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Suzana H. Tran
Grand Canyon University: TEC 530
January 17, 2018

Part One:
Similarity Differences
1. They both outline the purpose of 1. RSUD’s AUP does not restrict to usage to
computer use educational purposes

2. States that email and network files are 2. WVUSD fully outlines legal aspects of
not private RUP

3. Network etiquette is enforced as your 3. WVUSD enforces plagiarism as RUSD

actions are viewed by others does not mention this in their AUP

Dear Mrs. Wendy Cadima,

With easy access to information at the fingertips of many, users all over can be exposed
to educational resources and non-educational resources. After analyzing the Acceptable Use Plan
(AUP) for our school district and Rowland Unified School District, it is more evident that our
plan is a little detailed. It is important for the users and their families to know the risks involved
when using the Internet. WVUSD and RUSD outlines the purpose of computer uses but needs to
be more in-depth with the restrictions of sites.
Digital Citizenship is a big growth mindset project that the students have been well
informed of. Providing a new Acceptable Use Policy and Responsible Use Policy, it will help
inform the community of the possible changes that will be taken care of. Although we are aware
of the policies, it is crucial to update it on the site for families to refer to. The digital citizenship
tools will help with respect others and their rights, user’s policy, appropriate behaviors, the
protection of the students.
The National Education Technology Plan articulates the importance of equity, active use,
collaborative leadership. As we teach students the importance of legal aspects and plagiarism, it
is essential to teach students the Responsible Users Policy, which was not found on the district
website. I would highly suggest to update the different policies as followed by the NETP and
CIPA. This will help detain legal aspects that may or not may not place in the 21st-century.
Sharing of information has become more convenient. Taking the time to spend with
students to ensure they are responsibly using the Internet tools to continue seeing the positive
changes in school. Our plan should articulate a clear vision and expectation for users and
families. We want to strive as a richly diverse school across the nation whom will utilize the tool
of online research and usage all while following acceptable and responsible user terms.

Suzana Tran

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