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6/22/2018 Gtk+/Gnome Application Development - Signals

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Web Development A GtkObject can emit a signal. Signals are stored in a global table by GTK+. Handlers or callbacks can be connected to signal
GUI signal is emitted, its callbacks are invoked. The process of invoking all handlers for a signal is called emission.
Databases Abstractly, a signal is a kind of message that an object wants to broadcast; the kind of message is associated with certain con
Mail Systems (such as the user selecting a list item) and with message-specific parameter types which are passed to connected callbacks (
index of the row the user selected). User callbacks are connected to a particular signal and to a particular object instance. Th
do not connect callbacks to the "clicked" signal of all buttons; rather, you connect to the "clicked" signal of a particular one. ( there is a way to monitor all emissions of a signal---these callbacks are called "emission hooks.")
Signals are typically associated with a class function pointer which is invoked every time the signal is emitted; if non-NULL, th
How To Guides to class function serves as a default handler for the signal. It is up to the author of each GtkObject subclass whether to provid
Virtualization in the class struct for a default handler, and whether to implement the default handler in the base class. Conventionally, signa
General System same name as the class function they are associated with.
Linux Security For example, the GtkButtonClass struct has a member called clicked; this member is registered as the default handler for the
Linux Filesystems signal. However, the GtkButton base class does not implement a default handler, and leaves the clicked member set to NULL
Web Servers Subclasses of GtkButton could optionally fill it in with an appropriate function. If GtkButton did implement a default clicked h
Graphics & Desktop subclasses could still override it with a different one.
PC Hardware
Note that GTK+ signals have nothing to do with UNIX signals. Sometimes new GTK+ users confuse the two.
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Adding a New Signal

Once you understand the GTK+ type system and GtkArg, signal registration is fairly transparent. Here is the signal registratio
from GtkButton again:

button_signals[PRESSED] =
gtk_signal_new ("pressed",
GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (GtkButtonClass, pressed),
button_signals[RELEASED] =
gtk_signal_new ("released",
GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (GtkButtonClass, released),
button_signals[CLICKED] =
gtk_signal_new ("clicked",
GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (GtkButtonClass, clicked),
button_signals[ENTER] =
gtk_signal_new ("enter",
GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (GtkButtonClass, enter),
button_signals[LEAVE] =
gtk_signal_new ("leave",
GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (GtkButtonClass, leave),

gtk_object_class_add_signals (object_class, button_signals, LAST_SIGNAL); 1/3
6/22/2018 Gtk+/Gnome Application Development - Signals

Earlier in gtkbutton.c, an enumeration and an array were declared as follows:

enum {

static guint button_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };

gtk_signal_new() has the following effects:

It registers the name of the signal.

It associates the signal with a particular GtkType.

It tells GTK+ where to find the default handler in the class struct, if any.

It tells GTK+ what signature the signal's callbacks will have.

It registers a marshaller, a function which invokes the signal's callbacks in an appropriate way.

It generates an integer identifier which can be used to refer to the signal. (If you refer to the symbol by name, GTK+ w
ID associated with the name and then use the ID.)

gtk_object_class_add_signals() attaches signal identifiers to the object's class struct, so the signals for a given class can
located. Conventionally, the argument to this function is an enumeration-indexed static array, as shown for GtkButton. The s
is also useful when implementing the functionality of the class (the signal identifiers are used to emit the signals).

The first argument to gtk_signal_new() is a name for the signal; you refer to the signal by name when you call
gtk_signal_connect(), for example. The third argument is the GtkType of the object type emitting the signal, and the fourt
location of the associated class function in the type's class struct. A macro is provided to compute the offset. If you specify an
0, no class function will be associated with the signal. Note that giving a zero offset is distinct from giving a valid offset but se
function member in the struct to NULL; in the latter case, subclasses of the object can fill in a value for the default handler.

The second argument is a bitfield. Here are the associated flags:

GTK_RUN_FIRST means that the default handler in the class struct, if any, will run before user-connected callbacks. If t
Partners set, signal handlers should not return a value.

GTK_RUN_LAST means the opposite, the default handler will run last. (Caveat: user callbacks connected with
gtk_signal_connect_after() run after a GTK_RUN_LAST default handler. There is no way to ensure a default handler
run last. GTK_RUN_FIRST handlers are always first, however.)

GTK_RUN_BOTH is an alias for (GTK_RUN_FIRST | GTK_RUN_LAST), so the default handler will run twice (on either sid
connected callbacks).

Build World- GTK_RUN_NO_RECURSE means that the signal should not be called recursively. If a handler for a signal emits the same
again, normally the second emission is performed as usual (calling all handlers), and then the first emission continues,
Class remaining handlers. With GTK_RUN_NO_RECURSE in effect, a second emission aborts the first emission (ignoring any h
Dashboards that remain), and restarts the emission process. So only one emission is in progress at a time. (Right now this is used o
GtkAdjustment's "changed" and "value_changed" signals. Usually you don't care about how many times a value change
for You & whether it changed and its most recent value. GTK_RUN_NO_RECURSE "compresses" multiple emissions into a single e
Your Clients.
GTK_RUN_ACTION means the signal can be "bound" and invoked by the user. In other words, no special setup or shutd
Learn More! required in order to emit it. Among other things, GTK+ will allow users to bind keyboard accelerators to these signals us
statements in the .gtkrc configuration file.

GTK_RUN_NO_HOOKS means that emission hooks are not allowed (you can't monitor this signal for an entire object typ
particular object instances). It is used for GtkObject's "destroy" signal because hooks are not invoked on objects with th
GTK_DESTROYED flag set and that flag is set before emitting "destroy". It's probably not good for anything else.

The last few arguments to gtk_signal_new() provide a marshaller, and tell GTK+ the marshaller's type. A marshaller invoke
function, based on an array of GtkArg it receives from GTK+. Marshallers are needed because C function argument lists cann
constructed at runtime. GTK+ comes with a number of prewritten marshallers; here is the one used for all GtkButton signals

typedef void (*GtkSignal_NONE__NONE) (GtkObject* object,

gpointer user_data);
gtk_marshal_NONE__NONE (GtkObject * object,
GtkSignalFunc func,
gpointer func_data,
GtkArg * args)
GtkSignal_NONE__NONE rfunc;
rfunc = (GtkSignal_NONE__NONE) func;
(*rfunc) (object,

As you can see, the NONE__NONE refers to the fact that the expected callback type returns no value and has no "special" arg
GTK+ automatically passes the object emitting the signal and a user_data field to all callbacks; special signal arguments are
between these two. Since there are no signal-specific arguments in this case, the array of GtkArg is ignored.

The naming convention for marshallers places a double underscore between the return value and the special arguments, if an
more complex example:

typedef gint (*GtkSignal_INT__POINTER) (GtkObject * object, 2/3
6/22/2018 Gtk+/Gnome Application Development - Signals
gpointer arg1,
gpointer user_data);
Learn gtk_marshal_INT__POINTER (GtkObject * object,
GtkSignalFunc func,
PowerShell gpointer func_data,
GtkArg * args)

scripts {
GtkSignal_INT__POINTER rfunc;
gint *return_val;
Download our return_val = GTK_RETLOC_INT (args[1]);
rfunc = (GtkSignal_INT__POINTER) func;
free guide and *return_val = (*rfunc) (object,
become a func_data);
PowerShell }

Guru! Notice that the last element of the array of GtkArg is a space for the return value; if there is no return value, this element wil
GTK_TYPE_NONE and can be ignored. GTK+ provides macros such as GTK_RETLOC_INT() to extract a "return location" from a Similar GTK_RETLOC_ macros exist for all the fundamental types.

The function pointer signatures in the class structure for an object will correspond to the type of the signal. This is a convenie
find out what signature the callbacks connected to a signal should have, if the GTK+ header files are readily available on your

The last arguments to gtk_signal_new() give the type of the signal's marshaller. First a return value type is given, then the
special arguments, then a variable argument list containing that many GtkType values in the appropriate order. Since GtkBut
examples of signals with arguments, here is one from GtkWidget:

widget_signals[BUTTON_PRESS_EVENT] =
GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (GtkWidgetClass, button_press_event),

"button_press_event" returns a boolean value, and has a GdkEvent* argument. Notice that the marshaller works with any
GTK_TYPE_POINTER, but the signal requires the more-specific boxed type GTK_TYPE_GDK_EVENT, allowing language binding
the correct kind of pointer.

Signals can have many arguments; here is one from GtkCList:

clist_signals[SELECT_ROW] =
gtk_signal_new ("select_row",
GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (GtkCListClass, select_row),

The "select_row" signal returns no value, but has three arguments (the selected row and column number, and the event that

Gtk+/Gnome Application Development

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