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The palace thief p185-205


Grievous. (was a far more grievous blow to me than to Charles Ellerby.)p. 185 definition: very severe
or serious

Tenure. (Further, the handful of senior boys who over their tenure had been pierced by the bee sting
of history)p. 185 definition: a period for which an office is held

Diligence. (which i tried through the diligence of walking)p.186 definition: careful and persistent work
or effort.

Insignia. (which was painted head to tail in EastAmerica’s green and gold insignia)p.187 definition: a
badge or distinguishing mark of military rank, office, or membership of an organization; an official

Romp (but for a privileged romp on a private island it had merely been a matter of making the
arrangements)p.188 definition: proceed without effort to achieve something.

Prophet. (yet he walked among the men like a prophet)p.189 definition: a person who advocates or
speaks in a visionary way about a new belief, cause, or theory

Revelry. ( i listened to their song and revelry)p.189 definition: lively and noisy festivities, especially
when these involve drinking a large amount of alcohol.

Serpentine. (was spent walking the island’s serpentine spread of coves and beaches)p.189 definition:
of or like a serpent or snake

Largesse. (gorging themselves on the largesse of their host)p.189 definition:

Boisterous.(drew a crowd of boisterous guests to the stands)p.190 definition:

Demeanor.(his answers were spoken with the composed demeanor of a scholar)p.192 definition:

Deft.(a voice in whose deft leaps from boom to whisper)p.195 definition:

1. Due to him maturing, he said “contained no trace of rancor, which is what every teacher
hopes to see in the maturation of his disagreeable students” so he view of Sedgewick at least
at the start and the end of his time at St.Benedicts was somewhat negative
2. In both the letter and phone call he comes off as genuine and that all he wants is to have
another shot at Mr. Julius Caesar
3. Hundert says “but more than anything else, he desired the chance to reclaim his intellectual
honor” so he believes that Sedgewick wants to win honestly to prove that he does not need a
cheat sheet to win. Hundert believes that Sedgewick wants to prove to him that he can win
without cheating
4. Because he is losing his job , so he is doing this for the money and a chance to see is old
5. Because his purpose in life, teaching is over and now he truly is beginning to feel old and
perhaps feeling a bit lonely because he no longer has his students or fellow staff members to
talk to or help in short he just feels like he was put on a shelf and forgotten
6. It gave him something to do, something to look forward to
7. He keeps himself busy by working on the Mr.Julius Caesar reunion, writing letters to his
brothers and sisters and to several of his former students, he goes to library and museums.
He needs something to do he is used to doing something everyday so he ties to fill the void
made by his recent retirement
8. “ i felt a headiness that i never known before” guessing though despite seeing privilege he
has not been a recipient of privilege
9. Despite how long it’s been he still sees some of the traits and quirks that they had children.
Their adults but Hundert still sees them as the boys whom once roamed the halls of
St.Benedicts and maybe Hundert may still see them as the kids they once were
10. He describes him as a man of importance and is getting everyone's attention. Perhaps
Hundert is impressed that the class troublemaker has become a important business man, a
captain of industry
11. I guess it bothered him ever since and maybe his life could have been different if he was in
the competition. Hundert is surprised that Martin still thinks about that “Oh, how little we
understand of men if we think that their childhood slights are forgotten”
12. I think means that someone's personality will determine how they act in situation and where
they may go in life
13. Because firstly he was not a hundred percent that it wasn’t a hearing aid and he also began
to care for Sedgewick again and he does not want to make feel stupid or embarrass him by
revealing that he was cheating so he asked him a question that he would not know allowing
him fail but also during the competition allowing him to reclaim is intellectual honor. Yes i
believe letting him lose this way was right because if he must fail let him fail with dignity.

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