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4 WAJA (2009)
1 December 2009

Today is my first day went to intensive class. I went there at 8.30a.m. My tution
centre is at Darul Bakti, 06000 Jitra, Kedah. My first class have began at 9.00 o’clock.
My first class is additional mathematics. There we called our additional
mathematics’s teacher is Sir Non. I likes his style when he was teaching us. He was
very kind of us. His explaination is very excellent. I was very excited when I was in
his class.I never feel bored when he was teaching. He has lot of humour to make us
feel additional mathemathics is fun and easy. I felt so comfortable in his class. We
took our rest at 11.30a.m. and we entered to our class back at 11.35 a.m. The class
end at 1.00 p.m. After that back home and not go any where like last everydays.

2 December 2009

Today is my second day when to intensive class. Today my subject class is

additional mathematics and physics. Today in add math subject, i learned about
quadratic function. I think I started to like this topic. My add math’s class end at 1.00
p.m. My physic’s class started at 2.30p.m. I called my physic’s teacher Sir Kaw. He is
a Chinease man. Have a good character. He is a smart teacher. I felt comfortable in
his class. I can catch up what have he teach to me. I not felt physic is dificuilt. But it
need more exercise to more understand it. The class end at 6.45 p.m. After that I
back home and not go any where.

3 December 2009

Today I went to add math class and back at 1.00 p.m. After that I back home. I not
go any where because my father work an he do not like go anywhere. He also do not
like his children go anywhere. He is more like when his children stay at home. I felt so
bored. So I help just help my mother and after that I refresh what i study today. That
all. Just a bored day.

4 December 2009

Today I went to physic’s class. My physic’s class was event in the everning. I went
there by motorcyle. my mother is the rider not me. i’m cannot ride the motorcyle
because not have licences. My class was event at 3.00 to 6.45. so after that i back
home. Oh god. I felt so boring in this school holiday.
5 December 2009

Today I’m truly holiday. It is because I do not have intensive. Argh!! I felt so boring. In
the everning my father took my family go to my old place at Kampung Kandis. There
have a ceromony. My father’s friend’s son have married. I meet my old teacher there.
I felt so miss to them. Oh. I forgot about one thing. There my father also meet our
headmaster. Oh no. It dangerous. My father is a old friend of headmaster. My father
told him that he also have a daugther at SMS Kubang Pasu. Tonight headmaster
called me. oh no. I must speaking in english with him. I felt so neurves. But is alright i
can try speak in english. So i can known that i can speak in english or not. Hah. Also
that i can story to you tonight. See you tomorrow.

6 December 2009

Oh no. Today is the boring day in the world. I do not go anywhere. I just stay at home
i do my homework. Argh.. so boring.

7 December 2009

Today i went to add math class and physic class. Back home. Do my homework until
11.00p.m. That i went to sleep. That all.

8 December 2009

I went to add math class. I back home at 1 o’clock. After that i help my mother do her
work. That i do my homework. After that i got my sleep.

9 December 2009

I went to add math and physics class. I back home at 6.45. i felt so tired. But it alright
because i tired because i study. Ok.. i want go to sleep. Bye journal.

10 December 2009

Today i just help my mother and after that i done my homework. In the everning i
played badminton with my younger brother. That all my life. Boring.. boring and

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