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Learning and cognitive flexibility: frontostriatal function and

monoaminergic modulation
Angie A Kehagia1,2, Graham K Murray1,3 and Trevor W Robbins1,2

Learning in a constant environment, and adapting flexibly to a last decade has focused on the prefrontal cortex (PFC)
changing one, through changes in reinforcement contingencies and basal ganglia, particularly the striatum, and their
or valence-free cues, depends on overlapping circuitry that interactions through their multiple serial and parallel
interconnects the prefrontal cortex (PFC) with the striatum and loops [1,2], subject to neuromodulatory inputs by the
is subject to several forms of neurochemical modulation. We monoamines (dopamine (DA), serotonin (5-hydroxytryp-
present evidence from recent studies in animals employing tamine, 5-HT) and noradrenaline (NA)).
electrophysiological, pharmacological and lesion techniques,
and neuroimaging, neuropsychological and pharmacological We review developments in recent years that have con-
investigations of healthy humans and clinical patients. tributed to the state of the science, progressing through a
Dopamine (DA) neurotransmission in the medial striatum and conceptual gradient of cognitive processes and paradigms.
PFC is critical for basic reinforcement learning and the First, we address basic reinforcement learning, where
integration of negative feedback during reversal learning, whilst behaviour is critically dependent on environmental sig-
orbitofrontal 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) likely mediates this nals or (reward) feedback. Subsequently, we focus on
type of low level flexibility, perhaps by reducing interference reversal learning, reflecting the ability to switch respond-
from salient stimuli. The role of prefrontal noradrenaline (NA) in ing to a previously non-reinforced exemplar, which relies
higher order flexibility indexed through attentional set-shifting on feedback but critically incorporates flexibility. We
has recently received significant empirical support, and similar proceed to attentional set-shifting, which also indexes
avenues appear promising in the field of task switching. the ability to adapt behaviour flexibly following feedback,
Addresses but pertains to broader stimulus dimensions rather than a
Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute, University of specific exemplar. Finally, we address task switching, a
Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EB, UK relatively purer form of cognitive flexibility uncontami-
Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge, nated by learning and feedback processing.
Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EB, UK
Brain Mapping Unit, Department of Psychiatry, University of
Cambridge, Box 255, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge CB2 2QQ, The literature cited represents a corresponding gradient
UK in spatiotemporal scale as a function of the complexity of
cognitive paradigms, and the feasibility of interspecies
Corresponding author: Kehagia, Angie A (,
translation. Basic neuronal and molecular mechanisms of
Murray, Graham K ( and Robbins, Trevor W
( reinforcement learning and low level flexibility emerge
predominantly from animal studies employing invasive
techniques such as single unit recordings, microdialysis
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2010, 20:199–204 and selective gene knock-out. More cognitively complex
forms of flexibility are tapped mostly through systemic
This review comes from a themed issue on
Cognitive neuroscience
pharmacology (across species), lesion studies in animals
Edited by Earl Miller and Liz Phelps and functional neuroimaging in humans.

Available online 16th February 2010

0959-4388/$ – see front matter Cortico-striatal anatomy

# 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Before addressing the cognitive neuroscience of cortico-
DOI 10.1016/j.conb.2010.01.007 striatal interactions, we note developments in the field of
anatomy. The landmark proposal of anatomically and
functionally segregated cortico-striatal loops by Alexan-
der and colleagues is gradually becoming superseded by
Introduction evidence for more complex cross-talk and convergence
The ability to learn, or acquire associations between enabling integration of processing across these circuits
stimuli, actions and environmental outcomes, and flexibly [3,4]. Thus, functional connectivity network effects that
adapt ongoing behaviour according to salient changes in may underpin learning and flexible cognition are consist-
the environment or our current intentions, carries survival ent with new functional models emerging from rodent
value and is arguably fundamental to what cognitive and primate electrophysiology [5], and human neuroima-
agents perceive as voluntary action. Research on neural ging data [6,7]. Together, such studies provide func-
mechanisms subserving learning and flexibility over the tional support to anatomical results demonstrating that Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2010, 20:199–204

200 Cognitive neuroscience

the various cortico-striatal loops inter-relate in a partially emerge from studies in brain slices from transgenic mice.
overlapping, mediolateral gradient. Previously, it was hypothesized that, within the striatum,
D1 receptor-type medium spiny neurons (MSNs) express
Reinforcement learning LTP at the glutamatergic synapse, and D2 receptor-type
For some years it has been clear that both the striatum and MSNs express LDP. It is now evident that both types of
the frontal cortex play key roles in learning, being active MSN are subject to both types of synaptic plasticity,
during the expectation of reward and following its deliv- although they exhibit opposite effects in terms of LTP
ery, as well as coding prediction error during learning and LDP in the context of stimulation and in its absence
[8,9]. Beyond the postulated role of synaptic plasticity [19].
[10], monkey cell recording suggests that changes in
dynamic network states of caudate and lateral PFC Reversal learning
neurons may also be critical for learning [11]. These Deficits in reversal learning, the ability to switch respond-
regions exhibit sustained activity during simple learning ing to a previously non-reinforced stimulus, are present
and reversal learning, when contingencies are reversed. not just in chronic illness but also in the early stages of
This activity persists over the course of several seconds disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD) [20], schizo-
following the outcome of a behavioural trial to influence phrenia and bipolar disorder [21,22]. Catecholamines,
behaviour on the subsequent one. specifically cortico-striatal DA, and indoleamines, in
particular orbitofrontal (OFC) 5-HT, are considered
At the neurochemical level, research which illustrated critical for this type of flexibility. Reversal learning is
that primary prefrontal lesions can cause secondary impaired not only following infusions of a D2 agonist into
impairments in striatal DA function [12] has been influ- the rat medial striatum by reducing prefrontal cortical
ential, for example, in models of schizophrenia patho- input [23], but also following serotonergic depletion in
physiology. In a re-examination of the causal relationship the OFC in monkeys [24], which causes specific deficits
between striatal D2 receptor activity and frontal function, in serial reversal learning that are underpinned by a
Bach et al. showed that mesolimbic/mesostriatal hyper- failure to inhibit responding to the previously rewarded
function can also lead to frontal dysfunction [13,14]. stimulus, rather than proactive interference or enhanced
Over-expression of striatal D2 receptors caused frontal- learned avoidance [25]. Work from the same laboratory
like cognitive deficits (working memory and go/no-go has gone on to clarify the roles of OFC and medial
conditional associative learning), possibly mediated by (associative) striatum in learning and contingency reversal
altered D1 receptor activation (see [15]; working memory [26]. Whilst discrete OFC lesions impair learning reward
deficits remediated by D1 agonist administration), and contingencies by disrupting reversal following both
decreased DA turnover in PFC consequent upon the positive and negative reinforcement, striatal lesions
striatal abnormality. impaired reversal following negative feedback only,
suggesting abnormal prediction error processing. A recent
Although rodent behavioural pharmacology has been rat electrophysiological study also supports the role of the
dominated by studies in rats, a number of key exper- medial striatum in reversal learning: medial but not
iments have recently been performed in genetically ventral striatal activity changes preceded go/no-go beha-
modified mice to elucidate the role of phasic DA in viour upon reversal [27].
learning. A novel procedure employed by Zweifel et al.
[16] examined the differential effects of tonic and phasic The finding that striatal lesions impair reversal behaviour
DA neuron activity, by eliminating the latter through the following negative reinforcement suggests that DA may
inactivation of NMDA receptors on DA neurons. These crucially modulate this form of behavioural flexibility by
mice were slower to reach criterion on free operant virtue of its role in basic reinforcement learning. Indeed, a
learning and develop food conditioned place preference, recent microdialysis study demonstrated increased rever-
and were impaired on cue-driven learning in the Morris sal-related DA, but not NA, efflux in rat medial PFC
water maze. The role of burst DA firing in learning is (which is interconnected with the medial striatum), an
corroborated by a fascinating optogenetics study demon- effect that was particularly pronounced on early but not
strating that phasic activation of ascending VTA dopa- late reversals [28]. Research in humans has further illu-
minergic neurons is sufficient to drive conditioned place minated the importance of D2 receptors in mediating
preference [17]. Cellular mechanisms underlying negative reinforcement during reversal learning. Using
reinforcement learning have also been elucidated by fMRI, Jocham et al. [29] showed that individuals with a
Stuber et al. [18]. Striatal DA release in response to genotype that predisposes to lower striatal D2 receptor
reward-predicting cues and enhanced synaptic strengths expression exhibit reduced recruitment of the ventral
with VTA DA neurons develop during learning; specifi- striatum and lateral OFC, which in association with
cally, cue-reward learning was mediated by greater abnormal rostral cingulate activation observed following
AMPA receptor currents impacting on DA neurons. negative feedback, underpins their subtle reversal learn-
Further insights into the plasticity underpinning learning ing deficits. These results complement behavioural

Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2010, 20:199–204

Frontostriatal substrates of learning and flexibility Kehagia, Murray and Robbins 201

effects associated with a D2 polymorphism [30] and injections into medial PFC [40]. Lapiz et al. followed this
reports from human pharmacological fMRI that DA-ergic up with a demonstration of attentional set-shifting
manipulations modulate striatal reversal-related activity benefits following chronic administration of desipramine,
[31]. Using positron emission tomography (PET), Clat- a selective NA reuptake inhibitor [41]. Moreover, lesions
worthy et al. demonstrated that reversal learning perform- of the DNAB produce attentional set-shifting deficits in
ance correlated with methylphenidate-induced DA the rat [42]. McGaughy et al. [43] showed that NA-ergic
release in the medial striatum [32]. Similarly, methyl- but not cholinergic deafferentiation of rat medial PFC led
phenidate induced blood oxygen level dependent to specific EDS deterioration, indicative of an overly
(BOLD) changes in the striatum during reversals follow- focused attentional set, rather than an intrinsic deficit
ing negative feedback [33], presumably as a consequence in ignoring irrelevant stimuli, which was intact in the
of its blocking action on the DA transporter. lesioned animals. Results from the same laboratory
extended these findings to the beneficial effects of ato-
The open question of the precise contributions of DA and moxetine, a NA reuptake inhibitor used for the treatment
5-HT in the OFC to conditioned reinforcement and of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
reversal learning has recently been addressed by Walker which at the low doses employed in that study only
et al. [34]. Collectively, the doubly dissociable deficit augments cortical NA [44]. These findings are of
patterns exhibited by marmosets with either DA or 5-HT particular importance to the attentional set-shifting def-
depletion in the OFC implicate DA in basic associative icits of PD that have hitherto been found to be insensitive
processes of reward, and possibly in prediction error to DA-ergic medication and which we are currently
signalling (the absence of which leads to a remarkable investigating in a pharmacological study on the effects
persistence of responding in extinction), and 5-HT in of acute atomoxetine administration (see also below).
maintaining a flexible response set in the face of distract-
ing salient stimuli. In the rat, a similar function of redu- Task switching
cing distractibility from irrelevant stimuli during reversal Task switching addresses cognitive flexibility divorced
learning is ascribed to the anterior cingulate cortex: from the ability to adapt ongoing behaviour to feedback,
although 2-choice reversal behaviour remains intact fol- hence unconfounding it from the learning mechanisms
lowing lesions to this region, its inactivation by muscimol that underlie attentional set-shifting. It involves switch-
microinfusion impairs four-choice reversal by increasing ing between rules that determine well-learned stimulus
never-reinforced distracter errors [35]. and response (S–R) mappings, on the basis of cues. Task
switching deficits are seen in neurodegenerative disease
Attentional set-shifting such as PD [45] and psychiatric illness, for example,
In contrast to reversal learning which pertains to a specific OCD [46], since frontoparietal areas and the basal ganglia
exemplar, attentional set-shifting (extra-dimensional contribute to different aspects of a switch. For example,
shifting (EDS)) refers to switching between higher order whilst the human anterior cingulate underlies more gen-
modalities (e.g. from lines to shapes, from texture to eral motivational updating of the goal state on a switch of
odour) on the basis of feedback. The neural correlates task, the dorsolateral PFC is thought to be involved in
of attentional set-shifting in humans were elucidated specifically resolving interference from irrelevant task
using fMRI [36], associating OFC with reversal learning sets [47]. A coordinating role has recently been proposed
and ventrolateral PFC (vlPFC) with EDS. In the rat, a for the inferior parietal region on the basis of switch-
well-controlled lesion study of strategy shifting demon- specific signal change, which precedes that seen in PFC
strated dissociable roles for the parallel pathways from the [48]. The basal ganglia have been implicated in response
mediodorsal thalamic nucleus to the nucleus accumbens selection, particularly under conditions of increased
and medial PFC: the former is central in eliminating response interference [49] but are thought to be involved
inappropriate strategies, the latter in signalling the need in tonic fluctuations in flexibility rather than transient
to shift and the cortico-striatal projection in integrating switch-specific processes [50].
reinforcement with instrumental behaviour [37].
Remarkably few pharmacological studies have been
Although NA traditionally has been linked to attention, conducted on task switching. Ketamine induced switch-
arousal and exploration/exploitation trade-offs as a func- ing deficits in a marmoset analogue of task switching
tion of phasic and tonic firing in the locus coeruleus (LC), [51], indicating a central role of glutamate neurotrans-
the principal source of NA neurons in the dorsal nor- mission analogous to its role in attentional set-shifting
adrenergic ascending bundle (DNAB) (e.g. [38,39]), bur- [52]. Furthermore, caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine),
geoning evidence now directly implicates it in attentional an adenosine receptor antagonist that elevates central
set-shifting. One of the earlier studies in the rat reported catecholamines including DA and NA, enhances task
EDS enhancing effects of systemic atipamezole, an a2- switching in humans [53]. Indeed, the role of DA in
adrenergic autoreceptor antagonist, which were reversed dorsal cortico-striatal circuits during task switching
by a1-adrenergic but not b-adrenergic antagonist micro- has been supported primarily by the detrimental effect Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2010, 20:199–204

202 Cognitive neuroscience

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repetition. regions such as dlPFC, as well as increased LC-frontal connectivity.

Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2010, 20:199–204

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