3 - Baseband DPCM

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Differential Pulse Code

Modulation (DPCM)
◦ Voice or video signal is sampled at a rate slightly
higher than Nyquist rate done in PCM.
 Found to be highly correlation between adjacent samples
 The adjacent samples of the signal carry the same information
with little difference.
◦ Consider the difference value of the two samples.
◦ Over all bit rate will decrease and number of bits
required to transmit one sample will also be reduced.
◦ Based on the principle of prediction.
 Value of present sample is predicted from the past.
 Prediction may not be exact but it is very close to
the actual value

4.2 ECE305 Digital Communication
 PCM – Digitization of a Voice (or) Video
◦ signal is sampled at a rate slightly higher than
the Nyquist rate.
 Resulting sampled signal exhibit high
correlation between adjacent samples.
 High Correlation – signal does not change
rapidly form one sample to next sample.

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 Highly correlated samples are encoded –
PCM-resulting encoded signal contains
redundant information.
 By removing this redundancy before
encoding – more efficient coded signal.

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 Use the Linear Prediction Techniques.
 If we know the past behavior of a signal –
it is possible to make some inference
about its future values.

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DPCM Transmitter

x(nTs) e(nTs) v(nTs) b(nTs)
_ O/P



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 e(nTs) = x(nTs)-x‟(nTs) ----------------- (1)
 v(nTs) =Q[e(nTs)]
= e(nTs)+q(nTs) -------------------- (2)
q(nTs) – Quantization Error.
u(nTs) = x’(nTs)+v(nTs) ------------------- (3)
Using (2) & (3)
u(nTs) = x’(nTs)+e(nTs)+q(nTs) ---------(4)
From (1)
u(nTs) = x(nTs)+q(nTs)

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DPCM Receiver



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Signal to Quantization Noise Ratio
 (SNR)o = σ2X / σ2Q
◦ σ2X = Variance of the original input signal x(nTs)
◦ σ2Q= Variance of the Quantization error.
◦ σ2E = Variance of the predictor error.
 Rewrite the Above Equation
◦ (SNR)o = (σ2X / σ2E ) (σ2E / σ2Q )
= Gp (SNR)p
◦ Gp – Predictor gain.
◦ (SNR)p – Predictor error to quantization noise ratio.

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Mid tread and Mid riser

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Problems-DPCM Quantization using
midriser type

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Why Delta Modulation?
 If we oversample ( typically more than 4 times
of Nyquist rate) a signal, the correlation
between the adjacent samples increases and a
result, the predictor error decreases.
 If the predictor error is small enough, it can be
encoded by only one bit.
 DM provides stair case approximation.
 Delta Modulation (DM) is basically one-bit
version of DPCM.
 Delta Modulation was used by Satellite Business
Systems or SBS for its voice ports to provide long
distance phone service to large domestic corporations
with a significant inter-corporation communications
need (such as IBM).
 24kbit/s Delta Modulator achieved full voice quality with
no discernable degradation as compared to a high quality
phone line or the standard 64kbit/s µ-law Companded PCM.
 With the increasing availability of FPGAs and game-
related ASICs,
 sample rates are easily controlled so as to avoid
slope overload and granularity issues.

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Delta Modulation
 Delta Modulation transmit only one bit
per sample.
 The present sample value is compared
with the previous sample value.
 The difference between x(t) and staircase
approximated signal confined to two
levels i.e +δ and - δ.
Delta Modulation
 Signaling rate and channel bandwidth are
large in PCM, to overcome this problem
DM is used.
 ONE BIT Quantizer or TWO level
Quantizer(+ ∂ or - ∂).
 ∆=2 ∂

 Present sample value is compared with the previous

sample value and the indication whether the amplitude
is increased or decreased is sent.
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Delta Modulation

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 Difference between the input signal and
staircase approximated signal confined to
two levels.
 +Ve ∂ --signal is increased by one step---- „1‟
 -Ve ∂ --signal is reduced by one step-------„0‟

 e(n Ts)= x(n Ts)- x‟(n Ts)

 x(n Ts)- Present sample
 x‟(n Ts)-Last sample

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DM Transmitter

+ e(nTs) ONE BIT- b(nTs)
+ ∑

e(nTs) = x(nTs)-x‟(nTs)
= x(nTs)-u(nTs-Ts)

u(nTs) = u(nTs-Ts)+b(nTs)

b(nTs) = δ sgn[e(nTs)]
 +ve δ if x(n Ts)> x‟(n Ts)-----------Symbol „1‟ transmitted
 -ve δ if x(n Ts) < x‟(n Ts)-------------Symbol „0‟ transmitted
DM Receiver




DM -Features
1. One bit code word for the output, which
eliminates the need for word framing.

2. Simplicity of design for both the transmitter

and receiver.

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DM- Types of quantization error
Slope overload Noise
 Granular Noise

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 Condition to avoid slope over load

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DM-Signal to noise ratio Derivation
 Consider the effect of quantization noise under no slope overload.
When there is no slope overload, the maximum quantization error
is + ∂ or - ∂ (uniformly distributed ).The receiver contains a LPF
whose bandwidth is set equal to the message bandwidth( i.e
highest possible frequency component of the message signal), is
denoted by W and Ts.
 Assume the use of sinusoidal modulation

◦ Assume Avg. signal and Noise Power of the quantization noise is

uniformly distributed over a frequency interval extending from -
1/Ts to 1/Ts.

 Solutions
◦ Max .SNR of a DM is proportional to the sampling rate of cubed.
Therefore 9 db Improvement is achieved.
8/7/2017 ECE305 Digital Communication 24
Delta Modulation
 Adv
◦ Transmit only one bit per sample.
◦ Signaling rate and channel BW is small.
 Disadv
◦ Granular Noise
 Step size is too large when compared to small variations in the input
◦ Slope overload distortion
 Error between original signal and staircase approximated
signal . To reduce this error , step size should be increased
when slope of input signal is high.

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Non Uniform Quantizer
• In telephonic communication , it is preferable to use a variable separation
between the levels.
• Loud talk
• Weak Talk
• Able to reduce the quantization noise power for low amplitude signals,
the average SNR improved .
• Step size can be made smaller for smaller signals and larger for larger
signals . Its difficult to implement.
• Practical approach
– Predistort the signals by compression characteristics and put in to
uniform quantizer.
– COMPANDING ( Compressed and Quantized signal )
– Block diagram (i/p, Compressor , Uniform quantizer and Expander

• Two Compression Laws

• A-law and μ law .
Non Uniform Quantizer
• Able to reduce the quantization noise power for low amplitude
signals, the average SNR improved .
• Step size can be made smaller for smaller signals and larger for larger
signals . Its difficult to implement.
• Practical approach
– Predistort the signals by compression characteristics and put in to
uniform quantizer.
– COMPANDING ( Compressed and Quantized signal )
– Block diagram (i/p, Compressor , Uniform quantizer and
• Two Compression Laws
• A-law and law .
Non Uniform Quantizer
 For voice comm.channels,50% of the time, the voltage
characterizing detected speech energy is less than one fourth
of the rms value.

 Large amplitude values are relatively rare; 15% of the time

does the voltage exceed the rms value.
◦ Uniform system would be wasteful for speech signals.
◦ With uniform Quantisation, SNR is worse for low level signal than for
high level signals.
◦ Non Uniform Provide fine quantisation of the weak signals .

Non Uniform Quantizer

Adaptive Delta Modulation
 To overcome the quantization errors due to slope overload and
granular noise, step size is made adaptive to variations in the input
 DM can be improved by making the step size of the modulator by
time varying form.
◦ Step size is adapted to the level of input signal.
◦ Signal approximation -Increased or reduced.
◦ Block diagram(Tx ,RX)-LOGIC for STEP SIZE control
 For e.g. If Quantizer output is high(1) , step size may be increased. If
Quantizer output is Low (0),step size may be reduced
 Step size is constrained to lie between minimum and maximum
 ∂min < = ∂(nTs) <= ∂max
 ∂max- Controls the amount of slope overload distortion.
 ∂min – channel noise

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 In receiver ,first part generates the step
size from each incoming bit.(same as Tx)
 Previous input and present input decides
the step size.
 Accumulator forms staircase waveform.
 LPF-to reconstruct the smooth signal

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Formatting alphanumeric text bypasses the sampling and
quantization operation and directly encodes the text.
[1]. Simon Haykin, “Digital Communication”,
John Wiley, 2009
[2]. Simon Haykin, “Communication
system”, John Wiley.

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