MPR Paper033105

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Application Considerations for Gapped Silicon-Carbide Arresters Currently

Installed on Utility High Voltage Installations

Dennis W. Lenk, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— Utilities have expressed While the gapped silicon-carbide

concern recently about the electrical technology relied on both the gap and
integrity and performance capability of the silicon-carbide valve block to
the large number of gapped silicon- operate properly, the high exponent
carbide arresters that they currently have characteristic of the metal oxide varistor
installed on their operating system. disc negated the need for a series
These arresters, manufactured from the connected gap.
early 1950s thru the late 1970s, were the
state-of-the-art overvoltage protection Design improvements were incorporated
device at the time they were installed. into gapped-silicon carbide (SiC)
While these gapped silicon-carbide arresters over the 25+ years that they
arresters have a good service history, were manufactured, but the basic
current state-of-the-art metal oxide technology did not change. This paper
arresters provide an opportunity to discusses some of the significant
upgrade arrester performance and performance characteristics of
improve service reliability. This paper conventional gapped SiC Intermediate
discusses some of the issues that should and Station Class arresters and
be addressed in evaluating these arrester comparably rated gapless metal oxide
installations. (MOV) arresters.

I. Introduction While gapped SiC arresters have, in

general, had a very good service history,
From the mid 1950s through the late utilities continue to evaluate their
1970s, gapped silicon-carbide arresters overvoltage protection needs, in
represented the state of the art particular at critical locations that are
overvoltage surge protection used on currently protected by gapped silicon-
distribution through high voltage carbide arresters. This paper discusses
transmission systems. With the some of the issues that should be
development of metal oxide disc addressed in evaluating these
technology in the mid-late 1970s, applications, including:
manufacturers replaced the traditional
silicon-carbide gap design with a gapless o Arrester Integrity
MOV arrester having improved o Protection/Margin
performance characteristics. o Pressure Relief capability
o TLD/Energy absorbing

II. Brief History

Surge arresters are applied on power

systems to protect equipment insulation
from damage associated with sparkover levels for these multigap SiC
overvoltage surges on the power lines. arresters.
These surges can take many forms,
ranging from lightning to capacitor bank During the late 1950s, the first current
to switching surges. limiting (CL) gap arrester was
introduced. Unlike the simple gap design
The design of the earliest SiC arresters which basically provided a sparkover
consisted of a simple multigap and reseal function, the CL gap was
configured is series with non-linear designed to help limit system follow
silicon carbide valve blocks. A common current by developing a “back EMF”.
characteristic of all SiC designs was that This “back EMF”, in combination with
the gap design, under normal operating the valve block current limiting, actually
conditions, withstood total line-to- caused follow current interruption prior
ground system voltage. In the simple to zero voltage crossing. Figure 1 shows
multigap configuration, the gap was the a comparison between the duty cycle
brains of the design. It responded to an oscillogram of the simple SiC multigap
overvoltage condition on the line and design versus the SiC CL design.
sparked over preventing damage to
line/equipment insulation. Once the gap Figure 1
sparked over, 60 Hz power follow
current flowed through the series gap-
valve block combination. The non-linear
valve block limited the magnitude of the
follow current to a level that the series
gap could interrupt. Power follow
current interruption on a properly
functioning arrester, designed with a
simple multigap, typically occurred on
the first voltage crossing of the power
frequency voltage following the
overvoltage surge. This gap “reseal”
completed the arrester operation and the
system voltage again appeared across the
gap. Implementation of the current limiting
gap significantly reduced the energy
The multigap design worked quite well absorbed during the duty cycle
at distribution voltages but, for higher operation, ultimately allowing arrester
system voltages, resulted in very tall designers to reduce the quantity of valve
arresters. In addition, since all the energy elements inside the arrester. This
absorbing during the arrester operation ultimately resulted in shorter arresters
was done by the valve blocks, a large with reduced discharge voltage levels.
quantity of valve blocks were required These stepped reductions in discharge
for the arresters to function properly.The voltage resulted in stepped reductions in
large quantity of valve blocks resulted in BIL/BSL margins.
very high discharge voltages,
accompanying the already high
III. Protection/Insulation manufacturers during the manufacturing
Coordination period for their designs. Note the
significant sparkover level reductions
For gapped SiC arresters, the protective associated with the more recently
margin between equipment insulation manufactured arresters.
and arrester protective levels is a
function of the highest of either the Table 1
arrester discharge voltage or the arrester Arrester FOW Impulse Switching
sparkover voltage (2). Vintage Protective Protective Surge
Level (1) Level (1) Protective
In the switching surge region, the BSL kVc kVc Level (1)
margin of protection is determined by kVc
the magnitude of the arrester switching 1957-1963 656 545 560
surge sparkover. The BIL margin, Series 3
however, is determined by the highest of 195 kV
either the arrester 1.2 x 50 impulse Rating
sparkover or the discharge voltage level 1963-1966 560 448 490
for an 8/10 discharge current waveshape Series 4
of 10 or 20 kA. The FOW/chopped wave 195 kV
margin is determined by the arrester Rating
FOW sparkover characteristic. 1966-1978 560 426 435
Series 5
It was previously noted that the 192 kV
introduction of the CL gap allowed Rating
arresters to be designed with reduced 2005 476 440 377
discharge voltages. To take advantage of MOV 192
the discharge voltage reductions, kV
extensive design work was performed to Rating
reduce sparkover levels of these (1) For the three SiC vintages (1957
arresters. These evolutionary reductions thru 1978), the protective level
resulted in the lowering of equipment shown is the guaranteed
insulation levels, while still maintaining maximum arrester sparkover for
acceptable protective margins. the designated waveshape. For
the MOV arrester, the protective
During the 25+ years manufacturing levels are the 10 kA IR for .5
period of gapped SiC arresters, there microsecond FOW and 8/20
were significant reductions in the waveshapes, and the 1.5 kA
discharge voltage and sparkover levels switching surge IR for the
for these arresters. As the Table 1 for gapless arrester.
one manufacturer demonstrates, the
sparkover levels for gapped SiC arresters
progressively decreased as newer/
improved designs evolved. While the
values in the table are for one IV. Pressure Relief
manufacturer, they represent typical
sparkover improvements for all
Gapped SiC arresters were designed to restricted clearances, did not have a
meet the specified fault current standardized pressure relief requirement.
performance requirements of ANSI While these designs did have a tested
C62.1 Standard. Table 2 specifies the pressure relief capability, it was typically
fault current requirements for SiC lower than that claimed for the standard
Station and Intermediate Class arresters design with two end castings because
per C62.1 Standard. these designs could only vent through
the bottom casting.
The above pressure relief requirements
applied only to Station and Intermediate While this paper is dealing with high
Class arresters designed with metal voltage Station and Intermediate Class
castings on both ends, allowing venting gapped SiC arresters, it is worth
of internal gases through both ends in remembering that C62.1 Standard did
the unlikely event of arrester failure. not have a pressure relief testing
Low voltage Station or Intermediate requirement for gapped SiC Distribution
Class arresters with porcelain tops, Class arresters.
designed typically for applications with

Table 2
Arrester Description High Current- kArms Low current-Amps
3-15 kV Rated Station 25 kA or 65 kA 400-600
21-684 kV Rated Station 25 kA or 40 kA 400-600
3-120 kV Rated Intermediate 16.1 kA 400-600

V. Transmission Line voltage) will successfully pass (20) TLD

Discharge/Energy Absorbing discharges without failure. This same
Capability test was incorporated into C62.11
standard for MOV arresters, except at
The introduction of gapped and gapless the conclusion of the 20 shots, the
MOV arresters into the domestic sample is subjected to two additional
marketplace was accompanied by a new discharges (spaced 1 minute apart)
design test standard C62.11(3). This followed by the application of recovery
standard included a number of tests voltage. This recovery portion of the
required in the C62.1 Standard but also new test was not required on the gapped
added new tests specific to MOV SiC arresters because there is no danger
arresters. This standard has evolved over of thermal runaway on the gapped
several years to include polymer housed designs.
arrester special requirements.
A characteristic of interest to users is the
One of the tests that was carried over claimable energy capability of the
from SiC was the transmission line gapless MOV arresters in the
discharge (TLD) test. This test verifies marketplace. Over the years,
that SiC arresters applied at various manufacturers have adopted the TLD
system voltages (with defined surge waveshape for determining the claimable
impedance, line length, and charge energy capability for a specific design.
Typically, at least two energy claims are As Figure 3 shows, the smooth TLD
made for an arrester design. One is the current wave crests in 200-300
“single shot” capability; the second is microseconds, similar to MOV TLD. As
the “2-shot within a minute” capability. the gap does not immediately develop
The single shot claim defines the voltage, the initial TLD current limiting
maximum energy the arrester can is performed by the SiC block. After
discharge without failing when subjected about 400 microseconds, the current arcs
to a single TLD discharge. The 2-shot begin extending within the individual
claim , higher than the single shot, not gap arcing chambers, resulting in the
only demonstrates the arrester’s higher slow buildup of gap arc voltage. As gap
energy absorbing capability, but also voltage increases, the resulting TLD
includes a validation that the arrester current is forced lower in magnitude.
will not thermally runaway after the Figure 3
second shot.

Questions have arisen regarding how the

MOV arrester energy absorbing
capability compares with that of the
gapped SiC arrester designs.
Quantification of the gapless MOV
arrester’s TLD energy capability is a
simple integration of TLD current/
voltage/time oscillograms. Figure 2
shows a typical oscillogram for a Station
Class MOV arrester applied on a 345 kV The measured energy integration for the
system. gapped SiC design will vary from
Figure 2 discharge to discharge depending upon
the consistency of the current limiting
performed by the gaps. Both of the
above examples were simulations of the
typical performance of each type of
arrester when applied to a 345 kV
system. The line impedance, charge, and
length characteristics were specified in
Table 4 of IEEE C62.11.

VI. Discussion of Issues

The task of measuring energy capability From the early 1950s though the late
is not nearly as simple for gapped SiC 1970s, utilities typically selected gapped
arresters utilizing current limiting gaps. SiC Station Class arresters for
The voltage developed across (and the applications requiring the best available
energy absorbed by) the gap-SiC block (lowest) arrester protective levels. These
combination is the sum of the IR drop arresters provided the largest margin of
across the block and the arc voltage protection for equipment insulation.
developed inside the gap arc chambers. High fault current locations might also
have necessitated the higher pressure block structure, grading current
relief capability of Station versus measurements only confirm the
Intermediate Class arresters. electrical integrity of the grading circuit.
An arrester mounted on an insulating
While the gapped silicon-carbide arrester subbase with a grading current meter
designs have, in general, had a very attached to the ground connection would
good service history, utilities are allow grading current monitoring while
continuing to evaluate their overvoltage the arrester is in service.
protection needs, in particular at
locations that are currently protected by Another option for an arrester that is
gapped silicon-carbide arresters. Once installed, but not energized, is to use a
they identify locations and types of Meggar or Doble test set to measure the
arresters, they need to identify arrester’s resistance or watts loss,
manufacturer and arrester type and respectively. These reduced voltage test
catalog number (vintage) stamped on the sets have traditionally proved to be
arrester nameplate. This is the first step effective in detecting arresters with
in determining the performance moisture ingress problems.
characteristic of the arrester.
While the above described techniques
VII. SiC Arrester Integrity Issue are effective at identifying an arrester in
service that might have damage to its
Determination of the operating condition grading circuit or possibly moisture
of a gapped SiC arrester can involve ingress concerns, they do not allow an
various methodologies. If the arrester is evaluation of the condition of the
in service and cannot easily be removed, arrester gaps or blocks. This can best be
infrared techniques can be used to assure accomplished by removing the arrester
that the arrester is not operating hot, a from its service location and sending to a
sign of degradation. Since larger high voltage laboratory. Performing
arresters may not be perfectly graded routine power frequency sparkover,
due to external capacitive upset, hot grading current, and IIV/PD tests are an
spots at the top end might represent a excellent first step to determining the
normal arrester. condition of the entire arrester. IEEE
Standard C62.1-1984 required that
Typically, gapped SiC station and station arrester rated 60 kV and above
intermediate arresters were constructed had a minimum allowed 60 Hz
with a resistive or resistive/capacitive sparkover of 1.35 times rating. Similarly,
grading circuit. This grading circuit, for station and intermediate designs
external to the gap-block stack, below 60 kV rating, a minimum allowed
improved the arrester sparkover 1.5 times rating was acceptable.
characteristic and performance under Sparkover levels below these required
contaminated environmental conditions. minimums could identify an arrester
At system operating voltage, these with a degraded sparkover characteristic.
arresters typically conducted up to a few
milliamperes of grading current. Since
arrester grading current at operating
voltage does not flow through the gap-
VIII. SiC Protection Issue originally installed SiC arresters. In the
unlikely event that one of these arresters
A utility with early vintage gapped SiC would fail, the excessive fault current
arresters could be afforded significantly could cause a violent failure of the
improved protection by replacing them arrester.
with MOV designs. As Table 1 showed,
the replacement of late model gapped Duquesne Light Company had such a
SiC designs will also provide situation several years ago at a
measurable margin improvements. As substation originally equipped with
the primary function of the arrester is to Intermediate Class SiC arresters, which
protect system equipment insulation at the time they were installed, had a
from being damaged by overvoltages short circuit capability sufficient to the
occurring on the line, it is critical that location. Multiple circuit upgrades and
the utility understand that margin interconnections resulted in available
improvements can be achieved by line-to-ground fault currents at this
conversion to MOV arrester designs. substation above 40 kA, well exceeding
Armed with SiC arrester nameplate the original 16 kA capability of the SiC
information, the utility has the intermediate arresters. While the
opportunity to obtain catalog protection customer was tolerant of the high
data on the subject arresters from the protective levels of the intermediate SiC
manufacturers. Comparison with the arresters, he ultimately replaced these
catalog discharge voltage data on MOV with new MOV arresters with pressure
arresters, margin improvements can be relief capability adequate to the location
determined. Combined with information (4).
on the dielectric integrity and criticality
of equipment adjacent to these arresters, X. TLD/Energy Capability Issue
the utility can make an informed
decision regarding the merits of The TLD energy absorbing capability of
replacing these SiC with MOV type gapped SiC arresters assembled with CL
arresters. gaps is a function of the design of the
valve block and gap assembly. The SiC
IX. Short Circuit Issue valve block, by design, limits the
magnitude of the TLD surge current that
Over the last 50 years, utilities have will flow through the arrester to a
continued to upgrade their quality and “critical” level. This “critical” current
level of service. Grids have been should not exceed the “critical” current
interconnected and fault current levels capability of the series connected gap. If
have significantly increased over what the magnitude exceeds this “critical”
was originally expected at various level, the gap may not be able to
locations. While SiC arresters may have successfully develop arc voltage,
had adequate pressure relief capability ultimately resulting in valve block
for the locations where the arresters were failure.
installed, system upgrades may have
caused the available fault currents at TLD tests performed on a 258 kV rated
some arrester locations to a level that Station Class gapped SiC arrester,
exceeds the designed capability of the applied on a 345 kV system, indicate
that the arrester discharges assistance to utilities concerned with
approximately 4.4-4.6 kV/kV rating per maintaining the quality of their HV
shot at an initial current level of about 1 surge protection, ultimately resulting in a
kA. Similar tests were performed on a high level of service reliability.
gapless 258 kV rated metal oxide
arrester. The resultant energy absorbed XII. References
per shot on this design was also about
4.6 kJ/kV rating at about 830 amps. For (1) IEEE Guide for the Application of
the TLD testing required by the C62.1 Gapped Silicon-Carbide Surge Arresters
and C62.11 Standards, both arresters met for Alternating Current Systems
the 20 shot durability requirement while ANSI/IEEE Std C62.22-1987.
discharging similar energy levels. (2) American National Standard Surge
Arresters for Alternating-Current Power
The energy capability difference Circuits IEEE Std 28-1974/ANSI C62.1-
between the two designs shows up at 1975.
higher current levels than are required on (3) IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide
the standard TLD test. Because the gap Surge Arresters for AC Power Circuits
critical current is close to that required in (>1 kV) IEEE Std C62.11-1999
the TLD test, the gapped SiC arrester (4) Proceedings of the 1991 IEEE Power
energy discharge capability, at the Engineering Society Transmission and
defined waveshape, is, in reality, limited Distribution Conference , Sept 22-27,
to that shown on the TLD test. In 1991, in Dallas, Texas. Pages 424-431,
contrast, the gapless MOV arrester’s entitled “Utilization of Polymer
capability is strictly a function of the Enclosed Intermediate Class Arresters to
energy absorbing capability of the metal Improve the Performance of Modern
oxide discs. Domestically produced HV Power Systems”, authored by Dennis W.
station class MOV arresters typically Lenk, Joseph L. Koepfinger, and John D.
claim energy capabilities exceeding Sakich.
twice those demonstrated by the SiC
arresters on the TLD test. XIII. Bibliography

XI. Conclusion Dennis W. Lenk (F, 1999) has 35 years

of experience in the design and testing of
This paper presents some critical surge arresters. He has been actively
performance characteristics of gapped involved in the IEEE PES Surge
SiC high voltage arresters and compares Protective Devices Committee for 25
them with MOV gapless arresters. It years. Dennis is a member of the US
discusses issues that utilities should TAG to IEC TC 37. He is the SPDC
consider in their evaluation of the Editor to the IEEE Transactions on
integrity and performance capabilities of Power Delivery. He is a Registered
gapped SiC surge arresters presently Professional Engineer in Ohio and
installed on their systems. It is intended currently a Principal Engineer for
that this paper provide technical Hubbell Power Systems.

Bulletin EU-1542

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