Baker Tilly Outlook 2010

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Outlook 2010

Still crystal ball gazing?

January 2010

Restructuring and Recovery

Real people, real solutions
A rocky road to recovery
Commentators are saying that the recession is as good as
In brief
over – but it may not feel like it.
• Recession formally ends
• General election to determine Baker Tilly’s twice-yearly Finance Directors’ perceptions survey, published
the course of government tax in November 2009, revealed that just over half of all respondents (54%)
measures expected no improvement in trading conditions for their business over the
• Rates of inflation, interest and next 12 months, while more than a further quarter (28%) expect trading
growth all low in 2010 conditions to worsen throughout 2010.
• More insolvencies, more

unemployment likely 2010 looks set to be a long, hard slog and there will be
some more pain, in terms of additional insolvencies and
further job losses, on what will undoubtedly be a rocky road

to recovery.
Tracey Callaghan, Head of Restructuring and Recovery

A premature optimism?
Yet the Organisation for Economic Co-operation inflation is likely to remain less than 2% and
and Development (OECD) optimistically said in interest rates are also set to stay low.
its November economic outlook: “The [UK]
economy is set for recovery, supported by In early December, the Institute of Directors’
improving financial conditions, an expansionary Chief Economist and Executive, Spencer Dale,
monetary policy and stronger international was a little more upbeat: “The economy
growth. However, the pick-up will be slow with appears to have turned… We are likely to be
GDP projected to grow by slightly more than moving into a period of renewed expansion”.
1% in 2010, reflecting strong headwinds from He says that the weak sterling will give a
balance sheet adjustments, a still weakening boost to exports and now that companies
labour market and fiscal tightening.” have had an opportunity to reduce their
inventories, they should be in better shape.
It goes on to add that it will not be until He goes on to refer to how fragile such a
2011 that the recovery will “gain recovery may be and that the Government
momentum” and then estimates that should not pursue policies that may damage
unemployment will reach 9.5%, although its nascent green shoots.

2 Outlook 2010

“ Global factors will continue to impact on how
fast the UK will emerge from this recession. Can we
be competitive again or will we lose out to faster

moving economies?
Geoff Carton-Kelly, Head of Special Investigations and Baker Tilly International contact partner

And that is what it has done, if you believe Geographic ripples

that good economic intentions underpin Meanwhile, the recession, which initially hit
Alistair Darling’s Pre-Budget Report (PBR). harder in the South of England, has travelled
There were no immediate significant tax further north. As Baker Tilly’s discussions among
rises. Yes – public sector cuts will follow. its clients in the North and Midlands have
VAT returned to 17.5% from January 1. highlighted, manufacturing, which was already
The overall thrust was continued support for weakening, has been hard hit in those regions.
the recovery. Yet Scotland, outside of the financial and
property sectors, has so far not been as badly
Easing the woes affected. “There are fears, however, that the
One of the big questions for 2010 is what recessionary shockwave will soon hit other
will replace quantitative easing (QE), sectors of the economy north of the border,
expected to be phased out in February, particularly due to its heavy dependence on the
especially as the PBR made reference to public sector,” according to Edinburgh-based
£175 billion of additional debt-raising in the partner, Keith Anderson.
pipeline? And a second question – what will
it ultimately cost the UK taxpayer? The CBI’s end of December economic forecast
predicted that Q4 2009 would be when the
The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) country emerged from recession but it, along
was forthright in its criticism of the PBR: with Bank of England Governor, Mervyn King,
“There were two tests for the Pre-Budget predicts a long, slow haul. There is some
Report. First, would it increase the credibility evidence, however, from the Engineering
of government plans to restore the public Employers Federation to suggest that some
finances? Second, would it be a platform for manufacturing businesses are moving
job creation and economic growth? The production back to the UK. This is due to
Government has failed on both counts. It is concerns about the quality of goods produced in
a serious mistake to impose an extra jobs a number of low-cost locations and the stability
tax at a time when the economic recovery of some overseas manufacturers.
will still be fragile. Increasing National
Insurance contributions will hold back job A restored confidence required
creation and growth and there has also been “Although the first few months of 2010 will be
little effort to improve further the public difficult,” predicts CBI Deputy Director-General
finance position. Rather, the PBR states that John Cridland, “growth will gradually pick up
the measures announced amount to a fiscal and increasing confidence and demand will lead
loosening rather than tightening.” the UK into a more positive 2011. Consumer
spending looks to be slightly more resilient than
At this point, most would agree that the we first thought, and a weaker pound will help
solutions to both of the CBI’s challenges will to support export growth. However, the economy In November and December 2009, we hosted a number
not take shape until after the election. As will be on a fragile path of very slow growth, as of regional roundtable dinner discussions to address
Fitch, the ratings agency, puts it: “Everything we continue to feel the lasting effects of the some of the defining factors at play in the UK national
and regional economies. The Rt Hon Michael Portillo and
hinges on the election, what measures will financial crisis.”
Kevin Butler, South West regional agent for the Bank of
be put in place and how draconian they are England, were guest speakers at our Bristol roundtable
going to be. In this respect, a hung Some glimmers of recovery might be starting to and are pictured here with Baker Tilly Restructuring and
parliament may be the worst outcome filter through, but as with any retreating recession, Recovery partner, Andrew Sheridan.
because it would allow less freedom to take the recovery period will present fears of a ‘double
severe and effective economic measures.” dip’ and a new set of hurdles for UK PLC.

“ With so many variables at play in the current UK

economy, it is not surprising to see such a strong degree of
uncertainty amongst finance directors on the outlook for

the year ahead.
Bob Bailey, Restructuring and Recovery partner, Birmingham

Outlook 2010 3
Factors at play
How 2010 pans out will very much be a consequence of
In brief
the financial crisis, the recession which followed and the
• Government funding will be a measures necessary to shift towards recovery.
major issue
• Tax rises after the general election Because the shape and speed of the recovery are uncertain, no-one can
• Capacity gap to narrow in predict with any certainty the exact path through the next 12 months.
second half of year Some of the factors that will shape the UK business environment, however,
• Company failures, personal are now becoming slightly clearer.
insolvencies and unemployment
all likely to rise Quantitative easing banks could be required to buy as much as
• Sources of funding may To 10 December 2009, the Bank of £200 billion worth of gilts as additional
England’s asset purchase programme had support for their capital bases, under
increase – banks and
disbursed £188.4 billion. £186.4 billion proposals put forward by the Financial
capital markets of this was accounted for by holdings Services Authority for implementing
• Less visible pension of government debt in the form of amendments to the EU Capital
deficiencies may bring about gilt-edged securities. The take- Requirements Directive.
corporate distress up of corporate bonds and
commercial paper together Meanwhile, as confidence
accounted for not much builds in some quarters and
more that £2 billion. This growth in the economy
quantitative easing process accelerates, albeit perhaps
is expected to end in February. falteringly in the early months of
the year, the banks are expected to
However, the market in gilts is gradually lend more, taking the
sufficiently deep and liquid that pressure off the Bank of England.
further issuance of gilts looks Moreover, capital markets are
certain to be able to be absorbed. predicted to loosen, providing
In addition, it appears that the scope for new issues of both
corporate debt and equity.

4 Outlook 2010
“ Only when the capacity gap has narrowed sufficiently
will the downward trend reverse. Most economists are
suggesting that this might not be the case until at least

the second half of the year.
Andrew Sheridan, Restructuring and Recovery partner, Bristol
HMRC’s attitude to
Capacity gap and tightening credit procedures may also tax payments
The UK begins 2010 with a significant gap have restricted the availability of funding.
Over the last 18 months, the Government
between what the economy can produce Additionally, industry statistics from the has been increasingly supportive of
and what can be sold, either domestically asset-based lending sector show that the companies who are struggling in the
or abroad. This ‘capacity gap’ contains average loan-to-asset value has reduced by recession and have fallen into arrears with
much of the pain still to be felt by 6% to just over 50% in 2009 – which PAYE/NI and VAT, as shown by the fact that
businesses during the year. appears to have resulted from a combination over £4.3 billion of tax has been tied up in
of lack of demand, a tightening of credit almost 250,000 deferred payment schemes
Further company failures are likely to follow. policy and the number of company failures. over that period. We believe that, going
As is often the case, businesses continue to forward, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC)
suffer for some time after recessions may There are, however, rays of hope for greater will adopt a twin-pronged approach.
officially have ended. This in turn causes a availability of funding in 2010. The Enterprise “HMRC will continue to agree to deferred
withdrawal in demand for the goods such Finance Guarantee (EFG), aimed at improving payments,” explains David Hudson, partner
companies would have bought from their the flow of working capital for small and London Head of the Formal Insolvency
suppliers and so leads to further job losses in businesses, has been extended by a further team. “At the same time, as we have seen
the supply chain. Higher unemployment year to 31 March 2011. Although the take up in the groundbreaking case of Southend
inevitably leads to lower consumer demand. of EFG has been patchy to date, this, linked United Football Club, it will consider an
application for administration order. In this
with greater willingness of banks to loosen
matter, Baker Tilly were the proposed
Cashflow and liquidity their lending criteria having worked through
administrators. It now appears that HMRC
The number of companies suffering from their own balance sheet difficulties, is a is taking a more commercial approach, as
late customer payments more than doubled positive sign. Moreover, following the Bank of highlighted in the December’s PBR, where
in the previous six months, according to England’s decision on 7 January to hold the in some cases, it may call for an
Baker Tilly’s Finance Directors’ perceptions base rate at 0.5% for a tenth consecutive Independent Business Review from a third
survey, published in November 2009. month, City analysts and economists are party firm of accountants that will form the
expecting that interest rates will stay low for basis of efforts to help the business survive.”
Our twice-yearly survey, showed that 41% of the foreseeable future, despite the risk to However, HMRC is becoming tougher on
finance directors reported problems with late inflation, in order not to stifle the early stages those businesses that have not kept to their
payments – more than double the 19% who of growth in the economy. original payment plans. It also appears
reported this as an issue in our March survey. unwilling to accept delayed payment
Increasingly, businesses are having to fund their Unemployment stretching past 12 months and it is now
working capital through stretching credit terms The unemployment rate for the period much harder to agree anything over 6
with their suppliers, as they cannot rely on August to October 2009, as reported in months – with, as recently reported, around
invoices being paid on time. This is creating a December by the Office of National 60% agreed for only 3 months. HMRC’s
chain reaction throughout the economy and it is stance when companies are unable to meet
Statistics, was unchanged on the previous
repayment plans suggests that it will not be
likely that we will see more companies go quarter at 7.9%. The number of
able to be as supportive to ailing companies
under as pressure on working capital increases. unemployed in the UK during the quarter as it has been in the recent past, assessing
totalled almost 2.5 million. and monitoring the risks involved and
Throughout 2009, the issue of funding for agreeing time for businesses ‘that are not
businesses became somewhat clouded. On These statistics will be watched closely as viable and will later fail’.
the one hand, bankers were telling us that we move further into 2010, because there
“Our advice to businesses,” David
they were ready to lend but demand was is a suspicion that though recovery may take
continues, “is to be open with HMRC. Set
weak. On the other, policies of rebuilding hold, it may not do so quickly enough for out the true state of the business and enter
bank balance sheets by reining in loan-to- some companies – leading them to fail and into a dialogue. Communication is vital. Be
value ratios, ‘normalising’ lending criteria adding to the jobless total. prepared to work with the Crown and they
are likely to be prepared to work with you.”

“ This is a time for management to act. Strong cash and

working capital disciplines need to be displayed to retain
control over viability. Failure to do so is increasingly leading to David Hudson is a

other stakeholders making the decisions for them. partner and London
Head of Formal
Peter Cooper, Head of Corporate Restructuring Insolvency. Outlook 2010 5

“ The predicted increase in the base rate later this
year may be the last straw for those people who are
currently able to manage their finances on reduced

hours of work.

Asset-based lenders Alec Pillmoor, Head of Personal Insolvency, Hull

move centre stage Personal Insolvency debt that they can no longer service, will
One of the consequences of the explosion in all be factors that support this view.
Despite immense political pressure to lend,
most commentators believe the banks will consumer debt over recent years has been
remain only semi-open for business for the increased number of people who have Public spending cuts
some time to come. 2010 will feature been unable to meet their repayment The PBR contained little detail on the subject
re-organisation for many as well as a obligations and subsequently entered into of public spending cuts, although all political
‘finding of feet’ period, as they adjust to a insolvency. The result has been an increase parties agree that they are inevitable. It is
new order of business – with government in personal insolvencies over the last decade. widely expected that once the general election
influence over lending markets and indeed This has been exacerbated with the credit has taken place, the new government will
its control of some of the principal players. crunch, as income levels have fallen. 35,242 move quickly to address this – whichever the
This, together with an uncertain economic people entered an insolvency process in the political party. The Institute of Fiscal Studies
environment, is bound to affect decisions
third quarter of 2009 – over 6,000 more has calculated that significant cuts across
by banks on lending requests, particularly
than in the whole of 1999. public services will be necessary if the
from new businesses or those looking to
increase their levels of funding. Chancellor is to fulfil his budget plans for
Moving into 2010, it is anticipated that the health, police and education. Consequently,
However, asset-based lenders (ABLs) – level of personal insolvencies will continue to as we go to press, the outlook for public
institutions securing lending against the increase. A reduction in real incomes with the sector funding is uncertain and businesses,
receivables and other business assets – have
lack of available overtime, reduced working analysts and public sector employees
been rapidly re-adjusting and are eager to
hours agreements and people searching for themselves await developments post-election
press forward. With a more secure position
than other lending structures, the ABL viable solutions to historically high levels of with some degree of trepidation.
industry has a proven track record of
enthusiastically supporting businesses going
through change – be it a change in
ownership, growth or turnaround. The ABL
sector will not shy away from challenging
propositions from borrowers, particularly
now that the economic climate appears to
be stabilising.
There are also regulatory drivers which make
this form of lending attractive to institutions,
as a consequence of the capital adequacy
implications of the Basel ll accord. In simple
terms, this means that institutions will
achieve greater returns from asset-based
lending in comparison to most other senior
debt structures.
The decade to 2008 saw a four-fold increase
in the total amount of lending to businesses
from the ABL sector. Industry statistics for Q3
2009 provide evidence that the sector is
once again expanding. Asset-based lending
has moved into the mainstream and my
personal opinion is that the sector will deliver
double-digit growth in its total lending to
businesses in the UK during 2010.

Steve Merchant is a
Director and Head of
Asset Based Lending.

6 Outlook 2010
“ An increasing number of pension schemes are seen
as a huge millstone around the sponsoring employer's
neck, massively disproportionate to the employer's size

and ability to fund.
Bruce Mackay, Head of Covenant Assessment Services, London

Pensions deficiencies Unlocking the value of disputes

The effect of shortfalls in company defined benefit The number of disputes typically rises in times
pension schemes is often greater than it appears. of recession. However, the costs of pursuing a
This, says Bruce Mackay, Baker Tilly’s Head of claim can be high and the outcomes uncertain
Covenant Assessment Services, is because there and many cash-strapped businesses will fail to
is often a significant difference in the published pursue legitimate claims. Forensic Services
accounting position of a company pension partner, Tony Chapman suggests businesses
scheme and the ‘real’ funding position. We have may not be aware of the availability of litigation
recently seen as a hurdle in a number of potential funding. “This is a relatively new concept which
M&A deals, with the acquirer often initially allows claimants to unlock otherwise hidden
unaware of the full deficit value. Moreover, with value from disputes”, he says. It works by
only so much cash to go around and with other instructing a law firm who will run the claim on
stakeholders’ demands on that cash, often more a contingent (CFA) basis – reduced rates but
strident and sold as ‘more urgent’ than those of with a success fee – backed by a litigation
the pension scheme trustees, there is a risk of funder in return for a share of any proceeds and
further serious deterioration in the funding with insurance against the adverse costs risks.
position of many pension schemes. Therefore, for Tony adds: “Whilst the level of fees may be
trustees and members, it pays to ask questions high, they will be met either from the costs
so that the scheme deficit attains the awarded in a successful claim or by the
transparency and priority it deserves in order to litigation funder and therefore it de-risks the
protect members’ benefit. process and makes it affordable”.

“ Litigation funding ought to make it easier for struggling

companies to pursue claims. There are now a number of
funders looking to buy a slice of the action. However, as
they typically require a 30-40% share of damages, it is

expensive funding compared to other sources.
Tony Chapman, Forensic Services partner, Leeds Outlook 2010 7

Industry outlook
Having explored the
economic backdrop and
factors at play for the year
ahead, what will this all
mean for the UK’s major
industry sectors?
No single sector is out of the water – Construction and housebuilding Property
and all will undoubtedly see further “Unlike other parts of the economy, [the UK construction There is some, albeit muted, optimism in both commercial
sector] seems unable to escape the shackles of recession, and residential property. Low asset prices are contributing
casualties throughout the next 12 as it entered its 22nd successive month of decline,” said to higher yields on commercial property, attracting
months, with highly-leveraged David Noble, CEO of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing investors back to the market. Alan Lovett, Head of
& Supply, earlier this month. A few headline projects Property, Restructuring and Recovery says: “Commercial
businesses at greater risk. aside, including the development of the facilities for the property with a strong covenant will continue to attract
London 2012 Olympics, major new projects are sparse. investors, especially as the base rate is expected to remain
However, the fittest companies, Anticipated public spending cuts may cause projects to be low for at least the first half of this year.” However,
irrespective of their industry sector, will re-scaled, postponed or even cancelled during 2010. further investment will depend on an overall relaxation of
bank funding, which has been particularly fluid in this
see the ongoing recession as an Housebuilders, facing their own obstacles to recovery, are industry historically.
opportunity to focus on their key faring better generally than infrastructure players. For most
smaller housebuilders, the 2010 outlook is particularly Property company, Telereal Trillium, recently announced it
offerings, forward strategies and daunting. Many are holding stocks of unsold properties is selling a £475 million portfolio of prime London office
potentially grow their market share. that are proving difficult to sell and have been forced to space. This signals restoring confidence that buyers are
pick up what work they can and have cut staff against returning to the market. This is not a first, with several
reduced order books. overseas buyers, including sovereign wealth funds, having
already acquired property in the UK, taking advantage of
Yet for several of the larger players, like Persimmon, low asset prices coupled with the decline of sterling
rising house prices – driven by recovering demand – is against most major currencies. Meanwhile, tenants are
encouraging new activity. Whilst credit conditions remain seizing opportunities to reduce rates or exit from leases,
tight, it ‘remains cautious’ and has managed down its exerting downward pressure on rents overall. However,
debts from £1.2 billion to £270 million as a result of those with depressed revenues or low cash reserves, may
strict cash controls, yet has ‘continued confidence in the struggle to meet regular payments to their landlords.
long-term future of the UK housing market’. Barratt is
also resuming construction on eight sites, backed by In residential property, there are a spectrum of views. On
increased demand. Meanwhile, building products groups, the one hand, the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors’
Marshalls, said that although it remained cautious about in December said that, despite the increasing number of
the short-term outlook, installer order books at the end of new instructions, house prices were also rising overall –
October 2009 were an encouraging 8.1 weeks compared to as demand exceeded supply in some regions, particularly
6.4 weeks for the same period the year before, driven the South East. However, others warn of the risk of a
largely by a tentative recovery in the housing market and double dip in house prices and a further fall over the next
demand generated by the London 2012 Olympics. 12 months. Peter Bolton King, Chief Executive of the
National Association of Estate Agents talks of a “wait-
and-see attitude to housing” in early 2010, as potential
Challenges: Falling sale prices on developments against buyers study what tax changes will mean for them and
original land prices are squeezing profit margins; how the election is likely to play out.
difficulty for home owners to sell existing properties to
buy new and first-time buyers to acquire mortgages
without significant deposits and the risk of rising Challenges: Residential property faces variable factors
In brief interest rates adversely affecting mortgage uptake making planning difficult; tougher lending criteria against
overall; banks’ reduced appetite to fund developments or a slight increase in mortgage availability will impact on
• No sector ‘recession-proof’ – but guarantee low loan-to-value ratios; maintaining a skilled demand; commercial property players restricted by the
workforce during periods of low activity. availability of reliable and solvent tenants; the impending
some will be quicker to recover General Election will cause uncertainty, impacting on home
Opportunities: Reported signs of economic recovery
• Consumer sectors trading in ‘non- should lead to greater consumer confidence and
buyers/investors’ purchasing decisions.
essentials’ still likely to struggle increased purchasing activity; stronger players in the Opportunities: Asset prices remain low overall, offering
market can increase market share as weaker competitors opportunities to those with the cash and the confidence to
due to cautious spending inevitably fail; unallocated contract opportunities will still buy while the base rate stays low; if sterling declines
• Continued recession offers most exist on London 2012 projects for larger players. further, more foreign buyers are likely to enter the market;
as lending increases prices will begin to creep up.
industrial sectors an opportunity
to review stock levels and supply Alan Lovett
Phil Pierce
chain efficiencies Restructuring and Recovery partner
Head of Property,
Restructuring and Recovery
• ‘Fittest’ businesses in each sector Leeds
Tel: 0113 285 5000
best prepared for recovery Tel: 020 7002 8600

8 Outlook 2010
Manufacturing Hi-tech Distribution and logistics
“Whilst conditions are continuing to improve on the back The hi-tech industries, which generate 10% of UK GDP The second half of 2009 saw over a quarter of all
of recovering world markets and a weaker currency, there and 15% of UK trade, have been hit hard by the businesses in the sector make job cuts. However,
is little to suggest that we are in for anything other than a recession. Fund providers, have increasingly been, and perception amongst the industry is that job losses for
long, slow haul out of recovery.” Chief economist of the continue to be, very selective about which businesses and 2010 should be less than in other sectors and the bottom
Engineering Employers Federation, Lee Hopley, paints a R&D projects they support. Funders may toughen their of the recession has been reached for the sector. Over
challenging picture. He continues: “Manufacturers have approach as they decline to invest new money – which one-third of businesses optimistically expect to see
been grappling with extremely difficult trading conditions such progress industries rely on – without guaranteed growth during 2010.
for more than a year now, but we’re not out of the woods returns or even seek to recover initial investments through
yet and a great deal of economic uncertainty remains.” the sale of the businesses they have lent to. As the performance of this industry fundamentally hinges
on demand from both ends of the supply chain, tough
Although in July, the Government launched a £150 According to Intellect, the trade association for the UK times for both manufacturers and retailers hit this sector
million package to assist manufacturers to take technology industry: “SMEs tell us that investment funding hard. This particular recession has been more global in its
advantage of new technologies, this is relatively small is still an issue. Traditional sources of cash such as bank impact and therefore, the prospect of distribution
beer and will do little to assist traditional, low-tech loans have been restricted or withdrawn and there is a worldwide has not been available to offset the internal UK
businesses. However, 2009 closed with some relatively shortage of venture capital funding. As a result, slump. Survival remains key for 2010 and the prospect of
encouraging news. The monthly Purchasing Managers’ expansion, product development and other R&D activities further mergers and acquisitions by some of the larger
Index (PMI) produced by the Chartered Institute of are being held back.” players is likely as they aim to grow market share.
Purchasing & Supply rose at the fastest pace for two
Few players in the sector have managed their cash Those businesses who have viewed the recession as an
years. The PMI collates, among other things, data
reserves well and rarely allow themselves to try to resolve opportunity to re-evaluate their strategic plan for the
gathered from purchasing managers about levels of
their financial issues, in often ‘just in time’ pipelines. future of the business – implementing cost savings
production and new orders. While one such report does
Where solutions are derived, these are often sales driven, and other efficiencies – should find themselves in a
not necessarily signal that recession in manufacturing is
which is usually the area of their business least under much stronger position once the recession formally
over, it does provide some scope for optimism.
their control. ends and business levels start to increase. Almost two-
Russell Cash, one of the partners in our Manchester office thirds of UK transport and logistics businesses feel the
In 2009, Graham Bushby, a partner in our Birmingham
involved in the administration of WH Crossley Ltd, a niche recession has made their operations more efficient and
and Milton Keynes offices, worked on the administration
manufacturer to the rail industry, says that it is certainly see other positives, including a greater focus on
and subsequent sale of Cecure, an online poker gaming
challenging times for manufacturing businesses: “Survival servicing their customers (34%), according to recent
platform. Commenting on the sector, he says: “Concerns in
in the current climate depends to an extent on where a research from Barclays.
2010 are unlikely to lessen sufficiently. Future worries for
business sits in the food chain. Some smaller businesses
the sector include limited access to funding, generally As with all recessions, the key now for this sector is to
may find they have little negotiating power and are being
weak and volatile demand levels and a growing range of ensure that there is sufficient cash to continue to trade
squeezed at both ends by customers stretching payments
supply issues throughout the value chain.” when business starts to pick up – in particular, to take
and by suppliers demanding shorter payment terms.
Larger businesses may be able to take advantage and advantage of what could be seen to be cheap UK goods
Intellect goes on to challenge the UK’s technology
dictate terms to an extent.” being imported into the eurozone following the slump in
framework saying that certain segments of the industry
the value of sterling over the last 12-18 months.
are ‘at risk of being constrained unless a fit for
purpose digital infrastructure and adequate support are
Challenges: Decisions over job losses or less painful brought forward’.
efficiencies to improve working capital such as improved Challenges: Heavy dependency on the fate of supplier and
stock control; releasing slow-moving stock at discounted customer bases; seeking out new business in an ever-
prices; greater focus on chasing outstanding debtors; competitive marketplace; maximising working capital and
Challenges: Limited credit available; funders toughening
renegotiation of contracts with various service providers reducing day-to-day operational costs; overseas and UK
their approaches and seeking ‘guarantees’ against returns;
wherever possible. markets both impacted by global recession.
weak demand levels both domestically and internationally.
Opportunities: Acquisition of distressed competitors to Opportunities: Chance to review or re-assess efficiencies
Opportunities: To focus on key business areas and core
increase capacity or market share; recruitment of best and longer-term vision of the business; M&A opportunities
offerings; potential rewards for smarter sales and
talent from collapsed competitors; ideal time to focus for those looking to acquire distressed businesses in order
marketing drives; chance to review supply chain
further on customer care and quality assurance. to grow market share or move into new service areas; a
efficiencies and further reduce unnecessary costs.
competitive edge when market recovers for those who
have made necessary provisions during the recession.

Russell Cash Graham Bushby Matt Wild

Restructuring and Recovery partner Restructuring and Recovery partner Restructuring and Recovery partner
Manchester Birmingham/Milton Keynes Guildford
Tel: 0161 830 4000 Tel: 0121 214 3100 Tel: 01483 307000 Outlook 2010 9

Sectors (continued)

Retail Motor Leisure and hospitality

Despite the 0.3% fall in UK retail sales for November, At the start of the recession, no other sector suffered Heavily dependent on consumer spending, the sector will
according to the Office of National Statistics, and a as dramatically as car retailing, as an almost instant find 2010 another challenging year. Rising living costs,
harsher winter than expected, sentiment in trading over reduction in demand for new cars caused an immediate increasing unemployment and jobs uncertainty will all
Christmas remained positive for most retailers. Record flurry of weaker players to leave the industry. force consumers to keep a close eye on their disposable
Boxing Day sales, an impending VAT increase and low income and demand bargain offers.
interest rates certainly helped footfall and increased The underlying theme for 2009 in the sector was ‘great
retailer confidence. The London market has also been escape’. New car sales fell by almost 26% in the first Pub drinking declined sharply in 2009, with 11 pubs
significantly bolstered by eurozone shoppers seeking value half of the year, yet in the second half grew by 21% – closing every week in London alone, according to new
outside their home countries. thanks to the Government’s scrappage scheme. figures issued by the British Beer & Pub Association
However, the net fall resulted in the lowest number of (BBPA) – and hitting other regions hard. In response,
Homeware and big ticket items traded strongly pre- and new registrations since 1995, according to the Society campaigners for the pubs industry are calling on the
post-Christmas, as did both luxury stores such as of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT). Government to reverse the 8% increase in duty on beer
Selfridges with sales up 16% and discounters including imposed after VAT cuts last January, now the 17.5% rate
Matalan up 13.7%. Next also announced better than At the end of 2008, manufacturers quickly reduced has returned – and to scrap the proposed 2% above
expected results for both its stores and Directory business. supplies of vehicles by putting their factories on short inflation increase, in this year’s Budget. Yet, as the
However, the picture was more mixed across the high working which led to a shortage of product in 2009 and Chancellor sees an 84% share of the £8.6 billion total tax
street. Despite a first return to sales growth in two years an increase in margins for dealers, as the industry and profit on beer sales, this will be a battle.
for Marks & Spencer, which had an overall ‘good moved away from a ‘pile them high and sell them
Christmas’ according to its Chairman, Sir Stuart Rose, its cheap’ mentality. Additionally, the scrappage scheme The gambling industries have a mixed outlook overall.
share price still fell by 6.8%. increased footfall overall, even though the direct Although the ‘recession opportunists’ spend more in
beneficiaries tended to be smaller models and a few downturns and 2010’s major sporting events provide
Consumers will undoubtedly rein in their spending during suppliers who currently see over 60% of their sales industry optimism, changes to gambling licence rules and
early 2010. With the economy still in recession, predicted supported by the scheme. the smoking ban were key factors behind Agora, a high-
unemployment ranging up to 2.8 million, an upcoming street chain of adult gaming centres, going into
election and uncertain tax regime, the consumer economy “As we reach the beginning of 2010, the majority of administration with Baker Tilly in late 2009.
is likely to start slowly in the first half of the year. the retail motor industry is breathing a sigh of relief
for surviving the year – something which looked In contrast, confidence amongst the UK hotel industry is
Stephen Robertson, Chairman of the British Retail unlikely in Autumn 2008,” says Graham Bushby, Head restoring, according to the latest Hotel Confidence Monitor
Consortium says: “The impact of the VAT increase is a of Motor for Baker Tilly Restructuring and Recovery. from TRI Hospitality Consulting, with half of hotel
concern but other clouds are gathering. Customers are “But as VAT returns to 17.5% and the scrappage managers ‘more optimistic’ in Q4 than Q3 2009, bolstered
cautious, jobs are a big worry and neither will be helped by scheme comes to an end in early 2010, the going is by Christmas trading. According to Bob Cotton, Chief
the tax battering promised by the Chancellor.” Sir Philip likely to get a lot tougher again for the industry over Executive of the British Hospitality Association, “innovative
Green added that it would be “a very challenging, tough, the year ahead.” and sustained marketing programmes, professional
competitive landscape without change... until the general management [and] rigorous cost controls” lead to fewer
election is out of the way”. The likelihood is sales will be It’s not surprising therefore, as our second Retailing in hotel insolvencies than expected for 2009. Last year, Baker
broadly flat. Customers will continue to seek value and the Recession survey with Motor Trader magazine Tilly traded and sold a number of high-profile hotels,
brands that have traded well so far during the recession found, the majority of dealerships (59%) do not including The Forbury in Reading and Haleys in Leeds.
should continue to benefit. expect the sector to pull out of recovery until at least
early 2011.
Challenges: For hotels, price-sensitivity will result in a
Challenges: Maintaining a value proposition for decline in average room rates, squeezing margins;
consumers who are facing impending personal tax Challenges: Scrappage scheme coming to an end early business travel looks to be further replaced by networking
hikes; public and private sector job uncertainty and this year; the return of 17.5% VAT; a cautious-spending technologies, such as conference calling; jobs uncertainty
expectations of mortgage rate increases in later 2010 public fuelled by jobs uncertainty and predicted post- and rising living costs increase consumer reluctance to
will impact on consumer spending overall; 17.5% VAT election mortgage rate increases. spend on leisure pursuits; the 17.5% VAT rate return is
impact on pricing; rent and corporation tax due in Opportunities: Scrappage scheme has grown market already hitting hard, particularly in the pubs segment.
January, March’s quarterly rent ‘roll’ and a less share for certain manufacturers and dealerships to build
accommodating HMRC. Opportunities: A change in government could lead to a
on; consumers with low personal debt are more likely to change in tax for the beer and pub industries; a ‘stay
Opportunities: Favourable leasehold renewal climate; purchase brand new vehicles cost-effectively. home’ mentality during recessions presents continued
lower inventory levels; increasing promotional activities opportunities for domestic tourism, particularly in regions
to drive footfall and focus on value. hit hard in other industries.

Graham Bushby
Lindsey Cooper Simon Bower
Head of Motor,
Restructuring and Recovery partner Restructuring and Recovery partner
Restructuring and Recovery
Manchester London
Birmingham/Milton Keynes
Tel: 0161 830 4000 Tel: 020 7002 8600
Tel: 0121 214 3100

10 Outlook 2010
Travel Professional practices Charity and not-for-profit
2010 will be another difficult year for the travel industry, ‘Best in class’ professional practices, having staked out a The ‘third’ sector appears, in the main, to be
as it relies heavily upon an improvement in consumer strong market presence and respected position in their weathering the current economic downturn relatively
spending and overall confidence – according to Baker Tilly, chosen markets, are likely to fare better in 2010 than their well. However, it can expect tougher times in the next
an ABTA travel industry partner. The need for a review of competitors – unless their specialism happens to have 12 months with no anticipated marked improvement
consumer protection will be high on the agenda for the been recession-hit, such as conveyancing. until the second quarter of 2011, according to our
year, in view of recent failures such as Flyglobespan, the recent survey Managing Charity Finances Through
collapsed Scottish airline. ‘The unexpected’ – such as Consolidation among the stronger firms looks likely to Uncertain Times.
terrorist threats and potential epidemics – are also likely continue, as the main players seek out attractive
to impact on confidence. Some of the larger charities have seen a modest
acquisitions. Whether in accountancy or law, two weaker
decline in donations, yet smaller organisations
firms may add up to a stronger one. Alternatively,
Whilst 2009 saw a 10% year-on-year fall in passenger continue to maintain their existing income from their
combining complementary skills, while reducing
numbers, the level was still higher than in 2002, loyal donor base.
administration and other overheads, can ensure a
illustrating the level of growth in recent years. Tour
operators responded by making capacity cuts to protect profitable future. Not surprisingly, organisations that relied on high interest
themselves, in contrast to the dramatic falls in profit that rates and dividends for income are finding themselves
Without doubt, the single biggest concern for the year with increasing cash pressures – but many are positive
have hit airlines. The industry generally adapted well last should be cash. Firms need to be invoicing clients as early
year – but could it cope with a similar fall over the next about this turning around in 2010.
as possible, chasing receivables efficiently with every
12 months? With the economic climate as it is, there is also a decline
effort made to haul in cash. With plenty of calls on clients’
European destinations have been damaged by exchange scarce resources, creditors that make the most noise are in corporate giving. However, this may give rise to the
rates and 2009’s poor euro/pound conversion looks set to most likely to get paid. Inventory management and timely, opportunity to boost volunteer numbers and provide
continue. The pound/dollar ratio looks more settled at a even daily, management information will therefore remain additional commercial support for charities which the
respectable 1.6. sector would welcome.
crucial to keeping a tight grip on the business.
Agents will be looking for continued growth in e-sales and Government funding will have a major impact in 2010. The
With HMRC still ranking high among many firms’
observers will be interested to see how the industry sector anticipates a reduction in the amount available and
creditors and tax bills due on 31 January 2010, now is
utilises new media, such as social networking, as a it is also thought that there will be a move from traditional
also the time for them to consider whether it is necessary revenue funding to more project-specific based funding.
marketing tool. to apply to HMRC under the Business Payment Support Charities must price projects accordingly and cover all
The World Cup, Winter Olympics and Ashes will all ensure Service to arrange more time to pay tax bills. associated overhead costs to ensure that these projects do
a bumper year of sports travel in 2010 – however, The sector should hold up fairly well but is not recession- not cause a drain on existing cash reserves.
inherent to this will be the growing risk of fake ticketing proof, as evidenced by more firms going out of business Charities who are successful in attracting funding will
scams and uninsured travel packages.
during the last recovery than in the preceding recession increasingly have to demonstrate their social impact i.e.
Mark Wilson, a partner in our Watford office and a predicted rise in insolvencies for 2010, particularly for every £1 of funding provided, how much value is given
comments: “Innovation and highly competitive at the smaller end of the spectrum. back to the community – in short, what is their social
marketing activity will undoubtedly be key for survival, return on investment?
together with a strong focus on the end consumer, as
the industry aims to restore public confidence.” Challenges: Maintaining clients in an extremely
competitive market; decisions over staffing levels to Challenges: Putting in place and acting on plans early
ensure production levels can be maintained and to counteract the anticipated shortfall in government
Challenges: Strongly dependent on overall consumer opportunities grasped, at the same time ensuring recovery funding or annual income; seeking out new sources of
confidence; trend towards ‘stay home’ vacations in the rates are maximised; working capital remains key so income, particularly where heavily dependent on just
UK; strength of the euro against sterling; anticipated timely billing and debtor collection are vital. one or a few streams; planning ahead whilst also
increase in unemployment leading to consumer hesitation dealing with current challenges.
in making bookings; expected increases in mortgage rate Opportunities: Current downturn and the accessible
in late 2010 will impact on consumer spending. resource pool represents an opportunity to diversify into Opportunities: Forming working alliances and mergers
new markets; acquisition/merger with distressed with other charities to potentially reduce costs and
Opportunities: Promote non-eurozone destinations, such practices to enhance specialisms offered and gain entry ensure a sustainable future; an opportunity to review
as Turkey; online sales still present an opportunity; into new markets. services offered as well as fundraising programmes to
consolidation to increase market share; long-term focus on the most productive activities; a good time for
prospects for the industry still remain strong overall. reviewing and renegotiating contracts.

Karen Spears
Mark Wilson Tony Wright
Head of Charities,
Restructuring and Recovery partner Restructuring and Recovery director
Restructuring and Recovery
Watford London
Tel: 01923 816400 Tel: 020 7002 8600
Tel: 01923 816400 Outlook 2010 11

Baker Tilly
Baker Tilly is a leading independent firm of accountants and business advisers that
specialises in providing an integrated range of services. We provide our growing and
established business clients with audit, accountancy, personal and corporate taxation, VAT,
management consultancy, corporate finance, IT advisory, restructuring and recovery and
forensic services. The firm has national coverage through its network of offices and is
represented internationally through its independent membership of Baker Tilly International.

Restructuring and Recovery key contacts:

National Head 020 7002 8600

Tracey Callaghan

Birmingham 0121 214 3100 London 020 7002 8600

Phillip Allen Simon Bower
Bob Bailey Geoff Carton-Kelly
Graham Bushby Peter Cooper
Guy Mander David Hudson
Alan Lovett
Bristol 0117 945 2000
Bruce Mackay
Andrew Sheridan
Peter Souster
Bury St Edmunds 01284 763311 Sarah Batchelor
Nigel Millar Matt Haw
Steve Merchant
Crawley 0845 057 0700 Tony Wright
John Ariel
Edinburgh 0131 659 8300 Manchester 0161 830 4000
Keith Anderson Lindsey Cooper
David Menzies Russell Cash
Don Bailey
Glasgow 0141 307 5000
David Menzies Milton Keynes 01908 687800
Guildford 01483 307000 Graham Bushby
Matthew Wild Newcastle 0191 255 7000
Mark Ranson
Hull 01482 607200
Alec Pillmoor Peterborough 01733 260780
Adrian Allen
Leeds 0113 285 5000
Adrian Allen Watford 01923 816400
Phil Pierce Mark Wilson
Mark Ranson Karen Spears

Forensic Services
Tony Chapman 0113 285 5000
Ross MacLaverty
Marcus McCaffrey 020 7002 8600

Offices also in:

Basingstoke, Brighton, Bromley, Chelmsford, Chester, Hereford, Lerwick, Liverpool, Saltaire,
Stoke on Trent, Tunbridge Wells and Warrington.
Baker Tilly UK Audit LLP, Baker Tilly Tax and Advisory Services LLP, Baker Tilly Corporate Finance LLP, Baker Baker Tilly & Co Limited is
Tilly Restructuring and Recovery LLP and Baker Tilly Tax and Accounting Limited are not authorised under authorised and regulated
the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 but we are able in certain circumstances to offer a limited range by the Financial Services
of investment services because we are members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Authority to conduct a
Wales. We can provide these investment services if they are an incidental part of the professional services range of investment
we have been engaged to provide. business activities.

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