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J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2013, 29(6), 503e513

Biodegradable Materials for Bone Repairs: A Review

Lili Tan, Xiaoming Yu, Peng Wan, Ke Yang*
Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 72 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016, China
[Manuscript received February 8, 2013, in revised form February 19, 2013, Available online 21 March 2013]

Prof. Ke Yang is the leader of Specialized Materials and Devices Division of Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy
of Sciences. He focuses on R&D of advanced structural steels, novel metallic medical materials, hydrogen storage alloys
and applications. For the novel metallic medical materials research, high nitrogen Ni-free stainless steel, anti-infection
stainless steel, anti-ISR stainless steel, biodegradable magnesium-based metals, antibacterial titanium alloys, are
included, as well as the related metal surface modification techniques, and promoting applications of them in ortho-
paedics, dentistry and coronary stents.

With attractive research and development of biomaterials, more and more opportunities have been brought to the
treatments of human tissue repairs. The implant is usually no need to exist in the body accompanied with the
recovery or regeneration of the tissue lesions, and the long-term effect of exotic substance to human body
should be reduced as lower as possible. For this purpose, biodegradable materials, including polymers,
magnesium alloys and ceramics, have attracted much attention for medical applications due to their
biodegradable characters in body environment. This paper in turn introduces these three different types of
widely studied biodegradable materials as well as their advantages as implants in applications for bone
repairs. Relevant history and research progresses are summarized.

KEY WORDS: Biomaterial; Biodegradable; Polymer; Magnesium; Ceramic; Bone repair

1. Introduction let alone contagious disease and tumorigenesis. Because of their

advantage on flexibility and designability, more and more arti-
As an important biomaterial for human hard tissue replace- ficially synthesized bone repair materials come into people’s
ment and repair, bone repair materials are widely applied in bone sight. As a result, improvements on the existing bone grafts or
surgery, orthopedics and dentistry[1e13]. The number of patients the development of brand new bone repair materials have
with bone defects induced by traumas, inflammations and tumors become a hotspot for research.
are enormous, so the requirement for bone replacement is also According to the degradation performance, bone repair ma-
huge. As a result, the development of bone repair materials has terials can be classified into two groups: bio-inert and biode-
attracted much attention. Autograft bones, allograft bones and gradable materials[17,18]. The bio-inert materials have had a long
artificially synthesized materials are the main bone repair mate- history in clinical use, which are the most widely adopted
rials[14e16]. Although the autograft bones are the ideal materials medical materials. Although the inert implants have shown un-
for bone repair, their resources are limited and the secondary doubted success in application as internal fixations of bones, they
surgeries increase the pains of patients. Furthermore, the do have some unavoidable problems. For example, as the per-
abnormal morphology and dysfunction probably take place in manent implant materials, the inert implants stay in human body
the supply zone. As for autograft bones, the immune rejection forever until they are malfunctioned. The secondary surgery
reactions are the main restriction to the wide application, increases not only the cost but also the pain for patients.
Nowadays, biodegradable materials have attracted much atten-
tion because of their unique degradable characters[19e25]. With
* Corresponding author. Prof., Ph.D.; Tel.: þ86 24 23971628; Fax: þ86
24 23971676; E-mail address: (K. Yang).
degradation of the implants, accompanying with decrease of
1005-0302/$ e see front matter Copyright Ó 2013, The editorial office of mechanical properties of the implanted materials, the loads will
Journal of Materials Science & Technology. Published by Elsevier gradually transfer from the implants to human bones and soft
Limited. All rights reserved. tissues to avoid the stress shield effect. Furthermore, they do not require removals. The development of these biodegradable
504 L. Tan et al.: J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2013, 29(6), 503e513

implants such as rods, plates, pins, screws, suture anchors and

sutures for fixations is progressed in recent years.
Biodegradable polymers, metals and ceramics are the main
three kinds of widely studied biodegradable biomaterials. In this
article, the history and latest achievements on these three
biodegradable materials are summarized, their bio-
compatibilities, degradation mechanisms and applications as
medical implants are also reviewed. Fig. 1 Structural formula of PLA.

2. Biodegradable Polymers
widely used PLA in clinic, it is approximately classified into two
groups: L-PLA (crystalline in most) and DL-PLA (amorphous in
Among those biodegradable materials, the biodegradable
most)[20]. L-PLA is highly resistant to hydrolysis, while DL-PLA
polymer is one of the important materials. Biodegradable poly-
is more sensitive to hydrolysis[40]. In fact, PLA is used in form of
mers are the primary materials for tissue engineering applications
the copolymer of these two kind of isomeric monomers. The
and bone repair implants. Based on their origin, they can be
structural formula of PLA is shown in Fig. 1.
classified as natural-based materials and synthetic polymers. The
common polysaccharides (starch, alginate, chitosan, hyaluronic 2.1.2. PGA. PGA is a synthetic polymer of glycolicacid, syn-
acid derivatives, etc.) and proteins (collagen, fibrin gels, silk, thesized by ring opening of the cyclic diesters of glycolic acid.
etc.) belong to natural-based materials. But their applications are With high crystallinity, melting point and low solubility, PGA
dramatically restricted due to their high physiological activity, was the first for use in clinic as the biodegradable suture lines. In
repellency, unknown degradation rate and low mechanical 1962, DexonÒ was developed as biodegradable suture lines by a
properties. As for the synthetic polymers, by careful design and USA company, Cyanamid Co., which is made of PGA[41].
accurate control, polymers with better properties than natural- Because of its hydrophilism, PGA has a high degradation rate.
based materials can be prepared to accomplish various Usually, its mechanical strength decreases to 50% of the origin
requirements. after implantation for 14 days and to 90e95% after 28 days.
What is a polymer? Polymers are those macromolecules Therefore, PLGA, which is the copolymer of PGA and PLA, is
composed of covalently bonded monomers[21]. The repeating most frequently employed for clinical application. Vicryl and
monomers of a polymer can be the same or different, i.e., ho- Polyglactin 910 are the widely used biodegradable fibers which
mopolymer and copolymer. For copolymer, the number and type are made of PLGA. Hydroxyacetic acid is the degradable
of monomers can be different. Polymer chains can be linear, product of PGA and it is discharged through kidney, or it is
branched, or cross-linked with other chains. Meanwhile, the metabolized by liver with final products of CO2 and H2O. No
polymer can also be amorphous or crystalline. Furthermore, toxicity, no aggregation and biodegradation are the main ad-
there are even amorphous or crystalline regions in the same vantages for PGA used as a biomaterial[42e46]. The structural
polymer, which affects the strength and absorption of these im- formula of PGA is shown in Fig. 2.
plants[26]. The properties of polymers are also affected by tem-
perature. Above the glass transition temperature (Tg), the 2.1.3. PCL. PCL is a biodegradable aliphatic polyester that is
polymers become flexible. It is important to make biodegradable currently being studied for use in medical implants. The struc-
polymers with Tg above the body temperature[21]. tural formula of PCL is shown in Fig. 3. Because of its hydro-
phobic behavior, it is not easy to control the degradation rate
2.1. Commonly used biodegradable polymers only by adjusting its molecular weight. Compared with PGA and
PLA, PCL has a much lower degradation rate due to its high
crystallinity. PCL is a hemihedral crystal with about 45% crys-
There are different kinds of synthetic biodegradable polymers,
tallinity. Consequently, PCL can be probably used as the long-
such as polylactic acid (PLA), polyglycolic acid (PGA), poly-
term implant. Owing to its drug permeability, PCL is usually
3-caprolactone (PCL) and poly-b-hydroxybutyrate (PHB)
used as a drug release carrier. Due to its good flexibility and
As a family of linear aliphatic polyesters, PGA, PLA and poly
machinability, PCL can be squeezed out, molding injected,
(lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) that is a copolymer are
stringed and spread out to form in various shapes. With good
most frequently used in tissue engineering and bone repair im-
biocompatibility and biodegradability, PCL can also copoly with
plants[1e6]. They have been demonstrated to be biocompatible
other polymer biomaterials[47,48].
and degraded in vivo into non-toxic components with control-
lable degradation rates, and have been a long history of uses as 2.1.4. PHB. PHB is also a kind of biodegradable polyester
degradable surgical sutures[30e33], having gained US Food and whatever it is natural or synthesized[49,50]. This polymer is a
Drug Administration (FDA) approval for clinical use. highly stereoregular biopolymer produced by many strains of
bacteria as a storage medium. PHB is highly crystalline and
2.1.1. PLA. As the most widely used biodegradable polymer,
PLA has been studied for nearly 50 years[20,34e36]. It was first
discovered in 1780 by a Swedish chemist, Scheele. In the 1960s,
for medical application, PLA was first reported to be used as
sutures and rods for the repair of mandibular fractures in
dogs[37,38]. In 1988 a project to develop PLA was launched by
Cargill Inc., USA. The goal of the project was to establish a new
product and value opportunities for starch processed by the
company[39]. Nowadays, PLA is a kind of new polymer that is
made from 100% renewable resources like corns. For the most Fig. 2 Structural formula of PGA.
L. Tan et al.: J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2013, 29(6), 503e513 505

2.3. Degradation mechanism of biodegradable polymers

These polymers degrade through hydrolysis of the ester

bonds[48], which could result in a dramatic change of their
chemical structure. In addition, adhered by microorganisms on
Fig. 3 Structural formula of PCL. surface of the polymer, the macromolecules will become rela-
tively small molecular debris by the effect of enzyme secreting
by microorganisms, and then be eventually eliminated from the
orthorhombic[51]. It has also been proved to be useful as a model body in the forms of carbon dioxide and water. The degradation
material for the study of physical properties of polymers. For rate can be affected by the chemical composition, crystallinity,
example, PHB has been found to be an excellent model material molecular weight and distribution, so it can be tailored to satisfy
for the study of polymer nucleation because it contains no a specific requirement from several weeks to several years by
catalyst residual and has perfect tacticity, which is a result of the altering the mentioned parameters. The biodegradation of poly-
biological origin[52]. Consequently, PHB has attracted much mers can be classified as: (1) Physical biodegradation: when
attention as a degradable resin to be used for a wide range of microorganism attacks the polymer, it will be hydrolyze and
medical applications[28]. However, practical use of PHB for these ionize or protonize to become the oligomer debris. The molec-
applications has been limited by its brittleness and narrow pro- ular structure of oligomer is all the same with the polymer. (2)
cessing window. It is known that the growth of cracks within the Chemical biodegradation: under the direct effect of microor-
large spherulites of PHB is the origin of its brittleness. Much ganism or enzyme, the polymer will be degraded into micro
work on blending it with other polymers to decrease both the molecules, eventually, become carbon dioxide and water. How-
brittleness and the melting point has been reported[53e56]. ever, because of the high selectivity for the micro-biological
Furthermore, PHB has also been used to study the miscibility degradation, degradation mechanisms for many polymers are
and crystallization behavior with other polymers[57e60]. still not completely clear.
2.1.5. PDS. PDS (poly-para-dioxanone) is a kind of biodegrad- 2.4. Application of biodegradable polymers in bone repair
able polyester used in tissue engineering, bone fracture
fixation, and controlled drug delivery due to its excellent
For a long time, metals have been always used as the bone
biodegradability, bioabsorbability, biocompatibility, and me-
repair materials. Although they possess high mechanical
chanical flexibility[61e64]. The structural formula of PDS is
strength, which is appropriate for internal fixation of bones, the
shown in Fig. 4. PDS possesses outstanding potential for use in
relevant shielding effect inducing osteoporosis and the corrosion
general medical implants in the form of films, molded products,
resulting in secondary surgery are the main restrictions for their
laminates, foams, non-woven materials, adhesives and
clinical application. Polymers, such as PGA, PLA and PLGA
coatings[65,66]. In the 1970s, later than PLA and PGA, PDS was
with relatively high elastic modulus, tensile strength and low
first developed. However, because of its unique physical and
elongation at break, are also suitable for bone repairs[19]. The
biological properties, PDS is universally acknowledged as the
bone screw and splint made of PLA or PLGA are not easy to be
first choice for the fracture internal fixation material. PDS frac-
corroded[71]. However, they will biodegrade with increase of the
ture internal fixation material is completely bio-absorbable in
implantation time and their strength are correspondingly
bone tissues[67, 68]. With the degradation of PDS, new bone
decreased. Then, the stress transfer to bone and the osteoporosis
tissue can deposite on the fixation implants. PDS can be
are eventually avoided as well as the secondary surgery. With the
completely vanished within 180e200 days via control of its
development of syntheses technology, the strength of polymer is
molecular weight, crystallinity and melting temperature.
enough to be used as the bone lamella material such as thigh-
bone. For the polymers with relatively low strength, they can be
2.2. Physicochemical and mechanical properties of employed as anklebone, patella, phalanx and various fixed
biodegradable polymers screws, etc. However, relatively low mechanical strength, X-ray
transparency and the non-specificity foreign body reaction
Table 1 shows the properties of some biodegradable poly- caused by individual difference are the main disadvantages for
mers[69]. The thermal, mechanical, and biodegradation charac- polymers[72]. At present, the most widely used bone fixation
teristics of PLA and other polymers depend on the choice and polymers are PLGA known as Lactosorb Craniomaxillofacial
distribution of stereoisomers within the polymer chains, such as Fixation System (Biomet). Natureworks LLC Natureworks
poly (L-lactide) (PLLA) and poly (D-lactide) (PDLA). The degree PLAÒ and IngeoTM, and Kanebo LactronÒ are the main PLA
of crystallinity depends on many factors, such as molecular products.
weight, thermal and processing histories, and temperature and
time of annealing treatments. In particular, PLLA is always 3. Biodegradable Magnesium Based Metals
preferred whenever higher mechanical strength and longer
degradation time is required[70]. Magnesium (Mg) based metals, including pure magnesium
and its alloys, are attracting much attentions for medical appli-
cations owing to their easy corrosions in body environment,
which can be taken as characteristics of biodegradation if the
corrosion products are bio-safely absorbed or excreted. In the
late 19th century, magnesium was tried to be used as the implant
material, shortly after the discovery of elemental magnesium by
Sir Humphrey Davy in 1808. Some clinic trials were made on
Fig. 4 Structural formula of PDS. magnesium implants, including ligatures, connectors for vessel
506 L. Tan et al.: J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2013, 29(6), 503e513

Table 1 Properties of biodegradable polymers[69]

Polymer Thermal & mechanical properties Degradation properties Processing and applications

Melting Glass transition Tensile Time Solvent Applications

temperature ( C) temperature ( C) modulus (GPa) (months)

PLA 173e178 60e65 1.5e2.7 12e18 Choloroform Fracture fixation,

Dioxane Interference screws,
Dichlorometane Suture anchors,
Etylacetate Meniscus repair
PGA 225e230 35e40 5e7 3e4 Hexafluoroisopropanol Suture anchors,
Acetone Meniscus repair,
Dicholoremthane Medical devices,
Choloroform Drug delivery
PCL 58e63 60 0.4e0.6 >24 Choloroform Suture coating, dental
Hexafluoroisopropanol Orthopedic implants
PLGA (50/50) Amorphous 50e55 1.4e2.8 3e6 Choloroform Suture, drug delivery
PLGA (85/15) Amorphous 50e55 1.4e2.8 3e6 Etylacetate Interference screws,
Acetone Suture anchors, ACL
Tetrahydrofuran Reconstruction
PLGA (90/10) Amorphous 50e55 e <3 Choloroform Artificial skin,
Dichlorometane Wound healing, suture

anastomosis, wires for aneurysm treatment, as well as osteo- of magnesium based metals (about 45 GPa) is more close
synthetic applications. Magnesium based metals with biode- to that of natural bones. Hence, the stress shielding effect
gradable behaviors possess superior strength to weight ratio induced by serious mismatch in modulus between natural
compared to those of other biodegradable materials. However, a bones and metal implants is expected to be mitigated.
critical problem to be settled is how to well control the degra- 4) Close density with bones: Densities of magnesium based
dation rates of magnesium based metals. metals (1.7e2.0 g/cm3) are close to those of natural bones
Biodegradable magnesium based metals are potential to be (1.8e2.1 g/cm3), compared with titanium alloys (4.42 g/cm3
used as a new class of biodegradable medical implant materials for Ti-6Al-4V), stainless steels (about 7.8 g/cm3),
since they possess many advantages over the current applied and biodegradable polymers (about 1 g/cm3 for PLLA) and
developed biomaterials as the follows. hydroxyapatite (3.156 g/cm3).

1) Good biological behaviors: Magnesium is an element 3.1. Current studies on biodegradable magnesium alloys
essential to the human body. Mg2þ is the fourth most
abundant cation in the human body and is largely stored in 3.1.1. Commercial magnesium alloys. Commercialized mag-
bone tissues. The direct corrosion product of magnesium, nesium alloys developed for the engineering application pur-
Mg2þ, is easily absorbed or consumed by the human body, poses have relatively better combinations of mechanical
and can be excreted in urines[73]. properties and corrosion resistances. Therefore in the beginning,
2) Good mechanical properties: Magnesium based metals some commercial magnesium alloys were directly selected as the
have obvious advantage over the currently developed biodegradable magnesium alloys for investigations. WE43 alloy, a
biodegradable materials such as polymers, ceramics and rare earth elements strengthened magnesium alloy, was earlier to
bioactive glasses in load bearing applications that require be developed as a biodegradable magnesium alloy for the bio-
higher strengths. absorbable coronary stents[74]. AZ31B alloy, an MgeAleZn
3) Close modulus with bones: Compared with titanium alloys alloy, was also manufactured into bio-absorbable coronary stents
(about 110 GPa), stainless steels (about 200 GPa) and with drug eluting coating (SEBMAS)[75]. Witte et al. reported that
cobalt based alloys (about 230 GPa), the elastic modulus the implant made of AZ91 alloy, another MgeAleZn alloy,
L. Tan et al.: J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2013, 29(6), 503e513 507

showed no significant harm to its neighboring tissues and also 3.1.5. Other biodegradable magnesium alloys. Binary Mg-1X
exhibited good biocompatibility[24]. No skin sensitizing potentials (wt.%) (X ¼ Al, Ag, In, Mn, Si, Sn, Y, Zn and Zr) alloys were
were detected for the currently studied commercial magnesium studied to evaluate the biological behaviors compared with pure
alloys including AZ31, AZ91, WE43 and LAE442[76]. In addi- magnesium[90]. It was found that the hemolysis and the amount of
tion, pure magnesium has also been investigated as a biodegrad- adhered platelets decreased for all the Mg-1X alloys as compared
able implant material since it has single elemental composition, to the pure magnesium control. Moreover, the biological behavior
high purity and uniform degradation behavior [77, 78]. of high purity Mge1.2Mne1.0Zn was in vivo evaluated. After 9
Originally the commercial magnesium alloys were not and 18 weeks post-implantations, all the magnesium alloy im-
designed for medical applications, thus there may exist some plants were fixed tightly and no inflammation was found[90].
potential problems. Aluminum (Al) ions released from AZ91 With more studies and corresponding developments of
alloy could easily combine the inorganic phosphates, leading to a biodegradable magnesium alloys, some new alloys with
lack of phosphate in the human body, and an increased con- biocompatible elements and better combination of corrosion
centration of Al ions in brains seems to be associated with the resistance and mechanical properties are expected to be applied
Alzheimer’s disease. Severe hepatotoxicity has been detected in clinic in the future.
after the administration of rare earth elements such as cerium,
praseodymium and yttrium[79]. Therefore in the past few years,
3.2. Degradation mechanism of magnesium based metals
some new magnesium alloys oriented for medical applications
have been developed, mainly including the alloy systems of
Magnesium based metals are generally known to be corroded
MgeCa, MgeZn, MgeRE, MgeMn, etc.
in an aqueous environment via an electrochemical reaction,
3.1.2. MgeCa alloys. Ca has a low density (1.55 g/cm3), which which produces magnesium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. The
endues the MgeCa alloy system with an advantage of similar overall corrosion reaction of magnesium in an aqueous envi-
density to bone[80]. Magnesium is necessary for the incorporation ronment is given below:
of Ca into bones, which is expected to be beneficial to the bone
healing with co-releasing both Mg and Ca ions[80]. For this pur- MgðsÞ þ 2H2 OðaqÞ ¼ MgðOHÞ2ðsÞ þ H2ðgÞ (1)
pose MgeCa alloys have been studied by several research groups
in the world as a class of novel biodegradable magnesium alloys.
Binary MgexCa (x ¼ 1e3 wt%) alloys with various Ca contents It is well known that Cl ions easily induce pitting corrosions
under different processing conditions were studied[78], which was to happen on magnesium alloys. When the chloride concentra-
generally composed of two phases, alpha-Mg and Mg2Ca. An tion in the corrosive environment rises above 30 mmol/L,
increase of Mg2Ca phase in microstructure led to a higher corro- magnesium hydroxide formed as Eq. (1) will continue to react
sion rate for the alloy, whereas hot rolling and hot extrusion could with magnesium to form a highly soluble magnesium chloride
reduce the corrosion rate. Mge1Ca alloy did not induce cyto- and thus the degradation rate is increased. HPO4 2 ions can
toxicity to cells, and high activities of osteoblasts and osteocytes decrease the corrosion rate of magnesium alloys and the occur-
were observed around the Mge1Ca alloy pins implanted in rabbit rence of pitting corrosion is significantly delayed due to the
femoral shafts[80], showing good biocompatibility and bioactivity. precipitation of magnesium phosphate. HCO3 ions are
observed to stimulate the corrosion of magnesium alloys during
3.1.3. MgeZn alloys. Zinc (Zn) is an essential element in the
the early immersion stage, but they can also induce a rapid
human body and it has also an even more strengthening effect in
passivation on the surface of the alloys, mainly resulting from
magnesium alloys[81]. Zn could elevate both the corrosion
the fast precipitation of magnesium carbonate in the corrosion
potential and the Faraday charge transfer resistance of magne-
product layer, which can subsequently completely inhibit the
sium, and thus improve the corrosion resistance[82,83]. Up to
pitting corrosion. SO4 2 ions were also found to stimulate the
now, MgeZn based alloys have been reported with good per-
dissolution of magnesium[91]. Proteins such as albumin have
formance. The tensile strength and elongation of a Mge6%Zn
been demonstrated to form a corrosion blocking layer on the
alloy reached to 279.5 MPa and 18.8%, respectively[83]. Mge6%
magnesium alloys in the in vitro experiment. This layer can be
Zn alloy could be gradually absorbed in vivo at degradation rate
enriched with calcium phosphates that concomitantly participate
of about 2.32 mm/y, and was harmless to the L-929 cells and the
in the corrosion protection[92]. However, organic compounds,
main organs in animals[83].
such as amino acids, promote the dissolution of magnesium[93].
3.1.4. MgeRE alloys. As MgeRE alloys possess better me- In addition, magnesium alloys are susceptible to stress
chanical performance and corrosion resistance, some new Mge corrosion cracking in the chloride-containing environment,
RE alloys were studied as biodegradable magnesium alloys for resulting in a sudden catastrophic/premature cracking, which is
medical application. MgeY alloy was prepared by a zone so- so called stress corrosion cracking. Therefore stress corrosion
lidification method, and showed improved corrosion resistance cracking in the chloride-containing solution for magnesium
and mechanical properties[84]. Moreover, MgeGd[85], MgeCe, based metal implants in a loading-bearing application, such as
MgeNd, MgeLa, etc., were also studied for medical applica- coronary stents under the loading of blood vessel and blood flow,
tions, and among them MgeNd alloy showed a much slower plates and screws for orthopedic fixation under the loading of
corrosion rate than the other alloys[86]. MgeYeZn alloy showed body weight and movement, should be in much concern.
an interesting combination of preferred microstructural, me-
chanical, electrochemical and biological properties, which makes 3.3. Potential application of magnesium based metals for bone
it very promising for application as a biodegradable implant repairs
material[87,88]. The corrosion resistance of Mge1.2%Nde0.5%
Ye0.5%Zr alloy was improved by addition of 0.4%Ca, however Owing to the attractive advantages besides the characteristic
the stress corrosion behavior was damaged[89]. of biodegradation, magnesium based metals have become one of
508 L. Tan et al.: J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2013, 29(6), 503e513

the hot spots in metallic biomaterials research for the past 10 4. Biodegradable/Bioresorbable Ceramics
years. For application in bone repairs, magnesium based metals
have been widely investigated both in vitro and in vivo, mostly Ceramics have become a diverse class of biomaterials which
focused on screws and plates for fixations, and porous scaffolds were initially used as alternatives to metallic biomaterials in
as bone filling materials. However since the mechanical prop- order to increase the biocompatibility of implants. Bioceramics
erties of magnesium alloys are still much lower than those of are presently used to fill defects in tooth and bones, to fix bone
commonly used titanium alloys and stainless steels for the load grafts, fractures and prostheses, and to replace diseased tissues.
bearing bones, the implants not for load bearing are the currently According to the reaction between the material and the living
potential applications for magnesium based metals. tissue, bioceramics can be classified into three groups: (1) bio-
In addition, the application of magnesium based metals is also inert ceramics such as alumina and zirconia, (2) bioactive ce-
limited by their fast degradation rates inducing hemolysis, ramics such as hydroxyapatite and other calcium phosphate
osteolysis, physical stimulation of gas bubble and fast decreases of ceramics, and (3) bioresorbable ceramics[103]. Various bio-
mechanical properties. To solve this problem, besides the devel- ceramics and their applications are shown in Fig. 5.
opment of new alloys with higher corrosion resistance, surface
modification is considered to be an effective method. Many sur- 4.1. Commonly used bioresorbable ceramics
face modification methods have been employed for biodegradable
magnesium based metals, such as anodization[94,95], micro-arc Bioresorbable ceramics are characterized with gradual disso-
oxidation[96,97], electrodeposition[98,99], phosphating[100,101], lution of the materials in vivo by the biosystem of the organisms,
biomimetic treatment[102] etc, and some progresses on reduction and are used for replacements of bone tissues without toxicity
of the degradation rates have been achieved. and rejection[105]. Among different bioactive and resorbable

Fig. 5 The bioceramics tree and its fruits[104].

L. Tan et al.: J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2013, 29(6), 503e513 509

ceramics, calcium phosphate based ceramics such as hydroxy- cells (BMSCs) and b-tricalcium phosphate (b-TCP) as the bone
apatite (HA), b-tricalcium phosphate (b-TCP) as well as bioac- substitute implanted in rat dorsal muscles. Cutright et al. [130]
tive glass are quite substantially used for long time. Calcium found 95% absorption of tricalcium phosphate ceramic im-
phosphate ceramics are synthetic scaffolds that have been used in plants in rat tibias 48 days postoperatively with extensive bone
dentistry since the early of 1970s and in orthopedics since growth and marrow reformation. Cameron et al.[131] observed
1980s[106108]. both the toxicity and the bone-ingrowth potential of TCP in
canine model and reported no untoward tissue or systemic re-
4.1.1. Calcium hydroxyapatite. Hydroxyapatite (HA) is action when implanted in cancellous bone. It was rapidly infil-
attributed to the compositions of bioactive and bioresorbable trated with bone and slowly resorbed. Resorption of these TCPs
ceramics, or substances close to it in composition which forms was mediated by osteoclastic activity and resorption time vary-
HA crystals by the reaction with the organism at the implante ing between 6 and 24 months[132].
biomedium interface[105]. Synthetic HA is produced through a
high-temperature reaction and is a highly crystalline form of 4.1.3. Bioactive glass-ceramics. Certain calcium phosphate
calcium phosphate. The nominal composition of this mixture is glass-crystalline materials and glasses are also classified as
Ca10 (PO4)6(OH)2 with an atomic ratio for calcium-to- bioactive ceramics in the scientific and medical literatures, due to
phosphate of 1.67. Synthetic HA is a complete chemical and the formation of HA microcrystals on their surfaces upon reac-
crystalochemical analog of bone mineral. This chemical simi- tion with the biomedia via strong biochemical bonds with
larity with bone accounts for their osteoconductive potential adjacent bone tissues[133e135]. Glass-crystalline materials may be
and excellent biocompatibility[109111]. Synthetic and natural considered in essence as ceramics with high concentrations of
HA differ only in structure. Calcium hydroxyapatite/tricalcium glass phase, while bioactive glasses are materials which contain
phosphate (60/40) provides a structure or scaffold which can small amounts of crystalline phase, or nuclei, formed by selec-
have a close interface with adjacent bone and have a limited tive chemical solution and (or) annealing. The following crys-
application in the treatment of load-bearing segmental bone talline phases are found in bioactive glass-crystalline materials
defects that did not fail at the early stages of implantation[112]. and glasses: apatite (general formula Ca10(PO4)6(O,OH,F),
Hydroxyapatite has been established to be an excellent carrier b-wollastonite (b-CaOSiO2), phlogopite ((Na, K)Mg3(AlSiO10)
of osteoinductive growth factors and osteogenic cell pop- F2), and witlokite (b-Ca3(PO4)2) [105].
ulations, which greatly add to their utilities as bioactive de- Bioactive glass ceramics (Bio-glass) were first developed by
livery vehicles in the future[113]. Hench et al. [136]. This glass was biocompatible, osteoconductive
Clinical indications are related to specific structural, biological and bonds to bone without an intervening fibrous connective tissue
and biomechanical properties of the bone grafts. HA ceramics interface[137,138]. This material has been widely used for filling
are useful to fill small bone defects after bone tumor resection or bone defects[139,140] alone and in combination with autogenous
after bone loss in fresh fractures, e.g., in tibia, humerus, calca- and allogenic cancellous bone graft[141]. Bio-glass is composed
neus, radius and vertebral surgeries, but they are not indicated in mainly of silica, sodium oxide, calcium oxide and phosphates. The
large bone defects[114]. Besides, the bioresorption of HA seems range of compositions in the Na2OeCaOeP2O5eSiO2 system in
to be related to its properties. It was reported that HA underwent which bioactivity is found is approximately (mole %) 5e17 P2O5,
a slow degradation, and minimal resorption after an implantation 20e50 CaO, 20e55 SiO2, and 10e50 Na2O.
period of 12 weeks in rabbit’s femora was found[115]. Many bioactive and resorbable ceramics containing silicate
In recent years, there have been efforts in developing the phase are based on the composition “45S5”, i.e., 45% SiO2. It is
doped bioceramics materials such as Mg-HA[116], Sr-HA[117], Si- interesting that replacing part of the SiO2 in this composition with
HA[118], CHA[119] to enhance their mechanical and biological B2O3 (up to 15% B2O3), adding CaF2 up to 12% instead of CaO, or
properties for tissue engineering applications. In addition, Ag- increasing the amount of crystalline phase by changing the crys-
HA is studied for curing the infected bone defects[120]. Hy- tallization conditionsdall have little effect on the bioactivity of the
droxyapatite as a synthetic material, is known for its good material, i.e., its ability to form a biochemical bond with bone[142].
cytocompatibility, but is limited in use due to its moderate to low At the same time the addition of only 3% Al2O3 prevents the
solubility in the body and mechanical properties that differ from formation of bonding with bone. Small additions of titanium,
surrounding tissues and bones[121]. HA doped with manganese tantalum, zirconium, and antimony oxides also decrease the ability
and/or zinc as bone substitute resulted in a faster resorption to form an adherent bond with bone[143,144]. For certain bioceramic
kinetics[122]. compositions, for example the glass-ceramics Cerabone A/W, the
adhesive strength of the bone-implant bond exceeded the strength
4.1.2. Tricalcium phosphate. Like hydroxyapatite, tricalcium of both ceramics and bone[145].
phosphate (TCP) Ca3(PO4)2 is also a bioactive and resorbable Bioactive glasses have been clinically used for tympanoplastic
ceramic material. The chemical composition and crystallinity of reconstruction[146], as filling materials in benign tumor sur-
the material are similar to those of the mineral phase of bone. It geries[147], for reconstruction of defects in facial bones[148,149],
exists in either a or b-crystalline form. Its biodegradation rate is for treatment of periodontal bone defects[150,151], in obliteration
higher compared with HA. Degradability occurs by combination of frontal sinuses [152e154], in repairing orbital floor frac-
of dissolution and osteoclastic resorption[123]. tures[155,156], in lumbar fusion[157], and for reconstruction of the
Tricalcium phosphate implants have been used for two de- iliac crest defect after bone graft harvesting[158].
cades as the synthetic bone void fillers in orthopedic and dental
applications[124,125]. The small particle size and the inter- 4.2. Physicochemical and mechanical properties
connected sponge like microporosity are believed to improve
osteoconductive abilities and promote timely resorption Table 2 shows typical properties of bioactive and resorbable
concomitant with the remodeling process[111,126128]. Zhang HA and TCP ceramics, and also the compositions and properties
et al.[129] reported the bone formation with bone marrow stromal of a number of bio-glass crystalline materials and bio-
510 L. Tan et al.: J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2013, 29(6), 503e513

Table 2 Composition and mechanical properties of bioactive and resorbable ceramics[159]

Parameter Ceramics Bioglass Glass-ceramic

HA TCP 45S5 S45PZ Ceravital Cerabone A/W I1mappant Biovert

Comosition, mass%
Na2O e e 24.5 24 5e10 0 4.6 3e8
K2O e e 0 e 0.5e3.0 0 0.2 3e8
MgO e e 0 e 2.5e5.0 4.6 2.8 2e21
CaO e e 24.5 22 30e35 44.7 31.9 10e34
Al2O3 e e 0 e 0 0 0 8-15
SiO2 e e 45.0 45 40e50 34.0 44.3 19e54
P2O5 e e 6.0 7 10e50 16.2 11.2 2e10
CaF2 e e 0 e e 0.5 5.0 3e23
B2O3 e e 0 2 e e e
Phase Apatite Witlokite Glass Glass Apatite, Apatite, Apatite, Apatite,
glass b-wollastonite, b-wollastonite, phlogopite
glass glass glass
Density, g/cm3 3.16 3.07 2.66 e e 3.07 e 2.8
Hardness, HV 600 e 460 e 680 e 500 460
Strength, MPa:
compressive bend 500e1000 460e680 e e 500 1080 e 500
115e200 140e154 110e140 e e 215 160 500
Young modulus, GPa 80e110 33e90 35 e 100e150 218 e 70e88
Fracture toughness 1.0 e e e 2.0 2.5 0.5e1.0 e
K1c, MPa$m1/2

glasses[159].The strengths of bioactive ceramics are substantially 4.3. Degradation mechanism

lower than those of bio-inert ones. The highest strength is found
in non-porous HA and in the glass-ceramics Cerabone A/W, but The degradation of bioresorbable ceramics was assumed to
the bend strength and crack resistance of these materials are 5e7 take place by solution-driven and cell-mediated processes[160].
times lower than those of high-strength ZrO2 ceramics. HA The chemical composition, physical characteristics and crystal
generally provides limited biomechanical support due to their structures certainly play important roles in the biological
low tensile resistance, and TCP is less fragile than HA. There are behavior of ceramics[161e163]. After implantation, bioresorbable
no relevant data on structural or biomechanical properties of ceramics undergo cellular degradation and are progressively
bioactive glasses in the literatures, but they show a superior replaced by lamellar true bone characterized by physiological
mechanical strength compared with calcium phosphate products bone remodeling. Cells involved in degradation/resorption of
as a result of strong graft-bone bonding. ceramics intervene via two main mechanisms: phagocytosis and

Table 3 Mechanical properties of biodegradable polymer, ceramics and magnesium alloys[92]

Tissue/material Compressive Tensile strength, E-modulus, GPa Tensile yield Elongation (A)at
strength, MPa MPa strength, MPa break, %

Cortical bonea 164e240 35e283 5e23 1.07e2.10

Cancellous bonea 1.5e38 10e1570 (MPa)
Synthetic Hydroxyapatite 100e900 40e200 70e120
Bioactive glass 40e60 35e35
DL-PLA 29e35 1.9e2.4 5e6
AZ91E-F sand cast 97 165 45 97 2.5
AZ91E-F HPDC 165 230 45 150 3
AZ91E-GAE 457 45 517 11.1
AZ31 extruded 83e97 241e260 165e200 12e16
AZ31 sheet 110e180 255e290 150e220 15e21
AZ31GAE 445 424 11.5
LAE442 247 148 18
WE43A-T6 250 162 2
WE43-B 345 220 2
WE43 extruded 277 198 17
AZ91þ2Ca-GAE 452 427 5.4
AZ91þ2Ca 147 1.7
Mg0.8Ca 428
Mg(0e4)Ca 210e240
AM50A-F 113 210 10
AM60B-F 130 225 8
L. Tan et al.: J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2013, 29(6), 503e513 511

extracellular acidification (resorption). These two processes are physiological bone remodeling, however the mechanical evo-
modulated by various parameters, such as the implantation site lution was seldom reported.
and the presence of various proteins (cytokines, extracellular The biological behaviors of biodegradable polymers and mag-
matrix protein). The cells implicated in this degradation process nesium alloys were compared in the previous studies. It was
(mesenchymal cells, monocytes/macrophages, osteoclasts) could proved that more new bones were found around the magnesium
intervene directly or indirectly through their cytokines/growth alloy implant than the polymer implant, showing better biological
factor secretions and their sensitivity to the same substances and bioactive behaviors of magnesium alloy, which is attributed to
which modulate cellular activities[164,165]. the biocompatible and bioactive degradation products of magne-
sium alloy, e.g., Mg2þ, however the acidic degradation products
4.4. Applications of bioresorbable ceramics in bone repair of polymer is possible to induce inflammation.
Since the mechanical properties, degradation mechanism and
Based on the performances above, bioactive and resorbable biological behaviors are different for the three types of biode-
ceramics are used in all types of bone reconstruction, in partic- gradable materials, their applications for implants should be
ular for the fabrication of implants which densely fuse with bone individually designed to exert their own advantages, and in some
(for example in skull restorations after operations or trauma), applications the competitions among the biodegradable materials
tooth-root implants, biological tooth fillings, cure of diseases of are also possible.
the periodontia (tissue around teeth), maxillofacial reconstruc-
tion, grafting and stabilizing skull bone, joint reconstruction, for Acknowledgments
the endoprosthesis of hearing aids, cosmetic eye prostheses, The authors would like to thank the financial support of the
etc[166]. Resorbable ceramics also aid in the restoration of ten- National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program,
dons, ligaments, small blood vessels, and nerve fibers[167]. No.2012CB619101).
Among these products, bone graft substitutes are widely used.
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