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roadway descliplive

lightins Quadro-liner bulletin

suburban type lurninaires
incandescent and mercury lamps
page I


Quadro-liner luminaires are designed to illuminate residential and suburban
areas and roadways with medium to lighi vehicular traffic. They are also ideal
lor o{f-street iighting, such as in larm and rural areas.


econorny: Quality lightinq performance, at low initial cost.

Prismatic relractor effectively controls and directs lisht where it

Befractor is open, permitiins' easy relampins from qround
llexibilityl Nine standard disiribution patterns are offered. Because a complete
re{ractor consists ol lour quadrants, it is also possible to create many special
distribution patterns.

durability: Relractor is stabilized acrylic plastic-Resistant to weather, dis-

coloration, crazing,, or cracking. The Iour individual re{ractor quadrants are

::'JJ:Y.'j',',*i:,::T'ii:::t"",'"'j'-"',:i;;:iil3J'5i:T:'f i'ili";"1Tll;
shock or impact damage lrom vandalism.

Septernber, 1967
supobedes doscliptiwe bulletin 60-450 dated July, 1965
haired ro: E/214rlDBi D/2t47/D4 C/2r4\ /DB

page 2 suburban type luminaites

design leatures
rellector assernbly
rellector; Latches directly to any EEI-NEMA stand-
ard universal head. Rellector is designed lor 7-inch
LCL (liqht center length). However, when latched to
a uniyersal head with the correct socket posiiion the
{ollowing lamps may be used:
incandescent lamps; 5/a and 7'inch LCL through
6000 lumens
mercury lamps; 100 and 175-watt (S-inch LCL)
When ordering be sure that LCL lor both re{leclor
and head agree. Permits modernization ol exisling
systems at minimum cost. Re{lector is AlzakrN finished
aluminum with an aluminum clamping band. AIl
olher exposed hardware is aluminum or stainless
refractor: Suppiied as a complete relractor in {our 3
quadrants or single piece acrylic plastic. When lour
quadranis are used, ihey are key filted tcgether and
held securely with hoop rings, eliminating slippage
oi misalignment. The Type V refractor is normally A11 core and coil assemblies have ADUR'BIL insula-
furnished as a single piece but is available as quad' tion, which features a nominal BIL o{ I5-kv. A11
rants, on request. ballasts are tested at 4000 volts to ground. All ballasts
Refractors used with 175 and 250"watt mercury lamps start Lifeguard n' mercury lamps at -20'F. All internal
are acrylic plastic. Refractors used with 400-watt wiring uses "last on" connectors. The ballast is lo-
mercury lamps and incandescent lamps are poly- caled forward from the slipfitter to qive maximum
carbonate plaslic. space for connecting incoming leads. 12-inches ol
There are eight quadrant designs available. Each sleeving is included with head to protecl the leads.
individual quadrant is marked to identi{y its basic Three point mountingr rigidly secures ballast and
distdbution Type. One is opaque lor maximum assures positive lamp aliqnment.
shielding. By combining them selectively, virtually
any special distribution paltern can be obtained. 3 sockets
For further inlormation concerninq special patterns,
contact your Weslinghouse Lighting Sales Engineer. All mogul multiple sockets are white porcelain-
shrouded, heavy duty type with pressure clamp line
universal heads terminals.
Sockei illustrated is used in all heads with ballast
All heads meet applicable EEI-NEMA standards and and/or receptacle for photocontrol. Includes lamp
accept any standard latch-on rellector. There is a qrips and porcelain shielded terrr.inals.
choice of heads to meet all electrical circuii applica-
tions. They are supplied electrically and mechani- Pull-out types are available {or all heads. They have
cally complete. the same features as socket illustrated except they are
brown in color for easy identification.
I cast alurninurn body Medium multiple sockets are skeleton type with
pressure-clamp terminals.
Hard-textured, silver aluminum finish-nesists heat,
abrasion, and weaihering. Choice ol Iy4-inch top Series sockets and receptacles are whiie porcelain-
mountingr; or side mountingr slip{itters lor Iy4, or 2- shrouded, hiqh voltage 5000-vo1i class and hold the
inch standard brackets. Slip{itters are continuously necessary {ilm cutoui.
welded to body for a stronger, weatherprool junction. Locking type receptacles {or photocontrol meet
Three bolts clamp bracket and permit t3 degrees EEI-NnMA standards. Heads so equipped have an
vertical leveling adjustment. auxiliary terminal to operaie an adjacent luminaire.
2 built-in ballast
Side mountins heads are awailable
Available Ior I00 and 175-watt mercury lamps: with latch luss, held by a stainless
240-voli reactor-normal power lactor steel band to permit 360-degree posi-
tioninq of leIlecto!.
I2O-volt hiqh reactance type normal power
roadway descriptive
liqhtinq Quadro-Iiner bulleiin
suburban type luminaires
incandescent and mercury lamps
page 3

dimensions in inches wiring diagrams

Typicdl circuit diaqrams are shown lelo1v 1or heads lvith ballast
and lockins type receptacle The "auxiliary controlled" terminal
rnnx proi trreo: 1.59 sq ft permits operaiing an adjacent luminaire from a sinqle photo-
add O.1 sg ft for photocontrol conlrol. This is desirable where luminaires are spaced relativelv

Caution: Do not exceed load limits of the phoiocontrol.

didqtdtn o: head with 1zo-wolt high leactance ballast

i t ":::r"
+ i:'-

didgrorn b; head *ith 24O-wolt reactor ballast

how to order
reflector assernblies . order by style corrrponent parts . order by style number
style nurnber IES-ASA dist!ibution
7-inch LCL incandescent lamps lbs 890 D055 G2L i€llector ard clamlinq band aes'y. . . . 1.0
89O DO55 GLL I I 890 D055 GoL Tyle I comllele relrdctor .. .. 2.0
890 DO55 G18 a 890 D055 G08 Type I 3 way .onplete relractor. ..
e €90 D05s G06 Type I il-vat .onpl€te lelra.ior. . . . 2.O
890 D055 G02 Type II conplete lelracior. . . . .. . 2.4
390 D055 G12 II I
890 D05s G19 II 3-way I 890 D055 G09 Type II3 way conllere rellact.r , . 2.Q
890 D055 G.10 II 1 way 8 890 Doss G27 Tyle II 4-way complete lelractor. . . . 2.4
€90 DO5S G03 Type III conplete relraclor...... 2,4
890 D055 G13 Ti 8 Tyle IV comllete relra.tor. .. . 2.4
890 D055 G14 tv 8 Type V .omplete relractor. .. .. .. 20
G15 8

heat barrier cable iacket: Silicone rubbermolded.

Provides insulation on incoming Ieads up lo S-kv class
circuits. No head modi{ication required. Ior use with
10,000 lumen incandescent or 250-wati mercury
Iamps. Order style number 468 B3B3 HOI.

page 4 suburban type luminaires

, order by style number . these heads correctly locate the lespective Iamps indicated by LCL in the
llOlAl tO Ol(let reftector assemblies on paqe 3

type VL uniwersal heads lor incandescent larnps or rnetcury larnps lor rernote
Iamp style numbet . lstyle no.
LCL: complete head with inner wirins
I :::1""::l*, lbs
tLa-;nch z-inch I lra-inch I recept and
side I side I t"p lsupport
mountinqa I mountinqa I mountins lass'y only
without locking type receptacle for photocontrol
hiqL voltaqe series-. ......... 7 890 D23? GZo 890 D23? G2l 890 D23? G01 890 D236 Got ?.0

noqul multiple 7 a90 D237 G2Z 990 D237 G23 890 !r23? G03 890 D236 G02 5.5
mogulddliple........ .. .. 890 D238 G04 890 D238 G05 890 DZ37 G06 490 D236 G06 5_5

noqul multiple-adj supports. .. 890 D238 G06 890 DZ38 G07 890 D23? G0? 890 D236 G0? 5.5
noqul nultipte pull-out socket. . 7 890 D238 Gtz 890 D238 Gl3 890 D23? G09 890 D24l G06 6.5
mosul dultiple pull'out socket. ,. . . . 5 890 DZ38 Gl5 890 D238 Gr6 a90 n237 Gll a90 D24L G04 6.5
moqul mulupl€-pull-oui-adj supporls 890 D249 G03 890 D249 G04 a90 D237 Gl0 a90 D24l G0? 6.5
nedium mu]1iple .. .. ... 5'/n 490 D249 C22 890 D249 G23 890 D24t G2l 890 D249 G20
side mountinq
with locking type receptacle Ior photocontrolo
7 890 D241 G14 a90 D24t Gls 890 D24l Got 6.0
5 890 D24l G18 890 D24l Gl9 890 D243 G03 6.0
moqul multiple-adi suppo s 890 D24l Gl6 890 D241 G1? 890 D241 G02 6.0

mosul multiple-pull'out socket 490 D242 G20 890 D242 GzL a90 D24l G06 7.O
moqul nuLuple-pulL our socket .. 990 D242 G22 490 D242 G23 890 D24l G04 7.O
490 D242 G24 890 D24Z GZ5 7.O

For rotatinq larch luqs, older "similar to style . . . . ercept with rotalinq latch hqs," side mountins with
O A cortroDed au{iliary telDinal permits operatinq an adjacent lnmitaire, lockinq type receptacle
Lamps or photocontrols ar6 not included.

tyrre VL universal heads with built-in ballast for mercury lanrps

photo- I style nunber . complete style no-
controll head with inner wirinq
Tt woltase .olt"qel
side 2-inch side
I r 7a-inch

l_.,"1:T"' lmountinsr L mountinqr only

r.rithout locking type receptacle for photocontrol
H3a-4 100 t20+5 890 D249 G25 a90 Dz49 G26 890 D386 G01 11.5
H39-22 t?5 t2o;5% 890 D576 G02 890 D575 G03 890 D386 Gol 11.5
H3a-4 r00 240i5 a90 D23a G23 a90 D238 G24 890 D386 G05 ll.5
H39 22 l?5 24O!5% 890 D238 G25 890 D23a G26 a90 D386 Gos 11.5

H38-4 r00 1,20 + 5% 890 D576 G05 890 D516 G06 a90 D381 Gol side mounting with
Il39 22 L?5 \20 i5% a90 D576 G08 890 D5?6 G09 890 D387 Gol 12.5 ballast
H38 4 100 240+5 a90 D249 Gl5 890 D249 G17 890 D387 G05 12.5
t75 240 + 5oA 890 D249 G1A 890 D249 Gl9 890 D3A? G05 t2.5

with Iocking type receptacle for photocontrolo

D2{3 Gl6 890 D243 Gl? 890 D386 Gol L2.A
D242 GoA 490 D243 Gll a90 D386 G05 12.o
D242 et4 890 D2{2 Gls a90 D386 G05 \2.0
D242 G\a 890 D242 Gl9 890 D386 G05 12,0
D242 G\2
n212 Gt6
890 D242 G13
49ll D212 Gtf
rr243 G20 890 D243 G21 890 D387 G01 13,0
D243 G2Z 490 D243 G23 490 D387 Gol 13.0
,t243 G24 a90 D2.13 CZ5 a90 D38? Gol 13.0
D243 G26 890 D581 G01 a90 D387 Got 13.0
DZ43 GO4 890 D243 G05 490 D38? G02 l3,o side mountins with
D2,13 G06 490 D2d3 G0? 890 D38? GO2 13.0
baUast and Iocking
type ieceptacle
O Includes a third terminal Ior wne, l2ol240 volt input,
Lamps or pbotocontrols ar€ loi included-

Westinghouse Electric Gorporation WestinsLouso r€Berves the isht to chanqe specilicaiio$ and
Lighting Diwision: Edgewater Park . Gleveland, Ohio design without notice, and a6sum6s no rosporsilili{t lor
makinq thes€ modilications on any app.raius previotrsly .old.

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