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PARLANCE: language, idiom

LIASON: illicit connection btw a man andwoman , commn to carry on relation

RAMIFICATION: branching of ,subdivision

SEMBLANCE: outward appearance

IMPASSE: predicament from which there is no escape



INVOKE: call upon ,ask for

IRRADIATE: to throw light upon

EFFUSIVE: pouring forth, gushing

IGNOMINIOUS :despicable

CAJOLE: deceive by flattery ,coax ,wheedle

SACROSANCT: most sacred ,inviolable

ONUS : burden ,responsibility

COMPLIANCE: yielding







FIDELITY : disloyalty(opp)

SURVEILLANCE: watching , guarding(meaning)

SLUMP : sudden fall in price of a commodity(meaning)

RAPTURE: extreme delight ,ecstasy(meaning)


SAGACITY :quickness of discernment(meaning)

a. exactness a. make a cavity a. clay
b. potential b. displease b. obstacle
c. shrewdness c. humiliate c. dwelling
d. bluntness d. relapse d. bind
e. None of these e. murder e. to beguile


a. behavior a. advice a. latent
b. hold down b. proverb b. hysterical
c. hold up c. enlargement c. conventional
d. relieve d. advantage d. symmetrical
e. condemn e. usage e. conscientious


a. prudence a. to dissipate a. terminate
b. consistency b. to dissent b. isolate
c. precipice c. to distort c. liberate
d. disturbance d. to disfigure d. simplify
e. distemper e. to dissect e. frustrate


a. arrange a. unromantic a. inequality
b. command b. free b. impartiality
c. contribute c. popular c. unfairness
d. establish d. steady d. twist
e. control e. unknown e. None of these


a. ornate a. to embrace a. to harass
b. thriving b. to devote b. to repulse
c. artistic c. to deserve c. to console
d. elegant d. to combine d. to appropriate
e. None of these e. to display e. to congregate


a. liking a. lively a. historic
b. insightful b. concealed b. devout
c. attractive c. engrossed c. multiple
d. penetrable d. prototype d. fortunate
e. compunction e. None of these e. authoritative


a. stimulate a. to pile a. reminiscence
b. humorous b. to forbid b. category
c. inculate c. to proceed c. fallacy
d. dampen d. to share d. unanimity
e. None of these e. to stoop e. stupor


a. reflex a. coax a. cabbage
b. amplitude b. motivate b. camel
c. inflection c. profound c. lance
d. provocation d. mollify d. freight
e. escutcheon e. evade e. flax


a. scope a. penury a. oration
b. segment b. immunize b. gesture
c. globule c. fertilize c. emulation
d. legislature d. reproduce d. applause
e. lamentation e. incisions e. nourish

Directions for questions 1-15:Find the synonyms of the following words

1. Depreciation
Ans. Deflation, Depression, Devaluation, fall, slump in value
2. Deprecate
Ans. Feel and express disapproval of
3. Incentive
Ans. Thing one encourages a person to do something
4. Echelon
Ans. Level of authority or responsibility
5. Innovation
Ans.To make changes or introduce new things
6. Intermittant
Ans. Externally stopping and then starting
7. Detrimental
8. Aberration
Ans. Deviation
9. Conciliation
Ans.To make less angry or more friendly
10. Orthodox
Ans.Conventional or superstitious
11. Fallible
Ans.Liable to err
12. Volatile
Ans.Ever changing
13. Manifestion
Ans.Clear or obvious
14. Connotation
Ans. Suggest in addition to the fundamental meaning
15. Reciprocal
Ans. Reverse, Opposite
1. MERRY C brace * D to incite
A vast D bread E to radiate
* B gay E braid 15. TO EMANCIPATE
C worthy 9. TRANQUIL * A to liberate
D damp A transparent B to extenuate
2. TO HEAP B beset C to placate
* 2. A to pild C precise D to expostulate
B to forbid * D serene E to exhilarate
C to proceed E servile
D to steep 10. TO RENOUNCE 16. TO HOVER
3. CARGO A to rend * A to linger
A cabbage * B to reject B to entice
B camel C to ransom C to hug
C lamb D to soothe D to babble
* D freight E to beguile E to gird
E flax 11. TO BAFFLE 17. BELIEF
4. MISERY A to garnish A vow
A rage B to blanch B zeal
B destruction C to rant C honour
* C disputes D to repel * D conviction
5. VOLUME * E to frustrate E mirth
A vice 12. MEAGRE 18. TO STIFLE
* B quantity A ardent A to embark
C vigour B blithe B to purity
6. TO HAMPER * C scant C to bide
A to evaporate D massive D to grope
* B to obstruct E copious * E to smother
C to laquil 13. OBSTINATE 19. DISCRETION
7. TO MERIT A metancholy * A prudence
A to embrase B sullen B consistency
B to devote * C stubborn C pteciplce
* C to deserve D revarent D disturbance
D to combine E obscure E distempel
E to display 14. TO INSTIGATE 20. TO ALIENATE
8. BRIM A to secede A to assuagn
* A border B to retard * B to estrange
B fluid C to debar c to retrieve
D to quaver * A scope D provocation
E to transcend B segment E escylcheon
21. TO SOLICIT C globule 35. TOLERANT
A to purge D legislature A tortuous
B to spurn E lamentation B rampant
C to entrance 29. INERT C irrational
D to exert A antique * D indulgent
* E to besooch * B passive E seduntary
22. POTENTIAL C abstract 36. LETHARGY
* A latent D fragile A remniscience
B hystercal E sordid B category
C conventional 30. TO COVET C fallacy
D symmetrical * A to crave D unanimity
E conscientious B to claim * E stupor
23. TO VEER C to avenge 37. TO ADMONISH
A to elicit D to clutch A to conspire
B to flounce E to comply B to usurp
C to dislodge 31. TO EFFACE C to allege
D to culminate A to gnash D to rabble
* E to diverge * B to obliterate * E to caution
24. TO SUBSIDE C to exasperate 38. MOMENTARY
A to neogotitate D to immerse A financial
B to reitrate E to compile B prevalent
C to blunder * C transient
* D to wane 32. TO CONCUR D expedient
E to surmise * A to acquiesce E incessant
25. TO CONFISCATE B to extricate 39. PRETENTIOUS
A to console C to divulge A predatory
* B to appropriate D to concoct * B ostentatious
C to congregate E to ransack C pernicious
26. CAPRICE 33. FURTIVE D pimanthrope
A chattel A ecstatic E cratorical
B impetus B heinous 40. TO DISPEL
* C whim * C stealthy * A to dissipate
D adage D filmsy B to dissent
E capability E facile C to distert
27. ADHESIVE 34. INCENTIVE D to disfigure
A destrods A reflex E to dissect
* B tenacious * B amplitude
28. LATITUDE C inflection

1. WHIMSICAL capricious , fantastic.

2. CENSURE. Criticize.
3. OPTIMUM. Most favourable condi, ,best sol.
4. MISAPPREHENSION. misunderstanding
5. CANDID. frank ,open
6. TORSE. Trunk of human body, statue.
7. CITE. quote commend.
8. EFFUSIVE. demonstrating,emit or flow suddenly
9. IRRADIATE .subject 2 rdiation,shine,lightup.
10. TENACIOUS. persistent,firm hold.
11. VOLUBLE .speaking,spoken fluently.
12. BANAL. Common place,trite,hackneyed.
13. RUPTURE.breaking,breach(breaking of)
14. STANDING.esteem ,repute.
15. NASCENT.begining 2 b,not matured.
16. TRANSIENT.passing,short duration
17. CLUTCH. Grasp, seize eagerly.
18. GENERIC.general
19. EMPIRICAL.based on experience,observation
20. ANOMALY. irregularity.
21. CIRCUITOUS. Indirect.
22. HAMPER. large basket, prevent movement,hinder.
23. SURVEILLANCE. close observation
24. OBJECTIVE. Actually aiming, something sought
25. RAUCOUS.harsh-sounding,loud,hoarse
26. VORACIOUS.very eager,gluttonous,ravenous(hungry)
27. PEDIGREE.pure bred animal.distingushed one.
28. FIDELITY.faithful,loyal
29. AUGMENT.increase,add
30. PRECARIOUS. Uncertain.,insecure,depend
31. TRANSIENT.short duration,passng
32. ALACRITY. Briskness, cheerfulness.
33. DEROGATORY.insulting disparaging
34. ONUS.duty,respon
35. ANALOGUE. analogous things.
36. EXPEDIENT.advantageous,advisable.
37. ANALOGOUS.similar or parallel
38. ASSUAGE.calm soothe,appease
39. COMPLIANCE.obedient 2 a req,capacity 2 yield.
40. IRRADIATE.subject 2 radiation.,shine up
41. DIFFIDENT.shylacking self confidence.
42. PLAINTIVE.expressing sorrow,mournful.
44. MISDEMEANOR.misdeed(evil deed)
45. from balme
46. GREGARIOUS.fond of cmpy,living in communities and flocks
48. BENIGN. gentle ,mild kindly.
49. ATTENUATE. Make thin,reduce
50. SONOROUS. full,deep sound,
51. BOLSTER. Encourage,supp,cylind pillow. prop up
52. DIVERGENT. Dispersed, differ. Depart.
53. DECOLLATE dress of women
54. HETERODOX not orthodox
55. RESTIVENESS restlessness
56. IGNOMINIOUS. Shameful ,humiliating
58. EFFIGY. model of a person , sculpture.
59. TENACIOUS. persistent
60. RETROGADE. Directed backwards, reverting , declining
61. SACROSANCT. sacred, inviolable.
62. DANGLE. loosely suspended, hold.
63. ANOMALY. irregularity
64. CRYPTIC. Secret, mysterious
65. DEBILITATE. Enervate.
66. DIVULGE. Reveal, disclose
67. SCEPTIC. Person inclined 2 dbt, philosopher who questions
68. SPENDTHRIFT. Extravagant person.(excess spending).
69. INDIGENOUS. Native ,belonging naturally 2 a place.
70. ERRONIUS. incorrect
71. RUPTURE. Breaking, breach
72. MINION. Servile(like a slave )subordinate.
73. VERACITY. Truthful by nature.
16] Agrarian = related to agriculture
17] Vacillate = undecided or dilemma
18] Experdent = fitting proper , desirable
19] Simulate = produce artificially resembling an existing one
20] Access = to approach
21] Compensation= salary
22] Truncate = shorten by cutting
23] Adherance = stick
24] Heterogenous = non-similar things
25] Surplus = excessive
26] Assess = determine the amount or value
27] Cognezance = knowledge
28] Retrospective = review
29] Naive = innocent , rustic
30] Equivocate = tallying on both sides
31] Postulate = frame a theory
32] Latent = dormant,secret
33] Fluctuate = wavering
34] Eliminate = to reduce
35] Affinity = strong liking
36] Expidite = hasten
37] Console = to show sympathy
38] Adversary = opposition
39] Affable = lovable,approchable
40] Decomposable = rotten
41] Agregious = apart from crowd,especially bad
42] Conglomeration = group
43] Aberration = deviation
44] Erudite = wise, profound
45] Augury = prediction
46] Credibility = ability to common belief,quality of being credible
47] Coincident = incidentally
48] Constituent = accompanying
49] Differential = having or showing or making use of
50] Distention = act out,strtching out ,swelling out
51] Litigation = engaging in a law suite
52] Moratorium = legally or officially determined period of delay before
the fulfilment of the agrement or payment of debts
53] Negotiate = discuss or bargain
54] Preparation = act of preparing
55] Preponderant = superiority of power or quality
56] Relevance = quality of being relevant
57] Apparatus = appliance
58] Ignorance = blindness or inexperiance
59] Obsession = complex enthusiasm
60] Precipitate = Quicken.

1.paralance: * glance, discussion,equality, terminology.

2.cajole: *symp[athise,disagree,coax,insist * pot ential,possible,link,desirable.
4.obliterate: * eradicate,inappropriate,illiterare,elaborate.
5.exasperate: *tire,narrate,provoke,depress.
6.ramification: * collision,confusion,correction,consequence.
7.altercation: *substitute,option,controversy,change,
8.impase: *route,deadlock,unlikely,insignificant.
9.recapitulate: *summerise,remind,captivate,jumble
10.semblance: * mixture,association,quietness,appearance.
11.exonerate: testify,engender,accuse,inundate
12.sagacity: foolishness,secure,broad,illegal
13.commensurate: start,disproportionate,end,economic
14.nonchalant: anxious,courtious,honest,irrelevant
15.cryptic: hidden,essential,explicit,smooth,
16:rupture: break,continue,enthusiasm,happiness.
17.revocable: alterable,awakened,final,called upon.
18.slump: calm,safe,prosperous,waste,
19.translucent: clear,opaque,movement,efficient
20.dangle : sound,ornament,small,secure.

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