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Unofficial Referee Observer’s Report


UEFA Champions League 2012 / 2013


(GER) Bayern München 4:0 FC Barcelona (ESP)

23 April 2013, 20:45 CET – Allianz Arena, München, Germany

Match Officials Name Origin Mark1 Mark2 Difficulty3

Referee Viktor Kassai HUN 7,4 8,1
Assistant Referee 1 Robert Kispál HUN 7,9 8,3 Challenging
Assistant Referee 2 Gábor Erös HUN 8,3 ---
Additional AR 1 Tamás Bognar HUN 7,7 8,0 Normal
Additional AR 2 Mihaly Fabián HUN 7,8 8,0 Challenging
Fourth Official György Ring HUN 8,0 --- Normal
UEFA Referee Observer Bertrand Layec FRA
Blog-Referee Observer4 Çagatay Iris TUR/DEN

1 Final mark according to evaluation scale. Expected level for AARs and fourth official is 8.0, crucial mistake 7.9 as usual!
2 Mark if the final mark had not been influenced by a crucial mistake (only in case of a crucial mistake, to be held empty if no crucial
mistake occurred).
3 Difficulty has to be integrated into the final mark. Levels of difficulty are: “normal”, “challenging” and “very challenging”.
4 Blog-Referee Observer =Inofficial referee observer appointed by the blog administrator.

Evaluation scale Description of the Marks

9.0 – 10.0 Excellent.
8.5 – 8.9 Very good. Important decision(s) correctly taken.
8.3 – 8.4 Good. Expected level.
8.2 Satisfactory with small areas for improvement.
8.0 – 8.1 Satisfactory with important areas for improvement.
7.9 One clear and important mistake, otherwise 8.3 or above.
7.8 One clear and important mistake, otherwise 8.0 – 8.2.
7.5 – 7.7 Below expectation, poor control, significant point(s) for improvement.
Disappointing. Below expectation with one and clear important mistake
7.0 – 7.4
or a performance with two or more clear and important mistakes.
6.0 – 6.9 Unacceptable.

Description of the match:

The first-leg semi-final of UEFA Champions League match between Bayern Munchen and Barcelona FC
has presented a very high-quality football match for millions watching the game around the World. The
heritage of the tie should be emphasized with two very-big football clubs on stage and their willingness
to play great football must be appreciated. Spectators have watched a remarkable match with all
tactical and physical aspects in itself. The atmosphere for football was great, and we had one of the
most experienced referee team of the pool on pitch. The regular style of referee Viktor Kassai should be
first mentioned “letting game flow as much as possible”. His style mostly lets physical plays on with a
remarkable edge of warning and cautioning. However, today such style has caused some real
discussions which requires in debt analysis.

Unofficial Referee Observer’s Report

I. Knowledge, Application and Interpretation of the Laws of the Game, Disciplinary Control and
Technical Management of the game with special reference to the situations and the minutes
when they occurred.
(Crucial decisions, if available, have to be explicitly mentioned in the grid and highlighted).
The referee team has their understanding with LOTG. They reflect their characteristics to game which
positively contributes to game. However, today the approach didn’t work well and resulted in many
lack of standards and irregularities in decisions. Detailed analysis of each position may be found in
following analysis:

Minute Description of the situation

The first foul of match by Martinez (#8) was a tough one. (AAR2 has also signaled for
Min 2
the foul). Referee runs to the players and warns #8 in a harsh and correct way
Referee is ok with slight pushing and tackles. The style is adapted to game. Ok go-on in-
Min 5 box duel. #15 of Barcelona looks to ball in air where #8 Bayern lets himself easily on
A sequential go-ons in midfield tackles that have the aim of the ball. No problem. Such
Min 8
decision contributes to flow of game positively.
Min 11 No handball by Pique, the ball bounced from the ground. Correct move-on.
The penalty for Bayern is missed. There is a deliberate move of Pique’s hand to ball.
Here the thing is, hand directly moves to the side of ball and enlarges the size of body.
And, the distance has no excuse to clear the referee. The positioning of AAR2 is great
Min 15 here. He saw everything where Pique turns, and prevents the ball. The camera angle
and Kassai's view are the same where he has most probably just seen that Pique was
turning his body but not enlarging his arm. Although ball doesn’t hit to enlarged part of
body, that helps Pique to change the balls direction to prevent a possible danger on GK.
Min 22 Correct foul by Martinez(#8) to GK and #3. The decision is given with the help of AAR2
1st goal of Bayern comes after alleged foul appeals. The goal is clear. There are two
aspects in order to understand the decision: referee's foul detection thusfur and timing
of players. Referee has let such duels in midfield, hence I may understand him. But
Min 25
more accurrate point is: Dante has jumped far before Alves (actually he didnt try to
jump but he awaited for the ball) and Dante has used Alves' body as support which was
ok. The correct decision is given by team.
After the goal, referee turns back to relatively under-control style. The given foul on
Min 27
Iniesta is ok with LOTG, but not that needed.
An obvious, fully required YC of Martinez (#8) is missed. The tackle is from behind and
Min 28 there is no ball aim. Additionally, referee has urged him beforehand. That’s a clear
mistake by Kassai.
Barcelona players start to increase their arguments against the referee. After each non-
Min 30
given foul appeal, Sanchez and others tells sth and makes hand gestures.
Another non-given foul on Messi by Schwansteiger. Although Swch. reaches the ball and
Min 31 slightly pushes it away of Messi. The other leg tackles to him and let him on ground.
Foul could be whistled.
Dante once again headed the ball after a corner-kick, the ball was then deflected by
Alexis Sánchez' hand. One should accept that Sanchez's hand is not in natural position.
But the distance is quite short. The previous examples (William Collum: Fenerbahce-
Min 32 Lazio, Pavel Kralovec: Mach.City- Dortmund) have showed that such position may be
called as penalty, standards set by Kassai dont require that. Although, I am more on
penalty side of this decision, I may understand it. But, the clearer foul after the position
is again neglected by the team.
Min 35 Two correct go-ons for Sanchez and Ribery in an one after another.

Unofficial Referee Observer’s Report

The first card of the match to #33 of Bayern after tackle on Messi from behind. A
Min 36
correct decision.
YCs are coming one after the other. #15 Bartra of Barcelona is cautioned since he
Min 39 jumped over Müller to reach the ball while knocking him on ground. To take the game
under control with LOTG, that’s a correct decision
A phantom foul is whistled against Alexis Sanchez. Both players heading to ball
Min 42
shoulder to shoulder. Move-on would have been better.
Another obvious foul by Martinez (#8) of BAY, he has shown a YC this time. But, that
Min 46
should have been beforehand.
There is a push by Martinez to Alba, so Alba lost his balance and his arm touches the
ball in the box. Go on is ok. But, the thing is, I believe that players have solved the
Min 48
referee. They know that he wouldnt whistle such cases so they do not afraid to slight
touch, push, etc.
The second goal of Bayern is slightly but clear offside. The AR1 has been late for
Min 49 position, he tries to have the line of sight by extending his head but that didn’t work.
Even AAR1 has his doubt in mind, but didnt interfere with the decision
Ok go-ons for tackles on Messi and Riberry. We got used to those decisions by referee.
Min 50,51
So, in his context of style, all are appreciated.
Correct foul decision of Dani Alvez. YC could be issued since that was a quick counter
Min 57
attack. And, he has fouled and warned beforehand.
Min 62,69 Correct go-ons on ball tackles.
Min 70,71 Correct fouls by Gomez(#33) on BAR Goalkeeper and Riberry on Alvez
An obvious offence foul is missed in 3rd goal of Bayern Munchen. A total
outofconcentration decision. Referee was closing his eyes to obvious fouls and letting
game flow, in the end he found himself not giving a foul which is resulted in goal. AAR1
Min 73
didnt want to take to risk because he doesnt know how referee has evaluated the
situation. Müller blocked his opponent while he was totally concentrated to reach the
Min 76 Foul by Schwansteiger from behind. That was his 3rd such foul. YC would be deserved.
Good advantage before the 4th goal. But, I don’t know. He didn’t signal for advantage
Min 82
maybe another go-on decision is made overthere.
Both Alexis Sanchez and Robben run for the ball. They have their interaction in
Min 86 between. Robben lets himself quite easily. Never a foul and YC for standards set by
referee. Wrong decision.
Referee seems to have the control but his go/on decisions made the game tense. The
board says so much things. I believe throwing the ball at an opponent face should be
clustered into excessive force. UEFA referees should be precise, yes they should reflect
Min 89
their character on his management skills but still thats some kind of things that we sont
want to see on pitches at CL semi-final level. So, that should be cautions as if. Alba was
questioning the decision all the match long. I would remark this decision as Red card.
Foul and YC of #2 of BAR is correct. Such tackle from behind wasn’t cautioned
Min 92
beforeahand. There is an obvious lack of standards in decisions.

Unofficial Referee Observer’s Report

II. Tactical approach and its Degree of Consistency, Personality, Match Control and Management
of the Teams and Players with special reference to the situations and the minutes when they

Positive Points 1. His calmness, experience

2. Game-feeling, common sense, communication with players
3. Phenomenon of letting game flow
Great personality, which was his medium to manage the match and
not the mere usage of cards and whistles.

Points to improve 1. Mental alertness and positioning in big decisions.

2. Card Management and Interpretation of the Laws of the Game.

III. Physical Shape, Stamina, Positioning, Movement as well as Mental Awareness, if needed,
with reference to the minutes when they occurred, always in case of a “-“.
Physical Condition (very good, good, average, poor): very good
Further Aspects:
+ Expected -
Always close to play, follows play at all times with a flexible
diagonal system and impedes interference with play
Efficient positioning (at set pieces e.g.) and movement to be ready
X to take a (crucial) decision (specially in the box; be able to enter
the box in some cases when it is necessary)
X Shows awareness and is able to anticipate the action

Minute Description of the situation

Barcelona players start to increase their arguments against the referee. After each non-
Min 30
given foul appeal, Sanchez and other
Players highly question about referee’s decisions. He somehow lost concentration on
Min 45
the game
In the first half, positioning by referee has left nothing under discussion. However, he
Min 64
got moody and stays away from situation with Min 60s.

IV. Teamwork (co-operation with (A)ARs and fourth official with reference, if needed, to special
situations and the minutes when they occurred)
His assistants failed to help him in some of the crucial decisions. It is unclear whether this was the
result of a defective teamwork or just because the assistants failed to detect these infringements like
the 3:0 goal themselves.

V. If needed: General comments or advices for improvement; explanation of the chosen

mark; further matters (can be let empty).
Two crucial mistakes, therefore 7.4.

Unofficial Referee Observer’s Report

Assistant Referee 1
Assistant referee’s performance (please mention some important decisions either by integrating
them into a coherent comment or mentioning them in the grid below; mandatory if a “-“ (negative
point) is selected)
Relevant Aspects:

+ Expected -
Correct offside decisions by means of a good application of the
“wait and see”-technique
X Good positioning and movement

X Mental alertness and reaction to incidents in his area of vicinity

Reasonable degree of co-operation with referee (not flagging too
much / too little; being able to support referee in crucial decisions)
X Efficient control at set pieces


Minute Description of the situation

The second goal of Bayern is slightly but clear offside. The AR1 has been late for
Min 49 position, he tries to have the line of sight by extending his head but that didn’t work.
Even AAR1 has his doubt in mind, but didnt interfere with the decision

Assistant Referee 2
Assistant referee’s performance (please mention some important decisions either by integrating
them into a coherent comment or mentioning them in the grid below; mandatory if a “-“ (negative
point) is selected)
Relevant Aspects:

+ Expected -
Correct offside decisions by means of a good application of the
“wait and see”-technique
X Good positioning and movement

X Mental alertness and reaction to incidents in his area of vicinity

Reasonable degree of co-operation with referee (not flagging too
much / too little; being able to support referee in crucial decisions)
X Efficient control at set pieces


Unofficial Referee Observer’s Report

Minute Description of the situation

Min 2 Important and tight go-on in Bayern attack, correct
Min 18 Correct offside for Robben in Bayern attack.
Min 21 Likewise 90% of ball has crossed the line. Corner is given. Acceptable decision.
Very tight and correct go-on for Müller in Bayern goal. Replays have backed the AR2 in
Min 25
this case
Min 40 Correct offside on Bayern attack
Another very tight, but this time wrong offside flag by AR2. The position didn’t resulted
Min 47
in goal of Barcelona which is good for team.
Min 62 Correct onside for Barcelona attack.
Min 76 Very tight and correct goon in critical goal attempt of Barcelona

Additional Assistant Referee 1

Assistant referee’s performance (please mention some important decisions either by integrating
them into a coherent comment or mentioning them in the grid below; mandatoryif a “-“ (negative
point) is selected)
Relevant Aspects:

+ Expected -
X Good positioning and movement
Mental alertness and reaction to incidents in his area of vicinity
based on a reasonable degree of co-operation with referee
X Efficient control at set pieces


Minute Description of the situation

An obvious offence foul is missed in 3rd goal of Bayern Munchen. A total
outofconcentration decision. Referee was closing his eyes to obvious fouls and letting
Min 73 game flow, in the end he found himself not giving a foul which is resulted in goal. AAR1
didnt want to take to risk because he doesnt know how referee has evaluated the
situation. Thats a crucial mistake

Unofficial Referee Observer’s Report

Additional Assistant Referee 2

Assistant referee’s performance (please mention some important decisions either by integrating
them into a coherent comment or mentioning them in the grid below; mandatoryif a “-“ (negative
point) is selected)
Relevant Aspects:

+ Expected -
X Good positioning and movement
Mental alertness and reaction to incidents in his area of vicinity
based on a reasonable degree of co-operation with referee
X Efficient control at set pieces


Minute Description of the situation

Min 11 Correct, the ball in-game decision in Bayern attack
The missed penalty of Bayern Munchen: The positioning of AAR2 is great here. He saw
everything where Pique turns, and prevents the ball. He should have informed the
Min 15
referee about the situation. The point that they have most probably is Pique doesn’t use
excessive part of his body. But still changing the direction of the ball.
Min 22 Correct foul by Martinez(#8) to GK and #3. The decision is given with the help of AAR2
The correct decision is given by team in the goal of Bayern. The related description is
Min 25
made in Part(a). The common agreement between referee and AAR2.

Fourth Official
Fourth official’s performance (reference to technical management like substitutions or signalling of
additional time, dealing with benches in case of conflicts)
The fourth official was only apparent when Alba threw the ball into Robben’s face. Apart from that
normal evening.

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