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Los Angeles Unified School District

Manual Arts High School

SMART Academy Advisory Board Meeting
Monday 11/13/17 @ 8:00 am in Room 237

SMART Norms:
• Be on time
• Be prepared
• Do not monopolize the conversation or Listen with an intent to understand
• Be respectful
• Assume good intentions

Desired Meeting Outcomes:

 Review and agree to norms for SMART Collaboration

 Collaborate and create a plan to have guest speaker once a semester per grade level
 Collaborate and connect various industry sector to formulate and implement Internships second semester
 Collaborate, review SMART SLC process for Certification next academic year.
 Finalize list of judges for PBL projects & Judges to critique the projects before presentation.

Time Item
8:00-8:10 AM Breakfast and Networking
8:10- 8:15 AM Principal’s Welcome
SMART Review
a. PBL
b. Internships
8:15-8:45 AM
c. Guest Speaker
d. Field trips
e. Certification process
8:45-8:55AM Next steps

8:55AM Questions & Concerns

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