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Problem Set #1

# 3.18, 3.19, pg. 79

#3.20, 3.21 pg. 80

#3.22, 3.23, 3.25, 3.27, 3.28 pg. 81

#3.31 pg. 82
A �� �R
1. The set of data below is for the parallel reaction k2
A �� � 3S

@t=0 @ t = 1 hr

CA = 12mols/f3 CR = 7mols/f3

CR = 1mols/f3 CS =2mols/f3

CS = 1 mols/f3

Determine the values of k1 and k2.

2. For the reaction A �� k1

� B ��k2
� C , k1 = k2 = 0.35 hr-1. The initial concentration of A is 2.5lbmoles/f3
and that of B and C are both 0.5 lbmoles/f3. Determine:

a) The time at which the greatest increase in C is observed.

b) The concentration of A, B, and C at the time computed in (a)

3. The reaction 3A → R + S is elementary and the product R has a catalytic effect. Given the
following data:

CAO = 2 mol/li ; CRO = 0.12mol/li and @ t = 10 mins, XA = 0.60

Find: (a) the specific reaction rate

(b) the concentration of A at which the reaction velocity is maximum

(c) the time when the reaction velocity is a maximum

A �� �B
4. For the set of reactions with CAO= CCO= 1 and CBO = CDO = 0, preliminary calculations
B + C ��k2
indicate that the specific reaction rates are approximately k 1 = 0.18 and k2 = 0.12. Given these data,
evaluate the k’s more accurately.

t B dB/dt

0 0 0

10 0.2 0.028

20 0.4 0.019

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