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Problems Causes Effects

Deforestation  Conversion to  Floods

Agriculture  Soil Erosion
 Wildfires  The Reduction
 Illegal Logging of Oxygen
 Wood and Paper  Climate Change
Manufactures  Reduced

II. Essay


Forest plays a critical role on Earth. It is as the only producer of Oxygen that
provide an air for living things to breathe in. Without forest, Earth will loss its
greatest treasure. However, now forest around the world are under a threat
from deforestation. Deforestation comes in many forms, including fires,
illegal logging and more. This impacts people’s livelihoods and threstens a
wide range of animal and plant species.

Conversion to agriculture
As the human population continues to grow, there is an abvious need for food
and house. People will start to build a new house by cutting down the forest.
In addition, many agricultural products, such as soy and palm oil, are used in
every products, from food to lipstick and biofuel. Rising demand has created
the conversion of forest into an agricultural land.

Wildfires can be caused by human or nature. The natural factors that caused
wildfires are the strike of a thunder and the hot weather. Wildfires usually
happen in the summer, because in the summer the temperature is rising and
can causing a wildfires to a forest. The human factors are littering cigarettes
and burning of trash near the forest. That is why people should be aware
about their surrounding, and do not act recklessly. Wildfires is hard to be put
out, because it takes many water to put the fire down and fire can spread
very quickly.

Illegal Logging
Illegal logging occurs around the world and it is worse in Indonesia. Illegal
logging is more common than the legal. This destruction threatens some of
the world’s most valuable forest. Many people is logging in the forest without
know how to log or without permission from the goverment and harvesting
more than is permitted. Those people just cut down every trees in the forest,
include the young trees who can contribute to the forest ecosystem. If only
they knew how to log, they should cut the old trees and in the permitted

Wood and Paper Manufacture

In the manufacture of paper needs a raw materials like wood which is
obtained from forest. While the need of paper is keep increasing, many of
trees will be cut down to fullfil their need. This will lead to deforestation. A
lot of products is produced from wood, people need to handle this problem
by lessen the use of paper and try to recycle more.

Deforestation will cause a floods because trees in the forest can not absorb
water and store it in their root when rain is happening. Water will pass the
forest and cause floods in the habitation of human. It will also cause a
disturbance in the ecosystem.

Soil Erosion
Without trees to hold up the fertile soil, erosion can occur and sweep the land
into rivers. The agricultural plants that often replace the trees cannot hold
onto the soil. As fertile soil washes away, agricultural producers move into
another places, clearing more forest and continuing the cycle of soil loss.

The Reduction of Oxygen

Many trees will die in the deforestation. Trees as a producer of oxygen will
not able to produce anymore. There will be less oxygen on Earth and will be
more carbon dioxide. Trees will not able to absorb carbon dioxide. People
will have a problem with their breathing as oxygen start to decrease.
Eventually, they will buy an oxygen just for breathing.

Climate Change
Forest help to absorb greenhouse gas emission. The increase of deforestation
will cause a decrease of oxygen and this will cause an increase of SOx dan NOx
in the atmosphere. The greenhouse gas emissions contribute to rising
temperatures, changes in pattern of weather and increased frequency of
extreme weather. Indonesia contribute high greenhouse gases because of

Reduced Biodiversity
More than 50% of land animals and plants live in the forest. Deforestation
will have a dramatic impact on the loss of habitat for millions of species. It
will destroy their homes and many animals and plants will be endangered.
Even a small deforestation can results in extinxtions as many unique species
exist in small island.

III. Questions and Answers

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