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MYCOLOGIA BALCANICA 5: 93–96 (2008) 93

New records of fungi, fungus-like organisms, and slime moulds

from Europe and Asia: 1-6

Compiled by Cvetomir M. Denchev

Abstract. Physarum galbeum is reported for the first time from Turkey. Four species of fungi are recorded for
the first time from Bulgaria (Botryosphaeria visci on Viscum album, Erysiphe elevata on Catalpa bignonioides,
Erysiphe flexuosa on Aesculus hippocastanum, and Scleroderma polyrhizum). Additionally, Botryosphaeria visci is a
new record for Romania.

Key words: Aesculus hippocastanum, anamorphic fungi, ascomycetes, Botryosphaeria, Bulgaria, Catalpa, Erysiphe,
myxomycetes, Physarum, Romania, Scleroderma, Turkey, Viscum

This issue sees the initiation of a new series where novel findings of fungi (incl. lichenized fungi), fungus-like organisms, and slime moulds will be briefly
reported as new records for a particular country or area in Europe or Asia. New records of plant or animal hosts of parasites are also welcome. Primary headings,
such as ‘Introduction’, ‘Material & Methods’, ‘Results’, etc., should be omitted. Each new record should include a few sentences as introduction (only if
necessary); brief information about the material and methods of studies (not obligatory); species name, author(s) of this name/combination, place and date
of publication, description, specimen(s) examined, collection number; host (substratum, habitat); illustration(s) (if any); short notes (of a few sentences, if
considered necessary); acknowledgements (if any); references; author’s name and institution. Separately, an abstract and key words should be added, but the
abstract and key words of each new record will be united in identical items, common for the particular issue of New records.
Citations of contributions in this series are recommended to be given in the following form:
Author, A.B. 2008. Fungus name (Erysiphaceae) in a particular country. – In: A.B. Editor [ed.]. New records of fungi, fungus-like organisms, and slime
moulds from Europe and Asia: 1-6. – Mycologia Balcanica 5: 94-95.

1. Physarum galbeum (Physaraceae) in Turkey meshed, persistent net of yellow tubules with small and yellow
angular lime nodes. Spores pale brown in mass, pale yellow-
In September 2007, during routine field trips to different brown in transmitted light, 7-10 μm in diameter, smooth.
localities of Turkey, many samples of myxomycetes were Specimen examined: TURKEY: Canakkale, Guzelyali,
collected. According to the checklists by Ergül & Dülger 40°00’59.98’’ N, 26°19’19.50’’ E, alt. 35 m, on dead twig of
(2000), Sesli & Denchev (2005), and Dülger (2007), Physarum Rosa canina, 17 Sep 2007 BD (BD 620).
galbeum was found to be a new species for Turkey. This This species is marked by erect, golden-yellow, globose
taxon was identified with the aid of Martin & Alexopoulus sporangia, the delicate capillitium with yellow tubules with small,
(1969) and (Farr 1976). The specimen cited is deposited in yellow angular lime nodes and smooth, yellow-brown spores.
the Herbarium of Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University in
Canakkale and in the author’s personal collection. Dülger, B. 2007. Checklist of the myxomycetes in Turkey. – Mycologia
Balcanica 4: 151-155.
Physarum galbeum Wingate, in Macbride, N. Amer. slime- Ergül, C.C. & Dülger, B. 2000. Myxomycetes of Turkey. – Karstenia 40: 39-41.
moulds: 53, 1899. Figs 1-2 Farr, M.L. 1976. Flora Neotropica. Myxomycetes. No: 16. New York Botanical
Sporangia stalked, globose, golden-yellow, 0.5-1.2 mm Garden, NY.
high, 0.4-0.6 mm in diameter. Hypothallus small, thin, orange. Martin, G.W. & Alexopoulus, C.J. 1969. The Myxomycetes. University of Iowa
Stalk subulate, about twice the diameter of the sporangium, Press, Iowa City, USA.
bright orange below, yellow above, furrowed. Peridium weak, Sesli, E. & Denchev, C.M. 2005. Checklists of the myxomycetes and
thin, plated with yellow calcareous flakes. Capillitium a small macromycetes in Turkey. – Mycologia Balcanica 2: 119-160.
94 New records of fungi, fungus-like organisms, and slime moulds from Europe and Asia: 1-6

Figs 1-2. Physarum galbeum Wingate. 1. Stereomicroscopic image of the sporangia. Bar = 0.3 mm. 2. A view of capillitium and
spores. Bar = 20 μm
Basaran Dülger
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science & Arts,
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University
17020 Canakkale, Turkey (e-mail:

2-3. Botryosphaeria visci (Botryosphaeriaceae) in 25 May 2007, DYS (SOMF 26 369); Pirin Mts, Bunderishka
Bulgaria and Romania Dolina valley, alt. ca 1200 m, 21 Jul 2002, BA (SOMF 25
411); ROMANIA: Distr. Ilvof, Bucharest, Botanical Garden,
New findings of Botryosphaeria visci are reported from 7 Feb 2007, BA (SOMF 26 181).
Bulgaria and Romania. Fungal specimens are deposited in the From the Balkans, this fungus has been recorded in Greece
Mycological Collection of the Institute of Botany, Bulgarian (Pantidou 1973) and Turkey (Stoykov & Denchev 2007).
Academy of Sciences (SOMF). The micromorphologic
features were observed and measured in lactophenol and in
distilled water. For determination, the monographs by Arx & Acknowledgements. One of the Bulgarian specimens was collected during the
Müller (1954) and Sivanesan (1984) were used. work within the frame of project MU-B-1513/05, financed by the Bulgarian
National Science Fund.
Botryosphaeria visci (Kalchbr.) Arx & E. Müll., Beitr.
Kryptogamenfl. Schweiz 11: 41, 1954. Arx, J.A. von & Müller, E. 1954. Die Gattungen der Amerosporen
Anamorph: Sphaeropsis visci (Alb. & Schwein.) Sacc., Michelia Pyrenomyceten. – Beitrag zur Kryptogamenflora der Schweiz 11: 1-434.
2(6): 105, 1880. Pantidou, M.E. 1973. Fungus host index for Greece. Benaki Phytopathological
Conidiomata (270–) 325-450 (–480) μm in diam, Institute, Kiphissia, Athens.
darkened, stromatic, erumpent, scattered in leaf tissues, Sivanesan, A. 1984. The bitunicate Ascomycetes and their anamorphs. J.
immersed below the epidermis, ostiolate, single. Conidia Cramer, Vaduz.
37.5-53 × 14.5-25.5 μm (45.6 ± 3.7 × 18.4 ± 2.3) (n = Stoykov, D.Y. & Denchev, C.M. 2007. New records of non-lichenized
50; SOMF 25 411); 30-43 (–51.5) × 16-22 (–23.5) μm ascomycetes from Mt. Strandzha in Turkey (south-eastern Europe). –
(37.4 ± 5.6 × 19.2 ± 2.2) (n = 50, SOMF 26 181), ovoid, Mycologia Balcanica 4: 157-159.
sometimes irregular, one celled, hyaline, dark brown to
yellowish. Dimitar Y. Stoykov & Boris Assyov
Specimens examined: on dry leaves and petioles of Viscum Institute of Botany, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 23 Acad. G. Bonchev Str.
album L. BULGARIA: Black Sea coast, Silistar, alt. ca 0 m, BG-1113 Sofia, Bulgaria (corresponding author’s e-mail:

4. Erysiphe flexuosa (Erysiphales) in Bulgaria Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine, and
United Kingdom (Braun 1987; Zimmermannová-Pastirčáková
A new invasive species of powdery mildew, Erysiphe flexuosa, was et al. 2002; Heluta & Voytyuk 2004; Glawe & Dugan 2006;
found in Bulgaria during the last years. It is a common powdery Pricop & Tănase 2007; etc.). Ing & Spooner (2002) suggest
mildew species infecting Aesculus trees in North America (USA) that E. flexuosa is either a native species in North America
and Europe (Croatia, France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, which has recently spread to Europe or most likely, it is a native
Mycologia Balcanica 5 (2008) 95

Figs 3-4. Erysiphe flexuosa on leaves of Aesculus hippocastanum. 3. Habit. 4. Chasmothecium. Bar = 20 μm

species in the Balkans which was introduced into America and Oct 2007, DYS (SOMF 26 330); Forebalkan, Vratsa, 17 Aug
is also spreading westwards in Europe. 2006, DYS (SOMF 26 322); Sofia region, Sofia, 11 Oct 2005,
The micromorphologic features were observed in LM and CMD (SOMF 26 324), 6 Aug 2006, DYS (SOMF 26 325),
measured in lactophenol and distilled water. Fungal specimens 23 Jul 2007, DYS & CMD (SOMF 26 323).
are deposited in the Mycological Collection of the Institute of
Botany, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (SOMF). Braun, U. 1987. A monograph of the Erysiphales (powdery mildews). – Beiheft
zur Nova Hedwigia 89: 1-700.
Erysiphe flexuosa (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takam., Schlechtendalia Glawe, D.A. & Dugan, F.M. 2006. First report of Erysiphe (Uncinuliella)
4: 19, 2000. Figs 3-4 flexuosa in western North America. – Pacific Northwest Fungi 1(11): 1-11.
White powdery mildew colonies on the upper and the []
lower leaf surfaces of both young and old leaves, mycelium Heluta, V.P. & Voytyuk, S.O. 2004. Uncinula flexuosa Peck, a new invasive
superficial. Ascomata subglobose, (82–) 130-150 (–165) μm species of the powdery mildew fungi (Erysiphales) in Ukraine. – Ukrainskiy
in diam, abundant, mostly on the lower leaf surface, with Botanicheskiy Zhournal 61(5): 17-25. (In Ukrainian)
6-10 asci and two types of appendages (long ones terminating Ing, B. & Spooner, B. 2002. The Horse Chestnut powdery mildew Uncinula
in circinate tips and short, bristle-like ones). Appendages flexuosa in Europe. – Mycologist 16: 112-113.
100-152 × 6-8 μm, long, straight, undulate in the upper half; Pricop, C. & Tănase, C. 2007. Erysiphe flexuosa (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu
12-28 (–40) × 5-8 μm, short, straight, subulate, thick-walled. (Fungi, Ascomycota) – a new species in Romania. – Analele Ştiinţifice ale
Asci 45-70 × 18-40 μm, clavate, short stalked. Ascospores Universităţii “Al. I. Cuza”, Iaşi, Biologie vegetală 53(2): 104-107.
16-22 (–24.5) × (7.5–) 10-13 μm, ellipsoid, one-celled, Zimmermannová-Pastirčáková, K., Adamska, I., Błaszkowski, J., Bolay, A.
hyaline. & Braun, U. 2002. Epidemic spread of Erysiphe flexuosa (North American
Anamorph: Pseudoidium type. Conidia 24-40 (–45) × 9-15 powdery mildew of horse chestnut) in Europe. – Schlechtendalia 8:
μm, cylindric, hyaline, one-celled. 39-45.
Specimens examined: on leaves of Aesculus hippocastanum
L. BULGARIA: Black Sea coast (northern), Varna, Galata, Dimitar Y. Stoykov & Cvetomir M. Denchev
22 Sep 2007, DYS (SOMF 26 332); Northeastern Bulgaria, Institute of Botany, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 23 Acad. G. Bonchev Str.
Natural Park Shoumensko Plato, nearby Zandana Cave, 23 BG-1113 Sofia, Bulgaria (corresponding author’s e-mail:

5. Erysiphe elevata (Erysiphales) in Bulgaria The micromorphologic features were observed in LM and
measured in lactophenol and distilled water. Fungal specimens
Erysiphe elevata, an invasive species of powdery mildew, is are deposited in the Mycological Collection of the Institute of
reported for the first time from Bulgaria. It is a common Botany, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (SOMF).
species infecting Catalpa trees in North America (USA and
Canada – Braun 1987) and several countries in Europe (Czech Erysiphe elevata (Burrill) U. Braun & S. Takam.,
Republic, Germany, Hungary, Switzerland, Slovakia, United Schlechtendalia 4: 8, 2000. Figs 5-7
Kingdom, etc.) (Ale-Agha et al. 2004; Cook et al. 2004; White powdery mildew colonies have been detected and
Pastirčáková et al. 2006; etc.). Erysiphe elevata is known on were spread on the upper surfaces of young and old leaves.
Catalpa bignonioides Walt., C. speciosa Engelm., and Catalpa × Ascomata (70–) 85-110 μm in diam, visible to the unaided
erubescens Carr. The fungus originates from North America. It eye, were produced on the upper leaf surface, contained
attacks leaves and fruits, covering them with white, arachnoid 4-7 asci and bore 3-8 appendages per ascoma. Appendages
coating. flaccid, (90–) 135-170 (–210) × (5.5–) 6.5-8.5 μm, filiform,
96 New records of fungi, fungus-like organisms, and slime moulds from Europe and Asia: 1-6

Figs 5-7. Erysiphe elevata on leaves of Catalpa bignonioides. 5. Habit. 6. Ascus (Bar = 20 μm). 7. Chasmothecium (Bar = 50 μm)

hyaline, aseptate, straight or slightly sinuous, apex 2-5 times Ale-Agha, N., Bolay, A., Braun, U., Feige, B., Jage, H., Kummer, V., Lebeda,
densely dichotomously branched, tips straight or slightly A., Piątek, M., Shin, H.-D. & Zimmermannová-Pastirčaková, K. 2004.
curved, with a single basal septum, 1.5-2 times as long as Erysiphe catalpae and Erysiphe elevata in Europe. – Mycological Progress
the ascoma diameter. Asci 45-55 × 35-40 μm, short-stalked 3: 291-296.
or sessile. Ascospores 20-25 × 12-14 μm, hyaline, ellipsoid Braun, U. 1987. A monograph of the Erysiphales (powdery mildews). – Beiheft
to ovoid. zur Nova Hedwigia 89: 1-700.
Specimens examined: on leaves of Catalpa bignonioides Cook, R.T.A., Henricot, B. & Kiss, L. 2004. First record of Erysiphe elevata on
Walt. BULGARIA: Forebalkan, Staro Selo village, 7 Sep Catalpa bignonioides in the UK. – Plant Pathology 53(6): 807.
2007, DYS (SOMF 26 368); Golyama Zhelyazna village, 7 Pastirčáková, K., Pastirčák, M. & Juhásová, G. 2006. The Catalpa powdery
Sep 2007, DYS (SOMF 26 370); Stara Planina Mts, Troyan, mildew Erysiphe elevata in Slovakia. – Cryptogamie Mycologie 27: 31-34.
11 Oct 2006, DYS (SOMF 25 933) & 23 Jul 2007 (SOMF
26 328); Sofia region, Sofia, Lyulin, 27 Aug 2007, DYS Dimitar Y. Stoykov
(SOMF 26 371) & 5 Sep 2007 (SOMF 26 372). Institute of Botany, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 23 Acad. G. Bonchev Str.
BG-1113 Sofia, Bulgaria (e-mail:

6. Scleroderma polyrhizum (Sclerodermataceae, Specimen examined: BULGARIA: Mt Belasitsa, road

Boletales) in Bulgaria between Belasitsa Chalet and Kongur Chalet, on sandy soil
at the border of deciduous woodland, 12 Oct 2007, leg.
The specimen is kept in the Mycological Collection of the I. Assyova & Rossen Vassilev, det. I. Assyova & B. Assyov
Institute of Botany of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (SOMF 26 667).
(SOMF) and is documented with a color photograph. This species is characterized by a southern distribution.
Microscopic examination and basidiospore measurements It is easily distinguished by its quite large basidiomata (up
are conducted in water. The species is identified according to to 15 cm in diam), the thick peridium, splitting at the apex
Pegler et al. (1995). in unequal lobes and by the relatively small (8-10.5 μm)
basidiospores with an incomplete reticulum.
Scleroderma polyrhizum (J.F. Gmel. : Pers.) Pers., Syn. Meth.
Fung. 1: 156, 1801.
Basidiomata up to 15 cm in diameter, more or less Acknowledgements. The study of Bulgarian Boletales is supported by a grant
globose, tapering with a compact mycelial base, without No MU-B-1513/05 by the Bulgarian National Scientific Fund.
pseudostipe. Peridium thick (up to 5 mm), greyish brown,
at first smooth then squamulose, splitting at the apex into Pegler, D.N., Læssøe, T. & Spooner B.M. 1995. British puffballs, earthstars
unequal recurved lobes. Gleba rusty brown to sepia brown. and stinkhorns. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Clamp-connexions present. Basidiospores globose, 8-10.5
(8.9±0.5) μm long (excl. the ornament) (n = 50), fuscous Boris Assyov
brown, with a low ornament on the surface of small verrucae Institute of Botany, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
forming an incomplete reticulum, crests less then 1 μm high. 23 Acad. G. Bonchev St., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria (e-mail:

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