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Feature: Evidence-Based Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux in Neonates

Evidence-Based Treatment of
Gastroesophageal Reflux in Neonates
By Susan Pfister, RN, CNNP, MA

remature infants are at risk for many
health problems including gastro-
esophageal reflux (GER), which is
very distressing to parents and caregivers.
Infants with GER experience symptoms
such as regurgitation, crying, irritability
and arching within 30 minutes of feeding.
The purpose of this article is to examine
GER in neonates and review research
evidence to support effective interven-
tions. Common interventions such as
elevating the head of the bed, holding the
infant upright, using prone or left-lateral
positioning, thickening feedings and use of
medications will all be discussed. In addi-
tion, research evidence about the supposed
relationship of GER to apnea in preterm
infants will be presented.

“Show Me the Evidence”

It is estimated that only 85% of healthcare
practice has been scientifically validated.1
Ideas become habits, and these habits be-
come established practice, without any
research to support them. Several neonatal
nursing texts recommend interventions for
neonatal GER such as elevating the head
of the bed, holding the infant upright af-
ter feeds,3 and prone positioning with the
head of the bed elevated, without sufficient
supporting evidence.1-4 For example, many
caregivers in neonatal intensive care units
Learning Objectives (NICUs) position infants with the head
of the bed elevated, an anecdotal remedy,
upon the recommendations of outdated
reference books that offer conflicting ad-
vice, or they place the infant in a prone
position despite the recommendation of the
American Academy of Pediatrics against the
practice after 37 weeks.5

Nurse Currents November 2012 | 13

Feature: Evidence-Based Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux in Neonates

Of the various methods to evaluate to Nursing and Allied Health Literature respirations for more than 20 seconds, is
research, the most accepted is to clas- (CINHAL), the Cochrane library, Medline, common in preterm infants and may be
sify a study by how it was performed (study PubMed and Google Scholar. As the articles either primary (apnea of prematurity) or sec-
method), the number of subjects studied, were read, cited articles were noted and re- ondary, due to other causes such as position,
and whether the results can be reproduced trieved. Keywords were: gastric esophageal temperature, sepsis etc. Most apneic episodes
by others. Many professionals believe this reflux, gastric-esophageal reflex, head of bed are central (inspiratory efforts are absent) or
model does not allow for the incorporation elevation, positioning, neonate, infant and mixed (airway obstruction with central ap-
of clinical expertise. However, history has baby. Eight articles, including one Cochrane nea) and do occur frequently in premature
shown that numerous examples of health- review, were chosen to review and critique infants. The younger the gestational age, the
care interventions that seem to work and for this analysis. greater the frequency of apneic episodes.15
benefit individuals, are actually found to However, both an RCT and a pH-probe
have no benefit and/or to be harmful in Definitions and Incidence study of 102 infants could establish no rela-
randomized controlled trials (RCTs).6 Some After ingestion, food passes through the tionship between GER and apnea.16,17 In the
examples of non-evidence-based practice esophagus into the stomach via the lower RCT, researchers concluded that GER does
in neonatal care are unrestricted oxygen esophageal sphincter, which opens and al- not cause, prolong or exacerbate apnea.16
use, resulting in retinopathy; restriction of lows the food to enter the stomach. The Apnea of prematurity usually resolves as the
oxygen use, resulting in CNS damage or sphincter then closes to prevent reflux of infant reaches 40 weeks corrected gestational
death; postnatal steroids and resuscitation food and stomach acid back into the esopha- age, whereas GER symptoms often are seen
with 100% oxygen.7 In contrast, surfactant gus.9 Factors predisposing infants to GER in infants up to age 10 to 12 months.12
therapy in preterms is an example of a well- include gastric emptying time,9a all feeding Caregivers who understand the physiology,
studied, evidence-based intervention.7 as liquid, and positioning after feeding. In pathophysiology and timing of each condi-
While the majority of daily nursing deci- late preterm infants the mean time to half tion can avoid causal conclusions when data
sions do not emerge from RCTs, best practice emptying of the stomach varied from 34.9 do not support a relationship.
encourages professionals to thoughtfully ex- to 75.3 minutes depending on position- Knowledgeable caregivers are also able to
amine the literature in order to validate new ing.10 Enterally-fed infants take up to 180 provide interventions for each condition,
practices and re-evaluate established ones.8 milliliters per kilogram per day, a volume independent of the other.
Some authors have taken the different clas- comparable to an adult ingestion of about
sifications of research and created a pyramid 14 liters of fluid per day.11 Additionally, as Interventions for GER
that puts more reliable evidence near the top soon as the infant completes the feeding he When an infant has symptoms of GER, care-
and more opinionated evidence near the bot- or she is often laid down to sleep. Some 67% givers and parents will attempt a number of
tom. The pyramid model takes evidence and of normal 4-month-old infants regurgitate at approaches to alleviate the infant’s distress.
weighs it based upon established criteria:8 least one time per day.12 Following are commonly used interventions
A. Level I: systematic reviews from RCTs, GER is a developmental condition of and the research evidence for each.
or clinical guidelines based on system- young infants and older adults. In neonates
atic reviews of RCTs. the reflux of stomach contents into the Elevating the Head of the Bed
B. Level II: evidence from a single, well- mouth (spit up) is quite common and usually Because of anecdotal practice and unit his-
designed RCT. not accompanied by any evidence of distress. tory, head-of-the-bed elevation is the first
C. Level III: evidence from a well-designed GER of this degree typically decreases with treatment used for many infants with symp-
study without randomization. age and is uncommon by about 10 months toms of GER. This treatment is suggested in
D. Level IV: evidence from case-controlled of age. If reflux into the esophagus or mouth many nursing texts and articles but has not
and cohort studies. is accompanied by distress, the infant may be been validated. Some texts cite a 2002 review
E. Level V: evidence from the opinion of said to have gastroesophageal reflux disease of the literature that discusses the problem of
an established authority or committee. (GERD). Symptoms of GERD include: GER in neonates; however, the author of the
regurgitation, irritability, excessive crying, review notes that the information and rec-
Using this type of classification helps deter- disturbed sleep, impaired feeding tolerance, ommendations for neonates are an extrapola-
mine the reliability and validity of a study, poor weight gain and respiratory complica- tion of research performed on older infants.2
and allows one to apply the information to tions. GERD that is more than minimally This article cites factors that may contribute
clinical practice. symptomatic may require more extensive to GER: (1) increased intra-abdominal pres-
An extensive literature search for stud- diagnosis and treatment.14 sure; (2) excessive crying; (3) delayed gastric
ies that discussed GER and positioning There is a widespread belief that GER emptying and (4) sluggish esophageal motil-
was undertaken and reviewed. The data- either causes or exacerbates apneic episodes ity. The researcher also notes that supine,
bases searched were the Cumulative Index in preterm infants. Apnea, a cessation of right lateral and elevated positioning in a

14 | November 2012 Nurse Currents

car seat exacerbate the symptoms of GER. the head-elevated position than in the prone position. There was no significant difference
Although prone positioning with 30 degree position.”21 The study concluded that posi- between horizontal and head-of-bed eleva-
elevation, and left lateral positioning lessen tioning infants in head-elevated positions tion. Therefore, these researchers concluded
the symptoms of GER, the author points was not worth the effort. Although the first that “in this study no benefit for head eleva-
out that the prone position is associated with study in 1983 showed head-of-bed elevation tion was noted.”22
SIDS and is therefore not recommended.2 of 30 degrees was superior to car seat sitting In 1999 another investigation using the
The articles referenced in the review are the at 60 degrees, the 1990 study showed that reflux index reproduced the same results in
same as those used for this critique and do head-of-bed elevation of 30 degrees was, in a sample of 18 infants in a NICU.18 Left
not list any studies that support head of the fact, not superior to the prone position for lateral, right lateral and prone positions were
bed elevation.2 the relief of GER symptoms.19,21 investigated with 24 hour pH probes. The
Two articles in 1983 evaluated positioning Elevation of the head of the bed came from number and severity of reflux episodes for
for the relief of GER in infants.19,20 Placing the supposition that infants lying flat may infants in the right lateral position exceeded
an infant upright in a car seat at a 60 degree be more susceptible to GER symptoms.20 those of the infants in the left lateral and
angle had been used to treat GER — with- Caregivers have elevated the head of the bed prone positions. Because the least frequent
out evidence to support the practice. When with wedges and created cloth slings to hold and least severe symptoms occurred in in-
studied, using a car seat did not decrease, the infant in place once the head is elevated. fants placed in the prone or left lateral posi-
but rather increased, GER symptoms be- Some crib companies now manufacture and tion, the study concluded that the left lateral
cause the lower esophageal sphincter is more sell cribs that allow the head of the bed to position be adapted as a position for infants
likely to be submerged in the 60 degree be elevated. Advice and recommendations with symptoms of GER.18
head-elevated position.20 In two prospective for parents are readily available on multiple In 2009, a Cochrane Review analyzed five
controlled comparisons, one of 9, the other internet sites. Some of these interventions different studies regarding head-of-bed eleva-
of 15 infants with GER symptoms, each seem benign, but may increase the length of tion.12 A 1999 study by Bagucka found that
infant had a pH probe and continuous pH hospital stay and be costly to parents. Par- the head-elevated position was not helpful in
monitoring for 24 hours while positioned ents may be encouraged to buy a special crib, decreasing GER.23 Other research covered in
in either a car seat or prone, with head of wedges and/or slings for an existing crib at the Cochrane Review includes the previously
the bed elevated. The studies monitored the home. Worse, the interventions can lead to listed articles by Tobin and Orenstein.19-22
percentage of time with esophageal pH be- unsafe sleeping conditions for the infant. For The Cochrane Review authors classified the
low 4, number of episodes when pH was less example, the use of pillows or blankets con- quality of the analyzed studies as good. Each
than 4, the number of low pH episodes last- tributes to an increased risk of suffocation. study used pH probe monitoring for 24 hours
ing longer than 5 minutes and the duration Elevation of the head of a normal crib may
of the longest episode. Both studies showed make the infant vulnerable to a fall.
that infants in car seats had longer exposure Table 1: Reflux Index
to GER, for a longer period of time, and Left Lateral Position Related to
had more episodes.19,20 These studies did not In 1997, 24 infants with symptoms of GER
look at either of the positions compared to were randomly assigned to one of four po-
Infant Position
any other sleeping position sitioning groups: prone, supine, right lat-
In 1990, another study by the same re- eral or left lateral. In addition, there was a Infant Position Reflux Index*
searchers compared the efficacy of 30 degree comparison of infants placed horizontally to Supine 15.3
head-of-the-bed elevation to prone position- those positioned with the head of the bed el-
ing in 100 infants younger than six months evated 20 degrees.22 After 24 hours, infants Right Lateral 12.0
of age, 90 of whom had suspected GER. were randomly assigned to another group.
Using pH probes, the researchers monitored All infants had a pH probe to monitor acid Left Lateral 7.7
esophageal pH continuously for 24 hours. levels in the esophagus. Reflux index (i.e.,
Recordings were assessed for number of min- percent of time with a pH less than 4), Prone 6.7
utes with a pH less than 4, mean duration of number of episodes with a pH less than 4
each episode, number of episodes with pH during 24 hours, number of episodes lasting Horizontal 10.7
less than 4, and number of episodes of less more than 5 minutes, and the duration of
than 5 minutes duration.21 Each infant was the longest episode were monitored. Table Elevated Head of Bed 10.1
randomly placed in one position and then, 1 shows the reflux index in various study
half way through the study, changed to the positions. There was a significant difference *Normal average index is 10 for infants
other position. The results revealed “no mea- between right lateral position and supine <12 months of age
sure of reflux that was significantly better in position compared to left lateral and prone

Nurse Currents November 2012 | 15

Feature: Evidence-Based Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux in Neonates

as a determination of severity of symptoms. analyzed positioning greater than 30 degrees decreasing non-acid GER, as well as acid GER.
Some research compared infants with head-of- (i.e., in car seat or using positioning aids) The infants were monitored by pH probes for
bed elevated to those positioned in an elevated found that prone and left lateral positioning 24 hours to assess the number and length of
car seat, some compared infants placed prone were superior to elevation. Due to the risk of GER occurrences.24 Liquid versus air reflux
to those placed supine; some compared left sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), the was differentiated in the study using modern
lateral to right lateral positioning.19,20 Of the prone position is not recommended by the impedance equipment. Each patient was ran-
five different investigations reviewed, none study authors or the review authors. It should domly positioned in right lateral, left lateral,
found any significant decrease in GER symp- be noted that the studies evaluated in the prone and supine positions. Findings were
toms for infants with head-of-bed elevation. Cochrane Review were of small sample size similar to previous studies showing the least
Elevated pH in the esophagus was the same and, due to the nature of the research, blind GER occurrences in prone position, the next
for infants positioned flat as with the head of randomization was not achieved. fewest in the left lateral position, then right
bed elevated.19-23 ªProne and left lateral posi- In 2007, a randomized controlled trial of 22 lateral, with the most occurrences in the su-
tioning was significantly superior to supine or preterm infants with GER symptoms assessed pine position. Results were the same for liquid
right lateral positioning. In fact, research that whether left side lying position was effective in reflux and air reflux. The authors concluded

Post-Test: Evidence-Based Treatment of

Gastroesophageal Reflux in Neonates
Complete the quiz on line at at no charge. Please note online questions or answers are randomized and may not appear in the
sequence below. Do not assume that the “letter” preceding the correct response will be identical to the online version.

1. T
 he opinion of an established authority/ 5. Factors that predispose neonates to GER 9. Anti-reflux medications have been
expert committee carries more weight do not include: thoroughly studied in neonates, are safe
when evaluating evidence than a systematic a. relaxed lower esophageal sphincter and recommended to treat GER.
review of randomized-controlled studies. b. liquid feedings a. True
a. True c. gastric emptying time b. False
b. False d. being held upright by mother for 30
minutes after feeding 10. Research shows that GER causes, pro-
2. The gold standard of research evidence longs the duration of, and exacerbates
is the randomized controlled trial 6. The mean gastric emptying time for a apnea in preterm infants.
and/or meta-analysis of randomized neonates is: a. True
controlled trials. a. less than 30 minutes b. False
a. True b. 30 to 90 minutes
b. False c. 3 hours 11. Apnea of prematurity is a complication
of GER.
3. “We’ve always done it this way and 7. 
GER and GERD are the same syndrome. a. True
we’ve never had any problems” justifies a. True b. False
using anecdotal clinical interventions. b. False
a. True 12. According to the research reviewed in
b. False 8. Thickening feedings decreases GER and this article, the position that decreases
has no adverse effects. the frequency, duration and severity of
4. GER is a common condition in a. True GER symptoms is:
neonates and young infants. b. False a. supine with head of bed elevated
a. True b. right lateral position
b. False c. left lateral position
d. none of the above

Credit: 1 Abbott Nutrition Health Institute is an approved provider of continuing nursing education
contact by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #CEP 11213.
16 | November 2012 Nurse Currents
that there was no statistical difference between until they are 37 weeks corrected gestational Conclusion
prone and left lateral positions because only 1.9 age, after which the prone position should be An evaluation of the literature has shown that
episodes occurred in left lateral position and avoided. Elevating the head of the bed, thick- some of the most often applied positional
1.1 episodes in prone position. The authors ening feedings, and use of medications have interventions: head of bed elevation, slings
also stated that the “findings do not provide not been shown to be effective in decreasing and wedges, do not have evidence-based
any information on clinical improvement” but the duration or severity of GER symptoms. origins and do not stand up to physiological
rather a “simple way to limit GER.”24 When an infant presents with symptoms of testing. Preconceived ideas withhold the re-
Therefore, this review of the literature GER, “a stepwise approach, based mainly on lief that could be available by recommended
shows that head-of-bed elevation is not sup- conservative interventions is the best thera- interventions, such as horizontal prone and
ported by research. The recommended posi- peutic choice.”24 Other causes for the symp- horizontal left lateral positions. This critical
tions for infants who are experiencing symp- toms should be eliminated with a thorough review of the literature shows the efficacy
toms of GER are either prone or left lateral review of perinatal history and a physical of the prone and left-lateral positions and
side lying. assessment. While considering differential di- reveals the need for evidence-based practice.
agnoses, interventions to diminish symptoms
Other Interventions for GER of GER can be initiated. Holding the infant About the Author
More invasive interventions, such as thicken- upright after feedings helps eliminate air from Susan Pfister is a neonatal nurse practitio-
ing feeds and medication, have been used for the stomach with burping. Holding the in- ner at North Memorial Medical Center in
GER. Evidence does not support the safety or fant for 30 minutes after feeding, the usual Robbinsdale, MN. Ms. Pfister received her
efficacy of these modalities. Caregivers have time when acid reflux occurs, diminishes Associate Degree in Nursing in 1982 from
postulated that thickened feedings alter stom- symptoms, enables the caregiver to comfort Spokane Community College, Spokane, WA,
ach contents from fluid to a more solid consis- the infant, and helps transition to a sleep her Bachelors of Science in Nursing in 2004
tency, decreasing the occurrence of regurgita- state. Placing the sleeping infant in a left lat- from Metropolitan State University, St. Paul,
tion into the esophagus. But no reduction of eral position for at least 30 minutes and then MN and her Master of Arts in Nursing in 2011
GER has been noted from thickening breast repositioning onto the back for sleep, relieves from St. Catherine University in St. Paul, MN-
milk with a starch additive. Moreover, a pos- symptoms and complies with AAP “Back to She has also practiced at Deaconess Medi-
sible relationship between thickened feedings Sleep” guidelines. More research is required cal Center, Spokane, WA and at Hennepin
and necrotizing enterocolitis was noted.24a In to give long-term recommendations. County Medical Center in Minneapolis, MN.
term infants fed formula however, there is
some evidence that thickened formula can re-
duce the number of regurgitation episodes.24b
There is widespread use of anti-reflux medi-
cations to treat GER in neonates—with a lack
of efficacy noted in clinical studies.25 Off-label
use (without approval by the Food and Drug
Administration for use in neonates) of meto-
clopramide and ranitidine is so common that
they are ranked first and fourth, respectively,
among medications most frequently used in
the NICU.25 Adverse effects of these medica-
tions in preterms include an increased risk
of hospital-acquired sepsis and a higher inci-
dence of necrotizing enterocolitis. Although
clinical studies demonstrate no statistical ben-
efit in the reduction of GER symptoms from
medications and/or thickening of breast milk,
these interventions continue to be prescribed
in NICUs.

Implications and Recommendations

Based on the research reviewed here, infants
with symptoms of GER should be placed flat to
sleep in a prone position or left lateral position

Nurse Currents November 2012 | 17

Feature: Evidence-Based Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux in Neonates

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