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Trance of Alcohol

In the deep dark ends of cities, among the broken window panes of shattered dreams. Resides
some inebriated alcoholics, who no longer are aware of the happenings around. Broken hearts,
shattered dreams, soaked in the hopelessness of future. Alcohol in long term effects increases
heart disease, high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation and even a stroke. Risks are, however,
elevated among younger age groups. Due to binge drinking, youngsters are getting involved in
violence and accidents. Risky situations involve drink and drive, unsafe sex, impulsive
decisions, lack of judgment. Alcohol use can affect most parts of the body, but it particularly it
affects the brain, heart, liver, pancreas and the immune system. This can result in mental
illness, Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome, an irregular heartbeat, cirrhosis of the liver and an
increase in the risk of cancer, among other diseases. Drinking during pregnancy is also
considered harmful for the fetus. High-stress levels, anxiety as well as inexpensive cost and
easy accessibility to alcohol increase the risk. Consequently, according to the World Health
Organization estimation as of 2010, there were 208 million people are involved in alcoholism
Alcoholism is characterized by an increased tolerance of body towards alcohol i.e when an
individual consumes more alcohol than usual and is physically becoming dependent on alcohol,
which makes it hard for an individual to gain control over their consumption. Alcoholism has
adverse effects on mental health, causing psychiatric disorders increasing the risk of suicide. A
depressed mood is a common symptom for heavy alcohol drinkers.
Alcoholics are at an increased risk of committing criminal offenses, including child abuse,
domestic violence, rape, burglary, and assault. Because of untimely drinking, they are always
on the verge of loss of employment, which can lead to financial problems. Even an alcoholic's
behavior and mental impairment while drunk can profoundly affect those around him and lead to
isolation from his family and friends. Further isolation can lead to marital conflict and divorce, or
contribute to domestic violence. Alcoholism has also been held responsible for child neglect,
with subsequent lasting damage to the emotional development of the alcoholic's children.
An optimistic approach towards life can be the best cure for alcoholism or rather prevention of
such a situation.
So before your organ fails, you meet a deadly accident, before a family loses a member to your
love for alcohol. Choose wisely. Your life is in your hands. And also help those who want to
come out of the trance. Your helping hand can be a ray of hope for someone in need.
We are making a Prayaas. You make yours as well.

Aditi Banerjee
(A Prayaas Corps Intern)

Prayaas Corps- is a Non-Profit Non-Governmental Organization working in the field of

Education Sector, Leprosy, Shelter, and Health Care.
With a certain motto to stir and inspire the youth’s mind in schools and colleges for National
consciousness and work for the cause of society, this independent student organization was
formed in 2013 on the day of 12th January. On the birthday of Swami Vivekananda, Prayaas-
India, as it was initially called, comprised of a few students from Amity University Jaipur,
Rajasthan. Under the leadership of Mr. Jaspal Godara, Mr. Manish Sharma and Mr. Aditya
Gopal, they took up the initiative of working for the elation of the people of the society in order to
create a better future and children who wish to serve our Motherland. Now, after four years and
five months since formation, a few membered Prayaas- India
transformed into Prayaas Corps, with volunteers not only active in Jaipur but in cities like
Jodhpur, Kota, New Delhi, Jabalpur, Silchar etc and has branches in Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan,
New Delhi etc. With more than 500 on the field and social media volunteers from all over the
nation, connected through, Facebook and Instagram pages, the
organization has extended its reach to major cities In India in a couple of years. The intense
problems prevailing in society, illiteracy, women empowerment, environmental issues, social
upliftment, every single aspect has been considered and new ways have been constructed each
time to fight the evils. Awareness programmes, education missions, medical camps etc have
contributed to eradicate mass suffering and create a healthy and sound society.
Many more years are yet to come. Many more people are yet to be saved. Prayaas Corps has
yet to grow and it shall. With numbers of dedicated volunteers increasing, it sure is meant to
create a huge difference in society.

Our Work and Initiatives

● Shiksha Mission- Shiksha Mission is one of the most drastic and superlative initiatives of
Prayaas Corps. Realizing the hollowness of the Indian education system, volunteers took a
major step in educating children in nearby government schools which lacks to provide children a
fundamental education. Children are taught after school, not only the syllabi but co-curricular
activities too. Shiksha Mission received an overwhelming response from villagers who were
reluctant to give their children a proper education as well as from children who were interested
to learn and adopt new skills and learnings.

● Leprosy Event-
There exists a misconception among people of our country regarding Leprosy. Discarding such
baseless concepts and to give those people hope of life, volunteers celebrate World Leprosy
Day and Republic Day every year with Leprosy contracted people of Indra Kushta Ashram.
Apart from providing them food and delicacies, educational and entertainment events also
organized to show them that they are too, a part of this society and country. They are
encouraged to study, to learn and never lose hope so that someday they might become dutiful
● Raahat- A gift of warmth-
Northern India is one of such part of our country which, each year, witnesses extreme winters.
Well to do thrive, the poor and the needy suffer. It is through Raahat the volunteers carry out a
large-scale blanket and warm cloth distribution to the needy and poor to help them sustain the
extreme cold. The event is conducted in two parts. In the first part, people in Old Age Homes
are being donated blankets and in the next phase, needy people on streets are being provided
with clothes and blankets. Through years, the growth has been substantial.
● Environmental Issues-
Volunteers of Prayaas Corps have taken steps for environmental protection as well. Organising
plantation drives, providing food and water in hanging pitchers for the birds in summer and
cleanliness drives under Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan have been the major events which reflect the
organization’s sustainable perspective towards our environment.
These events received huge accolades as support increased.
● Health Care-
With growing support and volunteers, Prayaas Corps in association with many hospitals have
organized medical camps and blood donation events. This helped in several ways.
Blood donation cards helped volunteers to donate blood to the one in need whenever
necessary. It too gave an opportunity for many people to save as many lives by donating their
blood. Health camps are too being organized in villages with poor medical facilities. Doctors
treat villagers free of cost providing quality medicines and treatment.

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