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@ ‘Salk 2 TRNES. LRP FO Four supportive steps to help young children learn about their feelings, gain self-control, and reduce challenging behavior. This information packet provides a brief overview of the FLIP IT ® strategy and book. 4, FEELINGS: Gently talk with the child about his feelings. Tell him what you see and hear as a result of his emotions. Help him to identify the root feelings causing the behavior. with a sense of consistency, safety, and trust. 3+ INQUIRIES: Encourage the child to think about solutions to his challenges. Ask questions that promote problem-solving and healthy coping skills. Inquiries invite children to think, learn, and gain self- control. 2, LIMITS: Remind the child of the positive limits and expectations you have for his behavior. Loving and simple limits help surround children ¢ a PROMPTS: Provide creative cues, clues, and suggestions for the child who is having difficulty. Enthusiastic, bright ideas can lead the way to better problem-solving skills. Devereux Permsionto Reproduce FLIP IT Overview ; FLIP IT can be used for: + targeted interventions for a child displaying specific behavioral concerns. OR + every day minor challenges and conflicts with one child or with multiple children, ELIPITis: ers mode sin 4 Senge + Commonsense a FLIP IT is best practiced by using ie all 4 steps in fairly quick hee a succession (1-10 minutes start to + Easytoremember finish). Experienced FLIPIT + Basytoshare users may find that only 10r2 + Applicable in a variety of steps are needed to resolve the situations situation. + Foursimple steps Children who are frequently “FLIPPED” become emotionally aware problem-solvers who develop healthy coping skills that will asta lifetime. 4 ty, + FLIP ITis not the ONLY strategy one should use + Use FLIP IT in combination with other strategies + FLIP IT requires consistency, itis not magic + Forchildzen with more severe behavior issues seek support from a ‘mental health professional + FLIP IT considers the root causes for a child's behavior but does not ‘center on the functional behavioral assessment process. includ * Relationships are the foundation! + Bey strategy is only as good asthe relationship itis built ont 2. Empathy + Empat the aby to see and feel rom another person's yo uf view * The ability honor chld-size" problems, 3. An understanding of CK ( + children are challenging when they ae weighted down by something called ICK! * Tek refers to the negativity oF rik factors in an individual’ ie * When times are fall OFICK, we havea choice to stay calm and FLIP IT rather than FLIP OUT or FLIPIN externalizing bebavir o internalizing) Pormanonta Reproduce www.MoreFLIPIT.org {TiS foredveondavard winning bookby Rachel sen, SV, wth she Devereux Cente fr ‘Roslant Children, is designed to suppor all adults who interact with young cilden, This guide explains FLIP I'e four simple steps to transform challenging behavior in young children, Teachers ‘and parents can hep children learn Kaw, sbout thei feelings and gan self-control by using the mnemonic: P- Feelings, L~ Limits, 1- Inquiries, P- Prompts Learn to FLIP IT with the prectice pictures, reflection tM activities and real lif stories inside. For pricing and availabilty, vst the website of out publisher a sw kaplanen FLIP IT Online Course! ‘This course wil teach participants the four supportive steps of FLIP TT in an on-line Tearing format. This on-line learning course has a running time of 2g hours. Upon ‘completion ofthe cout, 0.5 CEUs ate offered (shouts), eetoting in time for the Interactive pieces, reflection, application of thes, and learning assessment. The cost of ‘the couse is $35, and ifCEU documentation is needed, they ean be obtained trough ‘Western Kentucky University fora cot of $25. The course ean be completed over time and ‘notin just one sitting. For more information oto take this eousse go to s-Day FLIP IT Training! ‘Tas live one day training, teaches partelpants the four upportive steps of FLIP TT that are designed to help young, children (ages 9-8) lear about ther feelings, gain solf-control and reduce challenging behavior. The four steps ae ‘emsbodied in the FLIP IT memonie which stands for F- Feelings, L~ Limits, - Inquires, P- Proms. This strategy is nothing nee, but transforms best practice into something that i asyto remember, applicable ina variety of challenging situations and portable This training designed for teachers and parents who are loking for best practices on reducing ‘hallenging behavior in young children. Earn.65 Continuing Education Units for Early Childhood Educators, ‘Toschedule this raining in our community, contact Debi Mahler, Professional Development Coordinator, at simableraevereun.rg or -B66-TRAIN US. is is : ‘Tas live two day tain-the-trainer session with the author offers time to experienc the Day FLIP TT'Training and become competent in teaching FLIP IT to others, Participants wil eave this tran-the-trainer session with the 1 day FLIPIT@ taining powerpoiat and binder with detaled trainer notes, a variety of resource to help support the use of FLIPIT inthe classroom and by families, the FLIP IT bool, and the coatidence to provide workshops and technic aseistance on the information. Earn 1.9 Continuing Education Units for Early Childhood Educators, To find out when where this training takes place, contact Debi Mabler, Professional Development Coordinator, at sAmublendeversumorg or -866-TRAIN US. Magnets NYSELIPITTrsining For FLIP IP traning in New York Stato contact the Franaiska Racker Canter {3286 Wilkins Road thaes, New York 14850 607-272-9801 info rackoseuters on Reminder Resources! PLIPIT reminder resources provid visual | a F ces that help FLIP IT sere practice the four steps of FLIP IT. The FLIP IT reminder bay & resouroes include: + Posters Practice Picture Books Pocket Cards Permission Reproduce

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