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 Productivity  Tools  (BBPT)  

Lesson  Idea  Name:    How  To’s      
Content  Area:    English  Language  Arts    
Grade  Level(s):    3rd    

Content  Standard  Addressed:        

ELAGSE3RI3: Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or
concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and

ELAGSE3W3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective
technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.

1. Establish a situation and introduce a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence
that unfolds naturally.
2. Use dialogue and descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings to develop experiences and
events or show the response of characters to situations.
3. Use temporal words and phrases to signal event order.
4. Provide a sense of closure.

Technology  Standard  Addressed:        
1-­‐ Empowered  Learner  
3-­‐ Knowledge  Constructor    
Selected  Technology  Tool:        
URL(s)  to  support  the  lesson  (if  applicable):     
Bloom’s  Taxonomy  Level(s):        

☐    Remembering            ☐    Understanding            ☐    Applying              ☐    Analyzing                ☐    Evaluating              ☐    Creating  

Levels  of  Technology  Integration  (LoTi  Level):    (Select  the  one  best  level)    

☐    Level  1:  Awareness                ☐    Level  2:  Exploration          ☐    Level  3:  Infusion            ☐    Level  4:  Integration  

☐    Level  5:  Expansion                  ☐    Level  6:  Refinement            

Universal  Design  for  Learning  (UDL):      
This  lesson  fosters  Universal  Design  for  Learning  because  it  offers  different  forms  of  representations  to  reach  
different  learners:  read  aloud,  hands  on  timeline  building,  and  graphic  organizer.  If  students  have  visual  
Spring  2018_SJB  
Beyond-­‐the-­‐Basic  Productivity  Tools  (BBPT)  
impairments  the  software  can  be  adjusted  to  create  larger  text.  Larger  keyboard  sizes  can  be  used  for  
students  that  struggle  with  fine  motor  skills  and  lastly,  students  who  struggle  with  handwriting  can  chose  to  
type  their  stories.    
Lesson  idea  implementation:        
In  this  lesson,  the  teacher  will  read  a  “how  to”  story  of  choice  aloud.  Each  student  should  have  his  or  her  own  
copy  as  well.  The  teacher  will  discuss  with  students  what  words  and  structures  are  helpful  in  following  along  
to  the  steps  in  the  story.  The  teacher  will  write  the  elements  the  students  came  up  with  on  the  board.  
Students  will  then  in  groups  work  together  to  create  a  timeline,  using  the  readwritethink  software  for  the  
how  to  story.  Students  will  then  have  time  to  present  their  timelines  with  the  class.  Finally  students  will  
create  a  timeline  for  their  own  how  to  story.  They  will  then  use  this  timeline  to  help  fill  in  more  details  on  
their  graphic  organizer  sheet.  Finally,  the  student  will  use  both  components  to  create  a  draft  for  their  how  to  
Reflective  Practice:  To  extend  this  lesson,  students  can  publish  their  how  to’s  to  an  online  sharing  database.  
They  can  then  request  for  their  audience  to  try  out  their  how  to’s.  Their  audience  can  then  provide  feedback  
for  improvement.    


Spring  2018_SJB  

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