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Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB) HUB Legal Department

Case against Robert Purssey

©2017 Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam Arya Chakravarti

“Dr” Robert Purssey promoting “mindfulness” and “ACT” (acceptance and commitment
therapy in 2017:

Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)4 hours ago

Yoda expresses it best?? The concepts of mindfulness and meditation have been taken by the
psychiatry profession from Buddhism, but they have no understanding of the philosophies of
the East or even the West (Descartes wrote a famous work of philosophy called
"Meditations"). "Self-compassion" (selfishness) is the opposite of compassion, and the
psychiatric labels that are used are unscientific and harmful since they are permanent and
stigmatising. The speaker also shows his prejudices against the New Age and 'Hippies" as
well as "people wearing kaftans" who speak of meditation and mindfulness, claiming the
mantle of scientific credibility for this nonsense. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) came
from a re-evaluation of Western psychology and psychiatry from the narrow-mindedness of
behaviorism, with the so-called "cognitive revolution" in the neurosciences (in the 1960s).
This was when thinking and feeling came to be recognised (again) as subjects amenable to
scientific study. Thinking and feeling should never have been "ruled out of psychology" as
was done by the American behaviorists under the leadership of BF Skinner. "ACT" stands for
"Acceptance and Commitment Therapy" which grew out of "Relational Frame Therapy"
(RFT), developed by a British GP who claimed to be influenced by Buddhism. What does
ACT and RFT mean to Rob Purssey? Does it mean you frame your relations and get them
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Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)3 hours ago

At 11:00 the "meditation" is hilarious. It is a feeble attempt at a relaxation hypnosis but the
speaker reveals his own scattered thought processes and complete failure to understand what
mindfulness and awareness of breath (prana) is about.

Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)1 hour ago

"Buddhify is not Buddhist, it's just a cool name?" I note that ACT is being promoted by
Steven Hayes as "the Middle Way". The Middle Path or Middle Way was the path to
enlightenment taught by the Indian sage Gautama Siddhartha (the Buddha or 'enlightened
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB) HUB Legal Department

one') 2500 years ago and consisted of the 8 precepts known as the Noble Eightfold Path. This
included right speech, right conduct, right vocation (not harming or ahimsa) right view, right
perception and right understanding. He taught that the path to enlightenment was kindness,
compassion (meththa), questioning doctrines and superstitions to rid oneself of the delusions
that all of us acquire from our parents, families and teachers and the importance of logic and
deep contemplation in silence (meditation). Buddhism isn't just a "cool name" to be exploited
by money-hungry shrinks.
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hub7640 minutes ago

Ironic that this nonsense is being marketed as "the Matrix", which Purssey says is more
catchy than "the Grid" (the original name for this simplistic model). The irony is in the hit
movie 'The Matrix' , where the heroes are trying to escape the oppressive, exploitative Matrix.
The rat race that people like Purssey take for granted as "life's inevitable stresses" is what the
heroes of the Matrix were trying to escape (theough martial arts and guns as Hollywood
would have it). Grabbing hold of catchy words like "mindfulness" and "meditation" and
chattering that they are good for you is as superficial as the speakers understanding of
Buddhism and Eastern philosophies that he is trying to brand as "Acceptance and
Commitment Therapy". In effect, this means acceptance that you are "ill" and in need of drug
treatment for incurable "mental illness" and commitment into mental wards where you are
further abused. The speaker's role, for many years, as a psychiatry registar that routinely
denied the freedoms and rights of public hospital prisoners makes a joke of his vacous chatter
about "mindfulness and meditation".
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hub7637 seconds ago

-You can't teach mindfulness if you are not mindful.

Particulars of Robert Purssey’s Crimes against Me

1. Robert Purssey was, at the time of the crimes, the de-facto husband of my older sister, Dr
Shireen Senewiratne.
2. Purssey moved to Melbourne from Brisbane, with my sister, around 1990 and was employed
by the public hospital system as a psychiatry registrar. He stated at this time that he had an
ambition to become a “forensic psychiatrist”, a supposed expert on the “criminal mind”.
3. I spent a lot of time with Purssey and Shireen when they first arrived in Melbourne and got
to know Purssey well. I tried to like him since he was my sister’s boyfriend, but found him
difficult to communicate with and comprehend.
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4. At the time Purssey was drinking heavily and also abusing “party drugs” (notably Ecstasy)
and cannabis, which he later went into rehabilitation for. He also contracted Hepatitis C at
this time.
5. In late 1994 Robert Purssey started spreading the rumour that I was mad, and suffering
from the serious psychotic disorder ‘mania’ when I was not; he did this after I criticised his
style of psychiatry.
6. In April 1995 Purssey referred me into the Victorian psychiatric services after hours making
false claims about me that resulted in my being locked up at the Royal Park Hospital in
7. Once I was locked up Robert Purssey ransacked my possessions, stealing my passport and
giving other possessions away to whom he wanted, including other members of my band,
my sister and my ex-wife.
8. While I was locked up Shireen Senewiratne (my sister) and Robert Purssey read my diaries
and provided them to the Royal Park Hospital psychiatrists as evidence that I was mentally ill.
9. They also took me to the Guardianship and Administration Board (of Victoria) and stripped
me of my legal and financial rights, which were given to the State Trustee (Peter Sier).
10. They then manipulated the State Trustee into closing my medical practice rather than selling
it, as had been my pan before I was locked up; the practice earned $120,000 per annum in
1992-1995 and 1993-1994 and I was the Director of both the Willow Lodge Medical Centre
and Romesh Senewiratne; these accounts and the Groove-On Records recording
company I had established in 1994 were closed.
11. My family home at 36 Dover Street, Richmond, was also sold by the authority of the State
Trustee, agreed to by my wife, but I was not allowed to be involved in the sale and received
none of the profits.
12. After 3 days in the Royal Park Hospital I left without asking (from the open ward) and drove
to Canberra to try and see the Health Minister Carmen Lawrence and Science Minister Barry
Jones, whose names had been suggested to me by the veteran psychologist Ronald Conway
with whom I had discussed my work on the pineal gland, midbrain, reticular activating
system, instincts and learning.
13. According to letters to psychiatrists at the Monash Medical Centre (MMC) released under
Freedom of Information (FOI) Purssey took “compassionate leave” to spent his time ringing
police and psychiatric hospitals to make sure I was locked up again; he also warned
Parliament House and the Australian Federal Police (AFB) that I could be a “threat” to the
health minister, resulting in my being arrested when I went to Parliament House and taken
to the Woden Valley Hospital to be assessed by an Indian psychiatrist by the name of Gupta.
14. Purssey had written that Dr Gupta only admitted me under pressure from the family; in my
presence he hung up the phone on my father, Dr Brian Senewiratne (who rang him from
Brisbane, Queensland) after he was offered $10,000 to send me by ambulance back to
Melbourne’s Royal Park Hospital, saying “we don’t do that sort of thing in Australia”.
15. I was then locked up for three days observation, but without medication, and was
discharged after Dr Gupta read two essays I had written while locked up – on Memory and
Learning and on the Causation of Schizophrenia.
16. According to his letters to MMC psychiatrists, Dr Gupta told Purssey that many people would
agree with my views and “repeatedly hung up the phone on family members” who were
trying to provide (what was false and misleading) “collateral history”.
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17. When I returned from Canberra I went to my family home in Dover Street, Richmond, which
was empty, since my wife and daughter had been taken to Spain by my mother, Kamalini
Senewiratne, while the other family members were engineering my character assassination,
incarceration and dispossession.
18. My neighbours had been told to contact Robert Purssey if I came to my house and they did
so; without calling me he rang the psychiatric services and I was returned by police and a
CAT (Crisis and Assessment Team) team member to the Royal Park Hospital where I was
drugged with oral haloperidol and locked up for two weeks until I escaped again, this time
from the locked ward, after I lost a Mental Health Review Board (MHRB) hearing, attended
by Sara Di Genova and where I was represented by the lawyer (now barrister) David Hancock,
who was a friend of the Figgs bass player Anthony Dymke and had done the contracts and
company documents for Groove-On Records (of which Dymke was a co-director with myself
and the saxophone player Adrian Deakin).
19. My father, Brian Senewiratne, had given me a gift of $10,000 towards the Groove-On project
in December 1994, $4,000 of which I used for professionally recording the Groove-On
Concert at the Prince Patrick Hotel in Collingwood on 7 February 1995 (giving the job to the
English sound engineer Harry Williamson of Spring Studios in Prahran, who had been
suggested by Adrian Deakin).
20. Later, Brian Senewiratne claimed, as “evidence” of my “mental illness” that I “went on a
spending spree with no insight into where the money was coming from”; this was a false
claim intended to “frame” me as mentally ill with a label of “mania” knowing that
“overspending” is a “classical sign” of mania and also implying that I had “lack of insight” (a
common psychiatric allegation against patients who refuse to agree that they are mentally
21. In February 1995 Brian Senewiratne, Robert Purssey and Shireen Senewiratne conspired to
have ”treatment” forced on me and to have me “sectioned” (certified as mentally ill and
locked up as a mental patient).
22. Brian Senewiratne rang his friend and colleague Dr Chelvarayan Barr-Kumarakulasinghe in
Melbourne and asked him to make a referral to the public hospital psychiatric system; Barr-
Kumarakulasinghe made a referral to the Junction Clinic at St Kilda, an outpatient clinic of
the Royal Park Hospital and later of the Alfred Hospital at Prahran (after the Royal Park
Hospital was closed).
23. Chelvarayan Barr-Kumarakulasinghe and Brian Senewiratne were highly placed in the LTTE
(Tamil Tiger) medical hierarchy; the LTTE was an international terrorist organization that was
fighting for separate state for Tamils in the north and east of Sri Lanka called “Tamil Eelam”.
24. My father, Brian Senewiratne was angry at my opposition to the LTTE, which he was acting
as a propagandist and lobbyist for.
25. Robert Purssey was angry at my criticism of the psychiatric system, under which he was
studying, and which employed him.
26. Both Shireen Senewiratne (my sister) and Robert Purssey, who were living together and
expecting their first child, made separate referrals to the Junction Clinic.
27. Brian Senewiratne then wrote letters to the psychiatry registrar, Noel Barrett and the
psychiatrist Rajan Thomas (who was an Indian Tamil and known to Barr-Kumarakulasinghe)
providing what he called “collateral history”; these letters, which I obtained through FOI in
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB) HUB Legal Department

1998, are highly defamatory and contain a litany of false and misleading claims about me
and my behaviour.
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Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB) HUB Legal Department
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB) HUB Legal Department

Nov 13 (3
Queensland Mental Health Review Tribunal <> days ago)


to me

Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam Arya

Chakravarti (Romesh Brian Senewiratne)


I have been placed on a series of illegal

ITOs by psychiatrists at the PA Hospital,
acting on the wishes of my father, Asoka
Brian Senewiratne, a long-time employee of
the hospital, and his agents.

Evidence of my sanity can be found on

my Facebook page:

Message: and the sites I have set up on YouTube

and Facebook:
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB) HUB Legal Department

A person with a mental illness obviously

cannot do such work and would not
have over 2000 FB friends including
numerous journalists, academics,
lawyers, doctors and other educated
professional people.

Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam
Arya Chakravarti
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

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