Ketu and Passt Life

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Ketu-indicates past life relations with

your near ones

It is well established that Ra-Ket are the planets denoting the Karmik component in a chart.

Actually the entire Karma of a person can be sensed/ smelt( but not fully interpreted) from the
placement of the Ra-Ketu axis.

While Rahu the prtender, the upwardly mobile denotes the free will, the drive, the desire and in
the process accrues Karma for the future ( this life and next ones).

Ketu the headless detached one.....indicates the Karma brought forward from the past lives.
The examination of Ketu's placement on the Ra-Ket axis can even indicate the curses brought
forwrd from the past lives.

Here we examine the theories that Ketu conjunction on your chart with the chart of people around
you in the close circles, indicates the nature of your realtionship with those people in past lives

Salient features of these theories:

1) Souls are reborn iteratively carrying forward their Karma, earning new Karmik credits and debts,
until one day they get the final emancipation i.e Moksha

2) In every rebirth the souls interact with 60% to 70% of the souls from previous life / lives.

3) The circles of those close to you in this life say the closest 60 odd people...the near, dear,
hated, loved relatives and friends...are all coming from past lives.

4) The relationship that you had with them in the past lives can be examined by noting the planet
in their chart that conjuncts with Ketu in your chart.

for example parents, children, siblings,unlces, nephews, grandchildren, grand-parents, bitter

enemies, close friends, servants, mentors, pet animals ( when they qualify to human form) FROM
PAST LIVES are the ones who get re-born in other avatar around an individuAL in current life.

one life's mother may be the wife in another one for example.

5) To determine the past life relationsihp of an individual with you look at the planet in his/ her
chart that conjuncts with Ketu in your chart.
this means if Ketu is in your Cancer...look at the planet that sits in the cancer of the near-one
in your circle.

6) your Ketu is the receiver of emotions/ debts from the past lives that the near-one on your circle
is paying to you.

a) For example if the planet conjuncting in her ( near ones) chart with Ketu in your chart is
moon...would indicate a mother or mother-like like emotional realtionship that you had with that
person in the past-lives.

In this life you will be looking for maternal type fullfillment in the relationship with such an
individual even if she is your wife / daughter/ neighbourhood aunty etc.

In this life that person will be looking at fullfilling her karmik debts incurred in past life to you, by
giving you the emotional support.

b) The area of life in whihc she will provide the support would be indicated by the signification of
the house that her moon is sitting in. For example her moon is in the 3rd house...then you receive
the motherly emotional support primarily in social communciations, early learnings, writings ,
sibling relationship matters...i.e 3rd house related significations.

c) Similarly by reading the karkatwas of his/ her planet conjuncting with your Ketu, and the house
in whihc that planet is you could get an idea of the relationships in past life

d) No conjuncting planet is an indterminate situation

e) Ascendant in his/ her chart conjunction with your Ketu, might show total dedication/
subjugation to you.....a wish / need to fullfill his / her huge Karmik debts to you in a hurry

f) finally how comfortabla i.e friendly or innimical....exalted or debilitated or combust that planet
conjuncting with your Ketus is in his / her chart...will indicate how friendly or innimical your
relationship with him was in the past lives. And that is the vibe( bitter or sweet) that that person
will bring in your current life.

Mars in an enemy sign in his chart in the 6th house/ conjuncting with Ketu in yours...may indicate a
bitter enemy from past lives for example

sorry ran out of permissible character space.

so the example of Mars in his 6th house in a bitter enemy sign overalpping/ conjunting with your
Ketu indicates an enemy from the past life.

Bitter enemies /rivals / fierce competitors may also get born as close ones because of debts they
incurred to each other.

So go ahead and test the theories on your charts.

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