Advances in Benchmarking Capital Project Costs

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Advances in benchmarking capital

project costs
A scope based approach to benchmarking project costs can provide insights
to improve competitiveness

Asset Performance Networks

ffective execution of cap- project outcomes, owners and Seventy-two percent of pro-
ital projects is essential operators need to gain a better jects fail to achieve their
to the financial health of understanding of project risk cost, schedule, or safety tar-
refining, chemical, energy, and competitiveness. To that gets. Approximately 25%
and midstream companies. effect, they need better bench- of projects can be dubbed
Unfortunately, engineering and marking tools. ‘train wrecks’, over-
construction project perfor- running their cost estimates
mance has stagnated over the Project predictability and or schedule targets by more
past decade. Reports of multi- productivity are falling than 25%, or suffering signifi-
billion dollar projects over-run- Data collected by Asset cant issues and delays during
ning by hundreds of millions Performance Networks start-up.
of dollars are common and (AP-Networks) provides an Many factors contribute to
almost unnewsworthy. Some understanding of current pro- project failure. Project charac-
industry owners and opera- ject performance and challenges. teristics associated with com-
tors have responded to disap- The AP-Networks Capital plexity and risk – including
pointing project performance Project Database contains infor- size, number of stakeholders,
by implementing more elab- mation on approximately 2000 technical complexity, and level
orate project assurance prac- capital projects authorised after of integration with existing
tices. But in most cases, the 2005. More than 900 of these are assets – continue to increase.
changes have not provided the major projects, with costs rang- One factor worth emphasis-
intended benefits. The upshot ing from $25 million to more ing is labour productivity.
has been more arthritic and than $3 billion. The major pro- Engineering and construction
bureaucratic processes, while ject database comprises infor- productivity are key to cost
the industry demands more mation from refining, chemicals, competitiveness and under-
nimble and competitive strat- energy, midstream, and power standing risks. Our analysis
egies. Meanwhile, project generation projects, with data shows that over the past dec-
benchmarking practices have provided by more than 30 refin- ade, engineering and construc-
stagnated with project perfor- ing and chemical companies. tion productivity has been
mance. Faced with increasing Revamp, debottleneck, brown- poor. Figure 1 shows the change
challenges and increasingly field, and greenfield projects are in construction labour produc-
ineffective tools, owners and all represented. tivity of refinery projects rela-
operators have found them- This data demonstrates that tive to other industries.
selves ill equipped to affect capital project costs and sched- Based on data from the US
tangible change in project per- ules have remained unpre- Bureau of Labor Statistics
formance. To deliver better dictable for the past decade. (BLS), construction labour pro- Revamps 2017 1

Commonly used Lang Factors
Average annual increase in
productivity since 2007, % Process type Range of typical
4 Lang Factors
Solid process plant 3.10-3.89
Solid-fluid process plant 3.63-5.04
Fluid process plant 4.47-6.21
Table 1
The limits of current project
benchmarking tools
Before funding and executing a
major capital project, an owner
0 should seek to answer the fol-
Overall Auto Accountants Refinery
(non-farm) manufacturing and lawyers projects lowing questions:
economy 1. How much risk are we tak-
ing on? Is it more than we can
Figure 1 Labour productivity handle?
2. Is the project cost estimate
ductivity for the overall US improvements than the projects too aggressive?
economy in the last decade in the refinery industry. 3. Are we spending too much
has improved at more than 1% A recent article concluded to modernise this plant or add
annually. AP-Networks’ data that some construction indus- capacity?
and analysis show that con- try practices and structural 4. Is the project cost estimate
struction labour productiv- problems increase costs for too conservative?
ity in the refining industry has buyers, but hamper invest- 5. Will this project add to or
remained flat over this same ment in improving productiv- detract from our competitive
period. The BLS reports that ity.1 As other industry sectors position in the industry?
auto manufacturing productiv- improve, the world of projects Armed with cost benchmarks
ity has improved nearly 2% per languishes. Indeed, the pro- to compare their own plans to
year, leading to cost reductions jects sector lacks effective tools industry norms, firms look to
of about 16% over the decade. to understand and benchmark answer these vital questions.
Even accountants and lawyers engineering and construction Engineering and construction
have made more productivity productivity. activities make up between
70% and 85% of a typical pro-
ject’s costs, with the remainder
being equipment and materi-
als (pipe, steel, concrete and so
Lang Factor on). At AP-Networks, our con-
+150% versations with industry lead-
−40% ers have revealed shortcomings
with current cost benchmarking
Total cost

methods; benchmarking efforts

do not provide the actionable
insights that are necessary to
affect change.
The traditional approach to
benchmarking capital cost is
derived from a method known
Amount of equipment as Lang Factor Analysis.
Developed as an estimating tool
Figure 2 Benchmark relationship between equipment cost and total cost seven decades ago, the Lang

2 Revamps 2017

Factor is the ratio of the total
project cost to total equipment
cost.2 Lang Factors can be found
for various types of plants (see

Direct labour hours

Table 1). Project teams and Range
estimators make adjustments
for escalation, location and
size, and then compare indus-
try Lang Factors to their pro-
ject estimates and actual costs
in order to benchmark perfor-
mance. The results are inter-
preted as follows: higher Lang
Factors represent a conservative Scope
estimate or an overly expensive Scope is measured as the amount of
equipment, concrete, steel, electrical and
actual cost, while lower Lang instrumentation quantities to be installed.
Factors represent a more com-
petitive (and riskier) estimate or Figure 3 Advanced Benchmarking Methodology: full inclusion of scope factors
competitive actual costs. and focus on labour hours improves model credibility
Lang Factor analysis is based
on the assumption that equip- A modern approach to capital • Fully accounts for project
ment costs fully describe a pro- project benchmarking scope by considering the mix
ject’s scope and can be used to To address this issue, of material being installed (see
factor up to total capital costs. AP-Networks launched an Figure 3)
Statistics show that, in general, extensive research effort aimed • Focuses on indirect and
as more equipment is installed, at developing a new approach direct labour, thereby pro-
total costs increase. However, to capital project benchmark- viding actionable insights to
as Figure 2 shows, there is a ing. Our research has cul- management
large degree of variability in the minated in the Advanced • Provides transparent com-
equipment to total cost relation- Benchmarking Methodology parison of your project to other
ship. Indeed, that variability is (ABM), a scope based approach projects with similar scope
more than 100%. to project benchmarking that • Uses advanced statistical
This traditional approach to focuses on productivity meas- methods to improve bench-
project cost benchmarking often ures and is now in use by lead- mark accuracy
provides results that are diffi- ing industry companies. • Can be applied to a wide
cult to decipher. Is my project’s Our research shows that pro- variety of projects, including
cost high because of inefficient ject cost is primarily dependent revamps.
engineering, or is the amount on two factors: ABM provides a clear under-
of engineering needed appro- • The amount and types of standing of how construc-
priate because of the amount of materials installed tion labour productivity for
piping that must be designed? • The productivity of direct and specific construction disci-
The Lang Factor method indirect project labour. plines, as well as project indi-
and its variants do not pro- ABM uses the amount of rects, contributes to total project
vide insight into such issues. equipment, piping, steel, con- costs. This information helps
Overall, these benchmarks do crete, electrical and instru- project teams understand spe-
not provide adequate spec- mentation being installed cific project risk areas and gauge
ificity to help project teams to benchmark the required project cost relative to industry
improve performance and amount and productivity of peers. With these insights, firms
deliver successful outcomes. indirect and direct labour. This can finally tailor their efforts to
The conclusion is clear: equip- scope based approach offers affect change and achieve tangi-
ment costs alone do not fully distinct advantages over tradi- ble gains in project predictability
explain total project costs. tional project benchmarking: and competitiveness. Revamps 2017 3

Refinery revamp project materials

Material Quantities
Equipment 70 pieces
Concrete 175 cubic yards
Indirect hours Steel 220 tons

Pipe 75 500 linear ft

Direct hours
(average diameter 5.7in)
Other Electrical 48 500 ft
Instrumentation Instruments 500 items
Steel Table 2
Total hours Hours Total hours Hours Case study
(direct + indirect) distribution (direct + indirect) distribution
An $80 million refinery revamp
Benchmark Project estimate
project installed the materials
listed in Table 2. The quanti-
Figure 4 Refinery revamp project direct labour hour benchmarks illustration ties in Table 2 provide the basis
for benchmarking construction
labour and project indirects;
they are the key input factors
Hours or independent variables in the
Hours ABM regression models. We
distribution use this quantity information in
Labour hours

our ABM to generate construc-
office PMT tion labour hour and project
Home indirect hour benchmarks.
Figure 4 illustrates the disci-
pline level metrics that result
Indirect hours from the ABM and their com-
Direct hours parison to the project. In this
Total hours Total hours case, the estimated piping
(direct + indirect) (direct + indirect) hours appear to be substantially
Benchmark Project estimate less than the industry norm.
The project has either struck an
Figure 5 Refinery revamp project indirect hour benchmarks illustration estimate that is too aggressive,
or has plans to achieve much
better piping labour produc-
tivity than its industry peers.
Figure 5 shows the benchmarks
for the refinery revamp project
Direct indirect hours.
As Figure 6 illustrates, ABM
Output, $M

Bulk materials
Equipment also uses the resulting project
hour benchmarks to bench-
mark the total project cost rel-
ative to industry. Figure 6
shows that the estimated pro-
ject direct labour costs are low.
The aggressiveness of the esti-
Benchmark Project estimate mated piping labour hours (see
Figure 4) is a key driver of the
Figure 6 Project cost benchmarks illustration overly aggressive direct field

4 Revamps 2017

labour cost target. Figure 6 also
shows that the total project cost Top quartile
and the project indirect costs Second quartile
are aggressive. The contingency Third quartile
assigned is not adequate. Bottom quartile
Figure 7 provides an illus- Revamp project
Industry average
tration of the summary results
for the ABM for the refinery
revamp project. The cost target
is aggressive for the materials
that the project is engineering
and constructing. This can
be attributed primarily to the Engineering Execution Direct Total
aggressive piping labour pro- and duration field indirect
ductivity target. The engineer-
Cost, Schedule, Labour,
ing and construction schedule $MM months h×1000
is reasonable for the quantities,
but is at risk because the pip- Figure 7 Summary of benchmarks for refinery revamp case study
ing labour hours are aggressive.
The ABM spotlights the areas competitive position. With this References
of risk, thereby providing man- advanced scope-based bench- 1 The Economist, The construction
agement with a guide on where marking, owners gain cred- industry, least improved, 18 Aug 2017.
to focus their efforts. Lang ible and reliable project cost 2 Lang H J, Cost relationships in
Factor methods would not have and schedule benchmarks that preliminary cost estimation, Chemical
Engineering, Oct 1947.
targeted the piping risks. This fully address project scope, and
example project overran cost by account for the amount of pip- Shawn Hansen is the Manager of
30%. Piping field labour hours ing and mix of other materials. Capital Projects with AP-Networks. He
grew substantially, causing the This new scope based pro- developed the Value and Competitiveness
project to become longer and ject benchmarking can cover Assessment of Plant-Based Projects
project indirect costs to over- a wide range of projects from (VCAP), which helps companies improve
the business value of small projects. He
run. There was inadequate con- greenfield to revamp that are
has completed empirically based cost,
tingency to cover the overrun. particularly problematic for schedule, and performance risk analyses
traditional cost ratio analyses. for more than 100 major capital projects,
Conclusions The benchmarks provided by helping to optimise project delivery and
Setting the right targets is crit- the Advanced Benchmarking pursue high return projects.
ical to achieving project suc- Methodology are transpar-
cess in the current highly ent; they are related directly
competitive environment. to the project quantities. The
The scope based benchmark- transparency of the bench-
ing provided by the Advanced marks enables the clear iden-
More articles from the following
Benchmarking Methodology tification of risk areas, and
can provide actionable insights empowers project teams to Reliability and Asset
and identify the levers that can take effective action to improve Management
be used to improve a project’s project performance. Revamps 2017 5

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