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Promenade luminaires
for post-top mounting
qWffi. {or rnercury and incandescent lamp
additional styles available page 5

Promenade I t-in
series transformer
These luminaires are simiLar in design to the Prom
enade luminaires described in pages l to 4 of this
descriptive bulletin. All Jeatures are th'^ same, ex
cept that a buiLt in series transformer 1or mercury
lamps is included in the base portlon of 1he unit.

built-in series translormer

Lumlnalres are availabLe to operdte mercury Lamps
{rom a 6.6 dmp series circuit.
All connections are pre wired. ALI wlring connec
tions have pressure type ierminals for easy installation.

The primary coil with SOOO-voLt insulation (tested at series circuitloadinq-AlLoir the follo1\'inq consldnt current trans-
permits operation from constant trans fcrner cdpi,.ity pcr lu]r]trrdrre tcr Droper operati.ll
19,OOO voLts)
,100'ratl ldmps: 660 {dtts capdcity at
Iormers up to and including 30 kw. The secondary -20 F arrJ above
250 rvdli lanps: 490 watts capdcily at -20'F anrl above
coil 1s tested at 4OOO volts. I75 wdtt ldmps: 435 wdtts cdpdcily at 20'F aml above
order by style number
Type I Type IA Type Il Type lIA Type lll Type IV Type V' lamp data
style style siyle style style siyle style

490 D780 416 rl90 Dr_80 G17 490 D7a0 GlA 890 D7a0 G19 a90 Lr7a0 G20 490 r)?ao G21 890 DlAa .i22 H38 .1 r00

a90 D?ao Gol 490 D?40 G02 a90 D?ao .]o.l 490 D78Q G01! a90 D?80 G05 890 11780 Gria a9! D?tsa il!7 H39.22 t?5

890 D?80 Ga9 490 D?ao G10 aalc D /ll0 G a!0 D?!0 Gr2 8i0 D?8C Gt! e30 D7a0 cl l 2aa
Lan,ps a.e nol included; orde. separ.tely
* Tnre Y plasti. .elracto. ,s sin.rle pie.e; Qu.drant .ssenbly available on

Promenade luminaires-Colonial design dimensions in inches

These luminaires are similar to Promenade lumi
naires described in pages I to 4 of this descriptive
bulLetin, except that a heavy gauge aluminum scroll
has been added to each of the four supporting bars.
All Colonial design units are {inished in black.
These luminaires are available on special order.
Order, "similar to style number ... ... except black
Jinish and with {our scrolls attached."

23/4" ta 3y4" a.d. pole

ll pole exceeds diameter shown, proj area 2.35 sq ft

tenon must be at leasi 3%" long. add O.l sq ft for photocontrol

Wesiinqhouse reserves the rigbt lo .lange slecilications and

westingh0use Electric c0rp0ration desiqn without roiice, ard assumes ro resporsibility {or
Lighting Division: Edgewater Park . Cleveland, ohio
DaLinq rLese nodilic.rions on any appalatN pleviously sold.

supeGedes issne dal€d Auqusl, 196?

adned to: E/2r4rlDB; D/214t/DB; c/2141/DB

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