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catao9 secton 60 217 Page 1

Lighting VRF lOOO Floodlight

Westinghouse Electric Coiporat,on

Lighting Division
PO Box 824
Vicksburg, N.4ississippi 391 80

The VRF Floodl ghl provides economica ,
energy eft cienl lighting lor parking lots, outdoor
induslrial areas, securily liqhtlng, ra lyards,
sporls and recreatronai iaci ities, wastewater
lrealment planls and conslruclion sites - plus a
wrde var ely ot other applcatrons

Oesign Features
. lleavy Duly- D'e( asl alur 1u1 l-oLb,.rg
and door assure ong service ile and resistance RECEiVED
lo weathering

. Ouranodic Bronze Finish- Cured 5LP 1 13Be

duranodic bronze enameladds protection and
enhances appearance pHllLpN tri.tiNrERS, lNl,.
. lmpact Resistant Lens- Sealed intodoorto
keep oul conlaminants and marnlarn h gh Ordering lnlormation- Order by Cata og Number
elliciency. Fixi!re L qht
Lamp Lamp lnpul
TVpe Wanage Wanaqc Volrrqe
. Hinged DoorAssembly Hinges at bottom
for easy marnlenance Eas ly removable.

. UL Listed - Unil is U L.lrsted and rs SLJilabte

MH 1000 124 240 277

lor Wel Locairons 124 248 244 277

. Tray Mounted Ballast Ba last is mounted Lamps and photoconlrols nol rncluded
on removab e swing out tray. Ou ck disconnecl r'TrTapand OladTap ba lasis are raclory w ed for r20vo toperal on
plug makes replacerfenl easy

. lnlernal Power Conneciions A I power

supply leads connecl nsrde housing lor relrabi -
Dimensions in lnches- nol for construction purposes.
ly and salely.

. Trunnion Mount- A ows drrecl mount ng on

parapets, crossarms, pad mounls or direcl wal
mounl ng. Posl lop s ipfrtler oplional.

. Aiming Flexibility [,4ay be aimed fiom B0

above hor zonlal to 80 below horizonla

How to Specily:
The Iixlure sha I be a Wesl nghouse genera
purpose f oodl ghl calalog 1L'nbpr
lor (spec fy wattage) watl (specify type) arnps.
Housing sha I be die casl aluminum linished
w lh a duranod c bronze polyesler enamel. Re'
ileclors shall be anodized al!m num. The fixlure
shall be designed for comp ete re amping and
servicing irom lhe fronl lhrough a h nged door/
lens assembly. Ba ast componenis sha I be
mounled on a h nged power chassis removable
as a single unit lor repair or replacemenl A appli.alio.s s 3 75 sq tl
qu ck-disconnect power plug between power
chass s and socket/photoconlro receplac e
sha I be rncluded to facillate maintenance Unl
shal be capab e ol being airned irom S0 above
hor zontal 1() 80" below horizontal.

cala 09 seclon 60 217 Page 2

VRF'l000 Floodlightinq

Photometric Report

Luminaire: VBF1000 Flood ight Candela Data Polar Axis Horizonla (X 001) Hor zonla Angles (Left S de Symmeirical)
Lamp: C1000 1000 Watt HPS
130.000 Lamp Lumens
Per.ent Ol Nlar CP Al 0 llorzof ral

BeamSpread:7x7 40 30 100 50
Cu rve Number: 738405

Efficiency Data
Beam 73.401
qfiic ency

Tota 75,499 58.1%
N,4ax CP 29.T 48 200

1o \ I

Luminaire: VRF1000 Flood ght Candela Data Polar Ax s Hor zonla (X.001) Horizontal Anqles (Len Side Symmetr cal)
Lamp: 1000 Watt Metal Hallde, C ear
100,000 Lamp Lumens Percenl Ol Max CP Al 0 Honzonla
0 40 30 100 50
Curve Number:738407

Efficiency Data
lqrlqrlg Eiiic ency
Beam 58,448 58 4%
Total 58,448 58.4% ro ii o
Max CP 22 824

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