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1. The velocity component down the slope is V*sin(20) = 16.2*sin(20) = 5.54m/s.

Option C.


Option B.

3. F = G*m1*m2/r^2. G= 6.67E-11 in SI units, so the force is

F= 6.67*10^-11*59*59/(2)^2 = 5.80456*10^-8 N
Option B


541mi/65mi= 8.231h

you have 9.6h

so 9.6-8.231h= 1.369 =1.4h

Option C.


Option C

7. Rearrange the kinematics equation to solve for acceleration.

Substitute for , for , and for in the equation and

calculate the acceleration of the blocks.

The blocks start from rest so the initial velocity is zero. The distance the block moves down is
height of the heavier block in time .
Substitute the values in the rearranged kinematics equation of motion to calculate the acceleration.

Use the Newton’s second law along direction.

Substitute for in the equation and solve for Tension.
Here, is tension in the rope, is weight of the block and is the acceleration due to gravity.
Substitute for in the above equation .

Here, is the mass of heavier block.

Substitute for in the equation and solve for .

Substitute for , for , and for in the

equation and calculate .

The mass of the other block is .

Option D

Weight = ---> equation 1
----> equation 2
weight = 100 N

plug the variables in equation 1 and equation 2

for equation 1

----> equation 3
for equation 2

---> plug this in equation 3

T2 is also the same

Option E

9. applied force F = 750 N

angle ,theta = 25 degrees
applied force in horizontal direction f = F cos 25 = 679.73 N
static frictional force f ' = u [mg+F sin 25 ]
where u = coeffcient of static friction = 0.76
So, f ' = 7.448 m +240.88
we know f = f '
679.73 = 7.448 m +240.88
fromthis required mass m = (679.73 -240.88 ) / 7.448
= 58.92 kg ~ 59 kg.
Option B

given on moon accelaration is g = 3.0 m/s2
the force on it is F = 20N

then F = m g

so 20 = m X 3

m = 20/3

m = 6.66 kg

same thing now the block is on moon

F = 6.6666667 X 1.62

F = 10.8

So nearly the weight of the block coses to 11N

Option C

11. m = 6.0 kg, angle A = 39 degrees, u = 0.19, find a

net force F = mgsinA - umgcosA
a = F/m = g(sinA - ucosA) = 4.7 m/s^2
Option B

12. there are 2 parts in this problem , first is the one with constant acceleration and
the second is the one with constant velocity.
d= vit + 0.5at^2
d= 0 + .5(1)(3)62
d = 4.5

to answer the 2nd you first need to find the V after the 1st part . To do that, calculate for
the Vf after 3 s
Vf^2=Vi^2 + 2ad
Vf^2 = 0 + 2(1)(4.5)
Vf = 3

d = vit + .5at^2
d = (3)(5) + 0
d = 15

add the distances in the two parts

4.5 + 15 = 19.5 m
Option E

13. First for the acceleration

d = vot + .5at2
d = 0 + (.5)(20)(4)2 = 160 m
At that height, the velocity will be

vf = vo + at
vf = 0 + (20)(4) = 80 m/s

The vf2 = vo2 + 2ad for the portion under gravity's control
0 = 802 + 2(-9.8)d
d = 327 m

Total height = 327 + 160 = 487 m

Option E.


Option C.

According to given question

Vox = 30 m/s
Voy = 100 m/s
time of flight = 25 s

At t = 25s max height is reached

At t = 15.0 s projectile is moving upwards

Vy at t=15 s = Voy - gt = 100 - (9.81)(15) = 100 - 147 =- 47 m/s

Vx at t=15 s = Vox = 30 m/s

Size of velocity at t = 15 s = √[(-47)² + (30)²] = √430,000 = 56 m/s ANS


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