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Anna opened her front door just as Alfonso¶s chauffeur was about to ring
the door bell. She had been pacing back and forth in her front for the past
half hour, trying to calm her nerves when she saw a dark green sleek
looking car stop outside her flat. She instantly knew the car was there for
her, her quiet street in the back end of South London didn¶t usually have
such cars around. The luxurious car looked like it belonged on a movie set.
Anna finished dressing for her dinner with Alfonso almost two hours ago,
she spent half hour getting a very excited AJ out of the house. He had
wanted to wait for her to leave for her µdate¶ before he went to develop some
photographs. Anna had practically kicked him out of the house; insisting he
left before her. AJ sometimes was like a hyper-active child; she was too
nervous as it is, she couldn¶t handle any more excitement. She had spent
the rest of the time wearing the rug in her front room thin with her frantic
pacing. She wasn¶t just nervous about seeing Alfonso, she was excited as
well. The thought of seeing and being near him had her heart racing. A
magazine she read some time ago had called him irresistible and alluring;
according to the writer he was flocked everywhere he went, men envied
him, the ones who didn¶t- wanted to be his friend whilst women fell over
themselves to be near him, to be bedded by him.
Of course Anna had admired him from afar; he was handsome, rich and a
legend in business circles. She had never thought they¶d ever meet let alone
have dinner together. She had spent majority of the afternoon in a daze;
daydreaming about how it would feel like touching Alfonso¶s silky skin,
touching his chiseled jaw and catching a whiff of his natural scent like she
did when she crushed into him earlier on. She was somewhat mystified by
her reactions, overexcitement and fantasies were strictly AJ¶s department
not hers.

Anna felt butterflies in her stomach as she was ushered into the back of the
luxurious car.
As she sunk into the rich cream leather interior, she took a deep breath and
asked the driver where they were going; she attributed the breathy sound of
her voice to the nerves she was feeling. µTo Knightsbridge Miss' the driver
replied, mentioning the very exclusive part of London she rarely visited but
somehow had been to twice in one day.
As the powerful car rolled effortlessly through streets Anna had used
countless times before, she noticed there was less chaos than normal. It was
as though other drivers knew who the car belonged to and showed a certain

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amount of respect. To her there were definitely similarities between the car
and its owner; the car was powerful, sleek and dangerous looking just like
Alfonso Amadore.

Anna¶s mind wondered to the evening ahead of her; the only logical
explanation why Alfonso Amadore will invite her to dinner had to be
because he was finally ready to give an interview. What she couldn¶t
understand was why she felt so nervous about doing a job she loved and
had done countless times. Although she¶ll never admit it out loud, she
secretly knew she was nervous because she had definitely felt something; a
chemistry when she had crushed into Alfonso earlier. But the man was as
famous for his women as he was for his business acumen and Anna knew
she didn¶t fit the usual description of women he went for. She wasn¶t as rich
and beautiful as a socialite, model or actress; she wasn¶t polished from head
to toe like the women he usually favoured and tonight was the first time in a
long time she¶d worn make up of any kind. Shaking her head, Anna tried to
clear her thoughts and refocus them on work; whatever she had felt earlier
she was certain it was one sided; of course it was one sided. Alfonso was an
Italian god, exceptionally good looking with an aura which intoxicated
people making her reaction to him normal. He was probably used to it.
Anna prayed she won¶t embarrass herself around him tonight; an interview
with Alfonso will be the coup of her career to date and she wasn¶t going to
blow it.

She did not realize the car had stopped until the chauffeur opened the door
to help her out. She wasn¶t at a restaurant like she had assumed, instead
she was at a section of London she was sure she had never been to. She was
standing in the middle of an exclusive square somewhere in Knightsbridge
made up of 19th century white painted period houses, the stucco fronted
houses were about six storeys¶ high.
As she got out of the car, Anna saw a front door open and Alfonso step out;
her breath caught in her throat. He looked ridiculously handsome for
someone casually dressed in black jeans and a black jumper. Anna has seen
a lot of men in similar get up but couldn¶t help but ask herself what made
Alfonso look different; the black jeans fitted him like a glove; it showed off
his lean waist and long athletic legs. The white collar of his jumper brought
out the goldenness of his tanned skin and the whole outfit made his
midnight black eyes and hair look even darker. He looked dangerous in
black-; oh boy she was in trouble.

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Anna¶s hazel eyes locked with Alfonso¶s dark ones; immediately her heart
started to pound so loudly she could hear her ears ringing. For a second
she was tempted to jump back in the car and ask the driver to take her
home. But the feelings passed, she slowly expelled her breadth and walked
towards her host. With every step, she told herself she was there to work;
there was no need to panic. All she had to do was concentrate on the job at
hand and she'll get through the evening.
'Hello Mr. Amadore', as she got to the door, 'thanks for'...
'Enough of the Mr. Amadore business, you sound like one of my assistants'
Alfonso cut in smoothly; 'call me Alfonso or Alf for God's sake and I will call
you Anna.'
'I'm glad you came Anna, dinner will be served shortly' he stepped aside
and let her inside his house; 'you were right, the idea of a scoop was too
good to ignore' she replied. Alfonso helped her out of her jacket exposing
her outfit; his gaze passed over her like a caress. She wore dark jeans paired
with a silk green halter top, as usual she had on minimal makeup and
dangling earrings. Her curly red hair was pulled back. 'You look very nice;
lovely in fact' Alfonso said appreciatively in a hoarse voice, his unexpected
praise caused Anna to shiver slightly.

µMake yourself at home, I¶ll hang your coat and make us a drink before
dinner.¶ Alfonso was grateful to have something to do, something to distract
him as he tried to compose himself. He had told Anna she looked lovely, he
hadn¶t known how else to compliment her without grabbing her and kissing
her sweet supple lips. Calling her lovely didn¶t do her justice, what she was,
was a knockout; she was knocking him out.
Like him Anna was casually dressed in dark jeans that clung to her long legs
and pert bottom, her green top complimented her red hair, and the only
colour on her smooth white skin was on her cheeks and lips. Alfonso felt his
jeans tighten and thought perhaps he should have taken Anna to a public
restaurant where he wouldn¶t be tempted to kiss her sweet lips till she
begged to be taken upstairs to his bedroom. He ignored this impulse and
asked her what she wanted to drink instead.

Anna took in her surroundings whilst Alfonso poured her a drink, though
his front room was the largest she had ever seen but it was somehow cozy.
It had a high ceiling that let in natural light; it was filled with antique
furniture, expensive rugs and comfortable looking sofas. She was pleasantly
surprised, she had expected to find minimalist and only functional

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furniture at the house of a man like Alfonso, a man who travelled the world
and was never at one place for long.
The hairs at the back of her neck suddenly stood up as though someone was
watching her; she turned round to find Alfonso standing behind her staring.
His gaze was hooded so she couldn't read his eyes but she felt as though her
skin was burning from his gaze. The pulse at the base of her neck was
beating erratically as she swallowed the lump in her throat. He gave her a
knowing look which left no doubt in her mind that he knew exactly what
she was feeling.
She took the glass of wine from his extended hand and in an attempt to get
her wanton body under control decided to concentrate on what she was
most comfortable with ±work. µSo I came prepared' taking her notepad and
pen out of her bag; 'what do you have for me Alfonso, an exclusive about an
upcoming deal, what is really going on with your father?' Alfonso knew
what she was trying to do, she was uncomfortable with the sizzling
atmosphere between them so she was trying to hide behind her work; he
wasn¶t going to indulge her.

He didn't answer her question instead with the speed of a tiger stalking its
prey; he closed the gap between them, took the wine glass from her hand
and fused his lips with hers. The kiss took Anna by surprise but she didn't
pull away; it¶s what she had fantasised about all afternoon. Her lips clung to
his as though her life depended on it. He tasted of exotic fruits from the
wine he was drinking and Anna surrendered and let out a sigh of pure
enjoyment; time stood still for her. As he plunged his tongue into her
mouth stroking hers; Anna felt like she was being stroked all over by a giant
feather. She knew she should break the kiss but she couldn't think let alone
move. After what seemed like an eternity Alfonso eventually broke off the
kiss and lifted his head to look into her eyes. He was panting like a man
who had just run a marathon; his dark eyes were now molten black with
fiery glints. Anna felt like she was drowning, she quickly broke eye contact
hoping to return to sanity.
'Anna if you think you're here for work then I'm afraid you are mistaken'
Alfonso said in a deep voice. Anna felt her heart thudding against her chest
wall; she felt panic and euphoria rising in her at the same time. Her lips
suddenly felt very dry, she licked them nervously almost afraid to ask
...'then why am I here, what is tonight about'? Alfonso looked straight at
her, as if to make sure he had her full attention, Anna felt like he could see
her pounding heart and read all her secret thoughts. His sexy lips stretched
into a sly smile as he uttered the words with the potential to set her ablaze,

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Î'I want you Anna and that is why you are here, I know you felt the same
chemistry I felt when we met this morning so don¶t deny it. I¶m a very
focused person when it comes to my work but since I met you this morning,
I¶ve been distracted. I haven¶t been able to get you out of my head; I had to
see you again Anna and from that kiss, you can't deny that love making
between us will be amazing'. Shaking her head, 'you caught me by surprise',
Anna protested unconvincingly, 'Really,' Alfonso started to pull her back to
him; µlet¶s see if I can surprise you again' he mocked with a dangerous glint
in his eye.
Anna instinctively moved backwards, away from him until her legs
encountered one of the numerous sofas in the room, she was trapped with
no means to escape.

'Alfonso, passion is fine but sex for sex sake is not my cup of tea, I don't
have sex with men I don't know no matter how irresistible they are and I'm
not into one night stands'.
'who said anything about one night?' he drawled I think this fire between us
will take more than one night to quench tesoro besides I don't do one night
stands either.¶
Anna didn¶t understand Italian but whatever he said made her knees go
weak, she willed herself to be strong and lifted her chin defiantly 'that's not
what I've heard and besides I'm not usual type' she ended hesitantly.
'My type and what will that be?'Alfonso straightened giving her a bemused
Anna could feel the blood rushing to her normally pale face, how could she
tell him she was aware she wasn¶t as beautiful as his usual bedmates
without embarrassing herself further. 'For starters I'm not a blonde, I am
not a model, socialite or heiress, I don't have big breasts, I hate shopping
and I definitely don't get excited about shiny objects.'
'Am I that predictable caro and your breasts are fine, fabulous actually
though I am a little surprised you hate shopping. In my experience the
female species love nothing more than spending money. Besides although
most of the women I have dated are blonde, majority of them had jobs;
most socialites work on behalf of charities and modeling is a job.
'You really don't need to explain yourself, I can't be your next floozy, I don't
want to be; I came here hoping to score an exclusive but I guess we got our
wires crossed' Anna concluded calmly.

Her voice may have been calm but Anna didn¶t feel calm inside; she could
feel her pulse racing, Alfonso could see it too. The pulse at the base of her

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neck was beating erratically indicating that she was as hot with desire as he
was. He simply raised his lean fingers and touched the beating pulse 'this
tells me you want me as much as I want you so why deny yourself?'
She swallowed nervously, 'a little restraint never killed anyone, perhaps you
should try it sometime'; Î 'oh I am restrained you have no idea by how
much' he took her hand and guided it to the front of his jeans tracing the
outline of his growing manhood with it. µFeel what you do to me tesoro¶ he
murmured. Anna snatched her hand away as though she's been scorched
but not before releasing an involuntary moan.
The sound was just too much for Alfonso, he couldn't hold back any longer;
all the emotion built up since he first laid eyes on Anna came spilling out in
an uncontrollable force making his knees go weak. He leant in and kissed
her fiercely, not wanting to break the contact he tumbled onto the nearest
sofa taking her with him. He tugged and freed her hair; he felt the weight of
her wild curly red hair in his hand. His nostrils flared as he caught a whiff
of her shampoo, it was sweet smelling, fruity.
He sat on the sofa and placed Anna astride him without breaking the kiss.
After a while kissing just wasn¶t enough, he wanted more, he wanted to
touch her soft porcelain skin, feel the desire ran through her as it coursed
through him like a fever. With shaky fingers he untied the bow holding her
halter top together to expose her creamy flesh to his burning gaze. He
tagged the flimsy material a bit more exposing her bra, the cups looked too
small for her swelled breasts, they were spilling out.
Alfonso sighed contentedly as he unhooked the lacy bra and weighed
Anna¶s breasts in her hand; he suckled one breast whilst using his hand to
stroke the other, turning her nipples into tight pink points, readying them
for the full assault of his lips.

Anna was on fire, she could feel desire coursing through her veins. She
wasn¶t sure if she felt this way because she hadn't had sex in over two years
or because of Alfonso's effect on her. She didn't care at the moment; his lips
on her breast felt amazing, she couldn't recall if she'd ever felt this way
before, all she wanted to do was enjoy the sensations. She didn't want
Alfonso's assault on her body to stop.
She wanted to stroke his lean muscular body without the barrier of
clothing. She lifted his jumper and touched his flat muscled stomach with
her hot palms; he let out a loud moan. She could feel the currents going
through his body, she loved the effect her hands were having on him; she
wanted to draw more from him, to know that she was not the only one
going crazy.

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Feeling bolder, she unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans, she then
slipped her hands into his silk under shorts and proceeded to stroke him
'aww keep doing that   , don't stop, you're driving me crazy' his
mutterings urged her on. As her stroking reached fever pitch Alfonso was
groaning like a man in pain but Anna knew better. He raised his head from
her swollen breasts to draw in much needed hair; looking into her dilated
eyes and at her flushed body on display, Alfonso¶s desire clouded brain had
never lost this much control before. He knew his front room wasn¶t the
ideal place for this, as much as he wanted to make love to Anna; voyeurism
wasn¶t his style, they could be discovered by his house staff. 'I think we
should take this upstairs, he muttered. There was no way Anna was going to
say no to that, she had never felt this alive before and she wanted more. The
pleasure she had found in Alfonso¶s arms was powerful enough to wipe any
doubts she might have from her head, at least for tonight. Caught in the
web of passion, Anna did not hear the butlers¶ discreet knock or nervous
knock cough but Alfonso did. It cut through the sexual haze, he sensed they
were about to be discovered in the throes of passion.

He quickly moved Anna from on top of him to beneath him on the sofa to
protect her modesty. Looking at her passion filled face, Alfonso silently
cursed whoever was interrupting this amazing moment. µWe have company
 , get dressed¶, giving her an apologetic smile. He blocked her from
view, buying her some time to redress; he zipped his jeans before turning to
the butler, 'what is it?' µDinner is ready sir' the butler replied nervously.
'..Ok thanks' he turned to Anna as the butler left 'ÎI'm hungry but not for
food, how about we save dinner for later and finish what we started?' By
now Anna had returned to her senses and was horrified at her behavior, she
tried to straighten her clothes best as she could, 'no let's eat¶ she replied
calmly, µI'm not sleeping with you tonight Alfonso, I think your butler has
impeccable timing¶. He could kill the butler, Alfonso thought as he looked at
her, she looked together now and there was no sign of the wanton woman
who was squirming in his arms moments ago, her guard was up, they might
as well eat.
Dinner was delicious; Anna couldn't remember having a better meal.
Everything was a new experience with Alfonso Amadore; she had no doubt
the sex will be amazing too. She started to blush at the direction of her
thoughts; if Alfonso noticed, he didn¶t comment.

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µThe meal was terrific; you have a great cook' Anna stammered. Being used
to all the best things in life, Alfonso thought the meal was ok, 'I'm glad you
enjoyed it, have lunch with me tomorrow'  . 'No Alfonso, I can't, tonight
was fun but it ends here, it's like a night out of my life and tomorrow I go
back to reality; we don't run in the same circles and we have nothing in
common besides I don't want this.'

'No I don't accept that, he replied angrily µthings can be good between us,
what happened before dinner proves it, just give me a chance to show you.
Anna shook her head, 'no Alfonso, what happenedÎ, well I have to attribute
that to lack of sexual activity in a long time but it wouldn't work, the reason
why I came here in the first place was because I thought this was a working
dinner.' She took her jacket from him and started to walk towards the door.
Alfonso couldn¶t believe this; he couldn¶t understand why Anna wanted to
run away from what existed between them; that was new to him. Usually
females did crazy things to catch and keep his attention. He abhorred
media intrusion in his life but it came with being the heir to the Amadore
Empire. His father courted the media but as soon as he was old enough
Alfonso had taken the necessary steps to guard his privacy, sometimes the
odd story got out but never from his people. Now it looked like if he wants
to spend more time with Anna, he¶ll have to lift the no interview ban and
agree to an interview. It was the only way Anna will feel comfortable
enough in his around him.
Fine, you win; he said irritably, 'do you know BUMA? '.. Of course she
replied. ..I'm the guest key note speaker for the conference in Paris next
week, how about an all access pass and interview with the key note speaker
i.e. me?'
'What do you mean?' 'I mean you come with me and you get an all access
pass to everything'
'Come with you, as what, your mistress? I don't think so.
'God woman let me finish, come as my guest, you¶ll get access no journalist
has ever had, you can have your exclusive, how does that sound?'

What he was suggesting will boost her career; but Anna knew it was too
good to be true, there had to be a catch. µYou hate journalists and the press¶
Anna said suspiciously
µI like you, I want to spend time with you, so I¶ll make an exception¶. Anna
didn¶t know why she was hesitant, deep down spending time with him both
excited and terrified her but she couldn¶t say no.

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Alfonso knew he had her, he could see her mind working out the pros and
cons of his offer. It was an offer she couldn't refuse; he couldn't stop himself
from grinning because he knew he will have Anna Webb, he always got
what he wanted. Her acceptance meant she'll be spending at least a week
with him and that was plenty of time to change her mind about becoming
his lover. By his observations, all he needed was a day to wipe all objections
from her mind and show her how good things can be.
He was always right about these things and there was no way he was going
to let her get away; he wanted her with a fierce passion he hadn't felt in a
long time, it was the sort of passion he had when he started his business
empire. The desire to make something his entirely, the thought unsettled
him a bit but he suppressed the feeling because he knew he was about to get
his way. True to his prediction Anna said 'ok you win but no funny
business, this is strictly business.¶ He leaned over and kissed her softly on
the lips ...'we'll see, I'll be in touch with the travel details'. He walked her to
the waiting car and helped her in, 'my driver will take you home, sweet
dreams my sweet Annie'.
Alfonso walked back into the house, knowing he was in for a long torturous
night. He decided a cold shower before bed was the best cause of action. He
had always been a person in control, he had a healthy libido but it has never
threatened to take over his life before and he wasn¶t going to let it now. But
thanks to Anna he knew he it was going to be a battle; he had brought her
to his home for dinner, something he never did especially on the first date.
And he had broken his no journalists rule, Anna was threatening to get
under his skin but once he has her in Paris, he¶ll get things back on track.

Anna got home to find an anxious AJ was waiting for her; as usual he
wanted to know every detail of her evening. For some reason she didn't
want to tell him everything which was a first for her as she usually indulged
his curiosity. She told him about the opportunity to tag along and interview
Alfonso in Paris but left out the passionate kissing that almost led to sex on
his sofa. Sleep didn't come easily that night; Anna tossed and turned for
most of the night. When sleep finally engulfed her, she was haunted by
images of Alfonso and his perfect body and his lips doing unthinkable
things to her; she woke up drenched in sweat.

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