Examen Final de Ingles 2 Periodo 9

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Nombre:_______________________________________________ fecha :______
Curso: 9

1) Marque con una línea

She you
I Us
He them
We me
They it
It her
You him

2) Escribe en ingles las siguientes oraciones

A) ellos nos han llamados todo el día.

B) ella iba a viajar ayer.

C) Él nos envió la plata.

D) Nosotros la amamos.

3) Escriba las oraciones del punto 2 en forma interrogativa y negativa.

4) Marque con una X la respuesta correcta.

“Nosotros no la vimos cuando llego”

A) We don´t saw her when she arrive.
B) We didn´t see her when she arrived.
C) Us didn´t saw her when her arrived.
D) We haven´t seen when she arrived.
“Ellos no habían llegado cuando él nos llamó ”

A) They didn´t arrive when he call us.

B) They hadn´t arrived when he called us.
C) They haven´t arrived when he called us.
D) They haven arrive when him call us.

“Ella iba a llamarlos cuando eso paso”

A) She were to calling when it happened.
B) She were haven´t call when it happen.
C) Her was to call them when happened it
D) She was going to call them when it happened.

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