arriving late. Do you think they …………………… (already / eat) ?
2. Good luck on the exam. We ……………………………… (think) about you.
3. Don’t call before noon. I ……………………………… (not wake).
4. …………………… you still ……………………………… (study) when I come home tonight?
5. I sent her three e-mails. I hope I ……………………………… (receive) a message from her by the end of the day.
6. Next month, we ……………………………… (know) each other for over ten years.
7. At this time tomorrow, we ……………………………… (enjoy) the warm weather in California.

3 Complete the sentences so that their meanings are similar to the original sentence. Use a suitable future tense.
1. My wedding is next month.
I ............................................................................................................. .
2. The exam is from 10.00-12.00.
At 11.00 ................................................................................................. .
3. We don’t expect to win the competition.
We probably .......................................................................................... .
4. The train is arriving in an hour.
In an hour from now .............................................................................. .
5. He’ll make lots of money before his 30th birthday.
By the time ............................................................................................ .


4 Complete the sentences with a suitable verb. Use a future tense.

1. Ladies and gentlemen, the film ……………………………… in a few minutes.
2. Did you forget your lunch? Don’t worry – I ……………………………… mine with you.
3. Move out of the way! The car ……………………………… you!
4. We ……………………………… on the beach tomorrow at this time.
5. Hopefully, I ……………………………… by the time I’m 25 years old.
6. Hurry or we ……………………………… late.

5 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Simple, be going to ,
Present Continuous, Future Perfect or Future Continuous. There may be more than one possible answer.
A: Hi, Kate. I’m just calling to say goodbye.
B: Where are you going?
A: At this time tomorrow, I 1. ……………………………… (fly) to Tuscany. My parents gave me a six-day cookery
course holiday as a birthday gift.
B: That’s great! I know you love cooking, but 2. …………………… you ……………………………… (cook) the entire
A: No, there 3. ……………………………… (be) lots of activities for all the participants to do there, including horseback
riding, because the cookery school is on a farm. In the mornings, we 4. ……………………………… (study) with
a local chef and the rest of time we 5. ……………………………… (explore) the area on horseback with a guide.
B: It sounds like you 6. ……………………………… (not have) any time to relax.
A: Don’t worry. There’s also a swimming pool and a gym which I 7. ……………………………… (use).
B: How many people are in the course?
A: Five other people 8. ……………………………… (take) the course with me, but I’m the only person from Britain.
The others are American and Australian. I’m really excited!
B: Good luck! Hopefully, you 9. ……………………………… (learn) a lot about Italian food by the time you come back.
A: I hope so. It’s a promise, I 10. ……………………………… (invite) you for a meal.


General Review

1 Complete the sentences with the time expressions below.

at the moment • by this time • while • soon • yet • at this time • in ages • by the time
1. You will have received an answer ……………………………… next week.
2. ……………………………… the police arrived, the thief had managed to escape.
3. ……………………………… tomorrow, I’ll be running in the marathon.
4. The witness was explaining what had happened ……………………………… the detective was writing down notes.
5. ……………………………… , I can’t speak to you because it’s very busy at work.
6. We haven’t spoken ……………………………… . I wonder how she’s doing.
7. I bought this dress last month, but I haven’t worn it ……………………………… . I’m waiting for the right occasion.
8. Hopefully, we’ll hear from them ……………………………… .

2 Complete the sentences with a suitable verb. Use present, past, perfect or future tenses.
1. By next summer, we ……………………………… secondary school and no longer be students here.
2. I’m so excited. At this time tomorrow, I ……………………………… my friends in New York City.
3. Don’t be late! You ……………………………… the bus.
4. Don’t worry. We ……………………………… you find your way home.
5. I don’t like Jerry. He ……………………………… he’s always right.
6. What ……………………………… you ……………………………… when the waitress spilled the drink on you?
7. What ……………………………… they ……………………………… when they discover the truth?
8. You look sad. What ……………………………… you ……………………………… about?
9. Thanks for the tickets. It was the best performance I ……………………………… ever ……………………………… .
10. They ……………………………… me until I took off my mask.

3 Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the original
sentences. Make any necessary changes.
1. What’s his opinion of my proposal? (think)
2. She’s a vegetarian. (eat)
3. On her 80th birthday, she went abroad for the first time. (never / fly)
4. Sam was busy with his homework when we arrived. (do)
5. I’m still working on my essay. (complete)
6. This is the first time our team came in first place. (win)

4 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

“Alex Zanardi, you are an ironman!” When Zanardi heard those words, he 1. ……………………
just ……………………………… (finish) swimming 3.8 kilometres, riding a bicycle 180 kilometres
and running a 42-kilometre marathon. Why 2. ……………………………… thousands of people
……………………………… (cheer) for Zanardi when he crossed the finish line? Because he
……………………………… (complete) the most famous triathlon championship although he
had no legs! And he did it in less than ten hours! Zanardi 4. ……………………………… (be)
a sportsman and a champion racing car driver since the 1990s. In September 2001, he
……………………………… (lose) both his legs in a terrible car crash during a race. That
……………………………… (not stop) him from going back to auto racing only two years
after the accident. He also regularly 7. ……………………………… (participate) in handcycling
races and marathons and in many of them, he 8. ……………………………… (win) medals.
In 2014, Zanardi took part in the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii, using special
equipment. Encouraged by his success there, he 9. ……………………………… (continue)
racing in the future. So, you can be sure that the next time you hear Zanardi’s name he
……………………………… (take on) another sports challenge.

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