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Help and Advisory System in a Web-based System for Data Mining

Ankica Babic1 ,4 Ph.D., Werner Koele'15 M.Sc., Hans Granfeldt2, M.D.,

Urban Lonn3 M.D., Ph.D., Henrik Casimir Ahn2 M.D., Ph.D.
1. Medical Informatics, Dept of Biomedical Engineering, Link6ping University, Sweden.
2. Link6ping Heart Center, Link6ping University Hospital, Sweden.
3. Department of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Uppsala University Hospital, Sweden
4. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
5. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Austria.

Abstract physicians to identify the main risk factors. Case

The paper is describing the development of an based reasoning and rule-based reasoning are
expert system for helping the end user to acquire providing insights into the patient outcomes
knowledge from departnental medical records and (mortality and morbidity).
databases. This is done within the Web-based
AssistMe' system, which is being developed to Implementational Aspects
support decisions concerning usually severely There are two kinds of templates implemeted in the
critical patients in need of circulatory support. Two AssistMe sysrem: static pages, which are designed
main user groups are to be expected: medical staff to be used by the system developers only, and
(surgeons, cardiologists, care providers, and dynamic pages, to enable authorized users to add
medical students) and patients. The help comments or explanations regarding both the
functionalities guides through the clinical decision clinical variables and results of the data mining.
support explaining existing functionalities and the System developers can use templates to create a
features. The advisory part provides more detailed help page that is stored on the Internet server. Once
knowledge to work with the data, extract new a user sends a request for a specific help page the
knowledge, validate and eventually visualize the whole page is transmitted to the user's computer
results of data mining. and stored temporarily in the cache memory of the
Internet browser. When a user repeats the request
The AssistMe System Help and Advice for this page, the help page is opened quickly since
no downloading of information is necessary. An
Advice presents a short overview of expected advantage of this technique is that the AssistMe
results when applying data mining methods and Internet server does not need to be contacted.
instructions how to interpret what is presented on On the other side, all calculations dealing with
the resulting screen. An advisory system aims at patient cases need to be executed on the server
motivating users to increase the usage of machine due to interactions with databases. A high
implemented features. Finally, users should be able computing power is required when several users are
to understand the system better and to perform
more complicated interaction with a system in order
perfonning demanding data mining procedures at
to obtain sought after results. The main undertaking
the same time.
of the advisory system is to increase understanding
of the available data mining methods. Discussion and conclusions
The help is guiding through all the steps of a Maintenance of help and advisory system is one of
program. Users can obtain help pages related to a the keys of success of the whole AssistMe system.
specific topic of the system that describes features Refreshing the existing information and following
such as what could you do on this page. A help development of new methods for data mining
page contains a short description concerning the should be followed by a timely and efficient update
topics in question, clear instructions for interacting of the help and advisory pages. End users have to
with the system and, finally, a short preview of be given chances to evaluate the system and reflect
feasible results. over its functionality both on-line and during
planed sessions. Heuristic approach to user
Consulting on Data Mining interface design provides guidelines for that
The three major groups of methods currently purpose. Future development of the AssistMe
available in the AssistMe domain are summarzing, system considers new clinical domains and a wider
predictive modeling, and case based reasoning. circle of developers and users that will too have an
Different reports allow medical staff to assess an impact on the advisory and help system.
actual patient and relate it to previously treated
cases. In addition, data mining based reports enable [1]
1067-5027/01/$5.00 C 2001 AMIA, Inc. 856

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