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Profit & Loss And Ratio &


1. A man buys spirit at Rs 60 per litre, adds water to it and then sells at Rs 75 per
litre. What is the ratio of spirit to water if his profit in the deal is 37.5%?
(a) 9: 1
(b) 10: 1
(c) 11: 1
(d) None of these
2. A cask contains a mixture of 49 litres of wine and water in the proportion 5:2. How
much water must be added to it so that the ratio of wine to water may be 7:4?
(a) 3.5
(b) 6
(c) 7
(d) None of these
3.A milkman mixes 20L of water with 80L of milk. After selling one-fourth of this
mixture, he adds a water to replenish the quantity that he has sold. What is the current
proportion of water to milk?
(a) 2: 3
(b) 1: 2
(c) 1: 3
(d) 3: 4
4. The marked price of a table is Rs. 1200, which is 20% above the cost price. It is
sold at a discount of 10% on the marked price. Find the profit percent.
(a) 10%
(b) 8%
(c) 7.5%
(d) 6%
5. A dealer buys dry fruits at Rs 100, Rs 80 and Rs 60 per kilogram. He mixes them in
the ratio 3: 4: 5 by weight and sells at a profit of 50%. At what price
per kilogram does he sell the dry fruit?
(a) Rs 80
(b) Rs 100
(c) Rs 95
(d) None of these
6. Mayank, Mirza, Little and Jaspal bought a motorbike for $60,000. Mayank paid
one-half of the sum of the amounts paid by the other boys, Mirza paid one-third of the
sum of the amounts paid by the other boys; and Little paid one fourth of the sum of
the amounts paid by the other boys. How much did Jaspal has to pay?
(a) $15,000
(b) $13,000
(c) $17,000
(d) None of these
7.The cost of diamond varies directly as the square of its weight. Once, this diamond
broke into four pieces with weights in the ration 1 : 2 : 3 : 4. When the pieces were
sold, the merchant got Rs 70,000 less. Find the original price of the diamond?
(a) Rs 1.4 lakh
(b) Rs. 2 lakh
(c) Rs 1 lakh
(d) Rs 2.1 lakh
8. Two oranges, three bananas and four apples cost Rs 15. Three oranges, two bananas
and one apple cost Rs 10. I bought 3 oranges, 3 bananas and 3 apples. How much did
I pay?
(a) Rs 10
(b) Rs 8
(c) Rs 15
(d) Cannot be determined.
9. Instead of a metre scale, a cloth merchant uses a 120 cm scale while buying, but
uses an 80 cm scale while selling the same cloth. If he offers a discount of 20% on
cash payment, what is his overall profit percentage?
(a) 20%
(b) 25%
(c) 40%
(d) 15%
10. I have one rupees coins, fifty paise coins and twenty five paise coins. The number
of coins are in the ratio 2.5 : 3 : 4. If total amount with me is Rs 210, find the number
of one rupee coins ?
(a) 90
(b) 85
(c) 100
(d) 105
2. Initial wine= 35 litres
Initial water = 14 litres
Since we want to create 7: 4 mixture of wine and water by adding only water, it means
that the amount of wine is constant at 35 litres.
Thus, 7 : 4 = 35 : 20
Hence, water required is 6 litres.
3.As one-fourth of the solution (milk + water = 80L + 20L ) is sold, solution drawn out of it is
100 x (1/4)= 25 L
Quantity of the milk drawn out = 25 x (4/5)= 20 L
» Quantity of water drawn out= 5L
Now adding 25 L of water, quantity of water = 20 – 5 + 25 = 40L
Also, quantity of milk remaining= 80 – 20 = 60L
Required ratio= 40 : 60= 2 : 3
4. 20% increase for 100% is 120 and then 10 % decrease is 108%.
5. Cost price of ( 3 + 4 + 5 )= 12Kg of fruits Rs.( 300 + 320 + 300)= Rs. 920
SP at a profit of 50% = Rs. 1380
SP of fruits per kg= 1380/12= Rs. 115
6. Mayank paid 1/2 of the sum paid by the other three. Let the other three paid $x
jointly, then Mayank paid x/2.
So, x + x/2 = 60000 i.e. x = 40000. Hence Mayank paid $20, 000.
Likewise, Mirza and little paid $15000 and $12000 respectively.
Hence, amount paid by Jaspal $(60, 000)-(20,000 + 15,000 + 12,000)=13,0007. Let the
weight of the diamond be 10x, then price the diamond will be k(10)2=k.100×2 where k is
a constant.
Weight of each piece= x, 2x, 3x and 4x
Therefore, their price will be kx2, k4x2, k9x2 and k16x2
Total price of pieces = kx2(1 + 4 + 9 + 16) = 30kx2
k.100.×2- k.30.×2= 70,000 or kx2=1,000
» Original price of diamond
=k.100.×2 = 100 x 100=1,00,0008. 2O + 3B + 4A = 15 —- (1)
3O + 2B + A = 10 —- (2)
Adding equation (i) and (ii), we get
5O + 5B + 5A = 25 or O + B + A = 5
» 3O + 3B + 3A = 3 x 5 = 15

9. Let the price of 100 cm of cloth be Rs 100, but he gets 120 cm of cloth for Rs 100.

Hence, his actual cost for 1 cm = 100/120= Rs. 5/6

Now, instead of selling 100 cm, by cheating he sells 80 cm of cloth for the cost price of

100 cm of cloth.

To calculate his profit, the cost price of 80 cm of cloth = 5/6 X 80= Rs. 66.66

Selling Price of 80 cm of cloth(actually 100 cm for the buyes) at a discount of 20%.

= 100 x 0.8= Rs. 80

Hence Profit Percentage= (80-66.66) x 100/66.66 = 20.02%

or 20 % approx.

10. Ratio of number of one rupee, fifty paisa, twenty five paisa coins= 2.5 : 3 : 4

» Ratio of value of coins= 2.5 x 1 : 3/2 : 4/4 » 5 : 3 : 2

Let amount of Rs 1 coins, 50 paisa coins and 25 paisa coins be 5x, 3x and 2x


So, 5x + 3x + 2x = 210(given)

Hence, x=21

»Value of one rupee coins = number of one rupees coins = 21 x 5=105



Q.1 Are you feeling doubtful ………….your decision ?

(a) about
(b) upon

(c) at

(d) for

Q.2 Satish was endowed ……… a natural talent for music.

(a) in

(b) by

(c) for

(d) with

Q.3 I want to study Geology now for I…….. Zoology for the last three years.

(a) am studying

(b) have been studying

(c) had studied

(d) had been studying

Q.4 In spite of the old woman’s repeated entreaties, he remained ………….

(a) ashamed

(b) docile

(c) indifferent

(d) lethargic

Q.5 I ………….. him since we met a year ago.

(a) didn’t see

(b) haven’t seen

(c) hadn’t seen

(d) None
Q.6 ………………the end of TCS came had time for Mathura and Muzaffernagar.

(a) Alone

(b) With

(c) Moreover

(d) When

Q.7 I know all about that film because I ……….. it twice.

(a) saw

(b) have seen

(c) had seen

(d) None

Q.8 He …………….. TV Most evenings.

(a) watches

(b) is watch

(c) is watching

(d) None

Q.9Mr. Robinson was a ………………romantic while his wife was quite the …………….

(a) hopeless, romantic

(b) bright, materialist

(c) mercy, mythic

(d) depreciate, cynic

Q.10 Either Sameer or you ……………… doing this.

(a) was
(b) were
(c) is

(d) had

Answer –

1. about

2. with

3. have been studying

4. indifferent

5. hadn’t seen

6. with

7. have seen

8. watches

9. hopeless, romantic

10. Were



Q1. On the other hand, some writers have expressed ………. that a few

publishing houses refuse to publish women writers whose works are, as

they are described, “not bold enough”, that is they are not sensational

enough to ………. the market.

(a) concern, stimulate

(b) disquiet, titillate

(c) anxiety, manoeuvre

(d) apprehension, excite

Q2. This is about ……………………… a sociological analysis can penetrate.

(a) as far as

(b) the outer limits that

(c) just how far into the subjects

(d) just the relative distance that

Q3. Simple arithmetic tells us that there is more ……………………… than


(a) imitation, innovation

(b) improvisation, improvement

(c) impracticality, knowledge

(d) improbability, probability

Q4. Football evokes a ……… response in India compared to cricket, that almost

……….the nation.
(a) tepid, boiling

(b) lukewarm, electrifies

(c) turbid, fascinating

(d) apocryphal, genuinely fascinates


It will take some time for many South Koreans to ……………………… the

conflicting image of North Korea, let alone to………….what to make of their

northern cousins.

(a) reconcile, decide

(b) understand, clarify

(c) make out, decide

(d) reconcile, understand


……………. about prolonged power cuts in urban areas, the authorities have

decided to ……………….. over to more reliable and eco-friendly systems to

run its pumps.

(a) worried, shift

(b) frantic, move

(c) troubled, jump

(d) concerned, switch


But …………we are now regularly written not just for tools but

well-established practices, organisations and institutions not all of

which seem to be ………… away.

(a) reports, withering

(b) stories, trading

(c) books, dying

(d) obituaries, fading


From the time she had put her hair up, every man she had met had

groveled before her and she had acquired a mental attitude toward the

other sex which was a blend of …………… and ………….

(a) admiration, tolerance

(b) indifference, contempt

(c) impertinence, temperance

(d) arrogance, fidelity


Despite a growing ……….. that a lot needs to be done to help those

without clean water, a …… says that more than 34 million people die

every year of water borne diseases.

(a) interest, reason

(b) recognition, report

(c) fantasy, review

(d) authority, legend

Q10. Learning is more efficient when it is ………….It is less efficient when it is


(a) fast, slow

(b) rapid, turtle-show

(c) tedious, like a joy ride

(d) fun, drudgery


1. disquiet, titillate

2. as far as

3. imitation, innovation
4. lukewarm, electrifies
5. reconcile, decide

6. concerned, switch

7. obituaries, fading

8. indifference, contempt

9. recognition, report

10. fun, drudgery



Arrange the sentences A, B, C and D in a proper sequence so as to make a coherent

A.With that, I swallowed the shampoo, and obtained the most realistic results almost on the
B.The man shuffled away into the back regions to make up prescription, and after a moment I
got through on the shop– telephone to the consulate, intimating my location.
C.Then, while the pharmacist was wrapping up a six-ounce bottle of the mixture, I groaned and
inquired whether he could give me something for acute gastric cramp.
D.I intended to stage a sharp gastric attack, and entering an old-fashioned pharmacy, I asked
for a popular shampoo mixture, consisting of olive oil and flaked soap.
(a) DCBA
(b) DACB
(c) BDAC
(d) BCDA
A.There are manifest dangers in the persuasive aspect of leadership.
B.It is alarming, for example, to reflect how great a part the power to speak well has acquired in
an age of broadcasting.
C.It is quite possible for men to feel that they are freely giving their allegiance to a leader, when
actually they are simply slaves of his techniques of propaganda.
D.At its lowest, the technique of persuasion may involve all those devices of suggestion and
propaganda which are so freely available to the unscrupulous in a scientific age.
(a) ABDC
(b) ACBD
(c) CDBA
(d) ADBC3.
A.He was bone –weary and soul-weary, and found himself muttering, “either I can’t manage this
place, or it’s unmanageable”.
B.To his horror, he realized that he had become the victim of an amorphous, unwitting,
unconscious conspiracy to immerse him in routing work that had no significance.
C.It was one of those nights in the office when the office clock was moving towards four in the
morning and the Bennie was still not through with the incredible mass of paper stacked before
D.He reached for his calendar and ran his eyes down each hour, half-hour, and quarter-hour, to
see where his time had gone that day, the day before, the month before.
(a) ABCD
(b) CADB
(c) BDCA
(d) DCBA
4.A.We lived in a succession of small towns in the south, never remaining at the same address
for more than two years.
B.In my case, I think it was a combination of family circumstances and physical peculiarities.
C.I have often been asked what attracts someone to mycology, the study of biology.
D.My father, a federal accountant, was exceptionally peripatetic.
(a) CBDA
(b) CADB
(c) CBAD
(d) DABC
5.A.When a man is his son’s hero, it’s about the best thing that God gave us on this planet.
B.I can see it now with my son Anthony, who’s been traveling with me and documenting my
C.I was doing a lecture recently.
D.And he was out in the audience with a camera, and I caught his face, that twinkles for a
second, where his eyes said to me, that’s my dad.
(a) ABCD
(b) ACBD
(c) BACD
(d) CBAD
A.The situation in which violence occurs and the nature of that violence tends to be clearly
defined at least in theory, as in the proverbial Irishman’s question. ‘Is this a private fight or can
anyone join in’.
B.So actual risk to outsiders, though no doubt higher than our societies, is calculable.
C.Probably the only uncontrolled applications of force are those of social superiors to social
inferior and even here there are probably some rules.
D.However, binding the obligation to kill members of feuding families engaged in mutual
massacre will be genuinely appalled if by some mischance a bystander or outsider is killed.
(a) DABC
(b) ACDB
(c) CBAD
(d) DBAC
A.In emission trading, the government fixes the total amount of pollution that is acceptable to
maintain a desired level of air quality.
B.Economists argue this approach makes air pollution control more cost-effective than the
current practice of fixing air pollution standards and expecting all companies to pollute below
these standards.
C.USA uses emission trading to control air pollution.
D.It then distributes emission permits to all companies in the region, which add up to the overall
acceptable level of emission.
(a) BADC
(b) ACDB
(c) CBAD
(d) DBAC
A.The individual companies vary in size, from the corner grocery to the industrial giant.
B.Policies and management methods within firms range from formal, well-planned organization
and controls to slipshod day-to-day operations.
C.Various industries offer a wide array of products or services through millions of firms largely
independent of each other.
D.Variation in the form of ownership contributes to diversity in capital investment, volume of
business, and financial structure.
(a) DBCA
(b) CADB
(c) BADC
(d) ADCB
A.It is, however desirable that you hold securities in demat form as physical securities carry the
risk of being fake, forged or stolen.
B.Just as you have to open an account with a bank if you want to save your money, make
cheque payments, etc. Now-a-days, you need to open a demat account if you want to buy or
sell stocks.
C.Demat refers to a dematerialised account. Though the company is under obligation to offer
the securities in both physical and demat mode, you have the choice to receive the securities in
either mode.
D.If you wish to have securities in demat mode, you need to indicate the name of the depository
and also of the depository participant with whom you have depository account in your
(a) BCDA
(b) CDBA
(c) ABCD
(d) ADCB
A.Secret persons shall strike with weapons, fire or poison.
B.Clans mutually supporting each other shall be made to strike at the weak points.
C.He shall destroy their caravans, herds, forests and troop reinforcements.
D.The conqueror shall cause enemy kingdom to be destroy by neighboring kings, jungle tribes,
pretenders or unjustly treated princes.
(a) DCBA
(b) ABCD
(c) BDCA
(d) ADCB

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