Quick-Start Guide For New Users: 1. Explore Dynochem Resources 1. 1 Visit Dynochem Resources

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Quick-Start Guide for New Users

Thank you for your interest in DynoChem. Welcome to a new way of working in which you will be able
to achieve your project goals with fewer, more informative experiments and reduce the risks associated
with scale-up and tech transfer.

This guide will help to introduce you to the software so that you can start applying it quickly to
accelerate your projects.

If you have any questions or comments, please email us at: support@scale-up.com.

1. Explore DynoChem Resources

1. 1 Visit DynoChem Resources Allow 5-10 minutes

If you have not done so already Join DynoChem Resources.

If you are completely new to DynoChem, we recommend that you log in and first use the links in the Get
Started group on the Home page.

 Hear from users and companies: A summary of our guest webinar series is available here.
 A playlist of extracts from guest webinars by our customers is available on YouTube here.
 A list of publications featuring customer applications is here.
 A playlist called DynoChem: Train Yourself Anytime is available on YouTube to guide you in
learning how to do common tasks using the software.
 For China visitors, many of these videos are also available on WeChat.

Use the Search box to explore more content, or browse the tabs showing Utilities, Models, Knowledge
Base Articles, Training , Recordings and Publications:.

At the top of the Home page you will see some forthcoming webinar(s) for
which you can register with one click:

1.2 Review Customer success stories Allow 5-10 minutes

We recommend that you review published application examples from our


You will find hundreds of success stories written by people like you, click any item in the [Pub] list to
preview and download it:

1.3 Preview webinar recordings Allow 5-10 minutes

You can preview (and view) recorded webinars anytime, from any PC. These are
often presented by customers like you. You can also enjoy the MP4 versions on
any device, including tablets and phones.

1.4 Visit the Knowledge Base Allow 5-10 minutes

We recommend that you visit the Knowledge Base in DynoChem Resources

to review and download helpful content authored by our team, including
hints, tips and reference material for common applications.

2. Use DynoChem hands-on

Tip: To follow the steps from this point in the Quick Start Guide onwards, you will need to have the DynoChem
application program installed on your computer.

2.1 Take some DynoChem training at your own desk Allow 20 minutes per exercise

You can use DynoChem models together with data from your experiments to build
detailed dynamic models of your process, calculating and then optimizing the time-
dependent profiles of temperature, concentration (e.g. of product and impurity) and
other variables of interest.

Microsoft Excel is the authoring environment for models and the calculations are performed outside
Excel by DynoChem's Simulation, Fitting and Optimization modules. These tools can be used together in
a very powerful way to characterize process kinetics, physical properties and equipment characteristics,
reduce the number of experiments required and enable the prediction and optimization of process

To work with models, you will require a little training and

practise. Use the DynoChem Train Yourself Anytime
playlist on our YouTube channel or the Training tab to
locate an exercise that interests you.

Our hands-on, online Training content is

based around manufacturing stages
containing multiple operations and
reflects how to apply these tools to accelerate
development, optimization and scale-up. You can print the
PDF instructions and follow along using the software.

Tip: When working in Simulator, Fitting or Optimisation, press F1 for help anytime.

Tip: Download a two-page Quick Guide to the DynoChem user interface and a Quick Reference Guide to editing
DynoChem models in Excel format.

2.2 Complete your first two projects in just a few minutes Allow 5-10 minutes

DynoChem utilities are self-contained Excel workbooks, where calculations are

performed entirely through an Excel interface. You can complete a valuable project in
just 5 minutes, answering important questions such as:

 How can I obtain equivalent mixing between lab and plant?

 How will the impeller and baffle configuration in my vessel affect the results?

 What heat transfer can I expect for a given vessel, impeller configuration, process fluid, jacket
fluid and impeller speed?
 What impeller speed is needed to suspend the catalyst in my reaction mixture?
 What is the boiling point of an 80:20 mixture of my solvent and water?
 What final temperature and antisolvent amount with give a crystallization yield of 90%?

Think of any project that you are working on right now in your team or department. Download and
open the DynoChem liquid mixing utility (remembering to enable macros) and select a reactor type and
scale that corresponds roughly with your system. Enter information in the white cells to adjust the
operating conditions. Move to the next tab and examine the results in the blue cells. Notice that you
can easily compare two vessels side by side. Try it. When finished, save the file (.XLs) in an appropriate

Now think of solvents you are using in this or a related operation. Open the DIPPR utility and select the
solvents from the list to create a mixture. View the calculated properties in the table and chart. When
finished, save the file (.XLs) in an appropriate folder.

If you have any questions or comments while completing the above projects, send an email to
support@scale-up.com and attach the files.

Finally, the last page of this guide contains a table with direct links to some of the most commonly used
tools in our Library.

3. Next steps

If your organization is new to DynoChem, we suggest that you consider running a Pilot Program for an
initial group of users. This will allow you to understand the full potential and to select target
applications for early success. Please contact your DynoChem representative for more information.

Tip: To receive occasional e-mail notifications that keep you informed about news and upcoming events
such as web training and guest webinars, remember to join our mailing list.

You can also join our LinkedIn Users Group and/or follow DynoChem on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and

For general information about our company, Scale-up Systems, visit http://www.scale-up.com.

Thanks for taking the time to get acquainted with DynoChem.

Please let us know at support@scale-up.com how best we can help you with your projects.

Reaction and/or
Concentration/ solvent swap Crystallization Filtration & Drying
Estimate UA from geometry and operating conditions UA for dryer
Estimate liquid mixing
Liquid dispersion NJD Solids suspension NJS
Mixing rate
Solids suspension NJS Gas liquid kLa Estimate liquid mixing rate
Vapour-Liquid and Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium
Properties Temperature-dependent properties from AIChE DIPPR databank
Hydrogen solubility Substrate and Product Solubility
Heat and Time to heat or cool Quick scale-up from Qr Concentration operation Supersaturation - cooling Characterize filter
mass and/or antisolvent cake
Fed batch heat transfer Reflux reaction with Qr Solvent swap operation
models Qr and gas evolution
Homogeneous Fed batch
Chemistry Advanced / power user models
Solid-liquid Liquid-liquid
Gas-liquid Complex rate expression CSD - cooling Drying profiles

Click the links in this table to download directly some commonly used DynoChem tools for development and scale-up of the related unit operations.
To use these tools, you need DynoChem installed on your computer and you need to be a member of DynoChem Resources.

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