Assignment 2 - Case Study Engineering Ethics and Practice

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Final Awarded Marks

Assignment :2
Title : CASE STUDY – Engineering Ethics and Practice
Total Marks : 10%
Class : May 2018
Due Date : 22 June 2018

Date submitted :

NAME Student ID

Submission Checklist (To be filled-up by marker)

Turn-It-In Report
Extension Granted (YES/NO)

Overall Comments:

Signature : __________________________________
Marker : Mr Linganathan Thillainathan
Date :

May 2018, Page 1 of 7

Allocated Awarded Marks
No Assessment Criteria
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Ability to extract, highlight and

1. summarize the ethical situation in each
case. 10
Ability to identify relevant clauses in the
Code of Professional Conduct and in
applying them to analyze and justify the
ethical stance in each case.
Language and presentation that are
concise and precise with good English
and proper sentence construction. Use of
appropriate drawings and charts. 10
/40 /40 /20
Section Awarded Marks

Total Marks (1+2+3) = 100 marks

Assessment and Learning Outcome Mapping

Learning Outcome Assignment 1
LO1 Discuss professional responsibility including engineer’s code 60%
of ethics of professional societies
LO2 20%
Apply engineer’s code of ethics in resolving ethical issues

LO3 Analyse an engineering misconduct using engineer’s code of 20%

ethics and engineer’s acts
Assessment and Programme Outcome Mapping
Programme Outcome
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Assignment 2   

Assessment and Complex Problem Solving Attribute Mapping

Complex Problem Solving Attribute
Assignment 2 

Assessment and Complex Engineering Activities Attribute Mapping

Complex Engineering Activities Attribute
Assignment 2  

May 2018, Page 2 of 7

Student Statement:

I/we have read and understood the rules on academic dishonest and
plagiarism in the Programme Handbook.

I/we understand that plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or

creation of another person as though it is your own. It is a form of cheating and is
a very serious academic offence that may lead to expulsion from the University.
Plagiarised material can be drawn from, and presented in, written, graphic and
visual form, including electronic data, and oral presentations. Plagiarism occurs
when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited.

I/we understand the rules and am aware of the consequences which may
follow if I breach those rules.

I/we have taken proper care of safeguarding this work and make all
reasonable effort to ensure it could not be copied.

I/we certify that I have not plagiarised the work of others or participated in
unauthorised collaboration when preparing this assignment.

I/we declare that the attached assignment my/our original work and no
part of it has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other source
except where due acknowledgment is made.

Signature : _______________________

Date : _______________________

May 2018, Page 3 of 7

 This is an individual assignment.
 The assignment is based on 100 marks.
 There are 3 Case Studies to be answered.
 The answer to each of Case 1 and 2 is expected to be about 500 words. Case 3 is
expected to be about 200 words. Therefore, the total length of the assignment is
expected to be about 1200 words. However, length of the answers is not critical
and the number of words suggested is only indicative and meant to guide
students in the amount of material and detail that they need to provide .
 Use Times New Roman font, size 12 with 1.5 line spacing.
 The answers must be submitted with a “Turnitin” report with less than 20%
 Well written answers should be concise and precise with good English and
proper sentence construction.
 Good answers should have the application of ethical theories and reasoning
based on facts and evidence as well as charts and drawings that help in clarity.
 Relevant clauses in the BEM Code of Professional Conduct must be quoted to support
your answers.
 Due date: 2 pm, Friday, 22 June, 2017

May 2018, Page 4 of 7

The Assignment: Case Studies


A government agency is planning to build a new water treatment plant and is planning to open a
tender for the project. It retains a consulting engineer (who is a registered professional
engineer) to design the Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) system for the plant. A sales engineer of
Company A, which produces and sells electrical equipment for such a project, contacts the
consulting engineer and requests him to consider using Company A's material. The sales
engineer of Company A indicates that his company is willing to provide the design of the M&E
system incorporating its product at no charge to the consulting engineer and that this design
will be performed by registered professional engineers.

1. List down 8 clauses from the BEM Code of Professional Conduct to support your answers in
this case.

2. Is it ethical for the consulting engineer to accept such an offer?

3. Is it ethical for the sales engineer employed by Company A to make such an offer? Is it ethical
for the registered professional engineer from Company A to offer free design to the consulting
engineer in return for using Company A’s materials?

May 2018, Page 5 of 7


Engineer A is retained by Client X to oversee the design of an industrial processing facility,

including its manufactured elements. Engineer A prepares the complete drawings, plans, and
specifications and, in doing so, incorporates a fractional amount of manufactured equipment
into the facility. In preparing the drawings, plans, and specifications, Engineer A included copies
of the drawings, plans, and specifications provided by the manufacturer of the manufactured
equipment with his own drawings, plans, and specifications. Engineer A gives full attribution to
the manufacturer. Also included within Engineer A’s contract with Client X is the provision
whereby Engineer A declares that he has reviewed the manufacturer’s drawings, plans, and
specifications and in his professional opinion believes the equipment will perform as
represented, but that Engineer A is not responsible for the performance of the manufactured

1. List down 7 clauses in the BEM Code of Professional Conduct to support your answers in this

2. Was it ethical for Engineer A to include copies of the drawings, plans, and specifications
provided by the manufacturer of the manufactured equipment with his own drawings, plans,
and specifications, giving full attribution to the manufacturer?

3. Was it ethical for Engineer A to include within his contract with Client X a provision whereby
he declares that he has reviewed the manufacturer’s drawings, plans, and specifications and in
his professional opinion believes the equipment will perform as represented, but that he is not
responsible for the performance of the manufactured equipment?

May 2018, Page 6 of 7

Compare Case 1 and Case 2 and comment on the differences and similarities between the two

May 2018, Page 7 of 7

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