Anti-Big Bang Theory

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“Anti-Big Bang theory”

Big Bang theory old story

from the past!

English version
This book shows these points:
* Big-Bang theory is wrong by
scientific proofs and rational proofs.
*who is materials people? and why
they made big-bang and other
Written by: Firas Faraji

Why Anti-big bang ?

Materials scientists part of Materials people, we
knows this scientists and we have to say thanks, but
sometimes they are wrong, and they are big wrong
when they are talking about very big theory and
they can’t proof it, they are making this theory as
“merchandise” for have money and for change the
world to the worse.
If you are going to read this book, you will
understand why big-bang is wrong and not good for
humans, clearly I can say: big-bang a part from good
plan for Materials people but this plan is going to
die, when you want use your minds, feelings, and
consciences, we can win!
The material ways to think about the life depend on:
1. big-bang theory.
2. Evolution theory.
3. Thinks there is not god.
i am going to show you proofs about how much wrong this theories, i am
trying to use the "mind way" and "simple ways" to proof that.

The weakest point in the big-bang:

Material people used to show us what is going to happen and what is going to
happen again and again, but they forget the weakest and most important
What happened before the big bang?? The big bang theorists can't answer
this question and just say it's a meaningless question. (They like to say it's
like asking "What's north of the North Pole?" - Actually it's not like asking
that at all. North is a direction; time is a measure of change. If there was no
change before the big bang, then how could it have started?)so from this
point they can show us how much this theory is not- strong,
anyway you should know, the theory is a group of "hypothesis" or "personal
views" and when you have to make theory you should have a scientific
proofs not just talk about things we don't know !? We haven't seen ever! And
when one of the hypothesis is wrong that is mean we should think again
about the theory, because theory made from hypothesis and other hypothesis
and other....
So when one of these hypotheses is wrong that is meaning -maybe all
hypotheses - is wrong!
Example: – cows were flying when there was not gravity!!!!- from the
scientific view, anything can fly without gravity but from the mental view
this not real, because no one have seen that, and earth and gravity always
together and cows are not living outside the earth! So “flying cows is wrong
theory” and we don’t have to waste out time talks about that.
Other example:
So if: X=2 that is mean everything is right, and if I said X=3 that is mean
everything is wrong.
This simple example shows how theory works, so big bang doesn’t have clear
proof about:
1. Before big-bang was nothing? So where the materials come from
(gases, the space when the explosion happened, the power ….)!?
2. Where is “big-bang” power now? And why there is not any new
3. How the random explosion can make everything? If that was just
random explosion, how we can do that? I mean tell us about the way?
4. How atoms can make everything and atoms without minds?
5. If atoms made human by chance, why we can’t fix dead human atoms?
6. Why they are using news media to show the people what happened
after big-bang when we are not sure about how the big-bang started?
7. Much believer-scientist of evolution theory and they don't believe in
god as "Francis Crick" -he is American scientist’s- when he said: "any
rational and true person can understand we are living by miracle not by
the chance “origin life and nature, New York. Francis thinks there is
strange people from the space made us and made our life and they left !
8. If there was a big bang, the temperature of the background radiation
would have had to be much higher in the past. Yet there are observed
cosmic ray particles, which are protons or nuclei of atoms that are
traveling through space at speeds approaching the speed of light. These
particles can't plow through the background radiation field at these
higher temperatures without interacting with the photons of such a high
temperature background and being stopped. But the highest energy
cosmic rays are observed at energies beyond this theoretical
cutoff energy.
9. It could be that "space expands" is an unfortunate popularization choice
of words because space is not a substance that can expand.
Anyway i think they bought the materials from the big-bang shop!
How we can talk about theory if we don't have the basic point for the theory?
This point can pull down everything about this FAKE theory.

If space expands, this means that the

planets were next to each other, and possibly humans who lived in more than
a planet, But the U.S. space agency; "NASA" can’t find the bodies of living
on the moon or Mars!!!
Physical proof shows big-bang is wrong:
space does not expand but big bang said Space is growing, is a simple
guide to what I say, scientists who says that space expands, they knew the
time of the beginning of the universe – 10 to 15 billion years ago- and did not
knows when it will expand -the universe-, and they should tell us when the
expansion of space will stops, and then end of life on earth is going to happen
because all planets with earth are going to explode.
Example: put random raisins in the dough; make the dough in expansion by
your hands! And then what?! The dough can't grow more because that can
crumb it, and anyway space is not a substance that can expand!!!

Famous law in physics : “Anybody expands and continues to expands-on will

explode or break”
So? When the space or universe end? What happened before Beg-bang?
Where will it end the universe?

Questions without any answers….

Materials people:
materials people was thinking about the life and but unfortunately they was
very bad when they tried to do that, they believe in the matters and atoms,
they thinks human feelings and senses is bad or we shouldn’t use our senses,
so that they have funny theories as “kids stories” and they always don’t have
clear proof for anything, they are using humans minds -after showing fake
theory for them- and ignorant people to support them.
Anyway They want to create a new world without morals and conscience,
want to make people live in the jungle, acting as they want, without control
of conscience or anything, so that you can see naked woman in everywhere,
mean people in everywhere, and little good people, do you know ? Hitler was
one of Materials people! he believe as them, if he was afraid from someone
he was not going to do anything bad to any human, he was killing Jews, and
massacre them, this the worst act witnessed by human, but he thought he is
strong, where is Hitler now ? Maybe they thinks he is random atoms in
somewhere now.... why we can't make Hitler alive again? If just random
atoms made him? We have to bring Hitler, for the trial...
Thanks for reading…

if you have any comment please tell me.

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Anti- big bang is a part from “an invitation to the truth” activity.

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