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Simon Rea

Senior TAC

Continuous Stirrer Tanks Reactors

Agenda 2

1 Introduction to CSTR

2 Case 1: CSTR

3 Case 2: Continuous Crystallizer

4 Equipment Required for CSTR's

5 Appendix

For internal use - Confidential

What is a CSTR?
 Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors (CSTRs) are the most basic continuous
reactors used in chemical processes – they are:
- Open systems where material is free to enter or exit the system
- Operate on a steady-state basis where conditions in the reactor don't change with
- Reactants are continuously introduced into the reactor while products are
continuously removed (steady state)
 CSTRs are very well mixed so contents have relatively uniform properties
such as temperature, density etc. throughout – conditions in the reactor's exit
stream are the same as those inside the tank
 Systems connecting several CSTRs are used when the reaction is too slow
or when two immiscible liquids or viscous liquids are present and require a
high agitation rate

CSTRs vs. Flow Reactors

 Good temperature control is easily maintained
 Tank reactor behavior is well understood
 Cheap to construct
 Reactor has large heat capacity
 Interior of reactor is easily accessed

 Conversion of reactant to product per volume of reactor is
small compared to other flow reactors
 Overall throughput typically lower

What is a CSTR?
 CSTRs consist of:
- Tank (usually of constant volume)
- Stirring system to mix reactants (impeller or fast flowing introduction of reactants)
- Feed and exit pipes to introduce reactants and remove products
 CSTRs are most commonly used in industrial processing, primarily in homogeneous
liquid-phase flow reactions, where constant agitation is required
 CSTRs may be used by themselves, in series or in a battery
 CSTRs are also used in the pharmaceutical industry as a loop reactor
 CSTRs are often used in biological processes, such as cell cultures
- Fermenters are CSTRs used in biological processes in many industries such as brewing,
antibiotics and waste treatment, large molecules being broken down into smaller molecules
with alcohol as a by-product

How Can Mettler Toledo Help?
 There are a variety of ways to set up CSTR systems
 EasyMax is convenient since there are two well controlled independent reactors immediately
adjacent to each other
 OptiMax and RX-10 can operate as single CSTR systems or coupled to other reactors and
controlled from same PC (up to four units connect to one PC)
 Typically pumps are used to transfer liquids when running CSTR system for chemical
reactions – pumps can be syringe pumps, peristaltic and diaphragm pumps or even gravity
 For crystallization systems, pumps transferring between CSTR's can physically change the
crystals so pressure difference (nitrogen and vacuum) can be used to transfer slurries through
larger diameter tubing
 PAT is invaluable in keeping steady state monitored and well controlled
- ReactIR, FBRM, pH

Agenda 7

1 Introduction to CSTR

2 Case 1: CSTR

3 Case 2: Continuous Crystallizer

4 Equipment Required for CSTR's

5 Appendix

For internal use - Confidential

Case 1: CSTR

BF3 Peristaltic Pump 1 Peristaltic Pump 2

Gas Uptake Set

Liquid levels
stay constant
due to output
tube heights

Monomer Feed Reactor 1 Reactor 2 Receiver

BF3 catalyzed polymerization: Experimental Overview

 Instrumentation:
- EasyMax 102 with Dosing Unit set up in a
continuous mode
- Universal Control Box connected to gas uptake
- 2 x Masterflex peristaltic pumps between
reactors and output from reactor 2

 Chemistry:
- Monomer diluted in solvent in Reactor 1, Tr at 10°C
- Reactor 2 solvent only, Tr at 10°C
- Dilute monomer was added automatically by the EasyMax Dosing Unit, BF3 gas was gently
bubbled in with the EasyMax gas uptake set
- Reactor fill levels were held constant with a combination of adjusting peristaltic pump rates
and output tube height levels

Control temperature and feed rates while measuring moles of gas

reacted and reaction energy
Agenda 10

1 Introduction to CSTR

2 Case 1: CSTR

3 Case 2: Continuous Crystallizer

4 Equipment Required for CSTR's

5 Appendix

For internal use - Confidential

Case 2: Continuous Crystallizer

Other Feeds

N2 N2

Vacuum Vacuum

Liquid levels
stay constant
due to output
tube heights

Saturated Feed Reactor 1 Reactor 2 Receiver

Balance optional Balance optional

Case 2: Continuous Crystallizer

Agenda 13

1 Introduction to CSTR

2 Case 1: CSTR

3 Case 2: Continuous Crystallizer

4 Equipment Required for CSTR's

5 Appendix

For internal use - Confidential

Equipment Required for CSTR's
 1 x EasyMax 402 ideal for small scale (400mL) CSTR
 1 or more OptiMax for mid-scale (1,000mL) CSTR
 1 or more RX-10 for larger scale (> 1L) CSTR
 Easy Control Box to connect valves and pumps, balances
 Cables for connecting devices to ECB
- RS-232 cable to connect balance MT part # 51190589
 Universal Control Box to connect valves and pumps, balances
- Plug to connect valve wiring to UCB MT part # 51190427
- RS-232 cable to connect balance MT part # 51190589
- Balances can be used to control feed rates and/or to monitor total product collected
 Parker control valves to switch nitrogen pressure and vacuum on and off
- Parker part # 71215SN2EN00N0C111C2 needs to be connected to MT plug 51190427
 Peristaltic pumps
 MT Dosing Unit

Agenda 15

1 Introduction to CSTR

2 Case 1: CSTR

3 Case 2: Continuous Crystallizer

4 Equipment Required for CSTR's

5 Appendix

For internal use - Confidential




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