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Mariners’ Polytechnic Colleges Foundation

Legaspi City


Submitted By: Submitted to:

Seilfred B. Sanggo Dr. Nebres

MT3B8 Instructor
Table of Contents

Part 1. Preliminary Exam

A. Leadership Styles
1. Traditional
2. Bureaucrat
3. Dependable
4. Example
5. Participative

B. Kinds of Leadership
1. Autocratic
2. Liberal

C. Analysis
1. President Rodrigo Duterte
2. President Donald Trump
3. Chief Supt. Ronald “Bato” de la Rosa
4. International: Bermuda Triangle
5. Local: Scarborough/ Panatag Shoal
6. Leadership style to adopt in the future
A. Leadership Styles

1. Traditional - they always demand respect from the people they served.
 Most of the representatives of any dynasty ruling for more than one
generation (kings, emperors, sultans, etc.) would fall into this
category. Thus majority monarchies and
some autocracies, oligarchies, and theocracies would be ruled by
traditional leaders. Often male head of a common family should be
considered a traditional leader. This could also be the case in a family-
owned business, if its director and other leader positions are chosen
based on family ties and/or age.

2. Bureaucrat - they follow the manual exactly (procedures like

parliamentary is closely observed).
 For example, the vice president of research and development of
our software company is subject to behavioral rules that only
permit him to manage his division. He may not direct the
activities of any employee of another division such as the
production division. Moreover, he is subject to technical rules
that require him to go through a very formalized process when
requesting funds for a new project. He is also subject to the
company's employment policies relating to personal conduct.

3. Dependable – the jack of all trades and knows everything (the followers
need not to worry because the leader takes care of everything).
 Anyone can be a dependable leader. We can be called a
dependable leader if we do almost all the work but also asks
some advices from others.

4. Example – They are leaders who give responsibilities to their followers

gradually so that in the future they can stand on their own.
 Consider what Mahatma Gandhi accomplished through his
actions: He spent most of his adult life living what he preached
to others. He was committed to nonviolent resistance to protest
injustice, and people followed in his footsteps. He led them, and
India, to independence – because his life proved, by example,
that it could be done. Although Gandhi's situation is very
different from ours, the principle is the same. When you lead by
example, you create a picture of what's possible. People can look
at you and say, "Well, if he can do it, I can do it." When you lead
by example, you make it easy for others to follow you.

5. Participative – they encourage their members to take responsibilities

even at the risk of making mistakes so that everyone will learn
leadership by leading.

 This kind of leadership is usually seen in corporate settings. Leaders

act more like facilitators rather than dictators. They facilitate the
ideas and the sharing of information with the end goal of arriving at a
decision. The final decision ultimately rests on the leader but all
considerations and factors of a decision come from the collective
mind of the group under this leadership. A famous example of a
participative leader is Donald Trump.

B. Kinds of Leadership

1. Autocratic leadership – centralized power and decision making for

themselves. The members are obedient to the leaders who dictate
everything, thinking that their members are not capable of making their
own decision.
 Autocratic leadership is a form of management where
“authority” is in the hands of one person alone. This person can
be the leader, manager, or business owner, who typically has
complete control over a project, work area, or whole business
and makes decisions with little to no input from group members.
That is, autocratic leaders tend to make choices based on their
judgment and ideas alone, implementing absolute authoritarian
control over their group or organization. Adolf Hitler, Attila the
Hun, Father Junipero Serra, Genghis Khan, King Henry III,
Napoleon Bonaparte, and Queen Elizabeth I, these are just some
people in the world’s political history who demonstrated
autocratic leadership

2. Liberal Leadership – free rein leader who sees their members as

responsible. Every member is entitled to be heard and responsible for
what he does. As a result, there is no controlling authority. Confusion is
present because everybody claims to be right.
 This self-rule style empowers individuals, groups or teams to
make decisions. Critics of this hands-off leadership style contend
it is risky to universally delegate decision-making responsibility
to staff members. Groups and teams do not have the power to
make far-reaching strategic decisions, but laissez-faire leaders
allow individuals or teams to decide how they will complete their
work. In practice, it means leaders leave it up to their
subordinates to complete responsibilities in a manner they
choose, without requiring strict policies or procedures. An
example of a liberal leader is Benigno Aquino III.

C. Analysis

1. President Rodrigo Duterte - As a leader, Mr. Duterte uses a combination of

different leadership skills characterized by firmness in decisions, taking
responsibility for every actions made, and the ability to accomplish the desired
outcomes. He is a transactional leader with charisma to the masses. He
actively monitors the work performed by subordinates and executes
corrective actions if deviations from expected standards occur. He is an
entrepreneurial leader, a risk taker, and a negotiator. His autocracy fits the
level of maturity of the Dabawenyos. He is voted primarily for his leadership
skills in maintaining peace and order while the various programs he has
implemented are considered as additional accomplishments to his brand of

2. President Donald Trump - Trump build a business empire by being more of

a director than an authoritarian. He facilitates ideas and encourages others to
share information freely so that the best decision can be made instead of one
that has a personal bias. He considers the opinions of others into every
decision, factors the various outcomes that may occur, and works to increase
the collective mind in any choice so that everyone has some skin in the game.

3. Chief Supt. Ronald “Bato” de la Rosa - Rosa has a reputation of being a

warrior and is adept in dangerous missions. De la Rosa is a known
shooting aficionado and has excellent marksmanship, one reason why
he would not hesitate to lead his men in police operations. He
empowers his followers using his own beliefs and personal strengths. He
has a leadership style of Example.

4. Bermuda Triangle - Bermuda Triangle had been a real mystery for a long
time, because of more than 100 ships and planes that were lost in this area
under mysterious circumstances without any trace. More than 1000 people
are reported to have been lost in this area. Also called Devil's Triangle,
Bermuda Triangle is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean.
The Triangle area is bordered by Puerto Rico, Miami and Bermuda(As shown
in image section). The size of this area is ranges from 500,000 to 1.5 million
square miles. Many people have associated this area with paranormal or
extraterrestrial activity because of the disappearance of aircrafts and surface
vessels under mysterious circumstances. It is a fact that Bermuda Triangle
contains large fields of methane hydrates on the continental shelves. The
story mentioned is a hypothesis that came up after laboratory experiments
carried out in Australia that have proven that methane bubbles can indeed
sink a scale model ship by decreasing the density of the water. The study
assumed that periodic methane eruptions in Bermuda Triangle produce
regions of frothy water that does not provide adequate buoyancy for ships
and results in rapid sinking without any kind of warning. Further, they
assumed that the Gulf stream can drag these sunken ships. The video on the
right shows how this can be possible. However, there are large stores of
undersea hydrates worldwide, (Refer Map) including the Blake Ridge area,
off the southeastern United States coast, and no where such 'mysterious'
disappearances like Bermuda Triangle are reported. Moreover, United States
Geological Survey claim that no large releases of gas hydrates are believed to
have occurred in the area of Bermuda Triangle for the past 15,000 years.
And, there is no definite logic in saying that these methane bubbles can drag
aircrafts flying in the sky. Therefore, this part of the story is a hoax. Many
investigations by government and other agencies state that the number of
disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle is no real mystery, because it no
different from the number of disappearances in any other proportionate
area of any other ocean. The U.S. Coast Guard also mentions that the area
does not have an unusual number of incidents, considering the number of
ships and aircraft that pass through on a regular basis. Note that the number
of disappearances and accidents in this area is often exaggerated and far
beyond facts. Moreover, under normal weather conditions, navigation
compasses are shown to behave normally in this area. Therefore, it is quite
clear that the mystery behind disappearance of ships and flights in Bermuda
Triangle have solved logical explanations, and that it is associated with some
paranormal or extra-terrestrial activity is a certain hoax. Mysteries and
paranormal aspects like these are generally over-hyped because they are
very popular and profitable.

5. Scarborough Shoal - The tension in Scarborough Shoal has, in the meantime,

abated. But there’s no assurance that China will not return and attempt to
fortify its claim, just like what it did in Mischief Reef in the Spratlys. But the
Scarborough Shoal standoff has shown that there’s no gain for both
countries going to war over those uninhabitable rocks. Even if the
overlapping territorial claims in the South China Sea are a core issue for
China, it has more important concerns to attend to than taking on a small
country like the Philippines. Concerned about its international image, China
does not want to be seen as a bully. The Philippines, knowing that it cannot
fight a military and economic giant like China, needs to resort to other
mechanisms to protect its territorial integrity.

6. Leadership style to adopt in the future

Because participative leadership relies heavily on input from the entire
team, a variety of benefits can be found when it is used to elicit new ideas
or introduce different methods for solving problems. If you elicit ideas from
an entire team of people you are honing in on their strengths and then
using those strengths to collectively drive creative decision making. This
type of leadership will be effective also onboard ship because onboard ship
we need to work as a team in order to accomplish our work efficiently. This
will be the leadership style that I will adopt in the future.

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