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Roll No. B.Tech/Even Sem/Reg/2013-14 2013-14 FIBER OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS PH - 831 Time - Three hours Full Marks - 70 Answer any five questions. The figures in the margin indicate full marks. 1. What is graded index fiber ? Describe its refractive * index profile with diagram for different profile parameter. Calculate its NA for parabolic profile. A plastic fiber of diameter Imm, core and cladding refractive index 1.496 and 1.4 respectively. Calculate its NA and maximum value of acceptance angle when it is placed in air and water. A received pulse from an optical fiber is shown below. Calculate total energy in the pulse, mean pulse arrival time and rms pulse width. 1424+2+3+6=14 PO | “7 | ail 2. Write down the Maxwell's equations. Deduce TE and ‘TM modes equation from Maxwell's equations. 2+6+6=14 ae 1 P.T.O. 3. Solve TE modes equations for symmetric step index planar waveguide and graphically show the number of symmetric and antisymmetric modes for V <2. What will be the maximum thickness of the guide slab of a symmetric step index planer waveguide so that it supports only the fundamental TE mode ? Take m, = 3.6, n, = 3.56,4=0.85 um. 1143-14 4, What is mode field diameter ? A typical step index fiber has a core refractive index of 1.46 and a relative refractive index difference of 0.003 and a core radius of 4 um. Calculate Wand W, at 2. = 1.30 um. Mention different types of losses in opticaf fiber. 243+9=14 5. Describe material dispersion in optical fiber. What do you mean by responsivity and quantum efficiency of a photodiode ? Describe the structure, operation and drawbacks of p-n junction photodiode. S4247=14 6. (@) What are different photonic devices ? Explain the facts that direct bandgap semiconductors are required for designing LEDs or Laser diodes. Give examples of at least four semiconductor materials and classify them in terms of the nature of bandgap. Deseribe different mechanisms of electron- hole (¢-A) recombinations in semiconductor materials. (b) Explain qualitatively the formation of barrier potential in a p-n junction and then draw the energy band diagram of unbiased and forward biased p-n junction. 9+5=14 7. (@) What is LED ? Give examples of two semi- conductor materials those can be used for designing LEDs. Find out the bandgap of the semiconductor materials required to design LEDs for emission of following wavelengths. (i) Blue colour with the wavelength of 400nm (ii) Green colour with the wavelength of 500nm (Gii) Infrared light with the wavelength of 800nm. (b) The light emitted from LED has spectral distribu- tion of its intensity. Explain it quantitatively and derive the necessary expression. (©) Write down some applications of LEDs. OF5+3=14 8. (@) What is a Laser ? Write down the important characteristics of laser radiation and explain them in detail. ‘What are the basic components of a laser ? (b) Considering Fabry-Pérot type laser cavity, find out the approximate expression of the spacing between two consecutive longitudinal modes. Using the derived expression calculate the mode spacing for a typical GaAs laser with 2 = 0.94 um, refractive index n = 3.6 and the length of the eavity Z = 300 ym. (c) Write a short note on optical fiber coupling loss. 6rH4=14 D-38 3 80 B.Tech/Even Sem/Reg/2013-14 2013-14 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEME! XE - 830 Time - Three hours Full Marks - 70 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. 1. Answer any four questions : 6x4=24 (a) Define Motivation. What are the different theories of motivation ? What are the different types of personality ? Explain their individual motivation process. (b) What do you mean by labour relations ? What are the goals of group representations ? Why does management fear unions ? In current scenario in INDIA do the labour relations seem to be a friend or foe in the growth of the industrial sector ? (©) Explain the different reward systems present in organizations. What are the criteria that influence the distribution of rewards ? When are rewards said to be effective ? (@ What is job evaluation ? Discuss the four basic methods of job evaluation. Differentiate between three types of symptoms. What is burn-out ? (©) What are the three purposes for which performance appraisal can be applied ? What role does performance appraisal play in the expectancy theory ? Describe the appraisal process. What are the factors that distort performance appraisal ? () What type of discipline problems is most prevalent ? State the reasons for them. What are the factors that affect the severity of the action against any indiscipline ? What are the actions available to the manager for any indiscipline ? 1 P.T.O. 2. Answer any four within 50 words each : u (a) Youhave gone for marketing essential commodities in the “big bazaar”. The four persons are running a mess. They stay together. They have a meager amount of 500.The four characters are: Nervous, Choleric, Amorphous Apathetic. (b) You are the four members travelling in a boat. The boat is overcrowded. One person falls ill. The boat will take another 30 minutes to reach the destination. The five members are : Passionate, Phlegmatic, Amorphous, Apathetic, Sentimental. (©) Four boys of different colleges are going abroad. One is going for a seminar, other two for studying and fourth for treatment . You are sitting in the airport and met for the first time. Nervous, Sentimental, Choleric, Passionate, Sanguine. (d) Ilustrate-“Characterology study of a person is different from the personality of the person.” Characterology study has three objectives. What are they ? (©) Comment : “The first impression is the last impression”. (f) Explain the following behaviour (any two) : () A passionate husband with a nervous wife. (ii) A sanguine bus driver with an apathetic bus conductor. (iii) A sentimental teacher with a choleric student. 3. Read the following passages and answer the questions associated with them (any five) : 1x5=35 A. You Get What You Pay For Frank Henderson is the manager of General Electric’s Appliance Division. Each April, he must evaluate all of his subordinates to decide who is to receive a merit increase for the ‘upcoming fiscal year .But each year these employees complain about how they are evaluated, how merit money is dispersed and what criteria are used for the evaluations. However, during the past two years there has been a tremendous emphasis on quality of production. A review of the merit recipients reveals that these people were the ones who had the best quality records. But many of the employees felt that quality should not be the determining factor. At an employee forum, one of the senior members remarked, “How can Frank now reward quality ? What has happened to production numbers ?” Another employee agreed and stated, “This quality game is ok for some, but what about overall production ? It seems to me that if I will only be rewarded for quality, then I should produce a few items but make them perfect”. After hearing such criticism, Frank was quite upset. He was not tryingto cause chaos in is evaluations, nor washe attempting to hurt anyone. Unfortunately, what was originally intended to be an evaluation system had just become a nuisance ? Questions : 1. What is the major problem with Frank’s Evaluation System ? 2. Describe a performance evaluation system that you could recommend to Frank for evaluating a worker on the production line. 3. Ifno changes are made in the current system that Frank is using, what do you expect will occur regarding future production performance of the employees ? 4. What does this case tell us about the impact of performance appraisals on employee motivation ? B. Flaunting the Ware Last Thursday during the 11:00 pm to 7:00am shift, security officers responded to a complaint regarding the unusual noises coming from the blood laboratory. When they arrived and entered the lab, they found a doctor and a nurse making love. Requesting that both get dressed immediately, the security 3 P.T.O. officers told both individuals that a report would be submitted to Mr. Michael in the morning. When John Michael got to his office later that morning and read the report, he was furious. “I run a hospital here, not a love den,” he told his secretary. “Get me the chief of surgery and the vice president of nursing immediately.” When these two administrators arrived in John’s office, they suspected what he wanted. The rumors throughout the hospital about doctor Tate and nurse Crabits had been quite rampant. Before either of the two administrators had a chance to even greet John Michael, he just waved the officers to report in front of them and said, “Do something about this, NOW!!!” The chief of surgery was not at a loss as to how to handle the incident. Dr. Tate had been reported twice before for his night time extra curricular activities with nurses. In each case he had counseled Dr.Tate, explaining that what he did away from the job was his own business, but that in the hospital this type of action was both unacceptable and deplorable. “Just because you are one of the best gastrointestinal surgeons in the state, Chester,” said the chief of surgery, “we are not going to put up with this kind of behavior. I have warned you before that this was not acceptable, and if it happens in the hospital again, you are finished. Leave the nurses alone.” Dr.Tate apologized to his boss and to John Michael and left for the day. Nurse Crabits was not as fortunate She was cited for leaving her work unit and for actions unbecoming a professional nurse. “am sorry Susan,” said the vice president of the nursing, but I cannot tolerate this behavior. ‘You knew what you were doing, and because of that I have no recourse other than to dismiss you, You have given the nursing profession a bad name, Imagine two married people carrying on like that ! Adultery is not what we consider to be consistent with professionalism. Please get out of my sight— you disgust me !” ‘Susan cleaned out her locker, said goodbye to a few friends and went home. Questions : 1, Was the discipline administered in this case fair, equitable, and consistent ? Why or Why not ? 2. If nurse Crabits or Dr. Tate filed the complaint about the discipline received, how could the discipline be justified by the Vice president of nursing ? by the chief of surgery ? 3. Ifyou had to make the decision regarding disciplining either Dr.Tate or Nurse Crabits, what action would you take ? 4, Identify any discrepancies regarding the discussions between the chief of surgery and Dr. Tate and between the vice president of nursing and nurse Crabits and the discipline process proposed in your text. C. City Transit System The Boise City Transit System (BCTS) has been experiencing severe difficulties with its bus drivers. Consumer complaints have tripled during the past 6 months. These complaints have focused on drivers failing to make scheduled stops, buses being filthy, and drivers not enforcing the rules of conduct posted on the inside of the bus. Fearing a loss of revenue and citizen support, Marshall ‘Anson, the BTES director, has called together members of both the supervisory ranks and the drivers. He wants to settle the ongoing problem and make amendsso that full courteous service can be restored immediately. During the meeting, Mr. Anson pinpointed the problem: The supervisors, as a group has placed new demands on the drivers, demands that did not sit well with them, To retaliate, the drivers began their own show of strength. They invoked the letter of their job descriptions. Among these ‘were statements such as the following : “the driver has the right to refuse to board any passenger he believes may cause disorder on the bus,” “drivers are responsible for ensuring that the seats, are free from any debris.” And “all drivers will report to the authorities any individual who disrupts the operation of the bus”. 5 P.T.O. In better days, the drivers had handled almost everything themselves. If there was a problem such as the bus being dirty, they handled it. But not now. As one driver stated, “it’s not my job !” Questions : 1, How could an accurate, updated, and well-defined job analysis have helped to prevent such problem ? 2. Realizing that every aspect of the job cannot be identified because exceptions do exist, how can a job description be written so that these exceptions cannot be referred to as “not my job” ? D. A Royal Flush ‘Timmons Fisheries in South Harbor, marine has been the leading distributor of fish products in the Mid-Atlantic States for the past quarter of a century, Timmons is known for its fresh fish, its frozen fish products, and its distribution of exotic fish. Until five yearsago, Timmons has experienced continual growth. Although its packaging and distribution workers were unionized, ‘Timmons had been more than willing to pass on to the workers part of the profit made, However, profits have not been very good lately. Consumer demand for Timmons breaded fish products has severely declined as the consumer has become more weight conscious. Losing its share of that market segment has meant a financial burden. To help alleviate the burden, Timmons management has turned to the union representatives, its workers, and has asked for givebacks in wages and benefits amounting to $ 2.50 per hour. The union feels that the request is unreasonable and that the rank and file will strike if the issue is pressed. Timmons’ response is that production process to regain its market segment—the company will face bankruptcy. As one Timmons vice- president stated, “Two and half bucks less in an hour is better than no pay at all. But those union folks cannot understand that.” Seemingly unable to compromise, the union members went on strike. After three months of striking, Timmons began to search for a new location and a new owner for the company. To avoid the impending doom, the rank and file voted for a new ‘wage package that amounted toa $2.10 per hour cut. On Friday, the packages were ratified, and the workers returned to work. The following Monday, the newspaper headlines read : “union accepts wage cuts, management gives itself a raise.” In the evening news story, the president of Timmons explained that for five yeais while experiencing problems, no manager had been given a raise. To keep the managers from resigning, they were given an across-the-board raise. It had been planned before the strike, and “it’s just too bad coincide with the union’s wage cut.” Questions : 1, Do you believe the raise given to management was an unfair labor practice ? An attempt to bust the union ? Discuss. 2. What impact do you believe this management action will have on the workers returning to work after a three-month strike ? For the next negotiations ? 3. Arethe activities undertaken by management concerning management under the union’s security ? Discuss. 4, If you were president of Timmons, what would you have done ? Discuss. E. Ther Don Parceis dean of the Collage of Business Administration at Metro University, a large, publicity supported, urban college in the northern part of the United States. Don is new to his job, having arrived only three months ago from a professorship in the Midwest. One of the first issues Don has confronted is the hiring ofnew accounting professors. Don summarized the problem this way no Accounting for Accountants 7 P.T.O. Accounting is one of our hottest majors. Nearly 40% of our under-graduates are now majoring in the area. And popularity is widespread. Enrollments in accounting programs througout North America are expanding rapidly. The dilemma is that there are less than 60 new PhD’s in accounting being produced each year. National figures currently show that the ratio of jobs to people is more than twelve to one. The result has been unbelievable bidding up of new accounting professors’ salaries. Don has just revealed the salary structure within Metro’s Collage of Business Administration. Following are the university's floors or minimum salaries for each rank, and the current range (low to high) within the business collage : Instructor $ 17,290; $ 20,692-$ 26,718 Assistant Professor $ 22,290; $ 25,692-$ 31,718 Associate Professor $ 27,290; $ 30,692-$ 38,718 Full Professor $ 32,290; $ 38,692-$ 59,718 The chairman of Metro accounting department has told Don that the market in accounting demands that if new people are to be hired; their starting salaries have to be in the $ 34,000 to $37,000 range. Don is concerned that if such salaries are paid, they will distort the college’s salary structure. Don decides to survey other business schools within his region. Based on the replies from eight institutions, he compiled the following comparative data (figures represent ranges for business faculty only) : Instructor $ 14,800-$ 23,000 Assistant Professor $ 21,700-$ 31,400 Associate Professor $ 26,800-$ 37,300 Full Professor $ 35,000-$ 57,200 The survey revealed that these other schools were also having considerable difficulty staffing their accounting vacancies. What were they doing ? The data indicated that many schools were bringing in new people at a higher rank than they deserved in order to be able to pay them more. For example, one schoo! had hired a twentysix-year-old accountant, who had both a Ph.D. and a CPA, at the high associate professor level—paying $36,000. Other schools had lowered their recruitments from the Ph.D. and CPA to only the M.B.A. and CPA. Don concluded that in spite of has school’s paying the top salaries in this region, he would have to do something out of the ordinary if he was going to hire accounting faculty. But what should he do ? If he pays $ 36,000 or so, he will destroy his present salary structure. Furthermore, what are the long- term. implications when the demand-supply of accountants moves closer to balance ? (Experts expect this to happen by the early 1990s). Don is reluctant to lower hiring standards to meet the problem. He knows that if he does lower them, in ten years or so he will be stuck with tenured professors whose credentials are below what the collage demands. Finally, he realizes that ifnew faculties are brought in at the higher ranks, their salaries will be the same as those of collagues who have had five or ten or more years’ experience. In addition to creating morale problems, this action would mean that new hires could not expect a promotion for possibly ten years and could receive only minimum raises if salary ranges are to be maintained. Questions : 1. What advice would you give Don ? 2. Can you see any parallels between this case and the problems a human resources manager in industry might encounter ? 3. What would be the equity theory implications for current Metro University faculty ? M/s. ABC Electronics Limited is a Government undertaking and is manufacturing electronics equipments. Its manufacturing activities are carried on in the plant situated in GIDC Industrial Estate, Makarpura, Baroda, which is about 10km. away from Baroda Railway Station. The company has got in its strength about 1200 workers. The company works in two shifts viz. 9 P.T.O. First and Second. Timings of the shift are as under First Shift : From 7.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. Second Shift : From 3.00 p.m. to 11.00 p.m. In each shift, there are about 600 workmen. The company does not provide any transport facility to its workmen and they are required to make their own arrangement for their to and .fro journey. On 7th June, 1986, there was a heavy rain accompanied by a thunder-storm causing complete dislocation of traffic. The rain started from morning 6.00 a.m. and continued practically for the whole day upto 7.00 p.m. About 100 workmen who were residing within a radius of two-three km. of the factory reported to the factory on their ‘own conveyance in time before the commencement of the first shift. About 200 workmen who were residing within a radius of five km. of the factory reported for duties two hours late, i.e., around 9.00 a.m, About 100 workmen who were residing in scattered areas in Baroda city made all efforts to reach the factory by walking in spite of the fact that some areas of the road were flooded with knee-deep water, and in spite of dislocation of the traffic and flooding of certain areas of the road, these workmen could reach the factory around mid-day. There were in all 400 workmen who reported for duties on the day in the first shift at different timings. In the second shift which commenced from 3.00 p.m. there were hardly 100 workmen who could report for duties and rest of the workmen were absent. Inthe first shift, the company could carry on its manufactur- ing activities with 73 per cent capacity as the attendance was fairly good. In the second shift, the company could hardly cary on its manufacturing activities as there was a lot of absenteeism. The company has incurred a substantial loss of production. The company decided that the workmen who came late for about two hours should be allowed to report for duties without any deduction of salary as a very special case and for those 10 workmen who reported for duties around mid-day, there should be deduction of salary for four hours. The workmen who remained absent in the first as well as in second shifts should be marked absent. The company has got two registered trade unions viz. ABC Electronics Limited Karmachari Mandal and ABC Electron- ics Limited Employees’ Union. Both the unions have made strong independent representations to the management. ABC Electronics Limited Karmachari Mandal made a representation that for those workmen who came late in the first shift around mid-day, no deduction of salary be made and that the company should give one day-special leave to all such work men who have not been able to attend duties in both the shifts. ABC Electronics Limited Employees’ Union, on the other hand, made a demand that such workmen who attended duties at mid-day should be given halfday casual leave as a special case and there should be no deduction from the salary, and for the workmen who could not attend duties in the second shift, be marked as ‘present’ as a very special case. ABC Electronics Limited Karmachan Mandal having the largest membership has threatened the company that if no decision would be arrived at immediately, the union would Tesort to indefinite strike. Questions : 1. If you are the General Manager of the establishment how would you deal with the workmen who attended two hours late, four hours late and those who failed to attend because of heavy rains and non-availability of public transport ? 2. What would be the various steps you would take in this case ? 3. Since there are two active unions in the establishment how would you proceed in the matter ? G. Nippon Food Limited Nippon Food Limited, a multinational corporation dealing in consumer food products, started its operation in India from 1965. Initially, the growth of the company has been very slow, because of the limited market size in India for ready food items. However, during the last three years there has been boom in the fast food market and many new companies have ventured into the same product line. Nippon Food Limited, being an old company operating in India, has distinct advantages vis-d-vis its competitors who are of recent standing. The products of the company have enjoyed very good reputation in the market from the day of its inception. Over the period of time, company has added many new products which has been successfully accepted by the market. In view of the recent competition offered to its existing product line, company has launched number of new products in the last three years. Based on the Market Research Survey conducted by the company regarding acceptance of their new products, the feedback has been excellent. There is ample scope for the company to penetrate into the existing market as well as expand the size of the existing market by introducing its products into areas in which company does not have any marketing set up till date. The organisational set up of the company in India consists of Marketing Director at the corporate level and four Zonal ‘Managers Marketing, each in-charge of East, West, North, South zone independently. The order of promotion in Marketing Department is Management Trainee-Marketing Officer-Branch Manager- Regional Manager-Zonal Manager-Director Marketing. Mr. Tambuwalla joined the company in 1982 as a Management Trainee, Marketing and after completion of two years of rigorous Management Training in all the four zonal offices, he was placed in Bombay Zonal Office as Marketing Officer. Mr. Tambuwalla did his MBA from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad in 1982 after graduating in 12 Commerce. He was selected on the basis of Campus Interview by the company. Mr. Tambuwalla has been recognised as an outstanding officer based on his p:revious Performance Appraisal Reports throughout his career with the company by different bosses with whom he had worked during the relevant time. The company’s performance appraisal system has been ~ recently updated and modified with the cooperation and consultation of an outside consultant in the area of Human Resources Development. The thrust of the new performance appraisal system is on mutual consultation and fixation of target on the basis of joint discussion between the appraisee and the appraiser. Another distinct feature of the new system is that it has two-tier system of assessment, one by immediate boss under which the appraiseé is working and second by the boss of the reporting officer. The immediate boss of Mr. Tambuwalla is Mr. S.K. Singh, who is in the grade of Branch Manager but placed at Zonal Office, Bombay. During last three years, Mr. Tambuwalla and Mr. Singh have been given assignment of conducting Market Research in various parts of the country with the help of an advertising company. In this connection both have to travel extensively to different parts of the country, being away from their families and permanent place of work at times for even more than 15 days ina month. Mr. Lakhani, the Zonal Manager, Marketing in-charge of Bombay division since 1985, was transferred on promotion as Zonal Manager from Northern Zone where he was working as Regional Manager. He has been observing the working of Mr. Tambuwalla, as reviewing officer, being the immediate boss of Mr. S.K. Singh. During this period, Mr. Lakhani has developed fancy for Mr. Tambuwalla being smart, energetic and dynamic in his approach to work. He has been talking good about him to Mr. Singh from time to time. However, during some of the trips to outstation which were jointly undertaken by Mr. Tambuwalla and Mr. Singh, Mr. Singh observed that Mr. Tambuwalla has started taking his 13 P.T.O. work lightly as he tends to spend more time with clients in informal get-together instead of serious business discussion. Moreover, he has developed tendency of overcharging his expenses on such tours to company. So far, all such expenses were authorised by Mr. Singh for payment to Mr. Tambuwalla. Keeping in mind Mr. Tambuwalla’s excellent performance, Mr. Singh has been avoiding bringing it to Tambuwalla’s notice. Mr, Singh has to fill up the Appraisal Report of Mr. ‘Tambuwalla for the calendar year 1988 as per the new format given in Annexure 2. For the last three years, ever since Mr. Tambuwalla started working with Mr. Singh, he has been getting excellent reports from Mr. Singh. In view of the above developments, Mr. Singh has not given excellent report to Mr. Tambuwalla for the Appraisal Year 1988. He has also ‘made certain adverse remarks about his integrity and honesty. Mr. Tambuwalla is due for promotion and the Appraisal report for 1988 is very important for him because as per the promotion policy of the company, pomotions are decided on the basis of the last three years’ appraisal reports. Questions : 1. How would you argue your case if you were in the position of Mr. Tambuwalla ? 2. What is your analysis of the problem and what are your suggestions for resolving the same ? 3. What should be the role of Mr, Lakhani as a reviewing authority while countersigning the Appraisal report of Mr. Tambuwalla for the year 1988 ? 4, Doyouagree with the approach taken by Mr. Singh, and if not, why ? D1 14 80

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