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Subject-Verb Agreement

1. A verb agrees with its subject in number and person.

Shirley seems confident while answering the questions.
Men love computer games.
1.a. Make the verb agree with the subject, not with the of phrase.
(Do not mistake the of phrase as the subject.)
A list of stuffs was prepared by Alan.
The hands of an angel protect us from harm.
1.b. Subject placed at the end part of the sentence must be properly identified.
Down the road is a handsome policeman.
In this school are enrolled several alien students.
1.c. The subject you always takes a plural verb.
Where were you last Sunday?
You are the most beautiful girl in the world.
1.d. The verb agrees with the positive subject, not the negative.
Queza, not her sisters, is responsible for the lost money.
The bystanders, not Nani, are at fault.

2. On compound subjects:
2.a. Compound subjects joined by and take the plural form of the verb.
The students and the teachers need to trust one another.
Abing and Anie compare their answer after the CS exam.
2.b. Compound subjects that refer to the same person or thing take the singular form of
the verb.
My classmate and friend is with me.
The famous author and lecturer is John Reyes.
2.c. Compound noun joined by and use the singular form of the verb if they are regarded
as a unit.
Bread and butter was all I asked for breakfast.
A bow and arrow makes a primitive weapon.
2.d. Compound subjects involving the use of each or every requires the singular form of
the verb.
Every man and woman helps this country become more progressive.
Each boy and girl has hats made of recycled materials.
2.e. Compound subjects joined by either-or, neither-nor, not only-but also take verb that
agree with the nearer subject.
Either his watch or his coins are lost.
Neither the people nor the lady speaks the truth.
Not only the students but also the teacher is learning.

3. Nouns ending in -s with singular or plural in meaning:

Singular in meaning:
Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Politics, Physics, Measles, news

Plural in meaning:
Scissors, tongs, shears, pliers, pants, tweezers, trousers, shoes, slippers, eyeglasses
3.a. Nouns ending in -s but singular in meaning take the singular form of the verb.
Mathematics is a challenging subject.
Physics is required for Science majors.
3.b. Some nouns are plural in form and plural in meaning. These nouns take the plural
form of the verb.
The scissors are made of light metal.
Trousers were placed inside the cabinet.

4. Many, some, others, several, few, both, all (referring to people) take the plural form of the verb.
All are sure where the star is.
A few understand the real meaning of life.
5. Each, every, either, neither, anyone, anybody, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, no one,
nobody, one, many a, more than one, not one, everything, any, anything, something, nothing, another,
the other, all (meaning everything) and a person take singular form of the verb.
Neither of the sentences is forceful.
Everyone is in good mood.
Every leaf and twig is moving.
Many a test tube was broken during my first experiment.
More than one person finds it very disgusting.

6. The expression the number takes the singular form of the verb; the expression a number takes the
plural form of the verb.
The number of students is concerned with the on-going crisis.
A number of books are on reserved in the library.

7. The expressions one of the and one of my are always followed by plural nouns but take a singular
form of the verb.
One of the boys is absent.
One of my hobbies is reading books.

8. The number of the noun that follows an expression of fraction or a portion determines the verb to
be used.
Half of the mangoes are sold.
Two-thirds of the farm is planted with rubber.
A portion of the banana was eaten by birds.

9. Noun referring to money, time, weight, measurement or distance that is preceded by an expression
of amount or quantity is considered singular and takes the singular form of the verb.
Seven hundred pesos is too much for that bottle of lotion.
Two years seems extremely long to wait for you.

10. Intervening phrases introduced by of, with, together with, as well as, including, besides, no less
than, in addition to, accompanied by, not, do not affect the form of the verb.
The teacher, together with his students, was there.
Everyone, including the principal and the dean, is in the gym for the intramurals.

11. Collective nouns are either singular or plural

11.a. When the group is considered as a unit, the singular form of the verb is used.
The committee makes plans for the fiesta.
The family that prays together stays together.
11.b. When the members of the group are considered as individuals who act separately,
the plural form of the verb is used.
The committee disagree on some proposals.
The family attend to their own particular tasks.

12. Sentences introduced by it take the singular form of the verb.

It is our responsibility to help build the nation.
It makes me uncomfortable sitting beside you.

13. The number of the subject of a sentence introduced by there determines the verb to be used.
There is a burglar in the kitchen.
There are times when I feel empty.

14. Ordinarily, this and that take the singular form of the verb while these and those take the plural
form of the verb.
That is brilliant.
These are the times that we should remember.

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