AMR Power Control - Feature Guide

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ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power

Feature Guide
ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Version Date Author Reviewer Notes

GU Commercial
V1.0 2013/04/09 System Supporting Not open to the third party

© 2013 ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved.

ZTE CONFIDENTIAL: This document contains proprietary information of ZTE and is not to be disclosed or used
without the prior written permission of ZTE.
Due to update and improvement of ZTE products and technologies, information in this document is subjected to
change without notice.

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ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control


1 Feature Attribute ............................................................................................... 7

2 Overview ............................................................................................................ 7
2.1 Feature Introduction ............................................................................................. 7
2.2 License Control .................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Correlation with Other Features ........................................................................... 8

3 Technical Description ....................................................................................... 9

3.1 Downlink Power Control ....................................................................................... 9
3.2 Uplink Power Control ......................................................................................... 15
3.3 AMR Uplink & Downlink Power Control .............................................................. 16

4 Parameters and Configurations ..................................................................... 17

4.1 Parameter List ................................................................................................... 17
4.2 Parameter Configuration .................................................................................... 18
4.2.1 Downlink level sample count .............................................................................. 18
4.2.2 Downlink level weight ......................................................................................... 19
4.2.3 Downlink quality sample count ........................................................................... 20
4.2.4 Downlink quality Weight ..................................................................................... 21
4.2.5 Downlink power control allowed ......................................................................... 22
4.2.6 Increase downlink level Threshold ..................................................................... 23
4.2.7 Decrease downlink level Threshold .................................................................... 23
4.2.8 Increase downlink quality Threshold .................................................................. 24
4.2.9 Decrease downlink quality Threshold ................................................................. 24
4.2.10 Increase downlink level Value P......................................................................... 25
4.2.11 Increase downlink level Value N ........................................................................ 25
4.2.12 Decrease downlink level Value P ....................................................................... 26
4.2.13 Decrease downlink level Value N ....................................................................... 26
4.2.14 Increase downlink quality Value P ...................................................................... 27
4.2.15 Increase downlink quality Value N ..................................................................... 27
4.2.16 Decrease downlink quality Value P .................................................................... 28
4.2.17 Decrease downlink quality Value N .................................................................... 28
4.2.18 MIN power level of BS ....................................................................................... 29
4.2.19 Downlink rapid power control ............................................................................. 29
4.2.20 Increase step of downlink power control ............................................................ 30
4.2.21 Decrease step of downlink power control ........................................................... 31
4.2.22 Uplink level Sample count .................................................................................. 31
4.2.23 Uplink level Weight ............................................................................................ 32
4.2.24 Uplink quality Sample count ............................................................................... 32

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ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

4.2.25 Uplink quality Weight ......................................................................................... 32

4.2.26 Uplink power control allowed ............................................................................. 33
4.2.27 Increase uplink level Threshold .......................................................................... 33
4.2.28 Decrease uplink level Threshold ........................................................................ 34
4.2.29 Increase uplink quality Threshold ....................................................................... 35
4.2.30 Decrease uplink quality Threshold ..................................................................... 35
4.2.31 Increase uplink level Value P ............................................................................. 36
4.2.32 Increase uplink level Value N ............................................................................. 36
4.2.33 Decrease uplink level Value P............................................................................ 37
4.2.34 Decrease uplink level Value N ........................................................................... 38
4.2.35 Increase uplink quality Value P .......................................................................... 38
4.2.36 Increase uplink quality Value N .......................................................................... 39
4.2.37 Decrease uplink quality Value P......................................................................... 39
4.2.38 Decrease uplink quality Value N ........................................................................ 40
4.2.39 MAX power level of MS ...................................................................................... 41
4.2.40 MIN power level of MS ....................................................................................... 41
4.2.41 Uplink rapid power control .................................................................................. 42
4.2.42 MIN interval of power control.............................................................................. 43
4.2.43 Power control PwrDecrLimit ............................................................................... 43
4.2.44 Report period of measurement for power control ............................................... 44

5 Related Counters and Alarms ........................................................................ 44

5.1 Related Counters ............................................................................................... 44
5.2 Related Alarms .................................................................................................. 46

6 Engineering Guide .......................................................................................... 47

6.1 Application Scenario .......................................................................................... 47
6.2 Configuration Description ................................................................................... 47
6.3 Feature Validation .............................................................................................. 52
6.3.1 AMR Downlink Power Control ............................................................................ 52
6.3.2 AMR Uplink Power Control ................................................................................ 53
6.4 Feature Turn off ................................................................................................. 54
6.5 Network Impact .................................................................................................. 55

7 Abbreviation .................................................................................................... 55

8 Reference Document....................................................................................... 56

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Figure 3-1 Power control flow ...............................................................................................10

Figure 6-1 Configuration Interface 1 .....................................................................................47
Figure 6-2 Configuration Interface 2 .....................................................................................49
Figure 6-3 Configuration Interface 3 .....................................................................................49
Figure 6-4 Configuration Interface 4 .....................................................................................50
Figure 6-5 Configuration Interface 5 .....................................................................................51
Figure 6-6 Configuration Interface 6 .....................................................................................52
Figure 6-7 Power control configuration Interface ..................................................................55


Table 3-1 Power control policy .............................................................................................11

Table 3-2 Definition of Dynamic Power .................................................................................15
Table 4-1 Parameter List ......................................................................................................17
Table 4-2 Downlink level sample count ................................................................................18
Table 4-3 Downlink level weight ...........................................................................................19
Table 4-4 Downlink quality sample count..............................................................................20
Table 4-5 Downlink quality Weight........................................................................................21
Table 4-6 Downlink power control allowed............................................................................22
Table 4-7 Increase downlink level Threshold ........................................................................23
Table 4-8 Decrease downlink level Threshold ......................................................................23
Table 4-9 Increase uplink quality Threshold .........................................................................24
Table 4-10 Decrease downlink quality Threshold .................................................................24
Table 4-11 Increase downlink level Value P .........................................................................25
Table 4-12 Increase downlink level Value N .........................................................................25
Table 4-13 Decrease downlink level Value P ........................................................................26

4 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

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Table 4-14 Decrease downlink level Value N .......................................................................26

Table 4-15 Increase downlink quality Value P ......................................................................27
Table 4-16 Increase downlink quality Value N ......................................................................27
Table 4-17 Decrease downlink quality Value P .....................................................................28
Table 4-18 Decrease downlink quality Value N ....................................................................28
Table 4-19 MIN power level of BS ........................................................................................29
Table 4-20 Downlink rapid power control ..............................................................................29
Table 4-21 Increase step of downlink power control .............................................................30
Table 4-22 Decrease step of downlink power control ...........................................................31
Table 4-23 Uplink level Sample count ..................................................................................31
Table 4-24 Uplink level Weight .............................................................................................32
Table 4-25 Uplink quality Sample count ...............................................................................32
Table 4-26 Uplink quality Weight ..........................................................................................32
Table 4-27 Uplink power control allowed ..............................................................................33
Table 4-28 Increase uplink level Threshold ..........................................................................33
Table 4-29 Decrease uplink level Threshold .........................................................................34
Table 4-30 Increase uplink quality Threshold .......................................................................35
Table 4-31 Decrease uplink quality Threshold ......................................................................35
Table 4-32 Increase uplink level Value P ..............................................................................36
Table 4-33 Increase uplink level Value N..............................................................................36
Table 4-34 Decrease uplink level Value P ............................................................................37
Table 4-35 Decrease uplink level Value N ............................................................................38
Table 4-36 Increase uplink quality Value P ...........................................................................38
Table 4-37 Increase uplink quality Value N...........................................................................39
Table 4-38 Decrease uplink quality Value P .........................................................................39
Table 4-39 Decrease uplink quality Value N .........................................................................40
Table 4-40 MAX power level of MS ......................................................................................41
Table 4-41 MIN power level of MS........................................................................................41
Table 4-42 Uplink rapid power control ..................................................................................42
Table 4-43 MIN interval of power control ..............................................................................43

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Table 4-44 Power control PwrDecrLimit ...............................................................................43

Table 4-45 Report period of measurement for power control ................................................44
Table 5-1 Counter List ..........................................................................................................44

6 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

1 Feature Attribute
BSC Version: [ZXUR 9000 GSM (V6.50.102)]

BTS Version: [Not related with BTS hardware platform]

Property: [Optional]

Related Network Element:

NE Name Related or Not Special Requirements

MS √

Dependent Function: [Enable this function after the AMR function is enabled]

Exclusive Function: [None]

Note: [None]

2 Overview

2.1 Feature Introduction

AMR power control is mainly intended to optimize MS and BS transmission power

without impact on radio transmission quality for keeping transmission quality higher
than the designated threshold and reducing MS and BS average transmission power
to decrease interference with other communications.

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ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

To apply flexible power adjustment for AMR terminal, uplink and downlink dynamic
power target should be set. So power can be further reduced by using AMR channel
and proper BTS timeslot.

By using AMR power control, the interference in the network with both AMR and
non-AMR mobile phones can be further reduced. Lower interference will obviously
improve voice quality and enlarge network capacity, as tighter frequency reuse
pattern can be applied. AMR can also reduce power consumption of AMR mobile
phones by using lower output power.

2.2 License Control

None license control for this feature in UR12 Release.

2.3 Correlation with Other Features

This feature is functionally related to the following features:

ZGO-04-02-001 Dynamic BTS Power Control

ZGO-04-02-002 Dynamic MS Power Control

ZGO-01-01-003 Adaptive Multi-rate Codec (AMR)

These relations are detailed as follows:

1. This feature is related to Power Control in this way: This feature is a special
case of power control for AMR FR and AMR HR. For the AMR FR and AMR HR
coding odes, the power control status is described in details.

2. This feature is related to AMR in this way: AMR is a summary of AMR coding
modes, and describes basic AMR functions, while this feature is a sub-function
of AMR, that is, this feature works only when the system adopts AMR coding

8 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

3 Technical Description
Basic rules of power control:

 Reduce power if level or quality is higher than expected value;

 Increase power if level or quality is lower than expected value;

 Comprehensively considering level & quality factors to improve the accuracy

and validity of power control.

Uplink power control is independent of downlink power control.

3.1 Downlink Power Control

The scope of downlink power control is determined by equipment manufacturer. Network

operators determine whether the function of downlink power control is enabled but all
BTSs should support this function. That is 15 levels of dynamic power adjustment for
BTS with 2dB step, totally dynamic power adjustment capability of 30dB.

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ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Figure 3-1 Power control flow


Step 1: BTS receives

measurement report from MS

Step 2: BTS saves

measurement report from MS

Step 3: BTS handles

measurement reports from MS

Step 4: BTS does statistics

and sort for average of MS

Step 5: BTS power control


Step 6: determine BTS

power control step

Step 7: BTS power control

implementation and power
control data reset to zero


The detailed steps are described as follows:

Step 1: BTS receives MS measurement report.

MS measurement results are reported in measurement report message through

SACCH. The measurement report message includes the measurement result for
current dedicated channel and adjacent cells.

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Step 2: BTS saves MS measurement report.

Downlink power control extracts downlink receiving level and quality on current
channel from measurement report message and puts it into original round-robin

Step 3: BTS handles original MS measurement data.

If the number of receiving level and quality queues reaches the average threshold,
weighted average will be done for the valid data.

Step 4: BTS calculates and sorts the MS average data.

If the value of average queue reaches a threshold, statistics and sort will be done to
learn the state of current level and bit error ratio.

Step 5: BTS power control decision

Form BTS power control policy based on calculated level and bit error ratio. Table 1
describes BTS power control policies. Where,

Level state = 0: level is proper (between the upper limit and lower limit of expected
level value);

Level state = 1: level is lower (lower than the lower limit of expected level value);

Level state = 2: level is higher (higher than the upper limit of expected level value);

Quality state = 0: receiving quality is proper with normal bit error ratio (between the
upper limit and lower limit of expected quality value);

Quality state = 1: receiving quality is lower bit error ratio (lower than the lower limit of
expected quality value);

Quality state = 2: receiving quality is higher bit error ratio (higher than the upper limit
of expected quality value);

Table 3-1 Power control policy

Level state Quality state Conclusion

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0 0 Keep original power

0 1 Decrease transmitting power (due to quality)
0 2 Increase transmitting power (due to quality)
1 0 Increase transmitting power (due to level)
1 1 Increase transmitting power (due to level)
1 2 Increase transmitting power (due to quality)
2 0 Decrease transmitting power (due to level)
2 1 Decrease transmitting power (due to level)
2 2 Increase transmitting power (due to quality)

The detailed descriptions are as follows:

If level is proper and receiving quality is proper bit error ratio, the power control
scheme is to keep original power;

If level is proper and receiving quality is lower bit error ratio, the power control
scheme is to decrease transmitting power;

If level is proper and receiving quality is higher bit error ratio, the power control
scheme is to increase transmitting power;

If level is lower and receiving quality is proper bit error ratio, the power control
scheme is to increase transmitting power;

If level is lower and receiving quality is lower bit error ratio, the power control scheme
is to increase transmitting power;

If level is lower and receiving quality is higher bit error ratio, the power control
scheme is to increase transmitting power;

If level is higher and receiving quality is proper bit error ratio, the power control
scheme is to decrease transmitting power;

If level is higher and receiving quality is lower bit error ratio, the power control
scheme is to decrease transmitting power;

If level is higher and receiving quality is higher bit error ratio, the power control
scheme is to increase transmitting power.

Step 6: determine BTS control step

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Based on power control policy, you can increase or decrease the power. If the step
of power adjustment is a fixed parameter, such as 2, 4, 6 dB, it is the common power
control. Depending on "Rapid power control indication", BTS determines if rapid power
control should be used.

Rapid power control process is an option of UR9000. Rapid power control can decrease
interference of the whole system and meet the need of dynamic power control of rapidly
moving MS. The amplitude of power control used by rapid power control process is not a
fixed value again but an integer multiple of power control step (increase and decrease).
Rapid power control indication determines if rapid power control process is used.

If normal power control is used, the step of each power control is the value of "power
increment" and "power decrement". If rapid power control is used, following rules
should be followed. The increment and decrement related to level should be determined
by some conditions. If the conditions are not met, the common power control method will
be used.

Increase transmitting power (due to level):



Where, LEV_DL is current signal level, INCREASESTEP is power increment, and

L_RXLEV_DL is the lower limit of expected level.

Decrease transmitting power (due to level):


STEP = min ( PwrDecrLimit,,LEV_DL- U_RXLEV_DL )

Where, LEV_DL is current value but not average value. DECREASESTEP is power
decrement. U_LEV_DL is the upper limit of expected level. PwrDecrLimit is power
decrement limit, which is related to current signal quality, which indicates that rapid
power decrement should be lower than this value for this signal quality.

Increase transmitting power (due to quality):

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STEP = max ( (1+max(0,Qa)) * INCREASESTEP , L_RXLEV_DL - LEV_DL )


STEP = (1+max(0,Qa)) * INCREASESTEP

Where, Qa = QUAL_DL - L_RXQUAL_DL; QUAL_DL represents current signal quality,

LEV_DL is current signal level. Both are not average. L_RXQUAL_DL is the upper limit
of expected quality value.

Decrease transmitting power (due to quality):

Power decrement due to signal quality should be conservative, so:


STEP = min ( PwrDecrLimit, LEV_DL – U_ RXLEV_DL, (1 +max(0, Qa) ) *




Where, LEV_DL represents current signal level not the average. Qa = U_RXQUAL_DL –
AV_QUAL_DL;AV_QUAL_DL represents the average of signal quality.

Step 7: BTS power adjustment and zero reset of power control data

After the required power is calculated depending on power control algorithm, BTS
modifies its transmitting power based on power control information. Once power
changes, original measurement data is invalid, all measurement data and storage
queues are cleared , and the next process of power control decision begins.

After the power control, several measurement reports, in which original transmitting
power or dynamic transmitting power is used. The information about its signal level is not
right and should be ignored (other information is still valid, such as adjacent cell
information). So, if the next power control decision process begins, the inaccurate

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measurement reports will be skipped. Minimum interval of power control is used to

specify the minimum interval between two power controls.

ZTE BTS dynamic power comprises of 0~15, totally 16 grades. Dynamic power control is
adjusted on the basis of static power control. Dynamic power takes a static power as the
maximum, set to Pn, it can decrease 15 grades with 2dB step . For example, Pn=45dBm.
Table below shows its power that corresponds to its dynamic power grade.

Table 3-2 Definition of Dynamic Power

Dynamic 10 11 12 13 14
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15
45 43 41 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15

3.2 Uplink Power Control

Uplink dynamic power control refers to radio power control on MS. The purpose of MS
power control is to adjust output power of MS, enable BTS get a stable receiving signal
level, reduce the interference from same channel, decrease power consumption of MS,
and prolong average usage duration of MS. For uplink power control, MS power also
may be increased.

MS power control can be done at two stages:

At the beginning of call connection, that is, at the connection beginning of MS and BTS,
UR9000 chooses the initial transmitting power of MS and BTS. If MS accesses the
network through RACH, it will transmit at the power allowed by the system message
broadcasted on BCCH. The system defines that the power level of the first message sent
on dedicated channel by this MS is also the fixed value. Power control will be performed
until power control command is carried in SACCH message block that is, the common
MS power control.

MS after BTS received some uplink measurement reports at the common MS power
control stage, uplink receiving level and receiving quality extracted from the
measurement report will compare with the defined threshold and calculate the power that
should be adjusted for MS. BTS sends MS power adjustment command to MS. The

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command is included in layer 1 header carried in each downlink SACCH message

block.MS extracts the power control information from downlink SACCH, takes its defined
transmitting power as output power, and report current power level via layer 1 header of
uplink SACCH and send it to BSS with measurement report. If MS cannot output the
defined power value, use the power that is closest to the defined value from the
supported output power.

Detailed procedure:

Except for step 2, the uplink power control procedure in BSS system is same as downlink
power control procedure. In step 2, BTS collects the uplink receiving level and quality
measurement report on BTS.

3.3 AMR Uplink & Downlink Power Control

CS power control module in BTS uses different power control policies according to
channel types. As to specific methods of implementation, the process and algorithm, as
well as measurement parameters of power control are all the same for different types of
channels. However, for AMR-FR/AMR-HR and non-AMR (FR/HR) modes, different
control parameters are used, including uplink/downlink level threshold and quality
threshold, maximum and minimum power level, step and intervals.

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4 Parameters and Configurations

4.1 Parameter List

Table 4-1 Parameter List

SN Name Figure

1 Uplink level Sample count Figure 6-1

2 Uplink level Weight Figure 6-1

3 Downlink level Sample count Figure 6-1

4 Downlink level Weight Figure 6-1

5 Uplink quality Sample count Figure 6-1

6 Uplink quality Weight Figure 6-1

7 Downlink quality level Figure 6-1

8 Downlink quality Weight Figure 6-1

9 Uplink power control allowed Figure 6-1

10 Downlink power control allowed Figure 6-1

11 Increase step of uplink power control Figure 6-1

12 Decrease step of uplink power control Figure 6-1

13 Increase uplink level Threshold Figure 6-1

14 Decrease uplink level Threshold Figure 6-1

15 Increase uplink quality Threshold Figure 6-1

16 Decrease uplink quality Threshold Figure 6-1

17 Increase downlink level Threshold Figure 6-3

18 Decrease downlink level Threshold Figure 6-3

19 Increase downlink quality Threshold Figure 6-3

20 Decrease downlink quality Threshold Figure 6-3

21 Increase uplink level Value P Figure 6-3

22 Increase uplink level Value N Figure 6-3

23 Increase downlink level Value P Figure 6-3

24 Increase downlink level Value N Figure 6-3

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25 Decrease uplink level Value P Figure 6-3

26 Decrease uplink level Value N Figure 6-3

27 Decrease downlink level Value P Figure 6-3

28 Decrease downlink level Value N Figure 6-3

29 Increase uplink quality Value P Figure 6-3

30 Increase uplink quality Value N Figure 6-3

31 Increase downlink quality Value P Figure 6-4

32 Increase downlink quality Value N Figure 6-4

33 Decrease uplink quality Value P Figure 6-4

34 Decrease uplink quality Value N Figure 6-4

35 Decrease downlink quality Value P Figure 6-4

36 Decrease downlink quality Value N Figure 6-4

37 MAX power level of MS Figure 6-4

38 MIN power level of MS Figure 6-4

39 MIN power level of BS Figure 6-4

40 Uplink rapid power control Figure 6-4

41 Downlink rapid power control Figure 6-4

42 MIN interval of power control Figure 6-4

43 Power control PwrDecrLimit Figure 6-4

44 Report period of measurement for power control Figure 6-4

4.2 Parameter Configuration

4.2.1 Downlink level sample count

Table 4-2 Downlink level sample count

Full name Downlink level sample count

Abbreviation PcDlLevWindow

18 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

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In GSM system, BSC determines whether to perform power

control.according to measurement data. BSC uses the average
value of measurement data to avoid adverse influences caused
by abrupt changes in measurement data due to complex radio
transmission.BTS uses this parameter to calculate the window
size for the average value of downlink signal strength, i.e. to
calculate the average value of the number of used samples.

Managed object Cell

Value range 1~31
Unit NA
Default value 6

4.2.2 Downlink level weight

Table 4-3 Downlink level weight

Full name Downlink level weight


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According to GSM Specifications, discontinuous transmission

(DTX) refers to the process in which the system does not
transmit signals in the voice .intermittent period during the
subscriber communication process.In the DTX mode, the
measurement data reported to BSC fall into two types. One is
the average of the measurement results of all timeslots in a
measurement period in the non-DTX mode, and the other is the
averageof the measurement results of some special timeslots
in a measurement period in the DTX mode. BSC needs to
optionally select one type of measurement data and use the
data to calculate the average value. The first type of
measurement data is the average of the measurement
results of all timeslots, and it is accurate. But the second type of
measurement data is the average of the measurement results
of some timeslots, and it is less accurate. Therefore, BSC,
when averaging the measurement values, uses different
weights for the two types of measurement data.
This parameter determines the weight for the first type of
measurement data when averaging downlink signal strength for
power control. Weight for the second type of measurement data
is set to 1 by default.

Managed object cell

Value range 1~3
Unit None
Default value 2

4.2.3 Downlink quality sample count

Table 4-4 Downlink quality sample count

Full name Downlink quality sample count


20 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

In GSM system, BSC determines whether to perform power

control according to measurement data. BSC uses the average
value of measurement data to avoid adverse influences caused
by abrupt changes in measurement data due to complex radio
transmission. BTS uses this parameter to calculate the window
size for the average value of downlink signal quality, i.e. to
calculate the average value of the number of used samples.

Managed object cell

Value range 1~31
Unit None
Default value 6

4.2.4 Downlink quality Weight

Table 4-5 Downlink quality Weight

Full name Downlink quality Weight


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According to GSM Specifications, discontinuous transmission

(DTX) refers to the process in which the system does not
transmit signals in the voice intermittent period during the
subscriber communication process. In the DTX mode, the
measurement data reported to BSC fall into two types. One is
the average of the measurement results of all timeslots in a
measurement period in the non-DTX mode, and the other is the
average of the measurement results of some special timeslots
in a measurement period in the DTX mode. BSC needs to
optionally select one type of measurement data and use the
data to calculate the average value.The first type of
measurement data is the average of the measurement
results of all timeslots, and it is accurate. But the second type of
measurement data is the average of the measurement results
of some timeslots, and it is less accurate. Therefore, BSC,
when averaging the measurement values, uses different
weights for the two types of measurement data.This parameter
determines the weight for the first type of measurement data
when averaging downlink signal quality for power control.
Weight for the second type of measurement data is set to 1 by

Managed object cell

Value range 1~3
Unit None
Default value 2

4.2.5 Downlink power control allowed

Table 4-6 Downlink power control allowed

Full name Downlink power control allowed

Abbreviation PwrControlDl
This parameter determines whether to enable or disable BTS
downlink power control in the cell.
Managed object cell
Value range Yes/no
Unit None

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Default value 2

4.2.6 Increase downlink level Threshold

Table 4-7 Increase downlink level Threshold

Full name Increase downlink level Threshold

Abbreviation PcDLInclLevThsThs
According to GSM specifications, power control decisions
depend upon received average value series of uplink signal
strength.The decision process is as follows: For the latest N
Description average values of downlink signal strength, if P of the N values
fall below relevant threshold value, increase BTS (downlink)
transmission power to improve the downlink signal quality.

Managed object Cell

Value range 0~63
Unit None
Default value 26

4.2.7 Decrease downlink level Threshold

Table 4-8 Decrease downlink level Threshold

Full name Decrease downlink level Threshold


According to GSM specifications, power control decisions

depend upon received average value series of uplink signal
strength.The decision process is as follows: For the latest N
Description average values of downlink signal strength, if P of the N values
rise above relevant threshold value, reduce BTS (downlink)
transmission power to improve the downlink signal strength.

Managed object Cell

Value range 0~63

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Unit None
Default value 34

4.2.8 Increase downlink quality Threshold

Table 4-9 Increase uplink quality Threshold

Full name Increase downlink quality Threshold

Abbreviation PcDLInclQualThsThs
According to GSM specifications, power control decisions
depend upon received average value series of uplink signal
strength. The decision process is as follows: For the latest N
average values of downlink signal quality, if P of the N values
rise above relevant threshold value, increase BTS (downlink)
transmission power to improve the downlink signal quality.
Managed object Cell
Value range 0~7
Unit None
Default value 2

4.2.9 Decrease downlink quality Threshold

Table 4-10 Decrease downlink quality Threshold

Full name Decrease downlink quality Threshold

Abbreviation PcULRedQualThsThs
According to GSM specifications, power control decisions
depend upon received average value series of uplink signal
strength. The decision process is as follows: For the latest N
average values of uplink signal quality, if P of the N values fall
below relevant threshold value,reduce MS (uplink) transmission
power to improve the uplink signal quality.
Managed object Cell
Value range 0~7
Unit None
Default value 0

24 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

4.2.10 Increase downlink level Value P

Table 4-11 Increase downlink level Value P

Full name Increase downlink level Value P

Abbreviation PcDLInclLevThsP
According to GSM specifications, power control decisions
depend upon received average value series of uplink signal
strength.The decision process is as follows: For the latest N
average values of downlink signal strength, if P of the N values
fall below relevant threshold value, increase BTS (downlink)
transmission power to improve the downlink signal quality.
Managed object Cell
Value range 0~31
Unit None
Default value 3

4.2.11 Increase downlink level Value N

Table 4-12 Increase downlink level Value N

Full name Increase downlink level Value N

Abbreviation PcDLInclLevThsN
According to GSM specifications, power control decisions
depend upon received average value series of uplink signal
strength.The decision process is as follows: For the latest N
average values of downlink signal strength, if P of the N values
fall below relevant threshold value, increase BTS (downlink)
transmission power to improve the downlink signal quality.
Managed object Cell
Value range 0~31
Unit None
Default value 4

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ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

4.2.12 Decrease downlink level Value P

Table 4-13 Decrease downlink level Value P

Full name Decrease downlink level Value P

Abbreviation PcDLRedLevThsP
According to GSM specifications, power control decisions
depend upon received average value series of uplink signal
strength.The decision process is as follows: For the latest N
average values of downlink signal strength, if P of the N values
rise above relevant threshold value, reduce BTS (downlink)
transmission power to improve the downlink signal strength.
Managed object cell
Value range 0~31
Unit None
Default value 3

4.2.13 Decrease downlink level Value N

Table 4-14 Decrease downlink level Value N

Full name Decrease downlink level Value N

Abbreviation PcDLRedLevThsN
According to GSM specifications, power control decisions
depend upon received average value series of uplink signal
strength.The decision process is as follows: For the latest N
average values of downlink signal strength, if P of the N values
rise above relevant threshold value, reduce BTS (downlink)
transmission power to improve the downlink signal strength.
Managed object cell
Value range 0~31
Unit None
Default value 4

26 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

4.2.14 Increase downlink quality Value P

Table 4-15 Increase downlink quality Value P

Full name Increase downlink quality Value P

Abbreviation PcDLInclQualThsThsP
According to GSM specifications, power control decisions
depend upon received average value series of uplink signal
strength. The decision process is as follows: For the latest N
average values of downlink signal quality, if P of the N values
rise above relevant threshold value, increase BTS (downlink)
transmission power to improve the downlink signal quality.
Managed object Cell
Value range 0~31
Unit None
Default value 3

4.2.15 Increase downlink quality Value N

Table 4-16 Increase downlink quality Value N

Full name Increase downlink quality Value N

Abbreviation PcDLInclQualThsThsN
According to GSM specifications, power control decisions
depend upon received average value series of uplink signal
strength. The decision process is as follows: For the latest N
average values of downlink signal quality, if P of the N values
rise above relevant threshold value, increase BTS (downlink)
transmission power to improve the downlink signal quality.
Managed object Cell
Value range 0~31
Unit None
Default value 4

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ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

4.2.16 Decrease downlink quality Value P

Table 4-17 Decrease downlink quality Value P

Full name Decrease downlink quality Value P

Abbreviation PcULRedQualThsThsP
According to GSM specifications, power control decisions
depend upon received average value series of uplink signal
strength. The decision process is as follows: For the latest N
average values of uplink signal quality, if P of the N values fall
below relevant threshold value,reduce MS (uplink) transmission
power to improve the uplink signal quality.
Managed object Cell
Value range 0~31
Unit None
Default value 3

4.2.17 Decrease downlink quality Value N

Table 4-18 Decrease downlink quality Value N

Full name Decrease downlink quality Value N

Abbreviation PcULRedQualThsThsN
According to GSM specifications, power control decisions
depend upon received average value series of uplink signal
strength. The decision process is as follows: For the latest N
average values of uplink signal quality, if P of the N values fall
below relevant threshold value,reduce MS (uplink) transmission
power to improve the uplink signal quality.
Managed object Cell
Value range 0~31
Unit None
Default value 4

28 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

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4.2.18 MIN power level of BS

Table 4-19 MIN power level of BS

Full name MIN power level of BS

Abbreviation BsTxPwrMin_0 ~ BsTxPwrMin_6

This parameter controls the transmission power during
communication between MS and BTS. SACCH carries the
command with 2 header bytes information (power control byte
and timing advance byte) from BSC to BTS. When BSC
performs power control, this parameter determines the BTS's
minimum transmission power in the cell.
Managed object cell
MIN power level of BS can be divided into four types: FR, HR,
Value range is 0 ~ 15.
The maximum power level of BTS is Pn.
Value range
l 0: Pn;
l 1: Pn-2 dB;
l 15: Pn-30 dB

Unit None
It can be divided into seven types: FR, HR, AMR FR, AMR
Default value HR. AMR WFS,OWFR,OWHR The default
value is 10.

4.2.19 Downlink rapid power control

Table 4-20 Downlink rapid power control

Full name Downlink rapid power control

Abbreviation DlRapidPcInd

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ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

This parameter determines the availability of the rapid power

control process. Rapid power control process is an option of
BSC. Rapid power control can decrease interference of the
whole system and meet the need of dynamic power control of
rapidly moving MS.The amplitude of power control used by
rapid power control process each time is no longer a fixed
value, but an integer multiple of cell parameter power control
step (increase and decrease). This parameter determines
the availability of the rapid power control process.

Managed object cell

Value range Yes/No
Unit None
Default value No

4.2.20 Increase step of downlink power control

Table 4-21 Increase step of downlink power control

Full name Increase step of downlink power control

Abbreviation PwrIncStep_0 ~ PwrIncStep_6

This parameter describes increase step, the value of each
Description power control variation. It applies to both uplink and downlink
Managed object Cell
Power increase step can be divided into four kinds: FR, HR,
Value range
and AMR HR.
Value range is 0.5,1,2, 4, and 6.
Unit Db
It can be divided into four types: FR, HR, AMR FR, AMR HR.
Default value WFS,OWFR,OWHR.The default
value is 2.

30 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

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4.2.21 Decrease step of downlink power control

Table 4-22 Decrease step of downlink power control

Full name Decrease step of downlink power control

Abbreviation PwrRedStep_0 ~ PwrRedStep_6

This parameter describes decrease step, the value of each
Description power control variation. It applies to both uplink and downlink
Managed object Cell
Power decrease step can be divided into four kinds: FR, HR,
Value range is 0.5,1,2,4,6
Unit dB
It can be divided into four types: FR, HR, AMR FR, AMR HR.
Default value WFS,OWFR,OWHR.The default value is 2.

4.2.22 Uplink level Sample count

Table 4-23 Uplink level Sample count

Full name Uplink level Sample count

Abbreviation pcUlLevWindow
The parameter PcUlLevWindow represents the window size
Description (that is, the number of sample values) used to calculate the
average value of uplink signal strength.
Managed object Power Control
Value range 1..31
Unit None
Default value 6

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4.2.23 Uplink level Weight

Table 4-24 Uplink level Weight

Full name Uplink level Weight

Abbreviation pcUlLevWindow
The parameter PcUlLevWindow represents the window size
Description (that is, the number of sample values) used to calculate the
average value of uplink signal strength.
Managed object Power Control
Value range 1..31
Unit None
Default value 6

4.2.24 Uplink quality Sample count

Table 4-25 Uplink quality Sample count

Full name Uplink quality Sample count

Abbreviation pcUlQualWindow
The parameter PcUlLevWindow represents the window size
Description (that is, the number of sample values) used to calculate the
average value of uplink signal strength.
Managed object Power Control
Value range 1..31
Unit None
Default value 6

4.2.25 Uplink quality Weight

Table 4-26 Uplink quality Weight

Full name Uplink quality Weight

Abbreviation pcUlQualWeight

32 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

This parameter determines the weight for the first type of

measurement data when averaging uplink signal quality for
Description power control.
Weight for the second type of measurement data is set to 1 by
Managed object Power Control
Value range 1..3
Unit None
Default value 2

4.2.26 Uplink power control allowed

Table 4-27 Uplink power control allowed

Full name Uplink power control allowed

Abbreviation pwrControlUl
According to different demands from the network, object for the
power control can be chosen. If the MS transmission power
needs to be adjusted dynamically, enable this parameter Uplink
Power Control.
Managed object Power Control
0: Off
Value range
1: On
Unit None
Default value 1

4.2.27 Increase uplink level Threshold

Table 4-28 Increase uplink level Threshold

Full name Increase uplink level Threshold

Abbreviation pcUlInclLevThs

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ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

This parameter falls into the follwoing seven types: FR, HR,
It can independently control various voice versions. Uplink
receiving strength is one of the factors that may lead to MS
power increased in the uplink direction. If P out of N recent
uplink signal strength averages are lower than the related
thresholds, the uplink transmission power of MS should be
increased, because the strength of uplink signals is too weak.
Managed object Power Control
Value range 0..63
Unit None
Default value [22,22,22,22,22,22,22]

4.2.28 Decrease uplink level Threshold

Table 4-29 Decrease uplink level Threshold

Full name Decrease uplink level Threshold

Abbreviation pcUlRedLevThs
This parameter falls into the follwoing seven types: FR, HR,
It can independently control various voice versions. Uplink
receiving strength is one of the factors that may lead to MS
Description power decreased in the uplink direction. The judge process is
as follows: If P out of N recent uplink signal strength averages
are higher than the related thresholds,the uplink transmission
power of MS should be decreased, because the strength of
uplink signals is too strong.
Managed object Power Control
Value range 0..63
Unit None
Default value [30,30,30,30,30,30,30]

34 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

4.2.29 Increase uplink quality Threshold

Table 4-30 Increase uplink quality Threshold

Full name Increase uplink quality Threshold

Abbreviation pcUlInclQualThs
This parameter falls into the follwoing seven types: FR, HR,
It can independently control various voice versions. Uplink
receiving quality is one of the factors that may lead to MS
Description power increased in the uplink direction. The judge process is as
follows: If P out of N recent uplink signal strength averages are
higher than the related thresholds,the uplink transmission
power of MS should be increased, because the strength of
uplink signals is too weak.
Managed object Power Control
Value range 0..7
Unit None
Default value [2,2,2,2,2,2,2]

4.2.30 Decrease uplink quality Threshold

Table 4-31 Decrease uplink quality Threshold

Full name Decrease uplink quality Threshold

Abbreviation pcUlRedQualThs
This parameter falls into the follwoing seven types: FR, HR,
It can independently control various voice versions. Uplink
receiving quality is one of the factors that may lead to MS
Description power decreased in the uplink direction. The judge process is
as follows: If P out of N recent uplink signal quality averages
are lower than the related thresholds, the uplink transmission
power of MS should be decreased, because the quality of
uplink signals is too good.
Managed object Power Control

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ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Value range 0..7

Unit None
Default value [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]

4.2.31 Increase uplink level Value P

Table 4-32 Increase uplink level Value P

Full name Increase uplink level Value P

Abbreviation pcUlInclLevP
This parameter falls into the follwoing seven types: FR, HR,
It can independently control various voice versions. Uplink
receiving strength is one of the factors that may lead to MS
power increased in the uplink direction. If P out of N recent
uplink signal strength averages are lower than the related
thresholds, the uplink transmission power of MS should be
increased, because the strength of uplink signals is too weak.
Managed object Power Control
Value range 1..31
Unit None
Default value [3,3,3,3,3,3,3]

4.2.32 Increase uplink level Value N

Table 4-33 Increase uplink level Value N

Full name Increase uplink level Value N

Abbreviation pcUlInclLevN

36 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

This parameter falls into the follwoing seven types: FR, HR,
It can independently control various voice versions. Uplink
receiving strength is one of the factors that may lead to MS
power increased in the uplink direction. If P out of N recent
uplink signal strength averages are lower than the related
thresholds, the uplink transmission power of MS should be
increased, because the strength of uplink signals is too weak.
Managed object Power Control
Value range 1..31
Unit None
Default value [4,4,4,4,4,4,4]

4.2.33 Decrease uplink level Value P

Table 4-34 Decrease uplink level Value P

Full name Decrease uplink level Value P

Abbreviation pcUlRedLevP
This parameter falls into the follwoing seven types: FR, HR,
It can independently control various voice versions. Uplink
receiving strength is one of the factors that may lead to MS
Description power decreased in the uplink direction. The judge process is
as follows: If P out of N recent uplink signal strength averages
are higher than the related thresholds,the uplink transmission
power of MS should be decreased, because the strength of
uplink signals is too strong.
Managed object Power Control
Value range 1..31
Unit None
Default value [3,3,3,3,3,3,3]

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ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

4.2.34 Decrease uplink level Value N

Table 4-35 Decrease uplink level Value N

Full name Decrease uplink level Value N

Abbreviation pcUlRedLevN
This parameter falls into the follwoing seven types: FR, HR,
It can independently control various voice versions. Uplink
receiving strength is one of the factors that may lead to MS
Description power decreased in the uplink direction. The judge process is
as follows: If P out of N recent uplink signal strength averages
are higher than the related thresholds, the uplink transmission
power of MS should be decreased, because the strength of
uplink signals is too strong.
Managed object Power Control
Value range 1..31
Unit None
Default value [4,4,4,4,4,4,4]

4.2.35 Increase uplink quality Value P

Table 4-36 Increase uplink quality Value P

Full name Increase uplink quality Value P

Abbreviation pcUlInclQualP
This parameter falls into the follwoing seven types: FR, HR,
It can independently control various voice versions. Uplink
receiving quality is one of the factors that may lead to MS
Description power increased in the uplink direction. The judge process is as
follows: If P out of N recent uplink signal strength averages are
higher than the related thresholds, the uplink transmission
power of MS should be increased, because the strength of
uplink signals is too weak.
Managed object Power Control

38 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Value range 1..31

Unit None
Default value [3,3,3,3,3,3,3]

4.2.36 Increase uplink quality Value N

Table 4-37 Increase uplink quality Value N

Full name Increase uplink quality Value N

Abbreviation pcUlInclQualN
This parameter falls into the follwoing seven types: FR, HR,
It can independently control various voice versions. Uplink
receiving quality is one of the factors that may lead to MS
Description power increased in the uplink direction. The judge process is as
follows: If P out of N recent uplink signal strength averages are
higher than the related thresholds, the uplink transmission
power of MS should be increased, because the strength of
uplink signals is too weak.
Managed object Power Control
Value range 1..31
Unit None
Default value [4,4,4,4,4,4,4]

4.2.37 Decrease uplink quality Value P

Table 4-38 Decrease uplink quality Value P

Full name Decrease uplink quality Value P

Abbreviation pcUlRedQualP

ZTE Confidential Proprietary 39

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

This parameter falls into the follwoing seven types: FR, HR,
It can independently control various voice versions. Uplink
quality is one of the factors that may lead to MS power
decreased in the
uplink direction. The judge process is as follows: If P out of N
uplink signal quality averages are lower than the related
thresholds, the
uplink transmission power of MS should be decreased,
because the
quality of uplink signals is too good.
Managed object Power Control
Value range 1..31
Unit None
Default value [3,3,3,3,3,3,3]

4.2.38 Decrease uplink quality Value N

Table 4-39 Decrease uplink quality Value N

Full name Decrease uplink quality Value N

Abbreviation pcUlRedQualN
This parameter falls into the follwoing seven types: FR, HR,
It can independently control various voice versions. Uplink
receiving quality is one of the factors that may lead to MS
Description power decreased in the uplink direction. The judge process is
as follows: If P out of N recent uplink signal quality averages
are lower than the related thresholds, the uplink transmission
power of MS should be decreased, because the quality of
uplink signals is too good.
Managed object Power Control
Value range 1..31

40 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Unit None
Default value [4,4,4,4,4,4,4]

4.2.39 MAX power level of MS

Table 4-40 MAX power level of MS

Full name MAX power level of MS

Abbreviation msTxPwrMax
During the communication between the MS and the BTS, the
transmission power is controlled by the network. The network
sets the power for MS through the power command and the
command is transmitted on SACCH (SACCH has 2 header
bytes, one is the power control byte and the other is the timing
advance byte).
MS must extract the power control header from downward
Description SACCH and takes the specified transmission power as output
power. If the power level of MS cannot output the power value,
it will output the closest transmission power that can be output.
During BSC power control, this parameter determines the
maximum transmission power available for MS in the cell. BSC
also uses it to calculate PBGT value. The maximum power level
of the MS falls into the following types: FR, HR, AMR FR,and
Managed object Power Control
Value range 0..31
Unit None
Default value [5,5,5,5,5,5,5]

4.2.40 MIN power level of MS

Table 4-41 MIN power level of MS

Full name MIN power level of MS

Abbreviation msTxPwrMin

ZTE Confidential Proprietary 41

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

During the communication between the MS and the BTS, the

transmission power is controlled by the network. The network
sets the power for MS through the power command and the
command is transmitted on SACCH (SACCH has 2 header
bytes, one is the power control byte and the other is the timing
advance byte).
The MS must extract the power control header from downward
Description SACCH and takes the specified transmission power as output
power. If the power level of MS cannot output the power value,
it will output the closest transmission power that can be output.
When BSC is performing power control, this parameter is the
minimal transmission power (that is, lower limit of power
control) that can be used by MS in the cell. The minimum power
level of the MS falls into the following four types: FR, HR, AMR
FR, and AMR HR.
Managed object Power Control
Value range 0..31
Unit None
Default value [16,16,16,16,16,16,16]

4.2.41 Uplink rapid power control

Table 4-42 Uplink rapid power control

Full name Uplink rapid power control

Abbreviation ulRapidPcInd
This parameter indicates the availability of the rapid power
control process. The rapid power control process is an optional
process of BSC.
It reduces the interference of the whole BSS radio system and
satisfies the dynamic power control requirement for rapid
moving MS.
The amplitude of power control used by rapid power control
process each time is no longer a fixed value, but an integer
multiple of cell parameter power control step (increase and
Managed object Power Control

42 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Value range 0..1

Unit None
Default value 0

4.2.42 MIN interval of power control

Table 4-43 MIN interval of power control

Full name MIN interval of power control

Abbreviation pcMinInterval
This parameter indicates the minimum interval of power control.
MS still sends two measurement reports with the original power
to BSC after enabling the power control. Signal level
information contained in the reports is inaccurate and can be
ignored (information such as adjacent cell information is still
valid). Thus a minimum interval of power control is needed and
signal level information during the interval can be ignored.
Managed object Power Control
Value range 1..32
Unit None
Default value [2,2,2,2,2,2,2]

4.2.43 Power control PwrDecrLimit

Table 4-44 Power control PwrDecrLimit

Full name Power control PwrDecrLimit

Abbreviation pwrDecrLimit
This parameter is set for preventing MS from call drop due to
fast power control. It corresponds to different quality levels. For
example, PwrDecrLimit [0] determines the maximum power
decrease limit for calls with receiving quality level 0 (Bit Error
rate (BER) <0.2%). This parameter is valid for both uplink and

ZTE Confidential Proprietary 43

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Managed object Power Control

Value range 0..38
Unit None
Default value [24,22,20,18,16,14,12,10]

4.2.44 Report period of measurement for power control

Table 4-45 Report period of measurement for power control

Full name Report period of measurement for power control

Abbreviation PwrCtrlReportPrd
Power control is performed at BTS side and BSC implements
relevant performance statistics. BTS uses this parameter to
Description decide the periodicity to send the preprocessed power
measurement to BSC as an input for power control analysis.
This parameter is in the unit of SACCH multi-frame.
Managed object PS cell
Value range 1~254
Unit None
Default value 240

5 Related Counters and Alarms

5.1 Related Counters

Table 5-1 Counter List

Counter ID Name

Number of normal increases of MS power due to

uplink signal level(Times)
Number of rapid increase in MS power due to uplink
signal level(Times)

44 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Number of normal decrease of MS power due to uplink

signal level(Times)
Number of rapid decrease in MS power due to uplink
signal level(Times)
C901320005 Number of normal increases of BS power due to
downlink signal level(Times)
C901320006 Number of rapid increase in BTS power due to
downlink signal level(Times)
C901320007 Number of normal decrease of BS power due to
downlink signal level(Times)
C901320008 Number of rapid decrease in power BTS due to
downlink signal level(Times)
Number of normal increases of MS power due to
uplink signal quality(Times)
Number of rapid increase in MS power due to uplink
signal quality(Times)
Number of normal decrease of MS power due to uplink
signal quality(Times)
Number of rapid decrease in MS power due to uplink
signal quality(Times)
C901320013 Number of normal increases of BS power due to
downlink signal quality(Times)
C901320014 Number of rapid increase in BTS power due to
downlink signal quality(Times)
C901320015 Number of normal decrease of BS power due to
downlink signal quality(Times)
C901320016 Number of rapid decrease in BTS power due to
downlink signal quality(Times)
C901320017 Total value of each result of regular scanning of BS
utilization power(Times)
C901320020 Number of regular scanning and sampling of BS
utilization power(Times)
C901320021 Total value of power scans of downlink signal
C901320022 Number of power scans of downlink signal
Total value of power scans of uplink signal
C901320024 Number of power scans of uplink signal level(Times)

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ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

C901320025 Total value of power scans of downlink signal

C901320026 Number of power scans of downlink signal
Total value of power scans of uplink signal
C901320028 Number of power scans of uplink signal quality(Times)
C901320031 Maximum value obtained in regular scan of downlink
signal level(Times)
C901320032 Minimum value obtained in regular scan of downlink
signal level(Times)
C901320033 Sum of periodic BS power (TCH/F) search
C901320034 Periodic BS power (TCH/F) search times(Times)

C901320035 Sum of periodic BS power (TCH/H) search

C901320036 Number of periodic BS power (TCH/H) search(Times)

C901320037 Sum of periodic BS power (SDCCH) search

C901320038 Number of periodic BS power (SDCCH)
C901320039 Sum of periodic downlink signal level (TCH/F) search
C901320040 Number of periodic downlink signal level (TCH/F)
C901320041 Sum of periodic downlink signal level (TCH/H) search
C901320042 Number of periodic downlink signal level (TCH/H)
C901320043 Sum of periodic downlink signal level (SDCCH) search
C901320044 Number of periodic downlink signal level (SDCCH)

5.2 Related Alarms

This feature has no related alarms.

46 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

6 Engineering Guide

6.1 Application Scenario

The feature applies to all the scenarios where the BSS supports AMR functions. For
the wireless connection that does not use AMR, it can reduce interference and
improve channel quality. For the mobile phone compatible with AMR, it can optimize
power consumption.

6.2 Configuration Description

1. . Select Modify Area of the NE configuration set, and double-click Managed

Element → GSM Logical Configuration → Cell Information Configuration →
Power Control. In the displayed Power Control – Table Mode, double-click the
target cell for configuration to display the configuration interface. Click
Advanced, and set Uplink power control allowed or Downlink power control
allowed to On.
Figure 6-1 Configuration Interface 1

ZTE Confidential Proprietary 47

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

2. Select Modify Area of the NE configuration set, and double-click Managed

Element → GSM Logical Configuration → Cell Information Configuration →
Power Control. In the displayed Power Control – Table Mode, double-click the
target cell for configuration to display the configuration interface. Configure
other parameters related to power control.

48 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Figure 6-2 Configuration Interface 2

Figure 6-3 Configuration Interface 3

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ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Figure 6-4 Configuration Interface 4

50 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Figure 6-5 Configuration Interface 5

3. Select Modify Area of the NE configuration set, and double-click Managed

Element → GSM Logical Configuration → Cell Information Configuration →
Power Control. In the displayed Power Control – Table Mode, double-click the
target cell for configuration to display the configuration interface. Configure
other parameters related to power control. When you configure the power
control step, power increase or power decrease, and values N and P for
judgment, click on the right. In the displayed dialog box, configure the
corresponding data in rows 2 and 3. No. 2 indicates the AFS voice version, and

ZTE Confidential Proprietary 51

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

No. 3 indicates the AHS voice version, that is, a set of power control parameters
is provided for AFS and AHS of the AMR voice version respectively.

Figure 6-6 Configuration Interface 6

6.3 Feature Validation

6.3.1 AMR Downlink Power Control

Test Item AMR Downlink Power Control

Precondition 1. Check CN is healthy;
2. Check BSC is healthy;
3. Check SDR is healthy;
4. Check default cell configuration and parameters in
5. MSs are ready;
6. Ensure good radio environment.
Test Steps 1. Set ”Downlink power control allowed” as ”On” in
[Management element]→[GSM logical
configuration]→[Cell Information
Configuration]→[Power Control] for target cell;
2. Set ”Prefered speech version for FR” as ”Full rate
speech version 3” and ” Prefered speech version for

52 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

HR” as ” Half rate speech version 3” in [Management

element]→[GSM logical configuration];
3. Open BSSAP and RSLCS signaling trace to monitor
the signal;
4. Makes a AFS CS call in non-BCCH TRX of target cell;
5. Move the MS far away from base station to make the
downlink receive level weaker to triger downlink power
control and oberserve RSLCS signal to check the
power control indication;
6. Move the MS near to base station to make the
downlink receive level stronger to triger downlink
power control and oberserve RSLCS signal to check
the power control indication;
7. Makes a AHS CS call in non-BCCH TRX of target cell,
and then repeat step 5 and step 6.
Anticipative Result 1. “Power control indication” could be observed in
RSLCS signaling trace, link direct is downlink;
2. In step 5, as MS moving far away from base station,
the output power of corrisponding TRX’s occupied
time slot increaces;
3. In step 6, as MS moving near to base station, the
output power of corrisponding TRX’s occupied time
slot decreaces.
Test Result 1. AMR downlink power control is effective.
Parameters Setting Default parameters

6.3.2 AMR Uplink Power Control

Test Item AMR Uplink Power Control
Precondition 1. Check CN is healthy;
2. Check BSC is healthy;
3. Check SDR is healthy;
4. Check default cell configuration and parameters in
5. MSs are ready;
6. Ensure good radio environment.
Test Steps 1. Set ”Uplink power control allowed” as ”On” in
[Management element]→[GSM logical
configuration]→[Cell Information
Configuration]→[Power Control] for target cell;

ZTE Confidential Proprietary 53

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

2. Set ”Prefered speech version for FR” as ”Full rate

speech version 3” and ” Prefered speech version for
HR” as ” Half rate speech version 3” in [Management
element]→[GSM logical configuration];
3. Open BSSAP and RSLCS signaling trace to monitor
the signal;
4. Makes a AFS CS call in non-BCCH TRX of target cell;
5. Move the MS far away from base station to make the
downlink receive level weaker to triger downlink power
control and oberserve RSLCS signal to check the
power control indication;
6. Move the MS near to base station to make the
downlink receive level stronger to triger downlink
power control and oberserve RSLCS signal to check
the power control indication;
7. Makes a AHS CS call in non-BCCH TRX of target cell,
and then repeat step 5 and step 6.
Anticipative Result 1. “Power control indication” could be observed in
RSLCS signaling trace, link direct is uplink;
2. In step 5, as MS moving far away from base station,
the output power of MS increaces;
3. In step 6, as MS moving near to base station, the
output power of MS decreaces.
Test Result 1. AMR uplink power control is effective.
Parameters Setting Default parameters

6.4 Feature Turn off

1. Select Modify Area of the NE configuration set, and double-click Managed

Element → GSM Logical Configuration → Cell Information Configuration →
Power Control. In the displayed Power Control – Table Mode, double-click the
target cell for configuration to display the configuration interface. Click
Advanced, set Uplink power control allowed and Downlink power control
allowed to off,.

54 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Figure 6-7 Power control configuration Interface

6.5 Network Impact

For the wireless connection that does not use AMR, the feature can improve the
channel quality. For the mobile phone compatible with AMR, it can optimize power

7 Abbreviation
Abbreviations Full Characteristics

3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project

BCCH Broadcast Control Channel
BSC Base Station Controller
BTS Base Transceiver Station
CS Circuit Switch
GERAN GSM Edge Radio Access Network

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ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

GSM Global System for Mobile communications

AMR Adaptive Multi-Rate
TCH Traffic Channel

8 Reference Document
ZXUR 9000 GSM (V6.50.10) Base Station Controller Performance Counter Reference

ZXUR 9000 GSM (V6.50.10) Base Station Controller Radio Parameter Reference

56 ZTE Confidential Proprietary

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