Accidental Extubation

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Accidental Extubation

Accidental extubation occurs most commonly when one or more of the following
conditions exist:
Risk factors
1. Persistent chewing or “mouthing” the tube.
2. Prolonged intubation.
3. ET tube is “high”
4. Airway pressures/PEEP are high.
5. baby is having good weight.
6. Patient is agitated and/or loosely restrained.
7. Excessive oral secretions.
8. The patient is being turned or moved.

Clinical indicators
Gross air leak occurs from the mouth (or the cry is audble).
Airway pressures change abruptly (higher or lower). (This may not be evident in PCV)
Exhaled tidal volume decreases or becomes erratic.-Note: an ET tube in the
esophagus will return a Vt.
Patient becomes agitated and may not be able to trigger the ventilator.
SpO2 falls by >3 - 5% ( or > 90% for < 1 min.)
HR and or BP increase or decrease (but not at first)
Chest movements are not visible or not rhythmic
ETCO2 monitor shows

If a partial or accidental extubation is suspected, a rapid response is vital.
Re-intubate &position it at the previous cm markings at the teeth.
Verify tracheal intubation with a CO2 detector.
Assessment of ET Tube Placement
Breath Sounds - UNRELIABLE -
Pt’s with esophageal intubation may have “normal” breath sounds.
Breath sounds are unreliable in ELBWs, severe HMD, or subcutaneous emphysema.
Tidal Volume & Pip - UNRELIABLE - Vt and Pip may be erratic due to agitation and
gastric ventilation.
ETT Tube Position and/or CXR - UNRELIABLE -
Neither confirm tracheal placement.
Chest Wall Movement - UNRELIABLE -
HR & SPO2 Changes & ETCO2 detector - RELIABLE -
Always confirm tracheal placement promptly with an ETCO2 detector
If there is no indication of exhaled CO2, remove the tube and mask ventilate( donot
allow the Spo2 to drop to below 85% & reattempt(attempt duration <20 secs) if
possible by more experienced team member.

1. Secure taping
2. Tying
3. ETT place holders -neofit



6. preventing agitation – nursing in thermoneutral zone, adequate sedation & analgesia for
procedures,clearing secretions frequently, minimum handling, settings to ensure
ventilator-baby synchrony
7. surveilence by staff
8. standardized protocol for care of ventilated babies

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