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As Education Director be used. Stay loose, and focus on playing

for the Golden Artist with the materials, rather than wishing for a
Colors Certified Working perfect finished product! This way, you will
Artist Program, Patti learn much more about each material. It is
Brady has developed okay for the paint and the gels to actually
curriculum and taught look like their inherent properties, rather than
acrylic classes for artists a perfect pear.
and art educators all Here is a basic breakdown of the
over the world. As an materials you will be using:
artist in her own right,
her paintings and prints have been exhibited Heavy Body
nationally and reviewed by the New York Acrylics are designed
Times. For additional reading, Patti’s book to hold the lines of a brush
covering contemporary uses of acrylic stroke, so it is rather thick,
for F+W Publications is titled Rethinking but very creamy.
Acrylics: Radical Solutions for Exploiting the Fluid Acrylics are
World’s Most Versatile Medium. thinner than the Heavy
Don’t let this amazingly crazy mix of Body, but just as rich
acrylics intimidate you! Everything in this box with pigment as the
can be mixed with each other, and nothing Heavy Body. Fluids are
bad will happen. Although, mixing them all wonderful for painting a
together without a bit of forethought might smoother result, without the brush stroke,
make a rather brown thick mess! and can be thinned with water for watercolor
like washes.
This booklet will walk you through some
exciting, EASY, educational and practical OPEN Acrylics are
ways to use all the various materials. You a very creamy paint,
will learn about each product, its unique somewhere between
properties, and all the possibilities of mixing, Heavy Body and Fluids,
layering and blending them together. but will stay wet for up to
Remember, this is only a beginning, just a seven times longer. These
small array of the ways these products can paints are great for blending, printing or oil-
like techniques.
High Flow Acrylics Tools: To work through
can be thought of as an the exercises in this
acrylic ink; very thin, but kit, it would be helpful
packed with rich pigment. to have the following
They can be used like tools available: several
watercolor or like an ink, brushes of different sizes,
and can be used in refillable paint markers, some stiff synthetic flats, and soft synthetic
dip pens and with an airbrush. watercolor rounds; palette knives, Colour
Gels are the thick Shapers™, and Catalyst™ Tools.
version of the acrylic Substrates: You will need some stiff
binder; they range from surfaces; inexpensive matte boards would
a yogurt consistency work very well as test panels. Of course you
to a thick peanut butter can also use canvas or wood panels, but
consistency. They are they are more expensive and we want to
available in three sheens: (Gloss), like glass, experiment and not worry about expensive
(Semi-Gloss) similar to a satin finish, and surfaces. If you have abandoned watercolor
(Matte) like a wax surface. All the Gels are or acrylic paintings, these would be great
somewhat transparent when dry. surfaces for “resurfacing” with some of the
Pastes are gels with grounds.
additives, such as marble
dust or glass spheres. All
pastes are white or off-
white when wet and when
dry, so mixing color with
pastes always creates a tint.
Mediums are typically
a thinner version of a gel,
used to thin down paint,
extend paint, change the
sheen or make a glaze.

Bird Transfer on
Iridescent Bright Gold
Products: On a palette or plastic plate, use a palette
knife to mix the Fluid Iridescent Bright Gold
• Fluid Iridescent Bright Gold (Fine) (Fine) with the Heavy Gel (Matte). About
• Heavy Gel (Matte) half and half will work. Spread this mixture
over the surface you are working on, just as
• Polymer Medium (Gloss) if you were spreading butter on your toast.
While this is still wet, place your image face
down into the wet mixture. Use your fingers
Tools: to push the image onto the wet gel, gently
pushing out any air pockets. Let this dry
• A black and white image printed with a completely, usually overnight.
Laser printer or photocopied on plain paper.
Saturate the paper with water and using
• Palette knife a scrubby sponge, carefully begin to remove
the paper. Removing all the paper will take
• Plastic sponge/scrubby several tries. Each time the surface dries,
• Soft, medium size brush you will be able to see where there is a bit of
paper still adhered.
When you feel like you’ve removed all the
paper you can, apply a thin coat of Polymer
Medium (Gloss) with a soft brush over the
entire surface. This layer will cover up some
of the white paper areas and create a clear
glossy surface.

Subtractive Pear
Products: Using a flat brush, paint your surface with
High Flow Fluorescent Pink. Let dry.
• High Flow Fluorescent Pink
As a second layer of color, apply Fluid
• Fluid Iridescent Bright Gold (Fine) Iridescent Bright Gold (Fine) over the pink.
• OPEN Phthalo Blue/G.S. Do not worry about perfect coverage; it is
visually more interesting if the pink pops
through in some places.
Tools: When this is dry, you can apply a layer
of OPEN Phthalo Blue/G.S. over the entire
• Palette knife surface with a palette knife. A dime is a good
• Soft cloth measure of thickness. Using the tip of your
palette knife, draw the shape and leaf of the
• Paintbrush, soft or stiff, flat or round. pear. You can use a Qtip®, a brush, or a soft
cotton cloth to pull the remaining areas of the
pear off. You are taking away, or subtracting,
the dark blue color and revealing the colors
underneath. This might take two days to dry!

Possible extra steps:

When the OPEN is dry, you can paint
over the pear surface or add more color to
the background.

Impasto Landscape
Products: Using a flat brush, create your
underpainting with a solid painted layer of
• Fluid Teal Fluid Teal. The Fluid paints are perfect for
• Heavy Gel (Matte) quick opaque coverage. Let dry.
• High Flow Indigo Mix Heavy Gel (Matte) with High Flow
Indigo and Heavy Body Titanium White for
• Heavy Body Titanium White a light blue sky color. This mixture will be
easier to apply with a palette knife. Create
• Heavy Body Hansa Yellow Medium some texture by scraping this color down in
places so that the Teal underpainting shows
through. Carve into the mixture and draw
Tools: lines for the cloud shapes with the tip of your
• Palette knife palette knife. Use a brush to apply Heavy
Body Titanium White to the cloud shapes.
• Soft round brush For dimension and texture, let the brush
strokes be obvious. Let this dry.
To create the green foreground, mix
Heavy Gel (Matte) with Heavy Body Hansa
Yellow Medium and High Flow Indigo. Apply
with a palette knife. Using the tip of your
palette knife, carve out the vertical marks.
Using a brush, paint a thick layer of High
Flow Indigo in the upper sky and use this
same color for a simple wash across the
vertical lines in the green area.

Sgraffito Pear palette knife to carve and draw the outlines
of the pear, the leaf, and a table edge.
Let this dry.
Products: The last step is designed to mimic
watercolor washes, so you want all your
• Heavy Body Quinacridone Magenta paints to be transparent and thin. To achieve
• Heavy Body Hansa Yellow Medium this, the Fluids will need to be mixed with
water so that they are thin enough to flow
• Light Molding Paste and bleed onto the Light Molding Paste.
• Fluid Quinacridone/Nickel Azo Gold Just use your soft round brush, loaded with
water and mix that into the Fluids.
• Fluid Teal With a clean brush loaded with clean
• High Flow Indigo water, dampen the surface of your Light
Molding Paste. Dampen, don’t flood. This will
help the paint to bleed on the surface when
Tools: you apply the washes.
Use the thinned Fluid Quinacridone/Nickel
• Palette knife Azo Gold for the pear. Mix a green with High
• Soft round brush Flow Indigo and Heavy Body Hansa Yellow
Medium for the leaf. You will not need to
thin the High Flow for washes; it is already
Using your palette knife, mix Heavy Body the perfect viscosity (thinness) for a wash;
Quinacridone Magenta and Heavy Body although, with High Flow Indigo, you might
Hansa Yellow Medium together to create a want to mix it with water so that the color is
rich orange-red. Spread this color directly on not so strong or dark. Thinned Fluid Teal can
your surface with the knife. Let dry. be used for the background. Because your
Using your palette knife, spread Light surface is slightly wet, the colors might all
Molding Paste over the dry red background bleed together. This is part of the beauty of
to about the thickness of two stacked working this way. It’s ok to just let the paint
quarters. Immediately, while the Light flow, don’t try to make this perfect and keep
Molding Paste is still wet, use the tip of your within the lines.
OPEN Seascape Use a soft brush for blending. Apply
OPEN Alizarin Crimson Hue in the
designated upper sky. Notice the glide of
Products: the OPEN color as you move your brush
back and forth. Mix a bit of Heavy Body
• Heavy Body Quinacridone Magenta Titanium White into Fluid Quinacridone/
• Heavy Body Hansa Yellow Medium Nickel Azo Gold and apply it under OPEN
Alizarin Crimson Hue near the horizon line.
• Heavy Body Titanium White Brush the paint in horizontal brushstrokes,
back and forth, slowly blending the yellow
• OPEN Alizarin Crimson Hue color with the crimson. Note that the yellow
• OPEN Phthalo Blue/G.S. color is likely to start “dragging” sooner than
the mixture of yellow with the crimson, since
• Fluid Quinacridone/Nickel Azo Gold the OPEN Acrylic color is what facilitates a
• High Flow Fluorescent Pink longer working time for blending. Don’t worry
about perfection, blending takes time to
learn, so just relax and paint!
Tools: For the bottom portion of the painting,
use OPEN Phthalo Blue (Thalo, for
• Palette knife pronunciation!) for the water, applying it in
• Soft round brush the same process as above.
When the OPEN painting is dry, finish it
by painting a bright line of sunrise across
Using your palette knife, mix Heavy Body the edge of the water using High Flow
Quinacridone Magenta and Hansa Yellow Fluorescent Pink.
Medium to create an orange-red color. Add
a little Heavy Body Titanium White to get a
nice pinkish color. Spread this mixture over
your working surface. When dry, this will
create a smooth surface; perfect for your
next step: blending.

Pear Skin knife into the general shape of the working
surface. While it is still wet, use a brush to
“draw” or “drag” the paint into the shapes of
Products: the pear. Use High Flow Fluorescent Pink
to create the outlines of the pear, leaving
• Heavy Body Hansa Yellow Medium spaces inside the pear unpainted. Mix
• Clear Tar Gel a green from Heavy Body Hansa Yellow
Medium and High Flow Indigo for the leaves
• High Flow Fluorescent Pink and stem. Use Fluid Teal for the background.
Use High Flow Indigo to create the table or
• Fluid Teal shadows under the pear.
• High Flow Indigo Let this dry completely.
The Clear Tar Gel will move while drying,
• Heavy Body Titanium White
leveling and moving much like honey does.
• Fluid Quinacridone/Nickel Azo Gold It might pull your pear into some unusual
shapes, or even craze on the surface. This is
• Polymer Medium (Gloss) part of the magic.
Turn your dry skin over and place it back
on the plastic sheet protector. Mix a bit
of Heavy Body Titanium White with Fluid
• Plastic sheet protector, palette paper, Quinacridone/Nickel Azo Gold to create a
plastic sheeting or wax paper warm peachy color. Paint this over the pear
shape. Next mix a pale green from Heavy
• Palette knife Body Titanium White and to your mixed
green and paint that on the back side of the
• Flat brush
leaf. Let dry.
Paint the surface of the backing board
Use Heavy Body Hansa Yellow Medium to with Polymer Medium (Gloss), using it as
paint the background. Let dry. a glue. Place the skin face-up onto the wet
Pour Clear Tar Gel directly onto the plastic Polymer Medium. Allow to dry.
sheet protector. Spread it with your palette
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