4.03 Interest Rates - Annual (1990-2016) Money Rates

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03 Interest Rates - Annual (1990-2016)

Money Rates
Government Treasury Bills Commercial Bank's Rates on Deposits Commercial Bank's Rates on Advances
Central Bank Fixed Deposits Loans and Overdrafts
Primary Market (b) Yield Weighted
Rates Secondary Market 3-Month Bills Average
Bank Rate Deposit Secured by
yield Rates (f) Inter-Bank Savings AWDR (d) Purchased Prime
End of Period (a) Facility Rate Stock in
Call Loans 3 Months 6 Months 12 Months 24 Months Deposits and Unsecured Lending Rate
(c) Trade
12-Month Discounted Immovable (AWPR) (e)
3-Month Discount Rediscount Others
(g) Property

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
1990 15.00 17.41 18.36 15.85 21.33 - 10.0-32.0 7.0-22.5 8.0-21.0 11.0-21.0 13.0-18.5 5.0-14.0 12.90 14.5-30.0 10.0-30.0 9.0-28.0 13.0-30.0 13.0-32.0 18.60

1991 17.00 16.33 17.43 15.05 17.21 - 14.0-19.0 11.0-18.5 12.0-19.0 10.0-20.0 14.0-21.0 6.5-14.0 14.10 10.0-25.0 9.8-30.0 9.8-28.0 10.0-30.0 13.0-35.0 19.60

1992 17.00 17.67 18.99 17.26 18.85 - 13.0-27.0 10.0-18.5 11.0-18.5 13.5-20.0 14.0-21.0 6.5-14.0 13.80 10.0-30.0 10.0-30.0 9.0-30.0 10.0-30.0 13.0-33.0 20.20

1993 17.00 18.09 19.38 17.84 20.84 16.50 16.50-28.0 10.0-17.0 10.0-18.0 13.5-17.5 13.9-19.0 5.5-14.0 13.60 14.5-30.0 16.5-30.0 16.5-28.0 13.0-32.0 16.5-36.0 20.40

1994 17.00 18.73 19.43 18.48 22.98 20.00 14.0-28.0 8.0-15.0 9.0-16.0 10.0-17.0 11.2-18.25 5.5-13.0 12.60 11.0-30.0 15.0-30.0 17.0-27.0 10.5-30.0 15.0-36.0 17.80

1995 17.00 19.26 18.97 19.01 20.47 16.50 16.0-102.0 9.0-18.4 10.0-17.0 10.0-17.0 12.0-16.0 5.0-13.0 12.40 11.0-30.0 17.0-30.0 17.0-28.0 13.0-35.0 16.2-36.0 19.90

1996 17.00 17.45 17.38 17.20 18.95 12.75 13.0-31.0 9.0-16.0 10.0-16.0 12.0-17.75 12.0-16.5 4.5-13.0 12.30 11.0-30.0 15.0-30.0 15.0-28.0 13.0-30.0 16.0-36.0 18.40

1997 17.00 9.97 10.21 9.72 12.97 11.00 9.0-20.0 6.0-13.0 7.0-12.5 8.5-15.25 8.73-14.0 3.0-11.0 10.00 11.0-30.0 14.0-28.0 14.0-29.0 11.0-28.0 10.0-36.0 14.20

1998 17.00 12.01 12.59 11.86 15.01 11.25 11.25-16.50 7.0-13.0 7.0-11.75 9.0-13.0 9.56-12.0 2.0-10.0 9.20 11.0-30.0 7.73-33.0 7.5-33.0 8.8-30.0 6.0-34.0 15.10

1999 16.00 11.79 12.77 11.64 14.29 9.25 9.75-14.25 7.50-11.5 8.0-11.75 9.0-12.5 9.56-12.0 2.0-10.0 9.08 11.0-30.0 12.0-28.0 13.0-29.0 12.0-30.0 8.0-36.0 15.16

2000 25.00 17.77 18.22 17.72 21.27 17.00 19.00-32.00 7.00-17.0 8.00-15.0 9.00-15.0 10.00-14.5 2.00-11.0 9.89 11.0-25.0 14.0-28.5 10.0-29.0 12.0-30.0 7.0-30.0 21.46

2001 18.00 12.92 13.74 12.87 14.17 12.00 12.25-13.50 7.50-14.0 8.00-14.25 9.50-14.50 11.50-14.5 4.00-12.0 10.78 13.0-24.0 12.0-26.5 12.0-30.0 14.5-30.0 12.0-33.0 14.25

2002 18.00 9.92 9.91 8.67 11.17 9.75 10.13-11.25 6.50-10.5 7.00-10.50 7.50-11.0 7.44-11.5 3.50-11.0 7.47 10.03-23.0 12.0-25.0 10.00-29.0 12.0-30.0 8.0-30.0 12.17

2003 15.00 7.43 7.60 7.30 8.60 7.00 7.38-8.25 4.00-7.13 5.00-7.25 5.00-7.75 5.41-7.50 2.10-7.25 5.27 7.00-19.00 7.00-23.00 7.00-29.00 7.00-30.00 7.00-30.00 8.95

2004 15.00 7.25 7.65 - - 7.50 9.50-10.63 4.00-9.25 4.50-9.50 5.50-9.75 6.80-10.25 3.00-7.75 5.31 7.25-20.75 9.00-23.00 8.00-22.00 6.00-26.00 7.00-30.00 10.17

2005 15.00 10.10 10.37 - - 8.75 10.50-10.98 5.00-13.00 5.50-11.25 5.50-11.50 8.50-11.50 3.00-10.25 6.24 7.00-31.00 9.00-23.00 10.00-22.50 6.00-33.00 7.00-33.00 12.14

2006 15.00 12.76 12.96 - - 10.00 12.75-15.13 5.75-14.00 6.00-13.75 5.50-14.00 9.00-14.25 3.00-10.50 7.60 7.10-20.50 8.36-27.00 7.86-27.00 6.00-33.00 6.00-33.00 14.74

2007 15.00 21.30 19.96 - - 10.50 16.00-40.00 8.50-19.50 6.50-19.25 8.50-20.00 13.00-20.00 3.00-16.50 10.31 7.10-25.50 12.00-30.00 10.00-30.00 6.00-35.00 6.00-37.43 17.00

2008 15.00 17.33 19.12 - - 10.50 13.25-20.00 9.50-20.00 13.00-19.00 8.50-20.25 13.00-23.00 3.00-16.50 11.63 6.00-26.50 10.00-30.00 10.00-30.00 6.00-38.00 6.00-39.00 19.17

2009 15.00 7.73 9.33 - - 7.50 8.00-9.05 3.00-19.00 6.00-18.00 7.25-19.00 7.00-19.00 1.50-10.50 8.01 4.58-24.00 9.50-30.00 9.15-30.00 6.00-29.00 6.00-40.80 11.12

2010 15.00 7.24 7.55 - - 7.25 7.75-8.35 4.75-8.50 5.00-9.75 5.05-17.00 5.00-19.00 1.50-9.50 6.23 5.25-20.00 8.20-25.00 8.00-28.00 6.00-30.00 6.0-35.00 9.27

2011 15.00 8.68 9.31 - - 7.00 8.75-9.10 4.75-11.25 5.50-11.00 5.55-11.00 5.25-11.00 1.00-8.50 7.24 4.55-20.00 5.15-24.00 4.50-26.00 5.00-29.90 6.00-35.00 10.49

2012 15.00 10.00 11.69 - - 7.50 9.50-9.85 5.00-16.25 5.00-16.25 5.00-17.00 5.25-15.00 0.75-10.50 10.10 4.70-22.00 9.50-25.00 4.50-26.00 4.75-33.00 7.00-32.00 14.29

2013 15.00 7.54 8.29 - - 6.50 7.50-7.75 5.70-15.00 6.20-12.25 6.00-16.00 5.25-15.00 0.75-9.14 9.37 4.50-22.00 8.50-23.00 5.00-26.00 4.75-33.00 7.00-24.00 9.96

2014 15.00 5.74 6.01 - - 6.50 6.00-6.50 3.50-7.00 3.90-8.75 3.95-12.00 4.15-14.00 0.50-8.00 6.20 3.25-22.00 5.90-24.00 4.75-24.00 5.00-32.00 5.44-24.00 6.35

2015 15.00 6.45 7.30 - - 6.00 6.40 3.10-11.10 3.90-9.50 3.95-15.00 4.15-12.50 0.50-8.00 6.20 3.00-22.58 6.00-24.00 4.74-24.00 5.00-32.00 2.50-24.00 7.40

2016 15.00 8.72 10.17 - - 7.00 8.42 4.00-13.50 4.50-13.50 4.50-15.00 5.40-13.00 0.50-9.00 8.17 2.00-24.00 3.00-24.00 1.50-24.00 1.00-25.00 3.50-24.00 11.73

(a) This is the rate at which the Central Bank grants advances to Commercial Banks for their temporary liquidity purposes. With effect from 4 January 1991, the rate was increased to 17 per cent from 15 per cent. As at end of 1999 this rate was 16 per cent. With effect from 2 October 2000, the rate
was increased to 18 per cent and further increased to 25 per cent with effect from 21 November 2000. With effect from 2 July 2001, this rate was brought down to 23 per cent and further reduced to 18 per cent with effect from 27 December 2001. On 15 August 2003, the rate was reduced to 15 per
(b) Yield rates prevailing at the end of the period.
(c) Overnight Repo Rate was renamed as Standing Deposit Facility Rate (SDFR), with effect from 02 January 2014.
(d) The Average Weighted Deposit Rate (Commenced in 1990)
(e) The Weighted Average Prime Lending Rate is estimated by the Central Bank weekly based on commercial banks' lending rates offered to their prime customers during the week. These monthly figures are average values of estimated weekly rates. (commenced in 1986)
(f) The Central bank commenced operations in the secondary market in 1981.
(g) 12 month Treasury bills were first introduced in 1989.

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