Technical Specification EPC RFP EGPP v.1 19JUN2018 - Clean

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Eastern Gas Pipeline Project, Dominican Republic

Technical Specification

JUNE 2018

Proprietary & Confidential

Eastern Gas Pipeline Project, Dominican Republic
Technical Specification
Ref. Document: EGPP-TS-EPC-2018-01, Rev 1 Page 2 of 80

Table of Contents

1. DIVISION 1 – INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 7

1.1. Project Summary ............................................................................................................................................9

1.2. Definitions ..................................................................................................................................................... 10

1.3. Installation Definitions ................................................................................................................................. 11

2. DIVISION 2 – SCOPE OF WORK ....................................................................... 13

2.1. Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Start Up and Turnover Scope of Work ............................... 13
2.1.1. Scope of work includes but is not limited to the following: .................................................. 13
2.1.2. Basic Studies: ...................................................................................................................... 14
2.1.3. Permitting (construction and final installation): ................................................................... 14
2.1.4. Engineering, Procurement, Construction Services, and Management: .............................. 14
2.1.5. Site Supervision and Construction: ..................................................................................... 16
2.1.6. Construction Site Preparation Works: ................................................................................. 17
2.1.7. Civil and Construction Works .............................................................................................. 17
2.1.8. Mechanical Equipment and Systems .................................................................................. 18
2.1.9. Electrical and I&C Equipment and Systems ....................................................................... 19
2.1.10. Special Works ..................................................................................................................... 20
2.1.11. Work By Owner/Others ....................................................................................................... 22

2.2. Codes and Standards .................................................................................................................................... 23

2.3. Products ......................................................................................................................................................... 31

2.4. Pipeline Design Criteria ............................................................................................................................... 31

2.4.1. Design Conditions ............................................................................................................... 31
2.4.2. Site Ambient Conditions ...................................................................................................... 31
2.4.3. Climatic Conditions.............................................................................................................. 31
2.4.4. Rainfall ................................................................................................................................ 31
2.4.5. Seismic Loads ..................................................................................................................... 32
2.4.6. Wind Loads ......................................................................................................................... 33
2.4.7. Hurricane ............................................................................................................................. 33

2.5. Design Basis................................................................................................................................................... 33

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2.5.1. Operational Philosophy ....................................................................................................... 34

2.5.2. Process Conditions ............................................................................................................. 34
2.5.3. .................................................................................................................................................... 34
2.5.4. Gas Pressures..................................................................................................................... 35
2.5.5. Gas Temperatures .............................................................................................................. 35
2.5.6. Flow Rates .......................................................................................................................... 35
2.5.7. Pipeline Route ..................................................................................................................... 36

2.6. Interface Points ............................................................................................................................................. 36

2.7. Regulatory Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 37

2.8. Conflict .......................................................................................................................................................... 37

2.9. Design Review and Approval....................................................................................................................... 38

2.10. Safety ............................................................................................................................................................. 38

3. DIVISION 3 – DRAWINGS AND DATA .............................................................. 39

3.1. Submittal Distribution ................................................................................................................................. 39

3.2. Drawing Submittals ...................................................................................................................................... 39

3.3. Contractor Master Document List and Submittal Schedule .................................................................... 40

3.4. Contractor Drawings and Data ................................................................................................................... 40

3.4.1. General: ............................................................................................................................... 40
3.4.2. Mechanical: ......................................................................................................................... 41
3.4.3. Electrical: ............................................................................................................................. 42
3.4.4. Instrumentation and Controls: ............................................................................................. 42
3.4.5. Architectural/Civil/Structural: ............................................................................................... 43

4. DIVISION 4 – MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................ 45

4.1. Piping ............................................................................................................................................................. 45

4.1.1. Governing Codes ................................................................................................................ 45
4.1.2. Special Piping Considerations ............................................................................................ 45
4.1.3. Specification Deviations ...................................................................................................... 45
4.1.4. Wall Thickness Calculations ............................................................................................... 45
4.1.5. Pipe Supports, Guides and Anchors ................................................................................... 45
4.1.6. Stress Analysis .................................................................................................................... 46

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Technical Specification
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4.1.7. Contractor shall provide all piping required by Design drawings. ....................................... 46
4.1.8. Materials: ............................................................................................................................. 46
4.1.9. Erection of Piping ................................................................................................................ 47
4.1.10. General Buried Pipe Fabrication Requirements: ................................................................ 47
4.1.11. Field Joints: ......................................................................................................................... 48
4.1.12. Field Welding: ...................................................................................................................... 48
4.1.13. Welding Requirements: ....................................................................................................... 49
4.1.14. Process and Technique: ..................................................................................................... 50
4.1.15. Piping Components Alignment Tolerances: ........................................................................ 50
4.1.16. Butt Weld End Preparation Details:..................................................................................... 51
4.1.17. Tack Welding:...................................................................................................................... 51
4.1.18. Heat Treatment (Preheat and Interpass Temperature):..................................................... 52
4.1.19. Pipe Cutting: ........................................................................................................................ 53

4.2. Coating .......................................................................................................................................................... 53

4.3. Valves............................................................................................................................................................. 54
4.3.1. Service Requirements ......................................................................................................... 54
4.3.2. Type of Valves..................................................................................................................... 54
4.3.3. Globe Valves ....................................................................................................................... 55
4.3.4. Safety Valves and Relief Valves: ........................................................................................ 55
4.3.5. Pressure-Reducing Valves: ................................................................................................. 55
4.3.6. Motor Operated Valves ....................................................................................................... 55

5. VALVE OPERATORS ......................................................................................... 56

5.2. Manual Operators: ....................................................................................................................................... 56

5.3. Motor Actuators: .......................................................................................................................................... 56

5.4. Dew Point – Water Bath Heater .................................................................................................................. 57

5.5. Control Stations ................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.5.1. Block valve and Pig Launcher Station (BVS0) K0+000 ...................................................... 58
5.5.2. Block Valve Station ............................................................................................................. 58
5.5.3. Barred Tee .......................................................................................................................... 59
5.5.4. Barrick Station ..................................................................................................................... 59

5.6. Inspection and Testing ................................................................................................................................. 60

5.6.1. Testing ................................................................................................................................. 61

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5.6.2. Holiday Testing.................................................................................................................... 62

5.6.3. Hydrostatic Testing.............................................................................................................. 62
5.6.4. Pipe Drying .......................................................................................................................... 62
5.6.5. Temporary Field Testing Facilities and Services: ............................................................... 63
5.6.6. Protection of Equipment ...................................................................................................... 64

6. DIVISION 5 – ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................. 65

6.1. Electrical Equipment .................................................................................................................................... 65

6.2. Electrical Power System Design .................................................................................................................. 65

6.3. Protection of Equipment .............................................................................................................................. 66

6.4. Distribution Panels ....................................................................................................................................... 66

6.5. UPS Systems .................................................................................................................................................. 66

6.6. Grounding System ........................................................................................................................................ 67

6.7. Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) ..................................................................................................................... 67

6.8. Cable .............................................................................................................................................................. 67

6.9. Conduit .......................................................................................................................................................... 67

6.10. Photovoltaically Charged Lighting System ................................................................................................ 68

6.11. Lightning Protection System ....................................................................................................................... 68

6.12. Communication Systems .............................................................................................................................. 68

6.13. Cathodic Protection ...................................................................................................................................... 69

6.14. Induction Study ............................................................................................................................................ 69


7.1. General .......................................................................................................................................................... 70

7.2. Controls and SCADA Requirements .......................................................................................................... 70

7.3. Flow Meter Assemblies ................................................................................................................................ 72

7.4. Gas Chomatograph ...................................................................................................................................... 72

7.5. Flow Computer ............................................................................................................................................. 73

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7.6. Gas Operated Open/Close Valve ................................................................................................................. 73

7.7. Fiber Optics................................................................................................................................................... 73

7.8. Radio Links ................................................................................................................................................... 73

8. DIVISION 7 – CIVIL/STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS ..................................... 74

8.1. General .......................................................................................................................................................... 74

8.2. Survey ............................................................................................................................................................ 74

8.3. Prior Investigation ........................................................................................................................................ 74

8.4. Signs and Barricades .................................................................................................................................... 75

8.5. Protection of Property, Structures and Drainage Facilities ...................................................................... 75

8.6. Surface Removal ........................................................................................................................................... 76

8.7. Restoration of Surfaces ................................................................................................................................ 76

8.8. Trenching, Lowering and Backfill .............................................................................................................. 77

8.9. Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 77

8.10. Inspection ...................................................................................................................................................... 78

8.11. Access ............................................................................................................................................................. 78

8.12. Means of Egress ............................................................................................................................................ 78

8.13. Buildings ........................................................................................................................................................ 78

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Eastern Gas Pipeline Project, Dominican Republic
Technical Specification
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This Technical Specification sets forth the requirements for the design, manufacturing,
procurement, supply, shop testing, providing of design validation certificates, delivery to Site,
off-loading at Site, storage and handling, civil works, construction, installation, painting and
preservation, onsite and offsite testing, completion, restoration of roads and private/public
demolished during excavation and construction, training of Owner’s personnel, start-up,
commissioning, protection and maintenance, attention to defects, performance testing,
clearing right of ways, including access, and handover after successful completion of the
Eastern Gas Pipeline Project (the “Gas Pipeline”) on a turnkey basis as per the Contract.

The Pipeline will be designed and sized to supply natural gas from AES Andres LNG
Terminal to multiple users along the 50 km (approximate) long route and terminate at the
Barrick Power Station. At the Barrick Power Station the Gas Pipeline will have a fully
functional gas regulating metering station, for other users and future expansion, the Pipeline
shall be designed and constructed so a new gas distributions may be made at pre-planned
12” blinded tees located at each of the block valve stations along the entire route in order to
efficiently add new gas delivery contracts without interruption of the operating gas pipeline.
See conceptual process flow diagram in Appendix A1 for current planned block valves and
typical metering, regulation, pigging, and take-off details.

The Pipeline consists of approximately:

Pipeline Sections Length / Pipe Pipe Standard / Pipe Manufacturing

Diameter and Pressure Rating

Main Pipeline up to 53 km / 20 inch API 5L Grade X65 PSL2 / SAWL at

terminal point 1440 Psig
downstream of Gas
Regulating and Metering
Station at Barrick Power
Future User – Takeoff 200m / 12 inch API 5L Grade X65 PSL2 / SAWL at
from K48+100 1440 Psig

In addition to piping, the scope includes:

• Interface at the Andres LNG station with the existing 24” main piping system, including
restoration work. In case an Outage for Interconnection has been specifically agreed in
the Contract, the Contractor shall provide an outage plan, not exceeding the Guaranteed
Outage Period, for the tie-point work at Andres to minimize the disruption to the gas
distribution system and its current users.

• Construction and installation of the pipeline and associated restoration work along the full
length of the pipeline in-kind and/or as specified to disturbed properties and/or as required
by Applicable Laws.

• Facilities for safe control, measurement and isolation at block stations and equipment as
necessary and venting of the pipelines.

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Technical Specification
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• Tandem pressure regulating valves and metering station, water bath heater,
chromatograph, fast-acting trip stop valve, and other facilities as defined herein, to deliver
gas to the Barrick Power Plant per the gas purchase agreement.

• Pipeline pig launching and receiving station and provision for tanker truck or other mobile
liquids collection method.

• Complete supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and instrumentation for safe
pipeline operation, including inventory control and gas control software. The system shall
be standalone and independent from the existing SCADA for the Los mina gas pipeline.
Necessary provisions shall be made in the new SCADA hardware/software for future
integration of the existing SCADA system for Los Mina. The new SCADA system for
Eastern Gas Pipeline (Barrick Station) shall accommodate future addition of Los Mina Gas
Pipeline controls and supervision without need for additional hardwre or software.
Furthermore, the new SCADA and DCS systems shall be fully scalable to ensure
additional gas pipelines can be brought into the new SCADA system. The new Eastern
Gas Pipeline control system including I/O points can be used as reference for design for
the future addition of gas pipelines.

• Controls shall include facilities for local and remote control of block valve and metering
and regulation stations.

• Design, supply and installation of 50 km of 24-fiber optic cable, pull boxes, and
terminations to be used as the control and communications link. Consideration must be
given to future distribution of communications services at all locations designated as
FUTURE without interruption of ongoing pipeline services and communications.
Segregation, splitters, or separate cables may be considered. Refer to PFD for blind
flanges designated as FUTURE gas users, which correspond to future communications

• Electrical work to provide a complete and operable system including: electrical power
source (including all components, accessories, cathodic protection and supports), and
electrical cabling to the individual components requiring electric power. Special attention
shall be made at each block valve station and distribution point so that reliable,
uninterruptable power supply is provided in a manner that no compromise is made to the
safe and reliable operation and delivery of gas to the defined and future gas users. For
avoidance of doubt, this includes all modes of operation and delivery of gas through
environmental conditions defined herein (including tropical storms and weather conditions)
so that failsafe gas services, transmission monitoring, and protection is ensured at all

• Guard and security systems, fencing, concertina wire, detection systems and hardened
buildings at block valve stations along the route and above ground access points to
ensure safe and continuous supply of gas to users during pipeline operation.

• Necessary road access for all serviceable locations across the full length of the pipeline
(including but not limited to: pull boxes, manways, pigging stations, block valves, cathodic
protection test ports, earthing and grounding stations, pipe supports or other above-
ground systems, tunnels, crossings, etc.) and interface with existing roadways.

• Delivery of as-build drawings and operating manuals for all components and systems
associated with this work and as defined by the Contractors drawing and Data section.

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Technical Specification
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This shall include, but not be limited to, engineering documentation, calculations,
approved permits, sub-vendor drawings, instrument manuals, quality control documents,
inspection and test plans and records, environmental reports, records, and execution per
government permits, etc. or any other document deemed necessary for the proper
operation, maintenance, and safety of the full pipeline project.

• Permits and authorizations necessary to perform all work including a full log and history of
such documentation and inspection results and approvals, as required by governmental

• Marking, signage, and tagging per ASME B31.8, of the full pipeline project so that all
future operations and maintenance activities, as well as required intermittent inspection
work may be carried out by the operators, regulators, or governmental authorities.
Sufficient above ground indicators and survey benchmarks to coordinate future expansion
activities. All benchmarks shall be tied to a recognizable island coordinate system
including defined methods to convert to the Andres LNG Terminal coordinate system.
Markers shall be provided every 120 meters (400 feet) where practicle.

Most of the construction will be done using the Right of Way (RoW) of existing AES Andres to
DPP Gas Pipeline, Av. Las Américas and Autopista del Este for the installation of the gas
pipeline. Properties for installation of block valve stations will be secured by AES prior to, or
shortly after the Turnkey contract award.

The Gas Pipeline and all its components shall be new, fit and sufficient for its intended
purpose as required by this Technical Specification and designed for at least 50 years of
design life. Detailed Scope of Work is Provided in Division 2.

1.1. Project Summary

The existing AES Dominicana gas infrastructure involves a dedicated pier and jetty, LNG
unloading arms, three regasification trains, the storage tank and a truck loading terminal at
the AES Andres facility and a 34 km gas pipeline to DPP, which is also used to supply the
100MW power plant belonging to Seaboard in the DR and directs to the western part of the
country. The existing facility has a capacity of supplying 375 Million standard cubic feet per
day (MMSCFD) of natural gas @ 50 Barg at vaporizer outlet.

Considering the fast growing pace of the natural gas market in the Dominican Republic, the
new Gas Pipeline will meet the demand of potential off takers as they begin operations. The
new Gas Pipeline, as per this Technical specification and Contract, will be designed for 250
MMSCFD of natural gas. Barrick Power Plant (300 MW) at 50th km of Gas Pipeline is the
current off-taker with 53,000 SCM/h requirement, however, the Gas Pipeline shall have
means for future expansion and include 12” blinded flanges and isolation valves to facilitate
future gas user tie-ins along the line at estimated locations. Refer to conceptual process flow
diagram, Appendix A1 for conceptual arrangement for future provisions indicated at the block
valve stations as well as vaulted tees.

The table below defines the interface points for the gas pipeline installation.

Branch Point
Interface Points TAG
from The Trunk

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Technical Specification
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Branch Point
Interface Points TAG
from The Trunk

Tie-In to Andres 24”

Block Valve Station “0”
K0+000 pipeline BVS0
at Andres Tie Point
Pig Launcher
Block Valve Station
Block Valve Station 1 K4+800 BVS1
12” Blind Tee
Block Valve Station
Block Valve Station 2 K10+100 BVS2
12” Blind Tee
Block Valve Station
Block Valve Station 3 K16+150 BVS3
12” Blind Tee
Block Valve Station
Block Valve Station 4 K22+700 BVS4
12” Blind Tee
Block Valve Station
Block Valve Station 5 K28+650 BVS5
12” Blind Tee
Block Valve Station
Block Valve Station 6 K36+500 BVS6
12” Blind Tee
Block Valve Station
Block Valve Station 7 K43+650 BVS7
12” Blind Tee
Barred Tee 1 K44+900 12” Blind Tee BT1
Barred Tee 2 K48+100 12” Blind Tee BT2
Pig Receiver
Barrick Station Block Valve Station
K49+560 BVS8
Block valve Station 8 12” Blind Tee
Metering and Regulation

1.2. Definitions

Whenever the following terms appear in this document, they shall mean the following: Project

Approved Equal – means a satisfactory equivalent to a specified material or method accepted

by Owner.

BV or BVS - refers to Block Valve Station along the KM##+## routing. The Block Valve
numbering is sequentially from the first interface flange at the AES Andres Facility called
BVS1 thru the system. Refer to Appendix A PFD for full details.

Interface Points – Defined as a common boundary point between material furnished by

Contractor and material furnished by the AES as occurs in piping, partitions, electrical power
supply, controls and instrumentation, foundations, roadways, power plant connections, gas
user connections, etc.

KM##+##.# (Kilometers + Meters) - refers to a point in the length of the pipeline expressed in
Kilometers from piping starting point KM 00+000. Refer to Appendix A PFD for full details.

Piping Supports, Pipe Supports, Pipe Supporting Elements – These terms as used herein
and applicable codes shall be understood to mean the entire range of various methods and

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Technical Specification
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devices used to support the piping systems referenced herein, including all valves and other
piping components, the transported fluid, insulation, appurtenances, etc. The devices shall
include all hangers, roll stands, beam clamps, inserts, anchors, trapeze arrangements, and
other components necessary to properly support the piping systems specified.

Site defined as area where Work will take place. This is understood to mean from the Tie
Point at Andres to the final black valve at the Barrick Station and entire pipeline in between.

All references to appendices refer to appendices of this Technical Specification unless

otherwise noted.

1.3. Installation Definitions

Where the words “install,” “installation,” “mount,” “connect,” or “erect” are used with reference
to Contractor, they shall mean that the following work is to be included (unless otherwise

Receiving, unloading, storing, removing from storage as required.

Transporting and handling as required.

Setting, plumbing, mounting, leveling, anchoring, aligning, and preparation to make ready for

Placing all expansion anchors, mounting bolts, base channels, floor plates, cable fittings,
conduit, conduit fittings, conduit supports required at the equipment. The repair of conduits
damaged during installation shall be done with the proper coating per manufacturer’s

Sealing all PVC coated and fiberglass conduit and devices after cutting per manufacturer’s

Making all external electrical connections.

Making any internal connections on equipment that were omitted for shipment, including the
installation of necessary jumpers and local interconnections that may not be shown on the
equipment Manufacturer’s Drawings. Tagging of each wire and terminal block shall be
considered as part of the Work. Heat shrink stamped wire tubes shall be used for tagging of
all internal wires. Contractor shall use Brady XC markers or approved equal for all wire tags.

Mounting and connecting of items shipped separately, and removing and replacing parts to
facilitate handling.

Cleaning and checking of electrical equipment and connections, and touching up damaged

Furnishing and installing all cables and making all electrical connections.

Instrument cables means instrumentation and/or thermocouple extension wire.

Adjustments: Correction of minor misalignments will be considered as a legitimate part of the

Work. However, any errors in shop work which prevent proper field assembling and fitting of

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Technical Specification
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parts shall be reported to AES Andres as soon as they are discovered by Contractor along
with the corrective action proposed by the Contractor.

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Technical Specification
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Contractor’s scope of work (the Work) shall include all activities related to providing a
complete functional Gas Pipeline on a turnkey basis covering design, engineering,
procurement, permitting, supply, providing design validation certificates, delivery to site, off-
loading and storage at site, civil works, fabrication, construction, erection, installation,
painting and preservation, restoration of roads and private/public properties demolished
during excavation and construction commissioning, start-up, testing onsite and offsite,
performance guarantee testing, completion, training of Owner’s personnel, turnover of the
facility as per the contract, and related services for the Work, based on codes, standards,
guarantees, and other requirements specified in this Technical Specification and the
Contract. Any item or scope of work required for this purpose, but not explicitly stated in
Contractor’s scope or in this Technical Specification shall be deemed to be included in the
Contractor’s scope of work unless it is explicitly specified under exclusions from scope or
agreed in writing between the Parties as excluded from the Contractor’s scope of work.

The following list describes major items included in the Work, but it is not to be treated as a
comprehensive list, and the Contractor’s scope of work is not limited only to the items
identified in this section.

2.1. Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Start Up and Turnover Scope of Work

A. All Work shall be performed in accordance with this Technical Specification.

B. Work shall conform to the requirements of this document and shall be performed and
supervised by personnel who are experienced and knowledgeable in the field of gas
pipeline construction and the required associated areas of expertise. Contractor shall be
required to obtain all necessary licenses required by governing authorities or other
government issued permits to perform the work defined herein.

C. Contractor shall provide all installation equipment and machinery, operators of

construction machinery, labor, supervisors, qualified welders, welding equipment, welding
rods, materials and all incidental items including those not shown or specified but
required for successful construction, installation, startup, commissioning, testing and
completion of the Work in strict accordance with the Turnkey requirements of this Scope
of Work including all attachments and reference, inspection, testing and quality

D. Contractor shall provide laydown areas, safe storage, security, transportation, camps,
control of traffic, barriers, public control, and all matters related to safe execution of the
Turnkey contract. Contractor shall comply with all the safety standards as per Applicable
Laws and this Contract.

E. Contractor shall meet manufacturing, fabrication, inspection, testing and quality

assurance and records and submittals as specified in the Master Document List in
Appendix J.

F. The Owner reserves the right to request, and Contractor shall supply, detailed
information regarding the Work such as procedures or work methods or qualifications in
addition to the documents specified in this Technical Specification.

2.1.1. Scope of work includes but is not limited to the following:

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2.1.2. Basic Studies:

A. Hazard and operability (Hazop) Study for the project per IEC 61882.

B. Transmission Line Electromagnetic Field (EMF) induction study to ensure safe interaction
with pipeline crossings.

C. Grounding system analysis per IEC 62305

D. Full system pressure drop and capacity analysis, including any hydraulic considerations
for accumulated liquids.

E. Analysis of soil studies or geotechnical reports to develop cathodic protection scheme for
the full piping system. This should include site specific sampling/testing for each segment
of the pipe line.

F. Stress Analysis as specified by ASME B31.8 or applicable piping code.

G. Pipeline thickness optimization as specified by ASME B31.8 or applicable piping code.

H. Location Class Study as specified by ASME B31.8.

2.1.3. Permitting (construction and final installation):

A. All fire code compliance

B. All work safety related permits and compliance

C. All transportation logistics permits

D. All construction power related permits

E. All construction water related permits

F. All work and safety related permits

G. All local laws and regulations compliance permits

H. Coordination with Fire Protection Authorities and Municipality

I. Soil/Debris disposal Permit

J. Compliance with rules and regulations for the Dominican Republic with respect to
archaeological findings and coordination of contractor’s work in the event of historic

K. Emissions permits for construction power, as required.

2.1.4. Engineering, Procurement, Construction Services, and Management:

A. Project Execution Plan

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B. Project scheduling, management, progress metrics, and reporting

C. Project QA and QC plan and management

D. All pipeline and station valves layouts (including tandem pressure regulating and
metering stations) as depicted in Appendix A – Conceptual Process Flow Diagram.

E. All system design calculations

F. Technical data sheets

G. Detailed design and as-built drawings and documents

H. Purchase specifications and equipment procurement

I. Vendor drawings reviews and approval

J. Procurement, manufacturer, fabrication, shop testing, and certificates

K. Packing, shipping, and delivery to site

L. Unloading and storage in accordance with manufacturer’s recommended preservation


M. Handling and installation of materials including hazardous chemicals and containment. All
refuse or materials encountered during construction shall be removed and disposed of or
recycled as applicable.

N. Right of Way Clearing, grubbing and rough and finished grading, including temporary
removal and later reinstallation of signals along the pipeline route including the Av. Las
Américas and Autopista del Este impacted by construction.

O. Trenching and Excavation, including traffic management plans in public roads and streets
impacted by construction. Where space constraint, evacuation of excavated material to
off-site location and re-transportation for filling back this material.

P. Painting and preservation

Q. Corrosion prevention

R. All inspections and testing

S. Fabrication drawings

T. SCADA data base

U. Implementation of Basic studies recommendations

V. Cabling and terminations data base

W. Design drawings and manufacturer’s drawings

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X. System descriptions

Y. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals

Z. Training of Owner’s operating and maintenance personnel

AA. Pre-commissioning tests, start-up tests, commissioning, and performance tests

BB. System walk-down and turnover packages

CC. Acceptance Tests

DD. Skilled craft labor to support commissioning

EE. Spare parts for commissioning

FF. Special Tools and tackles for maintenance

GG. Recommended spares for three (3) years of operations

HH. Demobilization and cleanup of contractor works

II. Coordination of all Owner’s reviews, hold and inspection points and Owner’s Engineer’s
review tasks.

JJ Any other drawings or documents required by government bodies and certification by

authorized Professional Engineer.

2.1.5. Site Supervision and Construction:

A. All handling equipment and cranes

B. All construction equipment

C. All labor and skilled crafts

D. All site supervision, planning, management, construction, technicians, engineering staff,

qualified/approved welders, and specialist staff

E. Safety equipment, procedures, training, supervision and paramedics and incidence


F. Site security

G. Subcontractor supervision

H. Construction consumables

I. Installation checking and quality control including third party inspection as appointed by
the Owner.

J. Progress reporting

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K. Project planning and forecasts

L. Assisting Owner to obtain the Owner permits, including providing information normally
produced in designing/engineering the facility

2.1.6. Construction Site Preparation Works:

A. Demolition of existing structures, as required on the pipeline route, as private/public

structures, roads, paved areas, rainfall ditches, safety guards, along Av. Las Américas
and Autopista del Este, rainfall drainage structures.

B. Disposal of demolished and excavated materials, existing trash or rubbish or existing

structures or foundations in accordance with this Technical Specification and Standard
Codes and Guidelines and Applicable Laws.

C. Site preparation, rock removal, excavation, filling, and grading

D. Site fencing, hardened shelters and access control on station valves sites and required

E. Construction offices

F. Unloading and storage areas

G. Storm water collection and drainage, if required

H. Sanitary waste management

I. Construction power connection and distribution

J. Construction water and water for hydraulic testing of pipeline

K. Construction lighting

L. Construction consumables

M. Telephone and communication systems

N. Cranes, lifting beams, and other equipment with qualified and certified operators

O. Erosion and sedimentation control and landscaping

P. Reseeding and vegetation of affected areas on pipeline route.

Q. Site facilities, sanitary facilities, and services during construction

R. Security plan

2.1.7. Civil and Construction Works

A. Topographic studies – Contractor shall be responsible for the topography survey of the
pipeline route. A topography survey report is attached with this Technical Specification for

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Contractor’s reference. However, Contractor may conduct additional topography studies

and/or design improvements, where considered necessary and same shall be deemed to
be included in Contractor’s scope under this Contract.

B. Soils studies, soil borings, and analysis - Contractor shall be responsible for the soil
studies for the pipeline route. A geotechnical study report is attached with this Technical
Specification for Contractor’s reference. However, the Contractor shall conduct
additional soil studies and/or design improvements and same shall be deemed to be
included in Contractor’s scope under this Contract.

C. Earthwork incidental to construction facilities including its transportation for disposal

and/or remote storage and re-transportation of suitable earthwork for bedding and back-

D. Reinforced concrete slabs, foundations for all pipeline equipment components and
buildings and structures, as required

E. Piling and soil treatment, as required

F. Structural and support steel for crossings and supports

G. All required buildings, structures and security fences / systems. Refer to Appendix E for
building designs. All buildings shall be self-ventilated, gravel floors, and include hardened
security provisions with manned guard stations as defined within the Appendix.

H. Underground existing electrical cable duct runs, all pipes, facilities for pulling electrical
works and secured access points with manholes

I. All necessary anchor bolts, shear bars, and shim plates

J. All storm water drainage, roof drainage systems, weather-proofing, insect and rodent
prevention, fungus proofing or other coating or treatments as required by the installation.

K. Valve and above ground fenced and protected areas as required by codes and

L. All restorative civil, structural and horticultural work to restore the pipeline work area
along the route of pipeline to revert the private and public infrastructure and
plantations/green area damaged during pipeline construction, to its original condition
including restoration of road sections, paved sections, electrical poles, electrical wiring
etc. or their relocation along the route, as required/permitted.

M. Painting and coating per requirements defined herein. All structural steel and hardware
shall be galvanized.

2.1.8. Mechanical Equipment and Systems

A. Furnish and install pipeline, supports and accessories for new natural gas connection,
including outage works for existing plant tie-in per Appendix A, access to right of ways,
opening right of ways, ditching, pipe laying, pipe pre-bending & bending, pipe joint
alignment, welding, x-ray inspection, weld repair, joint lining, ditch bottom padding, pipe
coating inspection, pipe coating repair, pipe lowering, pipe padding, backfill, finish

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grading, and vegetation replacement

B. Perform Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) and installation of piping on the points
described on specials works and as required, if not described/covered under Specials

C. Furnish and install required automatic isolation valve assemblies stations, Block Valves,
as per Location Class Study, Appendix G, requirements and also the gas pressure
regulating stations. Refer to Appendix E for Block Valve Station and Barred Tee Vault
Conceptual Designs.

D. Furnish and install package including three (3) (if required for startup, otherwise two (2))
Emerson - Daniel ultrasonic, four-path type Z, flow meter assembly, bypass line and main
ball valve at K49+000 station and one (1) flow meter assembly including bypass line at
K00+000 station. Isolation ball valves shall be placed at the required distance from the
flow meter as dictated by the flow meter manufacturer. The flow meter vendor
recommendation for installation and configuration shall also be considered.

E. Furnish a pig Launcher and receiver system with direction from AES Andres to the end of
the installed gas pipeline at the Barrick Power Station. The Barrick Power Station will
include an established secured area for installation of the pig receiver, metering,
regulation and trip stop valves. Refer to Appendix E for details of the system and
Appendix A for the PFD. The secured area will be accessible from outside the Barrick
Power Station. The 2x100% metering and regulation system and water bath heater shall
be sized for full flow of the power station. An additional metering and regulation system
shall be sized for startup and low load operation of the plant. Contractor shall
recommend an overlap in the startup and primary regulation systems. As a starting point,
the startup train may be sized for one engine at idle to three engines at full power. The
primary regulation train shall be sized for 12 engines at idle to 12 engines at full load.
Turndown considerations shall be evaluated by the Contractor to confirm practical, but
useful ranges for this equipment operation.

2.1.9. Electrical and I&C Equipment and Systems

A. Provide and install electrical power source (PV System, local power supply via nearby
distribution line, or natural gas fueled generator as required by the electrical load list
developed by the Contractor for each block and regulation station), including all
components, accessories and supports as recommended by the Contractor to suit the
required services.

B. Provide and install Fiber Optics infrastructure from AES Andres to the end of the Gas
Pipeline, including cables, interface panels, splitters,pull boxes and other equipment as
required for communication system and to provide means for connecting future
laterals/branches without interruptions.

C. Provide and install electrical cabling from the interface points defined herein to the
individual components requiring electrical power.

D. Contractor shall design, furnish and install an equipment grounding system in accordance
with IEEE 141, IEEE 142 and IEEE 242. Grounding equipment will be based on soil
resistivity measurements.

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E. Contractor shall design, furnish and install a complete lightning protection system, if
deemed necessary by a lightning risk assessment. Lightning protection system shall be in
compliance with NFPA 780, LPI 175 and UL Lightning Protection Code UL96-A.

F. Electrical and communications interface with each gas user as required by the design
requirements for gas supply service, regulation, emergency shutdown, and safe venting.

G. Quantities and types of components and materials required for the lightning protection
system will be based on detailed designs and layouts;

H. Provide and install instruments and accessories for operation of the gas pipeline, fire
protection and monitoring at each block valve and metering / regulation station, security
systems for each block valve and metering / regulation station, radio and communication

I. Provide DCS interface for new flow meter assemblies, gas chromatograph, flow
computer, solar controllers, automatic isolation valves and other devices as required for
complete control and supervision of Eastern Gas Pipeline. See Appendix D for reference
RTU communication configuration and Existing RTU and Communications System

J. Provide and install instrument and controls conduit from the interface points defined
herein to the individual instruments;

K. Design, furnish and install equipment, pipes, valves, conduit and cabling supports;

L. Design, furnish and install a cathodic protection system for the pipeline.

M. Interconnection of automated valves (including block valves and tandem pressure control
valves, trip-stop valve, indications and control) with new DCS for AES Andres Eastern
pipeline control.

N. Design, furnish and install the required system to mitigate Transmission Line
Electromagnetic Field (EMF) induction interference with the pipeline route.

O. Communication system and alarm system including interface between AES Andres
control room, key locations along the pipeline route and at customer end point /customer
control room.

P. Lighting systems for block valve and regulation stations for operation and maintenance
activities as well as security monitoring.

2.1.10. Special Works

The Special Works for the main 18” pipeline and all branches along the route shall take into
consideration the special areas identified in the table below. Any Special work required for
completion of the Turnkey works of this Pipeline under the Contract to cross, bypass, rework,
or otherwise pass in a safe manner while preserving the existing community usage of the
special works, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. All special works, even if not
covered in the table below, shall be deemed to be included in the scope of this Contract and
shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Prior to bidding, a full site-walkdown and route
assessment has been undertaken and acknowledged as part of their Turnkey proposal by the

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Length Station
No. Works
Aprox. (M) (Aprox.)
1. Access road to Caucedo Port. (HDD) is 100 K02+700
required to pass safely across the area and Refer to
continue parallel to the existing transmission Appendix B
lines. Photographs.
2. Old Sugar Cane railroad to Ingenio Boca Chica 50 K07+050
(Bridge). Safe crossing and passage across Refer to
this abandoned railroad route. Appendix B
3. Av. Las Américas (HDD) is suggested to cross 400 K08+100
to the opposite side of the road at a location Refer to
that provides an advantage to the Project to Appendix B
minimize impact to existing establishments that Photographs
are in close proximity to the road.
For clarity, only one of the two (either item 2 or
item 3) shall apply.
4. Road to Carretera Mella (Open sky ditch) 30 K11+000

5. Access road to Metro Country Club (Open sky 20 K31+800

6. Box Culvert (Bridge), HDD 20 K41+900
7. San Pedro de Macorís outlet road (Open sky 15 K43+700
8. San Pedro de Macorís inlet road (Open sky 18 K43+900
9. Access road to Ingenio Cristóbal Colón 120 K45+200
(three minor
10. Sugar Cane Railroad and sugar cane industrial 24 K47+000
road (Open sky ditch)
11. Autopista del Este (HDD) 110 K48+100
12. Secondary road crossings exist in number There are
across this route. approximately

13. Other Other See Appendix

obstacles are M for minimum
anticipated to crossing or
be passing
encountered. requirements
for existing

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The 18” route has two urban density populated areas: K2+900 to K7+400, in Andres city and
K9+000 to 9+800 in Boca Chica area.

2.1.11. Work By Owner/Others

Only the services, equipment, system(s), and/or structures as specifically listed below shall
be excluded from the Contractor’s Scope of Work and will be provided by Owner/Others:

A. Owner’s legal and accounting

B. Owner’s financing costs and advisors

C. Rights of Way

D. Site lease or land acquisition as needed for block valve stations.

E. All permits in accordance with the Contract.

F. Fuel Filtration or other conditioning by the end gas user.

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3.1. Codes and Standards

The pipeline design, construction, testing, commissioning, and acceptance tests shall be done in
accordance with internationally recognized codes, standards and recommendations (“Codes and
Standards”). The Contractor shall provide the equipment and systems whose design complies
with the latest edition of the Applicable Codes and Standards issued by the institutions and/or
organizations in the following list. The Contractor may propose to Owner for Owner’s consideration
other institutions and/or an organization if the Contractor can demonstrate the proposed
alternate(s) is equal to or more stringent than those below. Any change based on above shall be
subject to Owner’s prior written approval.

As a minimum, all design, fabrication, and construction shall be based upon applicable codes,
standards, and regulations of the organizations including revisions and addenda in effect at the
time of Effective Date of Contract. In addition to the specific codes and standards specified
elsewhere in this Technical Specification, Contractor shall identify those codes and standards from
the following acceptable institutions which shall govern the Work:



Site Investigation
Recommended practice for investigation and sampling soil and rock for
ASTM D 420
engineering purposes.
Definitions of terms and terms and symbols relating to soil and rock
ASTM D 653

ASTM D 1462 Practice for soil investigation and sampling by Auger Borings.

ASTM D 1587 Thin-Walled tubed sampling of soils

ASTM D 2487 Classification of soils for engineering purposes.

ASTM D 3441 Deep, Quasir Static cone and friction cone penetration tests of soil.

Earthwork and Roadwork

Standard Specification for steel sheet, zinc-coated (Galvanized) by the

ASTM A-444
Hot-Dip Process for Culverts and Under Drains.

ASTM A-760 Specification for Pipe, Corrugated Steel, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized).

ASTM A-423 Standard Test Method for Liquid Limit Soils

ASTM A-424 Standard Test Method for Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils
ASTM A-558 Standard Test Methods for Moister Density Relations for Soil-Cement

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Standard Specification for Crushed Stone, Crushed Slag and Crushed

ASTM A-693 Gravel for Dry or Water Bound Base Courses and Surface Courses of

Standard Test Method for Density of Soil in Place by the Sand Cone
ASTM A-1556

ASTM A-1557 Standard Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relationships

American Association of State Highway Officials Interim guide for

design of pavement structures
Chain-link Fencing
ASTM A 392-81 Zinc-Coated Steel Chain-Link Fence-Fabric .
ASTM A 491-80 Aluminum-Coated Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric
ASTM F 552-78 Chain-Link Fence Fabric
ASTM F 567-78 Installation of Chain-Link Fence
ASTM F 626-79 Fence Fittings

ASTM F 668-81 Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC)-Coated Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric

Strength requirements of Metal Posts and Rails for Industrial Chain Link
ASTM F 669-81
Building Design Uniform Building Code

AMSO A-58.1 Minimum Design Loads in Buildings and other Structures

AISC Manual of Steel Construction
AISC Plastic Design in Steel

AISC Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges

Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural

Steel for Buildings
AISC Specification for Structural Joints
Safety Requirements for Floor and Wall Openings, Railings and Toe
ANSI A-12.1
ANSI A-14.3 Safety Requirements for Fixed Ladders
ANSI A-64.1 Requirements for Fixed Industrial Stairs
AWSD1.1 Structural Welding Code

ASTM A-385 Providing High Quality Zinc Coatings (Hot Dip) on Assembled Products

High Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints. Including Suitable Nits
ASTM A-325
and Plain Hardened Washers

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Zinc (Hot-Galvanized) Coating on Produce Fabricated from Rolled,

ASTM A-123
Pressed and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars and Strips

ASTM A36 Steel Plates Shapes Galvanized Exterior

ASTM A307 Specification for Carbon Steel Externally Threaded Standard

Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel

Plates and Bars
ASTM A-366 Cold Rolled Sheet Steel
ASTM A-568 Hot Rolled Sheet Steel of Commercial Quality

ASTM A-569 Hot Rolled Sheet Steel of Commercial Quality Fasteners

AWSD D1.1 Structural Welding Code-Steel

Metal Building Manufacturers Association - Code of Standard Practice

and Recommended Design Practice

Concrete Works
Recommended practice for Evaluation of strength test results for
ACI-211-1-77 Recommended practice for concrete mixture
ACI-301 Specifications for structural concrete for buildings

ACI-302 Recommended practice for concrete floors and. slabs construction

ACI-305 Recommended practice for hoi weather concreting

ACI-308 Recommended practice for curing" concrete

ACI-309 Recommended practice for consolidation of concrete

ACI-315 Detailing Manual

ACI-318 Building Code requirements for" reinforced concrete

ACI-347 Recommended practice for concrete formwork

ANSI-A10.9 Safety requirements for concrete construction and masonry work

ASTM A-185 Welded steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement

ASTM A-497 Welded deformed steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement

ASTMA A-615 Deformed and plain billet steel bars for concrete reinforcement

Standard method for making and curing concrete test specimens in the

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ASTM C-33 Specification for concrete aggregates

Standard method of test for compressive strength of cylindrical
concrete specimens

ASTM C-40 Test method for organic impurities in fine aggregates for concrete

Test method for soundness of aggregate by use of sodium sulfate or

magnesium sulfate

ASTM C-90 Standard specification for hollow load bearing concrete masonry units

ASTM C-91 Standard specification for masonry cement

ASTM C-94 Specification for ready mixed concrete

ASTM C-125 Definitions of terms relating to concrete and concrete aggregates

ASTM C-143 Standard method of test for slump or hardened concrete

ASTM C-142 Test method for clay lumps and friable particles in Aggregates

ASTM C-146 Standard specification for solid load-bearing concrete masonry units

ASTM C-150 Specification for Portland cement

ASTM C-156 Water refined by concrete curing materials

ASTM C-289 Test method for potential reactivity of aggregate (chemical method)

ASTM C-309 Liquid membrane forming compounds for curing concrete

ASTM C-476 Standard specification for mortar and gout for reinforced masonry

ASTM C-494 Specification for chemical admixtures for concrete

ASTM C-595 Specification for blended hydraulic cements

Building Finishes

Methods of testing materials for use as vapor barrier under concrete

ASTM E-154
slabs and as ground cover in crawl spaces

ANSI A42.4 Standard specification for interior lathing and furring

ANSI A108.1 1976 Standard specification for conventional cement and mortar.

Heating, Air- Conditioning and Fire

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American Standard of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning -

Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality


NFPA 10 Standard on Portable Fire Extinguishers

NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code

NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code

NFPA 70 National Electric Code

NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code

NFPA Standard
Building Construction and Safety Code


AGA AGA American Gas Association

Classifications of Locations for Electrical installations in Gas Utility
AGA XL 1001,
AGA 9 Report
Measurement of Gas by Multipath Ultrasonic Meters
No. 9,
API American Petroleum Institute

API 5L Specification for Line Pipe

API 6D Specification for Pipeline Valves (Gate, Plug, Ball and Check Valves)

API 598 Specification for Valves Inspection and Test

API 599 Steel and Ductile-Iron Plug Valves

Metallic Gaskets for Raised-Face Pipe Flanges and Flanged

API 601
Connections (Double-Jacket Corrugated and Spiral-Wound)

API 661 Air Cool Heat Exchangers for General Refinery Service

API 590 Steel Line Blanks

API 1102 Steel Pipelines Crossing Railroads and Highways

API 1104 Standard for Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities

Sizing, Selection and Installation of Pressure Relieving Devices in

API RP 520

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API RP 521 Guide for pressure relieving and Depressurization Systems

ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems

ASME B31.3 Process Piping

ASME V NDT for Pressure Vessels

ASME VIII Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

ASME IX Welding

Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
Factory-Made Wrought Steel Butt-welding .Fittings
Face-to-Face and End to End Dimensions of Ferrous Valves
Forged Steel Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded
Non-metallic Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges
ASME/ANSI Butt-welding Ends
Wrought Steel Butt-welding Short Radius Elbows and Returns
Steel Valves, Flanged and Butt-Welding End
Steel Flanges

ASME PCC1 Guidelines for Pressure Boundary Bolted Flange Joint Assembly

American Society for Testing and Materials

ASTM A53 Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-dipped, Zinc-Coated Welded and Seamless

ASTM A105 Specification for Forgings, Carbon Steel for Piping Components

Standard specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-

Temperature Service
Alloy-Steel and Stainless-Steel Bolting Materials for High- Temperature
Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for high-pressure and High-
Temperature Service
Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate
and Elevated Temperatures

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Standard Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings up to 2" (51 mm)

in Thickness
MSS-SP-44 Steel Pipeline Flanges
MSS-SP-75 High Test Wrought Butt Weld Fittings
MSS-SP-97 Integrally Reinforced Branch Outlet Fittings

Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at Petrochemical

API 500
Facilities Classified as Class 1, Division 1, Division 2

Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at Petrochemical

API 505
Facilities Classified as Class 1, Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2

API 540 Electrical Installations in Petroleum Processing Plants

API 686 Machinery Installation and Installation Design

API 750 Management of Process Hazards

Management of Hazards Associated with location of Process Plant

API 752
Building - CMA Manager's Guide

NFPA 70 National Electrical Code

NFPA 77 Static Electricity
NFPA 79 Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery

NFPA 111 Stored Electrical Energy Emergency and Standby Power System

Classification of Gases, Vapours and Dusts for Electrical Equipment in

Hazardous Locations
NFPA 780 Lighting Protection Code
National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NEMA 250 Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000V max)

Thermoplastic Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and

Distribution of Electrical Energy

WC57 Standard for Control Cables

Cross-linked Thermosetting Polyethylene-Insulated Wire and cable for

the Distribution of Electrical Energy

Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial

Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial
Power Systems

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Recommended Practice for Protection and Co-ordination of Industrial

and Commercial Power Systems

IEEE Recommended Practice for Sizing Lead-Acid Batteries for Stand-

Alone Photovoltaic Systems

IEEE Guide for Selection, Charging, Test and Evaluation of Lead-Acid

Batteries Used in Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems

ISO International Organization for Standardization

FM Factory Mutual
IPCEA Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association
ISA . Instrument Society of America
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Part 1926 subpart P, Excavations
UL Underwriter's Laboratories Inc.
LPIC Lightning Protection Institute Code
IES Illuminating Engineering Society
API 551 Process Measurement Instrumentation
API 554 Process Instrumentation and Control
ISA-S12.1 Electrical Instruments in Hazardous Locations
Installation of Intrinsically Safe Systems for Hazardous (Classified)
Electrical Equipment for Use in Class 1, Division 2 Hazardous
Classified Locations

NEMA 250 Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Max).

NEMA WC 55 Instrumentation Cables and Thermocouples

NEMA WC57 Standard for Control Cables
National Fire Protection Association
NFPA 12 Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems
NFPA 12E Automatic Fire Detectors
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
Control of External Corrosion of Underground and Submerged Metallic
NACE RP 0169
Piping Systems

NACE RP 0286 The Electrical Isolation of Cathodically Protected Pipelines

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3.2. Products

A. The products used for fabrication or delivered to the project site shall be certified 100%
asbestos free.

B. Coatings used on this project shall be certified 100% lead free.

C. Material Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) shall be provided for all material brought on to the
project site. This includes pipes, valves, fittings, concrete, chemicals, other material, etc.
The material represented on these SDSs requires approval by the Owner prior to the
bringing the material on the project site.

3.3. Pipeline Design Criteria

3.3.1. Design Conditions

The design of the pipeline shall take into account, and comply with all of the statutory
requirements of the Dominican Republic in addition to the applicable codes listed on section

The ratings and capabilities for the pipeline and all equipment shall be such that the pipeline
and all portions thereof can operate (i) continuously at guaranteed MAOP (Maximum Allowed
Operating Pressure) and MAOF (Maximum Allowed Operating Flow and also (ii) the flow,
pressure and other parameters in the complete range of operation of main pipeline and all
branch pipe customers.

3.3.2. Site Ambient Conditions

The Contractor, in its Site studies shall include analysis for all Site Conditions including
studies required per this Specification.

3.3.3. Climatic Conditions

The range of climatic conditions that the Facility shall be designed for are:

Climatic Conditions Value

Site Ambient Avg Dry Bulb 26.1 deg C
Site Ambient Avg Wet Bulb 24.1 deg C
1% Ambient Dry Bulb 32.2 deg C
99% Ambient Dry Bulb 15.0 deg C
Mean Coincident Wet Bulb Temperature 27.2 deg C
Site Elevation 46.9 ft. (14 m) AMSL

3.3.4. Rainfall

Contractor shall incorporate into the Facility design the rainfall amounts as listed in the
following table:

Parameter Value

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10 Year Storm / 24-hour rainfall 26.92 cm

25 Year Storm / 24-hour rainfall 35.38 cm
50 Year Storm / 24-hour rainfall 42.60 cm
100 Year Storm / 24-hour rainfall 50.52 cm
Source: NOAA 2011 Puerto Rico values, equivalent distance from shore.

3.3.5. Seismic Loads

Design seismic loads shall be calculated in accordance with “Recomendaciones

Provisionales para el Analisis Sismico de Estructuras” (Provisional Recommendations for the
Seismic Analysis of Structures) approved in December 1979, reprinted in October 2001 and
Munich Re Natural Hazard Maps, the more strict shall govern.

Parameter Value
Seismic 5% damped spectral response Acceleration parameter
1.82 g
at short period, Ss
Seismic 5% damped spectral response acceleration parameter
0.86 g
at 1 second, S1
Seismic importance factor 1.25

Note: Seismic design criteria shall be according IBC-2012, ASCE 07-10 and local regulations
and subject to Owner’s approval.

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3.3.6. Wind Loads

Parameter Value
Wind Loads - Regional Wind Velocity
72 m/s
corresponding to a 50 year return period
IBC 2012 Structure Category Risk Category III
IBC 2012 Exposure Category Category D

The country normally experiences hurricanes and heavy rains seasons and this must be
considered by Contractor during design and construction of the pipeline and associated

3.3.7. Hurricane

Hurricane Category 5.

3.4. Design Basis

The installation shall be provided for safe, reliable, ease of maintainability, cost effective
operation where continuity of supply is the first consideration. Only those systems which
have been field-proven and fully integrated shall be used. All plant and equipment shall be
designed in accordance with industry codes and standards, pipeline design criteria, and other
requirements specified in this Technical Specification. All pipeline systems shall be designed
for a useful pipeline life of at least fifty (50) years.

No prototype, unproven equipment, or equipment built to unknown manufacturing standards

shall be incorporated. The design of equipment and selection of construction materials shall

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accommodate all pressure, temperatures, stresses, corrosive conditions, transmission line

EMF induction interference, etc. which may occur during construction, commissioning, normal
operation and as a result of extreme operating conditions.

Contractor shall purchase equipment from established suppliers and shall purchase
equipment for which spare parts are not likely to be discontinued. Contractor shall source the
equipment and material only from the acceptable suppliers as specified within Appendix E.

The use of packaged equipment and pre-fabricated containers is acceptable, provided that
the equipment contained within them conforms to the requirements of the Technical

The Gas Pipeline shall be considered to be an extension of the existing Andres-DPP pipeline
so design shall consider the new equipment and configuration to be replicable as possible to
the existing design. See existing P&ID and SCADA configuration provided in Appendix F and
Appendix D.

3.4.1. Operational Philosophy

The operations center is located at AES Andres, the gas source for the pipeline. The AES
Andres will serve as a center for the pipeline operations, maintenance, engineering,
accounting, etc. A Pipeline Supervisory Control Center (PSCC), will be the operating center
from where an operational entity (the Gas Control Group) will direct operating personnel at
the Pipeline Supervisory Control Center (PSCC). The PSCC will be the physical location for
the primary Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) and this site will be
the normal control point for the pipeline system. Complete PSCC will be in the scope of
Contractor, including the civil and structural work. The PSCC will be located in the existing
control room at AES Andres.

The PSCC will be manned 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The control center will be
dedicated to pipeline control.

AES Andres is the location for warehousing and maintenance facilities. Personnel from this
location will service other sites in Santo Domingo.

3.4.2. Process Conditions

The process and site conditions premises to be used are shown below. The hydraulic
premise shall account for the initial volumes and power plant operations, allow shutdown and
start-up of the power plants.

The product to be handled by the pipeline is Natural Gas that has been vaporized from its
storage state as Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). The numbers below correspond to design
conditions and provide an acceptable indication for system parameter.




C6 0.0044 0-1

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Propane 0.3256 0-0.4

I Butane 0.0271 0.01
N Butane 0.0271 0.01
Iso Pent 0.0199 0-32.2 PPM
N Pent 0.0037 0-16.6 PPM
Methane 96.9443 90-98
N2 0.0608 0-0.2
O2 0.0000 0-0
CO2 0.0000 0-0
Ethane 2.5979 1.5-2.6
Total 100 X
Heating Value, HHV 1041.71 BTU/SCF 1039.1-1041.8
Compressibility Factor 0.52 N/M2 0.45-1.3
Real Relative Density 429.304 Kg/m3 428-431
Gas Temperature 17.5 °C 5-55 °C
Moisture 0 0

3.4.4. Gas Pressures

Main Gas Pipeline:

Normal Operating Pressure: 725 psig (50 Barg)

Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP): 1440 Psig (99.3 Barg)

Minimum Operating Pressure: 0 psig

Consideration shall be given to the Barrick Station and the specific, required pressure
reduction and control from normal pipeline operating pressure.

The guaranteed pressure to the Barrick Station is 72-116 psig (5-8 Barg).

3.4.5. Gas Temperatures

Design Operating Temperature: 49.4 °F (9.69 °C)

Normal Operating Temperature: 68 °F (20°C)

Minimum Operating Temperature: 41 °F (5°C) delivery temperature at Barrick Station

3.4.6. Flow Rates

The new pipeline shall be designed to have a maximum flow of 250 MMSCFD on the main
branch, Contractor will inform the minimum necessary pressure in K0+000 to transport this
flow. Flow is divided as shown in the table below:

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Design flow Minimum flow

User Abscissa
Barrick Power Station K53+000 88 3,500
Future Off-taker A TBD 20 TBD
Future Off-taker B TBD 37.5 TBD
Future Off-taker C TBD 60 TBD
Future Off-taker D TBD 20 TBD
Future Off-taker E TBD 24.5 TBD

3.4.7. Pipeline Route

The total length of the main pipeline is approximately 53,000 m.

The construction will be done using the Right of Way Las Americas Ave. and Autopista del
Este according to MOPC permits.

See Appendix B for the Pipe line route description.

3.5. Interface Points

Interface Points – The interconnection points for the pipeline are indicated in the table below.
Contractor shall have the responsibility for the final connection at each of the interconnection

Interconnection Interconnection Point Description

Gas manifold tie-in on AES Andres Station Valve BVS0. (See
Appendix A for location). Defined user interface points along the
gas pipeline route. The work includes installing this interface
point at 24”x12” interface between existing gas manifold and
Process gas
DDPP Los Mina gas pipeline, as shown in Appendix A. The work
need to be performed without interrupting the operations of
Andres CCGT and other consumers of gas including DPP Los
Grounding Tie-in grounding for new equipment into existing grounding
system or as required by local block valve or user interface
stations. All AES Andres interface points with gas users shall be
dielectrically isolated.
Electrical Electric power of devices installed at Tie Points and Block Valve
Stations due to the pipeline construction. All voltage levels shall
be provided as required by the installation at each location.
Controls Fiber optic communication cable interface point shall be provided
at each take-off (i.e. branch line). Interface with gas users shall
be coordinated on a one-on-one basis to ensure suitable
interfaces and protection are integrated into the design.
Cathodic Protection All piping shall cathodically protected with an impressed current
system. Interfaces and test points shall be provided along the
gas pipeline as necessary.

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Interconnection Interconnection Point Description

Communications Radio communication system shall be provided to back up the
RTU system.
Security Systems A stand-alone security system shall be in place to permit
monitoring of the crucial points along the gas pipeline, i.e. block
valve stations, metering, and regulation stations.
Vent System A gas venting and condensate collection system shall be
provided at the pig receiving station. Vents shall be provided as
indicated within Appendix A, PFD.
Solar PV Systems Rooftop mounted solar photovoaltic panels (and battery storage
systems) shall be required at each block valve station, including
user take offs for backup power supply.

3.6. Regulatory Requirements

A. Contractor shall provide suitable inspection. Inspectors shall be qualified either by

experience or formal training to the applicable codes and standards. Contractor shall
provide CVs of inspectors to Owner for approval. The inspector shall have the authority to
order the repair or removal and replacement of any component found that fails to meet
the standards of these requirements. AES Andres reserves the right to witness any or all
inspection points and/or provide random monitoring of the inspection services in place to
ensure compliance with the requirements of the technical specification.

B. Contractor shall at all times be solely responsible for complying with all applicable laws,
ordinances, regulations and codes, including those relating to environmental/aquifer
protection and safety of all persons, in connection with the Work. AES Andres has the
right to impose safety measures, but no obligation or duty to review Contractor
compliance with safety measures.

C. Contractor shall obtain, as part of scope of this Contract, all permits, licenses and local
utility clearances necessary to carry out the Work described herein.

D. Permits shall be obtained before commencement of related Work. Contractor shall

provide timeline of receiving all such permits in the Project Execution Plan.

E. Contractor shall comply with building code authority regarding permit inspection and
approval requirements.

3.7. Conflict

In the event of variation between Contract Conditions and the requirements specified herein,
Contract documents shall govern.

In the event of variation between Contractor Engineering drawings and documentation and
the Technical Specification including drawings attached to this specification, the Technical
Specification and the drawings shall govern.

Contractor shall be solely responsible for advising Owner in writing of any conflicts between
this Technical Specification document including appendices and Contractor methods,
including performance and levels of quality. Contractor agrees that its obligations, liabilities

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and warranties shall not be diminished or extinguished due to its meeting the requirements of
the Technical Specification including drawings.

3.8. Design Review and Approval

Owner will perform a review of the design, engineering and construction documents
developed by Contractor and will approve the referred documents. However, Contractor shall
be solely responsible for the correctness of design, engineering and construction documents
and review/approval of any design, engineering and construction documents by Owner shall
not relieve the Contractor of any of its obligations under the Contract.

3.9. Safety

Contractor shall at all times be solely responsible for complying with all applicable laws,
ordinances, regulations and codes, including those relating to environmental/aquifer
protection and safety of all persons, public/private properties, equipment and material, in
connection with the Work. No obligation of Owner or the AES Andres Engineer shall impose
upon them any duty to review Contractor compliance with safety measures.

Along the route of the pipeline, Contractor shall be responsible for determining and adhering
to safety requirements for a specific local / stage of the Work. Especially near populated
areas and along the highway and road/bridge/river/canal crossings, Contractor shall be
responsible for conferring with local authorities to determine and implement any local safety
requirements and / or precautions. This may include restrictions on time periods allowed for
conducting the Work, to reduce the safety risks to the general public.

All requirements of OSHA shall be met for the duration of the project and any non-
compliances shall be expeditiously corrected. OSHA requirements for trenching (Part 1926
subpart P, Excavations) shall be meet.

Contractor shall take all appropriate precautions to ensure the safety of all people located on
the work site, including Contractor’s personnel (or that of its subcontractor(s)) performing the

The Contractor shall be completely responsible for the safety and protection of his personnel
and the public on the Site of the Work and shall employ all methods necessary to achieve
such safety and also ensure continuity of all service systems encountered. These methods
shall include, but not be limited to, providing barriers, guard structures, insulating guards and
sleeves, warning signs, and prevention of unauthorized access to service system areas.
Contractor shall erect all temporary barricades that may be required for the Work. All such
barricades shall be arranged so as to ensure the safety of the workers and passersby.
Contractor shall remove such protection at the completion of the Work.

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4.1. Submittal Distribution

Contractor shall address and submit all correspondence, Design, Engineering and
Construction Documents, drawings, and data to the Project Manager appointed by the Owner
for interfacing with the Contractor.

4.2. Drawing Submittals

A. Contractor shall provide a minimum of one (1) hard copy of all drawings, documents and
lists for review and an electronic copy.

B. All transmittals shall include a unique transmittal number and clearly indicate the Owner’s
name, Contractor project number, Owner’s project number, how they are being sent, and
the reason for the submittal. The transmittal should include a clear, concise description of
all documents enclosed. Documentation by drawing number, revision number, and date
should be indicated, if applicable. Distributions to other parties are to be shown on the
face of the transmittal. Changes to the drawing shall be clearly marked on each revision
of the drawing. Each drawing shall clearly indicate the applicable status, e.g., Preliminary,
For Information, For Review, For Acceptance, For Bid, For Construction, and As Built.

C. All documents shall be in English and shall bear the project name and a full title block
containing a unique identification number, revision number, source and type of document
and descriptive title. Each document shall clearly indicate the applicable status, e.g.,
Preliminary, For Information, For Review, For Acceptance, For Bid, For Construction, and
As Built.

D. The measurement system shall be both and International System Units (SI), and all
drawings and dimensions shall be to scale. Non-scale dimensions (NTS) on drawings will
not be permitted on “To Scale” drawings. A scale bar shall be included to permit use
following photo-reduction.

E. Each time a drawing is submitted electronically, the file submitted shall include the
drawing file merged with all the attached electronic reference files. This merging of the
reference files is essential. If the electronic copy of the drawing does not include the
reference data, it will be impossible to recreate an exact duplicate of the drawing once a
reference file has been updated for any reason.

F. Standard ANSI sizes shall be used for drawings. Drawings shall be prepared in such a
way that photo reduction to B size shall result in a legible and useable drawing. Particular
attention shall be paid in this respect to selection of fonts. When drawings larger than B
size are submitted, a B size print shall also be submitted.

G. Drawings that are reviewed by the Owner will be returned to Contractor with a transmittal
letter and any comments or questions marked on the drawings or in the letter. All
comments and questions must be resolved before a re-submittal of the drawings will be
processed. If the design has not developed enough to resolve some of the comments or
questions, Contractor shall place a “hold” on those items or areas of design. Owner
reserves the right to return drawings unprocessed to Contractor if there exists any
evidence that Contractor has not acknowledged all comments and questions from
previous submittal.

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H. All Design, Engineering and Construction Documents shall apply specifically to this
project. Drawings or documentation labeled for another project will not be considered and
will be returned to Contractor immediately.

I. A drawing being transmitted for review for the first time shall so state on the transmittal
sheet or letter accompanying the drawing. Identification of changes on all documents
from previous issue must be clearly shown on each document by “scoping/clouding” all
revisions from the previous issue. Submittals without revisions annotated will be rejected
and returned to Contractor unprocessed.

J. Contractor shall assume minimum two (2) weeks turnaround time from the day the Owner
receives the submittal to when Contractor shall receive returned drawings.

K. Drawings and data, or portions thereof, submitted for review will be reproduced and
distributed to meet the project requirements. This includes drawings and data with
proprietary statements.

L. Contractor shall provide “as built” to reflect the actual installed configuration.

M. At the completion of the project, Contractor shall submit a complete set of all final “as-
built” Contractor and Contractor sub-Contractor drawings, including any changes through

N. Contractor shall submit detailed automatic valve controls at each branch line and detail
how the controls of these valves are integrated in the existing DCS.

4.3. Contractor Master Document List and Submittal Schedule

Contractor shall provide a preliminary Master Document List (MDL) with their proposal that
contains all drawings, documents, lists and official documentation used by Contractor to
perform the Work of this Project Requirement. This Preliminary MDL may be based on
previous jobs but is intended to represent the normal documentation used by Contractor. The
MDL will state which drawings are to be issued to the Owner for review. Contractor shall
provide the Master Drawing/Documentation List to the Owner in electronic format, either MS
Excel or MS Access.

The MDL shall be updated and resubmitted on a monthly basis for the duration of the Work
and/or until all items on the list have been issued final or as-built status.

As-built drawings and records of final control settings shall be furnished within thirty (30) days
of successful completion of the Work.

See Appendix J for MDL lists of documents.

4.4. Contractor Drawings and Data

Contractor shall submit certified drawings and data as hereinafter listed to the Owner for
review. Drawings submitted shall be suitable for use by the Owner for the balance of
installation design. The drawings and data, as a minimum, shall include the following:

4.4.1. General:

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A. Welding procedures and program documentation.

B. Hydrostatic Test Plan, Test Procedure.

C. Performance Test and Capability Test Procedure.

D. NDE testing procedures.

E. Painting Procedure.

F. Shop Test Procedure.

G. Recommended Field Test Procedure.

H. Miscellaneous Data.

I. Lubricating oil/ Grease list: A list of all of the recommended lubricating oil and grease
used on the equipment and accessories.

J. Material Safety Data Sheets.

K. Supply List.

L. Special Tools.

M. List of spares

4.4.2. Mechanical:

A. Mechanical piping interface connection point drawing.

B. Bills of Material for all equipment.

C. Arrangement and dimension drawings for all piping systems and pipe supports.

D. Valve and equipment cross-section drawing including identification of parts, termination

points and interfaces.

E. Valve and equipment materials of construction shall be fully identified by referencing the
appropriate ASTM specification number, type and grade.

F. Bills of Material for all piping, supports, valves and equipment.

G. Process and Instrumentation Diagrams

H. Operation Philosophy

I. Pipeline 3D Model along with software

J. Plot Plans and General Arrangement Drawings for all segments of pipeline including all
block valve stations, delivery stations, receipt and release stations, blocking valve
stations, regulating valve stations, pressure control stations, metering stations, etc.

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K. Plot Plan and General Arrangement Drawings of key crossings (rivers, canals, roads),
HDD sections,

L. Valve Schedule and Technical Data Sheets

M. Expansion Joint Schedule

4.4.3. Electrical:

A. Physical Drawings showing distribution equipment arrangements and any new raceway
(embedded conduit, cable tray, or conduit).

B. Lighting drawings showing light and receptacle locations.

C. Internal panel component arrangement drawings including terminal block size, location,
spacing and types.

D. Interconnection diagrams of all systems and subsystems.

E. Electrical Bill of Material: Bill of material for all electrical equipment and components
showing manufacturer, catalog numbers, ratings, quantities, equipment reference, etc.

F. Electrical Load List: Electrical load list shall include, as a minimum, the following
information for all AC and DC electrical loads supplied by Contractor:

G. Technical Data Sheets shall be provided for all electrical equipment and components.

H. Cable Schedule including all technical parameters of cable and cable routing.

I. UPS System and Battery Specifications and data sheets

J. Solar Panel Specifications and inverter system and corresponding data sheets

4.4.4. Instrumentation and Controls:

A. Contractor shall provide control logic diagrams for the control of equipment provided by
Contractor or Contractor sub-suppliers. The control logic diagrams shall be based on the
Owner-approved written description of operation. The logic control diagram shall cover all
the consumers, whether connected or blocked for future.

B. Contractor shall submit the control logic diagrams for AES Andres review and approval.

C. Contractor control logic drawings shall include a symbol explanation sheet.

D. The control logic diagrams shall include the I/O point tag name and description for
hardwired I/O, data linked I/O and soft points generated by the control logic (calculated
points, alarms, etc.).

E. Contractor shall provide updated control logic diagrams as revisions occur throughout the
project, including a final drafted set of control logic diagrams to document the “As
Commissioned” condition; red line markups are not acceptable.

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F. Communication System Specifications and data sheets

G. Instrumentation Schedule and data sheets

H. Contractor shall prepare a written description of operation for the control of its equipment.
Contractor shall submit the written description of operation for Owner’s review and

The written description of operation shall cover all operating modes, control modes,
interlocks, permissive, protective actions, trip conditions, alarms, start-up and shutdown
sequences, etc. in a concise yet detailed manner.

I. Contractor shall update the written description of operation as needed to document

revisions to the control logic, including a final update to document the “As Commissioned”

J. Contractor shall submit the instrument installation drawings for Owner’s review and

K. Instrument data sheets shall be provided for all instruments provided by Contractor,
including instruments mounted on skids provided by Contractor or Contractor sub-

L. Contractor shall prepare Instrument Data Sheets in ISA format, or Owner approved
equal. Photocopies or scans (cut sheets) of catalog information are not acceptable. The
instrument data sheets may be electronically generated from Contractor instrument
database provided that the data is available to the Owner and AES Engineer as an
electronic file (Access or Excel).

M. Contractor shall submit the instrument data sheets for AES Andres review and approval
before procurement of instrumentation.

N. Contractor shall submit a detailed Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) communication overview
drawing similar to the preliminary RTU Communication Overview drawing (D2) and
existing RTU Communication Overview drawing (D1) provided in Appendix D.

O. Contractor shall submit a detailed schematics and wiring diagrams for the RTU
enclosures, meter stations instrument panels and fiber optic equipment used for the gas
pipe line.

4.4.5. Architectural/Civil/Structural:

A. Structural foundation drawings and loading drawings indicating the vertical and lateral
loads transmitted to the foundation at each support location. The loads due to dead load,
live load, seismic load and other pertinent conditions shall be listed separately. This shall
include, but not be limited to, magnitude, direction of forces, location and service. All such
drawings shall be submitted under separate cover.

B. Foundation and embedment requirements. Leveling provisions shall be fully described.

C. Anchor rod information shall include the size and location of bolts in relation to equipment
(including guide rail system) centerline, anchor bolt projection above concrete surface,

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bolt material strength, and required thread length.

D. Design criteria to be used for the analysis and design of the foundation(s), including final
loads and load orientation and acceptable deflections with details for all equipment and
natural frequencies.

E. Contractor shall submit design calculations, which include the determination of operating
loads, foundation reactions, and anchorage design to the Owner for approval.5

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5.1. Piping

5.1.1. Governing Codes

All components of the piping systems shall conform, to the standards listed in this

Piping design for main gas piping and branches shall be in accordance with ASME B31.8
using an appropriate design factor considering location class. Standard piping grades to API
5L Gr. X65 PSL2 with matching strength fittings or bends, shall be used for all piping

5.1.2. Special Piping Considerations

Piping arrangements shall be based on the normal considerations of optimum layout with
respect to economic installation and access, and special requirements to comply with stress

Piping used for HDD sections shall be provided with additional coating to ensure the proper
coating is in the place after installation. In addition, the Contractor shall the pipe wall for
overburden pressure.

5.1.3. Specification Deviations

Deviations from defined specifications shall not be allowed unless approved by the Owner.

5.1.4. Wall Thickness Calculations

Wall thickness for each pipe size in each piping class shall be calculated in accordance with
the governing codes. Pipe thickness less than those indicated in the Technical Specification
shall not be acceptable.

Contractor shall provide a corrosion allowance of 1/16” (1.5mm) when calculating the pipe
wall thickness.

5.1.5. Pipe Supports, Guides and Anchors

Contractor shall provide pipe supports where required.

Unless otherwise indicated herein, Contractor shall provide all special and standard hangers,
supports, anchors, guides, braces, and snubbers as required for the entire piping system
(including valves, vessels, and other associated piping components) furnished and/or erected
by Contractor.

Welding of pipe support lugs or supplemental steel to structural steel in place shall be in
accordance with AWS D1.1.

Cross flange welding is not allowed.

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Standard pipe support, guide or anchor designs shall be utilized except for special cases of
high elevation or loading types. Pipe supports shall be selected to withstand all loads and
moments from the static, dynamic and hydrostatic test cases. Calculations shall be provided
for all supports, guides or anchors, which are outside of standard designs.

PTFE (TEFLON) or equal materials for low friction pads shall be used where relative
movement between support and piping is expected 90-degree half soles shall be welded to
bottom of pipe on all piping 4" in diameter and above. Note: Welded “half soles" on bottom of
pipe can only be done as directed by ASME B31.8, Paragraph 834.5 for pipe operating at
stress levels below 50% SMYS.

If clamp type supports are utilized, and where abrasion of pipes is likely, PTFE pads shall be
utilized between support and pipe to protect the pipe coating system.

5.1.6. Stress Analysis

Stress analysis shall be performed to determine the overall acceptability of the piping design:

The scope of the analysis shall be limited to large bore piping systems (6-inches and over) or
piping undergoing significant thermal cycling. Stress analysis for piping shall be checked
against the governing piping and equipment (where applicable) code requirements. Outputs
from the analysis shall be used to verify that loads and moments on equipment and supports
are acceptable and that stress levels in piping are acceptable.

5.1.7. Contractor shall provide all piping required by Design drawings.

Unless otherwise indicated, all vents and drains from piping or equipment shall be of the
same material and pressure standard as specified for the corresponding piping in the system
to which the drains are connected. The last valve in a vent or drain line may be subject to the
full system pressure on its inlet side and atmospheric (or near atmospheric) on the outlet

5.1.8. Materials:

All material for pipe fittings, flanges, valves and instrumentation etc. shall be suitable for the
gas composition stated in this Technical Specification and meet the requirements of the
Piping and Valve Design tables provided in Appendix H.

Certified Material Test Reports (CMTR) shall be provided for all pipe materials. All test
reports shall be in English language.

If required per the requirements of ASME B31.8 Impact testing shall be performed for pipe
sizes NPS 12 and above. The methods in API 5L, Annex G shall be used to perform the
impact testing, and the Brittle Fracture Control requirements and acceptance criteria in
841.1.2(b) and (c) must be met.

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5.1.9. Erection of Piping

Erection of the piping and appurtenances shall be done in an orderly and workmanlike
manner and shall be scheduled to suit the requirements of the project. In addition to other
applicable requirements specified herein, the following specific piping system erection
requirements shall apply.

Contractor shall not install pipe clamps, hangers, or other piping appurtenances in locations
of weld seams. Contractor shall adjust weld seam locations to avoid design change to pipe
support locations. In areas where weld seam locations cannot be revised.

Long pipe runs shall be continuous with no splices of pipe less than 3 meters permitted
except when required for field fitup or repairs and must meet the following requirements:

Clear distance between weld edges or toes shall be 75 mm.

In no case shall more than one “pup” piece be installed.

Splices shall not be permitted between fittings/components which are 3 meters or less apart.

Longitudinal welded pipe seams shall be located at the top between the 10 and 2 o’clock
position of the piping. Seams in adjacent sections of pipe shall be located on opposite sides
of the top center of the pipe.

Field Controls:

During field storage, the Contractor shall maintain internal cleanliness integrity of pipe and
related components (valves, pipe joints, large fittings, etc.) by keeping openings capped or
covered. During field fabrication, all caps and covers shall remain on pipe components as
long as possible prior to installation to minimize foreign material entry.

The Contractor shall verify the removal of temporary caps or covers and confirm internal
cleanliness of adjacent pipe and components prior to joint connection or flange assembly. For
flanged joints this shall be performed for each disassembly and reassembly.

The Contractor shall maintain traceability for all pipe spools and fittings.

5.1.10. General Buried Pipe Fabrication Requirements:

All pipe sizes of straight pipe, within the size range (diameter and length) capabilities of the
automatic coating machinery or process employed in the shop, shall be coated in the shop
under controlled conditions. Fittings, connections and special shapes shall be protective
coated as specified for the straight pipe if practicable; however, if fittings and special shapes
preclude machine coating, they shall be hand coated equivalent to results on the straight pipe

All field-welded joints for field erection shall be left uncoated in the shop for purposes of field
erection which shall be cleaned, primed and protective coated in accordance with the same
protective coating requirements specified for their respective piping system.

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5.1.11. Field Joints:

Where pipe sections are to be joined together by field welding, a band of sufficient width to
permit joint makeup shall be left free of protective materials on the pipe ends.

Weld end preparation at field weld joints shall be suitably protected during shipping with a
coating of Deoxaluminite, or equal to be reviewed by owner or owner’s engineer.

Mechanical joints using threaded parts such as screws, nuts and bolts, etc., shall not be
coated in the shop but shall receive a suitable rust preventative only, and after final field
assembly the joint shall be thoroughly cleaned and coated with the specified system.

5.1.12. Field Welding:

The Installation Contractor shall meet the requirements outlined in the requirements below.

Field welds in piping systems requiring a high degree of cleanliness and a relatively smooth
contour at the inside of the welded joint shall be made using the gas tungsten arc welding
(GTAW) process for the first welding pass. The remaining weld passes shall be made using
one of the processes listed below in section 5.1.14. All gas tungsten arc welds shall be made
with the addition of filler metal.

Welding filler metal chemistry shall match that of the base material, unless otherwise
specified. Similar metallurgical properties, i.e., yield strength equal to or greater than base
metal, equal or better corrosion-erosion resistance and equal or better thermal properties
shall be produced.

Preparation of weld ends and fit-up shall be in accordance with the requirements of
ANSI/ASME standards. Base metals for butt weld joints shall be prepared by machining or
mechanized oxygen cutting. In specific instances where the use of the above equipment is
impractical, written permission from the Owner must be secured if hand oxygen cutting is to
be substituted. All slag, irregularities and thermally-affected areas shall be removed from
oxygen cut ends and hand ends shall be ground smooth.

Backing rings shall not be used in any piping system without prior written approval of the
Owner. Backing rings, where allowed by Owner, shall be of the flat split ring type. The
material of the backing rings shall be compatible with the composition of the pipe with which it
is used.

Welding pre-heat and interpass temperature shall be maintained in accordance with the
requirements of the applicable code. Electric or gas heat sources, which provide a uniform
application of heat over the weld area, shall be used in accordance with ANSI/ASME B31.8
Section 824.

Stress relieving of all welds shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the
applicable code. All welding zones, bends and hot-formed sections shall be fully stress
relieved as required by the applicable code.

Wherever possible, stress relieving shall be performed by slowly heating the entire assembly
to the specified temperature, holding the temperature for the required length of time, and then
allowing the assembly to cool. Where this procedure is impractical, local stress relieving may
be employed.

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Pipe bending shall be used only when specifically required or where the use of elbows is
impractical. All bends shall be smooth, without buckles and truly circular. The allowable
flattening, as determined by the difference between the minor and major axes, shall not be
greater than 5 percent of the nominal diameter. The required wall thickness for bends shall
be no less than that specified in ASME B16.49 to assure that minimum wall thickness after
bending is not less than the minimum wall thickness required.

Lugs, ears and other attachments for support of piping shall not be directly welded to the
piping. Pipe supports must be attached to the pipe by the use of mechanical clamps. Where
welding to the pipe cannot be avoided, the attachment will be welded to a full encirclement
reinforcing pad welded to the pipe using a continuous circumferential weld. Attachments for
piping systems must be stress relieved when required by ASME B31.8 Section 825.
Attachments on shop fabricated piping which must be stress relieved shall be shop welded to
the piping.

Field-welding on pressure parts shall be stress relieved as required by applicable codes.

The Installation Contractor shall submit welding procedures, stress-relieving procedures and
procedure qualification records to the Owner for review and approval prior to performing any

Any combustible material or electric cables beneath or adjacent to welding operations shall
be protected against sparks, splatter and molten material. The Installation Contractor shall
ensure that safe conditions exist prior to and during any welding in areas where coal dust
and/or gas may be present. The Installation Contractor shall be responsible for supplying
any portable ventilation or other equipment necessary to ensure that safe conditions exist
and are maintained.

5.1.13. Welding Requirements:

Welding of piping shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of this

specification, the governing construction code, drawings, and supplements.

Welding Procedures and Qualifications:

Fabricator shall be responsible for the welding performed by his organization and shall
establish his own welding procedures for each class and type of weld that will be used in the

Qualification of welding procedures to be used and qualification of welders and welding

operators shall comply with the latest requirements of Section IX of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code or with API 1104. Weld procedures and procedure qualifications shall
meet all of the requirements of the latest issue of ASME Section IX or API 1104 in effect at
the time of the contract award.

Fabricator shall conduct the tests required to qualify his welding procedures and shall
conduct the performance qualifications of welders and welding operators who apply these
procedures. All performance qualifications of jobsite Fabricators shall be conducted at the
site unless otherwise approved by the Owner. Procedures or qualification of procedures or
welders by organizations other than the Fabricator is not acceptable.

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The actual testing operations such as bend testing, tensile testing, radiography, or
macroetching may be conducted by an independent laboratory on samples fabricated under
the direction of the Fabricator.

The Fabricator shall submit to the Consulting Engineers prior to use the Welding Procedure
Specification (WPS) and Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) for each welding procedure
employed in the performance of the work.

Each welder/welding operator shall be qualified by the Fabricator. Welder/Welding Operator

Performance Qualifications (WPQ) certified by others will not be acceptable.

Alternate Welding Processes: Alternate welding procedures will be considered if complete

Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) and Procedure Qualification Records (PQR) are
submitted to the Consulting Engineers and approved in writing by the Consulting Engineers.

5.1.14. Process and Technique:

Shielded metal arc welding, gas-shielded flux-cored arc welding, submerged arc welding
(shop only), or gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) processes shall be employed in the work,
except where a specific welding process is called for in the project specification and except
for shear lugs. Gas metal arc welding short circuit transfer mode is not permitted. The root
and second pass of all piping shall be welded using the GTAW process except when the ID is
accessible and double welded joints are used.

All socket welds shall have a minimum of two weld passes except 1 NPS or smaller may be
welded in a single pass.

Each weld pass shall be visually inspected for defects and slag. All defects and slag found
shall be removed by chipping and grinding prior to the deposit of additional filler metal.

Peening of weld metal is not permitted.

Full Penetration Welds: All welds (not including socket and fillet welds) shall be full
penetration welds unless indicated otherwise on the design drawings. Where half couplings
are used for NPS 2 and smaller branch connections, the end of the half coupling which is to
be welded to the main line shall be beveled for a full penetration weld.

5.1.15. Piping Components Alignment Tolerances:

Fitup: Internal misalignment at the weld ends shall in no case exceed the limits specified in
ASME B31.8.

Open Root GTAW Joints: The internal misalignment tolerance for joints using open root
GTAW shall not exceed 1/16 inch (1.6 mm).

Fabricator shall notify Consulting Engineers when the average misalignment ( Avg) and
Stress Intensification Factor at a joint exceeds the tolerances listed in ASME B31.8, Table E-
1 for an SIF of 1.0.

For open root GTAW welds, the root gap shall not exceed 3/16 of an inch.

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Minimum Wall Thickness: The minimum wall thickness specified by the Consulting
Engineers for pipe, fittings, etc., shall be maintained at weld joints, as well as at other areas.

5.1.16. Butt Weld End Preparation Details:

Finished weld end preparations on carbon steel, stainless steel, and alloy steel materials
shall be machined to meet the configuration specified on the piping design table and shown
in ASME B16.25 as applicable, or as shown on the project design drawings. Carbon steel
may be oxygen or arc cut to meet the configurations in ASME B16.25 providing the cut is
reasonably smooth and true.

The weld end preparation for ends and joints in special wall piping and plate piping shall
conform to the design drawings. Where dimensions A, B, C, D, and T for butt-weld end
preparations on special wall pipe and fittings are not shown on the design drawings, they
shall be subject to review and acceptance by the Consulting Engineers.

Edges shall be cleaned of all grease, oil, paint, rust, scale, oxides, slag, dirt, or other
contaminants prior to welding. The discoloration which may remain on flame cut end
preparations is not considered a detrimental oxidation.

No form of backing (e.g., tapered backing rings) shall be used without the review and
acceptance of the Consulting Engineers.

5.1.17. Tack Welding:

Tack welds shall be made by procedures and welders qualified in accordance with ASME
Section IX or API 1104.

All filler metals used for tack welds shall be the same composition as the filler metal for the

Tack welds that are incorporated into the finished weld shall be visually inspected for defects.
All defects shall be removed before covering tack welds with additional weld metal. Defect
removal shall be verified with liquid penetrant or magnetic particle inspection.

Weld Metal: The composition of filler metals and consumable inserts shall be of a chemical
composition similar to the base material except as noted in Paragraph 102.14d.

Stainless Steel Filler Metal: Each heat and each lot of austenitic stainless steel filler metal
shall be purchased to have a delta ferrite number of 5FN minimum. This does not apply to
filler metal used for cladding.

Extent of Welding: All joints in the piping shall be welded unless otherwise indicated and
except where piping is of such material that welding is not applicable, where flanges are
required at certain equipment, etc., or where special conditions may dictate the use of
flanged or other mechanical joints.

Weld Contour: Weld reinforcement shall be in accordance with the applicable code.

The contour of the weld reinforcement on the inside and outside of each weld shall conform
to the requirements of the governing code and (for welded pipe and fittings) to the material

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specification. For girth welds the contour shall be maintained as close as possible to the
outline shown on the welding end detail drawings referenced in the project specification.

Welds shall have a gradual increase in thickness from the edges to the center and the
surface transition shall be smooth without ridges or depressions, on the inside and outside of
weld, except as hereinafter specified otherwise.

Where radiography is required, the inside and outside of finished surface of the weld in ferritic
steel systems shall be ground smooth and flat within 1/32 in. of the base material, unless the
fabricator can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Consulting Engineers that the as-welded
surface will not produce radiographic film indications that could mask a defect. The above
shall also apply to welds in stainless steel systems, except that the inside surfaces (where
accessible) shall be machined; no grinding of internal surfaces of stainless steel systems is

Where radiography is not required, grinding of welds shall be as follows:

For Longitudinal (Seam) Welds in Welding Piping: Grinding of welds is not required where
the weld reinforcement is smooth and conforms to the requirements of the governing code
and the material specification.

For Girth Weld Joints in Piping: All joints shall be filled to or above the nominal OD surface of
the adjoining pipe, such that the OD of all weld joints shall be equal to or greater than the OD
of the adjoining straight pipe.

For all piping, grinding for casting (or forging)-to-pipe joints and for pipe-to-pipe joints is
required. Grinding will not be required when the weld reinforcement is smooth and blends
into the adjacent base metal.

Arc Strikes: All evidence of arc strikes or weld deposits adjacent to the weld preparation on
the base metal shall be removed by grinding and if necessary, weld repaired; this also
includes arc areas caused by magnetic particle inspection prods and weld areas remaining
after the removal of temporary attachments. Arc strikes shall be repaired before stress

5.1.18. Heat Treatment (Preheat and Interpass Temperature):

Preheat and post-heat treatment of welded joints shall be in accordance with the
requirements of the applicable codes.

Appropriate heat sources (material dependent temperature control requirements) shall be

used for preheat. Temperature monitoring with temperature-indicating crayons is acceptable
for preheat.

Piping components shall be at least 50°F prior to any welding.

Preheating above 50°F shall conform to the applicable codes.

Carbon steel with a specified carbon content greater than 0.32% or a carbon equivalent (C +
1/4 Mn) in excess of 0.65% or a carbon content greater than 0.30% and a thickness in
excess of 1 inch shall be preheated to at least 175oF prior to welding.

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Where preheating above 50F is required, the interpass temperature shall be maintained at
least equal to the preheat temperature.

Temperature monitoring shall employ temperature indicating crayons or thermocouples.

Electric heating sources, automatic or manual temperature control, and automatic chart
recorders shall be used in post-heat treatment of welds. Heating and cooling rates during
post-heat treatment shall be controlled in accordance with the governing code. For stress
relieving in the shop, a gas-fired furnace may be used.

Recorder charts of post-heat treatment, weld records showing welding procedure number
(including preheat), welder, and radiograph reference (if performed), etc., shall be kept on file
by the Fabricator and shall be available to the Owner and Consulting Engineers for reference.
After completion of the work, these records shall become the property of the Owner.

Electrical heat sources shall be used for field stress-relieving of piping.

5.1.19. Pipe Cutting:

Carbon steel pipe may be cut by mechanical or thermal means. The thermal cut end shall be
ground to base metal with a minimum metal removal of 1/16 in.

The finished cut end of the pipe shall be square to within 1/16 in.

Stamping: All qualified welders shall be provided with an identification stamp of the low
stress type. The welder shall stamp each of his welds with his identification. The stamp shall
be located on the base material adjacent to the weld. An acceptable alternate to stamping is
to have the welder's identification traceable to the joint by documentation.

5.2. Coating

The pipe shall be coated externally with an anticorrosive protection type 3LPE. The pipe coat
used in HDD shall be abrasive resistant type.

3LPE will be applied and checked following “National Standard of Canada” CAN/CSA-
Z245.20/.21-10, NACE SP0490SP0490-2007 Holiday detection of fusion bonded epoxy
external Pipeline Coating and ASTM G14-04 Standard test method for impact resistance of
Pipeline Coatings.

Joint lining in the field will be done using sleeves and products compatible with the selected
coating vendor’s requirements and shall be inspected per the original coating requirements.

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5.3. Valves and Valve Stations

5.3.1. Service Requirements

Valves shall be allocated to particular service requirements and conditions as per a Piping
Location Class study, Appendix G. Valve tag numbers and relevant design data shall be
detailed in a valve schedule. All tags shall be marked with tag numbers, embossed in 316
stainless steel tags, permanently riveted with stainless steel drive screws to the valve or
equipment, or wire-tired to the equipment using 316 stainless steel wire.

All valve trim and serviceable hardware or appurtenances, including actuating shafts shall be
316 stainless steel, suitable for saline, highly humid operating conditions.

Where actuators are fitted, these shall be the responsibility of the valve Supplier who shall
provide a fully assembled and tested valve/actuator unit.

As a general principle, all valves shall be capable of being accessed for maintenance. This
shall be achieved by the use of top of side entry body configurations for ball valves and body
configurations capable of disassembly for all other types of valves.

Valves must meet the minimum requirements of API 6D. The main pipeline isolation valves
will be installed buried at each Block Valve Station. The valves will be have welded ends and
have extended stems with elevated valve operators located above ground, with lubrication
and bleed lines brought above ground for easy access and maintenance.

Valves shall be packed in the shop with a suitable packing which will be guaranteed by
Contractor for the specified service. Except where otherwise specified, standard cast iron or
bronze, screwed end gate, globe or angle valves in sizes 2 in. and smaller may have screwed
packing glands; all other valves shall have bolted packing glands.

Valve Appurtenances: Contractor shall provide all special operating appurtenances for
valves as required, such as motorized operators, extension stems, floor stands, chain wheels
with chain guides, locking devices or any other accessories required in connection with
valves furnished.

Double block and bleed valves in gas service shall be provided with vent and drain
connections to facilitate draining and de-pressurization of body cavities.

5.3.2. Type of Valves

Ball valves shall be used for positive isolation on process gas, fuel gas and water systems.
Ball valves shall be used for the pipeline block valves. Globe valve shall be used for
pressurization or throttling purposes such as the pressure regulating valves at the regulating
valve station at Barrick Power Station.

Manual valves shall be fitted with lever wrenches or hand wheel operators with reduction
gearing (according to size and rating). Actuated valves shall be fitted with gas over hydraulic
pneumatic actuators.

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5.3.3. Globe Valves

Globe valves shall be used for pressurization lies or any other application on gas systems
where throttling is a requirement. Globe valves shall also be utilized if performance-testing
valves are installed for commissioning and testing of the station or equipment against
guarantee conditions.

5.3.4. Safety Valves and Relief Valves:

A. Relief valves shall have trip lever external to the valve.

B. Safety and relief valves shall have material and trim shall be suitable for the pressure and
temperature conditions to which they will be subjected.

C. Safety and Relief valves shall have a sound silencer.

5.3.5. Pressure-Reducing Valves:

A. Pressure-reducing valves shall be suitable for the conditions under which they are to be

B. Inlet and outlet flanges or welding ends shall conform to those specified for the high-
pressure lines to the valve, unless otherwise stipulated.

C. The installation of such control valves and controllers shall be complete with a sensing
line and isolation valve suitable for the service pressures and temperatures involved.

D. Pressure-reducing valves shall conform to the applicable requirements as stated herein

and in the Attachments.

5.3.6. Motor Operated Valves

A. Motor Operated Valves (MOVs) will be fitted with both hand and motor operating gear.
The hand- and motor- actuation mechanisms will be interlocked so that the hand
mechanism is disconnected before the motor is started. Motor actuators will include
torque and limit switches to stop the motor automatically when the valve gate has
reached the “full-open” or “full-closed” position.

B. The minimum required stem torque to open/close the valve against the specified
operating and design basis conditions, including the peak hydrodynamic load as well as
hard seating and sealing loads shall be 60%.

C. The motor actuator will be placed in a position relative to the valve that prevents leakage
of liquid, steam, or corrosive gas from valve joints onto the motor or control equipment.
Actuators shall be manufactured to prevent against moisture accumulation inside the
actuator (i.e. sealed, liquid tight).

D. Each motor operated valve actuator shall include the motor, integral motor starter,
actuator unit gearing, position switch gearing, local control panel with local /stop / remote
switch with provisions for padlocking in all positions, open and close control (configurable
to allow either inching or sealed in maintained running control) and valve position
indicator, provisions for manual operation, and the specified number of torque and

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position switches. When the stem driving mechanism of the valve is not utilized, the
actuator shall include a stem nut for rising stem valves or a bored and keyed drive sleeve
for non-rising stem valves. Stem nuts shall have a positive locking feature to prevent
loosening during valve travel.

E. Each motor operated valve actuator shall be capable of network based control in addition
to hardwired control. The actuator shall as a minimum be furnished with provisions for
Modbus and Hart communication protocols

F. Manual operation of the valve shall be by a handwheel or lever in accordance with the
Valve Design Table (VDT) in Appendix H. Manual operation shall be initiated by
operating a declutching lever, or by automatically declutching. This shall mechanically
disengage the motor and its gearing. The actuator shall stay in the manual position until
energized electrically. The motor shall not rotate during manual operation. The
handwheel shall not rotate during motor operation. A fused motor or failed motor bearing
shall not prevent manual operation.

5.3.7. Valve Operators

A. All valve operators (solenoids, control valves, motor operators, etc.) shall include locking
devices and shall have electrical closures with a rating not less than NEMA 4.

B. For power operated valves the Contractor will indicate the valve operator orientation
during the review of the certified valve drawings during the submittal process. The
Contractor shall confirm that the orientation is acceptable or if features of the valve
assembly prohibit the orientation requested by the Owner.

C. For motor operated valve in shutoff/block service the Contractor shall determine the
appropriate closure setting for the type of valve configuration being supplied.

D. Contractor shall provide contact closure signal for detecting loss of control signal to the
monitoring pressure regulating valves.

5.3.8. Manual Operators:

A. All manually-operated valves shall be provided with detent or latch mechanism that will
hold the valve at the predetermined location without damage due to fluid induced valve
flutter and shall be furnished with a visual position indicator.

5.3.9. Motor Actuators:

A. Each motor operated valve actuator shall include the motor, actuator unit gearing,
position switch gearing, local valve position indicator, provisions for manual operation,
and the specified number of torque and position switches. When the stem driving
mechanism of the valve is not utilized, the actuator shall include a stem nut for rising
stem valves or a bored and keyed drive sleeve for non-rising stem valves. Stem nuts
shall have a positive locking feature to prevent loosening during valve travel.

B. All operators and accessories, except remote operators, shall be securely shop mounted
on the valves and shall be properly adjusted prior to shipment. Air supply and signal
tubing shall be shop mounted, provided integral with the valves, and shall be copper or
stainless steel tubing of not less than 0.035-inch wall thickness. Plastic tubing is not

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5.4. Dew Point – Water Bath Heater

A. The water bath heater shall be sized for 100% of the design gas flow to the Barrick
Station. The heater shall be supplied with all necessary auxiliaries, including exhaust
stack and stack support structure.

B. The water bath heater shall maintain a gas temperature of 5 deg C downstream of the
pressure regulating skid, at the Barrick Station Tie-point.

C. The water bath heater shall consist of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger that will utilize hot
water generated from gas fired burner integral to the heater skid as its heating medium to
heat the gas.

D. Gas Side of the water bath heater shall be provided with a pressure safety valve sized for
pressure relief.

E. Water Side of the water bath heater shall be provided with a pressure safety valve sized
for both thermal relief and tube failure.

F. Outlet gas temperature from the water bath heater shall be controlled by a control system
supplied with the water bath heater. Control shall be achieved by modulating heat input
to the water bath heater via a control valve located on the fuel gas line to the burner. The
temperature control system shall provide the specified accuracy over full turndown range.

G. Water bath heater materials shall be carbon steel for any materials NOT coming in
contact with the gas, and 304 SS for all parts which DO come in contact with the gas.

H. Water bath heater installation shall include valved manual vents at the high points and
valved drains at the low points.

I. The water bath heater shall be provided with drain pots which can collect moisture which
may fall out of the gas stream, or from a tube leak. These drain pots shall be provided
with level switches which can initiate an alarm.

J. Piping configuration shall also include a manual bypass of the water bath heater which
shall contain one (1) full-bore bypass isolation valve and appropriate heater isolation
valves. The valve shall be rated at 600# ANSI, and be stainless steel. Insulation pack
shall be added to prevent galvanic corrosion across valve.

K. The stack shall be properly designed for all conditions and all loads and effects to which it
may be subjected from gases, temperature variations, corrosion, wind, earthquake, dead
and live loads, reaction forces, and system vibration effects. Dynamic wind effects shall
also be investigated and included in the design. Any gaskets used shall be designed for
operating conditions.

L. The exhaust stack shall be designed and fabricated in accordance with AISC and IBC
2000 codes and with ASME STS-1-2000.

M. The stack shall be insulated and lagged for personnel protection in those areas where
personnel access may be required during operation and testing.

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N. Stack shall be provided with rain cap or other provisions to prevent rain water intrusion.

O. Stack shall be designed to prevent exhaust gas from getting trapped in dead legs or other

P. Expansion Reservoir

P.1. Water bath heater shall be furnished with thermal expansion reservoir bolted to top of
water bath shell.

P.2. Reservoir shall be rated for the same design conditions as water bath shell.

P.3. Expansion reservoir will be fitted with relief valve to protect reservoir and shell from

5.5. Block Valve Station

Except at the Andres facility, BVS0 (0+000), block valve station valves shall be enclosed on
concrete housing with adequate ventilation for the purpose. Typical construction of station
valves houses and layout are shown on Appendix E.

Each station valve housing shall have a security guard room.

5.5.1. Block valve and Pig Launcher Station (BVS0) K0+000

At the Andres facility tie-point, K0+000, there shall be a Launcher station (as shown in
Appendix A) consisting of:

• Electrical isolation in and out,

• Full-port block cut ball valve with actuator,

• By-pass with a globe valve,

• Launcher, loading system, and truck access for pig device that permits launch of cleaning
and inspection devices.

• Skid mounted ultrasonic four-path, z type flow meter, pressure and temperature

• RTU communication panel (see Appendix D for reference)

5.5.2. Block Valve Station

Block Valve Station at the locations depicted in Appendix A will consist of:

• Full bored ball valve,

• Automatic and remote actuator,

• By-pass with plug valves,

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• Launcher for pig device that permit to launch intelligent tools.

• Measurements for gas pressure.

• Electrical isolation in and out,

• Natural gas operated Block cut ball valve with motor operator,

• By-pass with a globe valve

• Reduced tee derivation

• Dectronics Gas Detection System

• Fire detection system as per NFPA 59 and NFPA 72 requirements

• RTU communication panel (See appendix D for reference)

• Provisions to future expansion of gas pipeline

5.5.3. Barred Tee

• Provisions to future expansion of gas pipeline

• Electrical isolation in and out,

• Provisions for future expansion of the RTU communication system (see Appendix D for

• see Appendix E2 for configuration

5.5.4. Barrick Station

At the end point of the gas pipeline there will be a Block Valve station and a Pig Receiver
Station consisting of:

• Electrical isolation in and out,

• Receiver of pigs device that permit to receive intelligent tools

• Skid mounted ultrasonic four-path, z type flow meters, pressure and temperature
transmitters and gas chromatograph sample lines.

• RTU communication panel (see Appendix D for reference).

• Gas chromatograph assembly with all appurentices necessary for custody rated gas
chromatography including but not limited to sampling lines, sample heating equipment,
calibration and carrier gas equipment, manifolds, valves, etc.

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• Flow computer assembly for custody metering.

• Gas Actuated Trip stop valve with closing time less than 1 second.

• Provisions to future expansion of gas pipeline.

• Dectronics Gas Detection System

• Tandem Pressure Regulating valves (2x100% and a startup line for low flow)

• Chromatograph

• Water Bath – Dew Point Heater

• Fire and hazard detection system as per NFPA 59 and NFPA 72 requirements

• Phone communication (See appendix D for reference)

5.6. Inspection and Testing

The piping components (including valves), fabricated piping, and the installation of the piping
shall be tested and/or inspected in accordance with the applicable requirements of the
governing code(s), as set forth herein and otherwise as follows:

• No material will be shipped until released by the Owner.


• All piping will be labeled with the material standard, grade, and heat number using low
stress stamping.

• Each heat of pipe will be supplied with 10" (0.254 m) extra length provided to the Owner
prior to shipping.

• The Owner will reserve the right to inspect the pipe prior to shipment. At that time, the
inspector will designate the location of the 10" extra length to be provided.

• The Owner will receive a 2 week notice of when the pipe will be complete to allow
planning for the inspector's visit.

• The Owner will have 2 weeks after the receipt of the 10" length to approve the shipment of
the material.

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• All castings will have the material standard, grade, and heat number cast on each part.

• Each casting will have an extra prolongation to be provided to the Owner.

• The Owner will have 2 weeks to approve the casting for use. Any processing of the
casting prior to approval will be done at the supplier's risk.

• The Owner will reserve the right to inspect the casting, including witnessing any required

• The Owner will receive a 2 week notice of when the casting will be complete to allow
planning for the inspector's visit.

• Wrought Material such as forgings and bar stock:

• Each heat of wrought material will be supplied with sufficient extra length, for a standard
tensile test, provided to the Owner prior to shipping.

• The Owner will have 2 weeks to approve the casting for use. Any processing of the
casting prior to approval will be done at the supplier's risk.


The Owner will reserve the right to inspect the completed valves, including witnessing any
required inspections.

The Owner will receive a 2 week notice of when the valves will be complete to allow planning
for the inspector's visit.

The Owner will reserve the right to sample one fastener from each valve for mechanical
testing. Extra fasteners will be provided to accommodate this requirement.

Prior to initial operation, Contractor shall perform a leak test on each part of the system
erected by him in accordance with the requirements of the following, unless otherwise
indicated herein.

Vents and drains operating at atmospheric conditions do not require hydrostatic test.

5.6.1. Testing

Nondestructive Testing (NDE) shall be performed for the entire pipeline according to ANSI
B31.8 Location Class classification, ASME Section V, and API 1104. Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
or Radiographic Testing (RT) shall be performed for the volumetric examination of all welds.
Percentage of weld checks shall be per ASME B31.8 Section 8.26.3.

The Owner reserves the right to require the Contractor to remove a production weld from the
pipeline whose integrity may be in question. Tested welds that do not meet the Contract
requirements shall be repaired or replaced at the Contractor’s expense.

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5.6.2. Holiday Testing

Before lowering the pipe string, a Holiday Detection process shall be conducted to assure the
pipe coat integrity. All defects shall be corrected.

Additional equipment shall be available to check the quality and thickness of paint applied on
pipe stations equipment and other metallic surfaces.

5.6.3. Hydrostatic Testing

Appropriated hydrostatic testing procedure shall be done according to ASME B31.8 and API
1110 Standards, based on mechanical design. The test pressure to be held for 2 hours, with
the pressure being measured at the highest elevation of the system.

The hydrostatic test medium should be sufficiently clean so that no sediment or residue
remains in the pipe. The hydro test water should not contain any chemicals or oils that would
be corrosive or harmful to the pipe material or that could contaminate the gas that will be
carried by the pipe.

The testing equipment shall have calibration certificates and their corresponding pressure
and temperature range and accuracy. Pressure and temperature during the test shall be
recorded in paper and these reports will be signed by the Owner and Contractor

Written test procedures shall be established for commissioning. Procedures shall consider
the characteristics of the gas to be transported, the need to isolate the pipeline from other
connected facilities. Test procedure, devices, and fluids shall be selected to ensure that
nothing is introduced into the pipeline system that will be incompatible with the gas to be
transported, or with the materials in the pipeline components.

5.6.4. Pipe Drying

The procedure for pipe drying shall determine the appropriate methodology, equipment and
supplies needed for it. The procedure shall include disposal of hydrostatic test water,
according to environment protection standards. The pipe drying and dewatering procedure
shall be approved by the Owner.

All the materials, equipment, instruments and accessories required for the hydrostatic test,
cleaning and drying shall be provided by Contractor, including test headstocks, compressors,
filters, dryers, etc. The gas pipeline drying shall be carried out through scraper “polypig”,
foam and elastomer operation, including blowing dehumidified air through the pipe until the
pipe is confirmed dry according to rule API 1110.

Following blowdown and draining of water, Contract shall dry the piping system. Drying shall
be accomplished with heated air or other industrial means suited to the application. Target
dew point is ≤ - 4°F (-20°C) confirmed using a calibrated dew-point meter.

Backfilling of piping buried in the earth may be done, prior to leak testing, at Contractor risk;
in such cases where leaks are detected by excessive drop in test pressure, by visual
examination, or by any other means, the associated area shall be re-excavated, the leaks

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repaired, and the pipe coating repaired and holiday tested..

Encasement of piping in concrete, if required in certain areas, shall not be done prior to leak
testing, unless accepted by the AES representative.

Test Pressures and Temperature shall be as set forth in ASME B31.8

Upon completion of hydrostatic testing, Contractor shall submit a certified report of all test
results to the Owner for the Owner’s permanent record. Report shall include a record of
deadweight (pressure) gauge readings, recording charts, stroke plotting graph, if required,
instrument calibration certificates and other data pertinent to the test.

5.6.5. Temporary Field Testing Facilities and Services:

A. Contractor shall furnish, install, and remove blind flanges, pipe plugs, caps, spools, etc.,
and make all temporary connections necessary for field test by Contractor.

B. Contractor shall disconnect and reconnect assemblies where it is necessary for tests by
Contractor. Equipment with pressure limitations lower than the test pressure to be used
and instruments shall be protected by Contractor against any damaging effects of
hydrostatic and pneumatic tests.

C. Contractor shall furnish hand or power driven pumps and all other necessary equipment,
including heaters and piping connections and valves from the source of test medium, for
making field tests.

D. Contractor shall fill the systems and equipment that is to be hydro tested with water.
After testing is completed, Contractor shall drain the water and dispose of it in
accordance with all federal, state and local regulations.

E. In conjunction with leak testing of the piping, Contractor shall do all leak testing of
associated safety and relief valves required for the leak testing and shall remove testing
equipment at the completion of the testing.

F. All tests shall be made under the direction and supervision of Owner or their authorized
representatives, and the Work must in all cases be proven tight to their satisfaction.

G. Documentation and test reports shall be in accordance with the governing code and the

H. Contractor shall submit a complete report to Owner covering the test results and his/her
inspector's interpretation of test findings and their disposition.

I. Each test report shall include data identifying each system (or portion thereof), test
method, test number, date of test, Contractor name, contract number, AES Andres name,
and project and block valve station identification.

J. Contractor shall remedy all leaks in the piping and appurtenances erected by Contractor
that may develop during testing and initial operation and shall retain the necessary field
crew on the project after the main erection work is completed to perform, at no addition to
the Owner.

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5.6.6. Protection of Equipment

Materials shall be handled, stored, preserved and protected in a manner that will prevent
damage and entry of foreign material and moisture. Materials shall be stored above grade.

Contractor shall, at the end of each working day, ensure that all-remaining openings in
equipment erected by this Contractor and all new openings made by this Contractor are
provided with temporary protectors.

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6.1. Electrical Equipment

All installed equipment shall be provided in accordance with the standards referred to in this
specification and shall be certified for installation in the hazardous area classifications
defined. Certification shall be by either UL or a recognized certifying authority.

In order to demonstrate that all electrical equipment is adequately rated, Contractor shall
provide Load Schedules, Ampacity Calculations, Voltage Drop Calculations, Lighting
Calculations and any other relevant calculations.

6.2. Electrical Power System Design

The system design shall be such to ensure continuous pipeline operations for varying loading
conditions. The design shall cater for equipment maintenance and integrity of supply during
maintenance periods. Power metering shall be included in the scope of work when power is
provided form a local power source.

The main source of power at each Block Valve Station is solar. Secondary power is provided
from local power line for the Block valve Stations noted below:

BLOCK VALVE / Overhead Power

BARRED TEE Line Available
Existing Flange, Metering and
BVS0 K0+000
Launcher Station
BVS1 K4+600 Yes
BVS2 K10+000 Yes
BVS3 K16+400 Yes
Intermediary Block Valve
BVS4 K22+500 Yes
BVS5 K29+000 Yes
BVS6 K36+000 No
BVS7 K43+500 No
BT1 K44+900 No
Barred Tee
BT2 K47+100 No
Receiver Station BVS8 K48+394 Yes

The Contractor shall be responsible for designing, furnishing, and installing a new
Photovoltaic System (PV) in accordance with IEEE standards (including solar panels,
batteries, charger, DC distribution panel, inverter, AC distribution panel. etc.). The PV
system will provide power for the new loads (RTU, solenoids, flow transmitters, lighting) as
required for the proper operation of all system components.

The voltage supply requirements for the electrical equipment shall be distributed via
distribution boards, step down transformers and UPS systems as appropriate and via the
cable network to the various items of electrical plant. The voltage levels shall be:

Electric drivers, 220V 60Hz, 1 pH

Lighting & small power, 220V, 60 Hz, 1 pH

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Control Voltage: 24 V dc

During a station Emergency Shutdown (ESD) condition all electrical power to hazardous
areas shall be shut off. Critical and emergency circuits shall be maintained to achieve safe
shutdown and evacuation.

6.3. Protection of Equipment

Materials shall be handled, stored, and protected in a manner that will prevent damage and
entry of foreign material and moisture. Materials shall be stored above grade.

Contractor shall, at the end of each working day, ensure that all-remaining openings in
equipment erected by this Contractor and all new openings made by this Contractor are
provided with temporary protectors.

6.4. Distribution Panels

Distribution panels to be provided for the distribution of power for lighting, low voltage (small)
power and auxiliary equipment.

6.5. UPS Systems

A. UPS systems shall be dual on-line with autonomy of sixteen (16) hour and a rating of
125% of the power demand. They shall consist of battery chargers, sealed battery sets,
inverters and by-pass as applicable and shall be provided for the distribution of secure
supplies for system back-up.

B. Where DC Power Supply units are employed they shall be single system with autonomy
of sixteen (16) hours and a rating of 125% of the power demand. They shall consist of
battery chargers and sealed battery sets. At Block Valve Stations, batteries shall be solar
powered and sized in accordance with IEEE 1013.

C. All assemblies shall be furnished completely wired. With the exception of control and AC
power buses, all other alarm and control wiring for extension to remote equipment or for
interconnection between compartments shall terminate at terminal blocks.

D. The batteries used must be capable of sustained operation in a warm, tropical climate
and must be sized to deliver at least five (5) year service while maintaining optimum
service life during this period. The sizing of the batteries should consider ageing factor
(20%) and a temperature correction factor based on the contractors final design.
Batteries should not require routine maintenance during their five (5) year service life.

E. Nominal battery and system operating voltage shall be 24 volts DC (or as defined by
Contractor for most cost effective solution).

F. The size of the battery should be at least enough to supply power to all the loads for
sixteen (16) hours from fully charged state while receiving no additional charge from the

G. The system must include battery charge control to protect the batteries from overcharge
and over discharge, with appropriate control set points for the type of battery used.

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H. Maximum allowable depth of discharge should be no more than 80 percent of the

nominal battery capacity for the given discharge rates.

I. Battery enclosure should be designed to minimize large temperature variations of the

battery. Battery subsystem design and location should minimize the risk of vandalism,
theft and personal injury and be reasonable accessible to maintenance and service

J. Charge controller is required and the voltage set points must be properly matched with

K. Battery charge voltage temperature compensation must be provided as part of the charge
controller, either on board or via an external probe.

L. Voltage drop in array DC source circuits should be limited to no more than five (5)
percent, including losses in conductors and through all fuses blocking diodes and
termination points. Special attention should be paid to voltage drop between the inverter
and battery subsystem. Maximum distance between the inverter/charger and battery shall
be no more than eight (8) feet.

M. A factory test report (FAT) of the battery shall be provided confirming output capacity.
This report should be in line with routine testing outlined in IEEE standards.

6.6. Grounding System

A. The grounding system shall be designed to ensure safe and secure operation of the
equipment by limiting the potential between current-carrying conductors forming part of
the system and to ensure safe step and touch potential of personnel.

B. The module frame, panel/array support structures, metal enclosures, panel board should
be provided with connections for bonding to a common grounding conductor

6.7. Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)

A. A new Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) shall be furnished and installed by Contractor at
each Block Valve Station and Meter station. All RTUs shall be integrated in the new
Emerson Ovation DCS system for the Eastern Gas Pipeline.. See Appendix D1 “AES
Andres-DPP pipeline RTU communication system” and Appendix D2 “RTU
Communication Overivew” for reference.

6.8. Cable

A. Contractor shall furnish, install, and terminate all cable required for the project.

6.9. Conduit

A. Contractor shall furnish and install embedded conduits in accordance with this
Specification. Exposed conduits will be used for routing cables from embedded conduits
to the terminal equipment. These exposed conduits will be designed, sized, located and
furnished by Contractor.

B. Junction boxes and pull boxes (sized by Contractor) will be of materials described in the

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site specific requirements. Junction boxes and pull boxes shall be supplied by
Contractor. Junction boxes shall have hinged covers. Conduit connections to equipment
having high vibration or thermal expansion are to be made by means of plastic jacketed
(e.g., “Liquid-tight” or “Seal-tight”) flexible conduit with a maximum length of three feet.
Where flexible conduit is used, ground jumpers are to be provided. For PVC conduits (for
lighting system only) a ground conductor shall be furnished and installed in the conduits
by Contractor.

6.10. Photovoltaically Charged Lighting System

A. A photovoltaic lighting system shall provide illumination for the outdoor block station
areas. All indoor lighting shall be powered from local power supply/PV panels. Contractor
shall furnish and install a complete lighting system (wire, panels, fixtures, etc.)

B. Lamps, ballasts and fixtures must be suitable for outdoor hazardous application in a
condensing, corrosive climate. Lamps and ballast lifetimes must meet at a minimum the
required five (5) year service life.

C. The lighting system shall meet or exceed ASCE Standard 7-05 specifications for 150
mph, Exposure D extreme wind event.

6.11. Lightning Protection System

A. Contractor shall perform a lightning risk assessment to determine if a lightning system will
be required. The risk assessment, lightning protection design and installation shall be in
accordance with NFPA-780, LPI-175, UL 96A and local applicable standards. Non-
Conventional Lightning Protection Systems such as Early Streamer Emission System,
Dissipation Array System, and Charge Transfer System are not allowed for this project.

6.12. Communication Systems

A. Contractor shall furnish and install the new communication equipment which
interconnects the Barrick Power Station, Barrick Block Valve Station and the control
rooms at AES Andres. Communication system controls shall be permanently installed at
the AES Andres facility.

B. A communication system having a phone available to contact AES Andres control room
and the Contractor control room during installation shall also be provided.

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6.13. Cathodic Protection

A. The Cathodic protection system shall be of impressed current type.

B. The contract shall furnish and install rectifiers as required to protect the pipeline at the
various remote stations, taking power for the rectifier from the remote station power

C. The Contractor shall perform site specific soil survey on each segment of the pipeline and
provide a Cathodic protection calculation indicating the recommended protection values
to be utilized based on the site specific data. These calculations and recommendations
should be in accordance with NACE standards.

D. The Contractor shall consider the need for any equipment for induced voltage mitigation
across isolated flanged joints.

E. The Contractor shall provide the most cost effective method to monitor the rectifier
system voltage/current remotely (as plant control room) for operations to monitor system
status. This may include sending singals via RTU or wireless solution.

6.14. Induction Study

A. Where the pipeline crosses under or is routed undernead transmission or distribution

lines the contractor shall evaluate for possible induction that may result and the
corresponding effects to personnel and equipment safety. The results of this study would
include the identification of impacts and mitigation requirements. The Contractor shall
include all migitation equipment/design in their scope of supply.

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7.1. General

A. Contractor shall furnish and install the instrumentation and controls per the reference
RTU Communication System configuration in Appendix D and the requirements of this

B. All instrumentation and systems shall be designed to provide safe and reliable operation
of equipment in accordance with all applicable codes and standards.

C. All instrumentation shall be heavy-duty industrial quality design with all materials of
construction suitable for the application. The manufacturers and models of the
instruments and accessories to be used shall be subject to approval by the Owner. All
instrument and control devices shall be suitable for service in outdoors areas. Enclosures
shall be rated for NEMA 4X, stainless steel.

D. Contractor shall furnish operator stations, and Ethernet network switches as required for
display monitoring and control from AES Andres Control room in configuration similar to
depicted in Appendix D drawings: exsiting Western Pipeline RTU Communication
Overview and preliminary RTU Communication Overivew. This equipment will be located
in AES Andres Control Room.

E. Contractor shall furnish and install fiber optic repeaters as required from the Barrick
Power Station to the AES Andres Control Room.

F. All control and Monitoring signals shown on the Process Flow Diagram, Appendix A shall
be connected to the remote terminal unit for communication to Andres Control Room for
Monitoring and Control. In addition, provision shall be made to add two additional Users,
as shown in the Process Flow Diagram, Appendix A

G. A preliminary RTU Communication Overview is included in Attachment D2.

7.2. Controls and SCADA Requirements

The pipeline system shall be equipped with a SCADA and Gas Control System to provide the
operator with pipeline operation data in a continuous manner to the Control Room at AES

This shall include historical dispatch data storage and retrieval, and communications
equipment. Emergency block valve operation for the pipeline shall be operated manually by
staff at the AES Andres Facility control room or locally as required by the emergency
condition. All communications, data acquisition, software and control system configuration
shall be compatible with the existing systems, and the Contractor shall engineer all tie-ins. All
of these systems need to be compatible with our existing systems; any upgrades or changes
necessary in existing facilities need to be included as part of this project. The scheme shall
be submitted for Owner’s review and approval.

The RTUs shall be designed to interface with the new Emerson Ovation DCS for the Eastern
Gas Pipeline, including instrumentation and controls tubing and wiring to headers and
terminal blocks. See Appendix D for sample RTU communication system scheme including
preliminary drawing for Eastern Gas Pipeline.

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The new DCS shall be located in the AES Andres Power Station Control Room including the
Operator Station for the Eastern Gas Pipeline. The RTUs shall be connected to the new DCS
via communication link and wirelessly as backup link..

Contractor shall furnish, install and configure separate Distributed Control System (DCS) as
manufactured by Emerson Ovation System. The new DCS shall be for the Eastern Gas
Pipeline. The DCS shall include redundant control processors, input/output cabinets,
complete communication system, monitors, network switches, patch panels for fiber optic
cable and SCADA interface. The new DCS shall have redundant power feeds. The new
cabinets may be located in the Andres Control Room or in Electrical Equipment Room. The
display monitors and operator station shall be located in the Andres Control Room.

An estimated Barrick Power Station Eastern Gas Pipeline RTU I/O count is provided in
Appendix D3 for bidding puproses only. Contractor shall be responsible for the final I/O count
based on the final detailed design. Contractor shall provide final DCS I/O list for DCS
programing purpose.

The SCADA system shall have the ability to provide:

• Historical data,

• Alarms report,

• Events report,

• Displays with process variables in real time,

• Safety process or logging

The SCADA system shall have:

• Six (6) displays

• Two (2) historical data sheet

• Six (6) alarms by exception

• Six (6) operative alarms

• Thirty (30) days of trended data

The system in every remote site will allow the following process variables to be accessed in
real time:

• Pressure (upstream and downstream pressure at Block Valve Stations)

• Temperature (downstream of flow meters)

• Rate of flow (at BVS8)

• Today volume (at BVS8)

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• Yesterday volume (at BVS8)

• State, Close or Open, of block valves and pressure regulators and trip stop valves

• Chromatography data (to be communicated from BVS8 to Barrick Power Plant)

• Voltage of power supply system at Block Valve and Metering and Regulating Stations

• Rectifier ON or OFF state (only in rectifiers)

• Rectified output voltage/current (for system monitoring)

• Additional parameters for use of solar panels.

The above listed items are for one gas user. The system shall be designed to have provisions
for addition of two additional gas users in the future.

7.3. Flow Meter Assemblies

Unless otherwise specified, design pressures and materials for accessories shall conform to
this Technical Specification for design pressures and materials for valves in the lines in which
the accessories are installed.

Contractor shall provide flow meters as specified herein. Appendix K “Ultrasonic flow meter”,
is provided for model reference. Contractor shall provide Emerson Daniel SeniorSonic four-
path Z type (direct path) Ultrasonic flowmeters. Contractor shall dimension the flow meter
skid as per the condition described in this specification and required by manufacturer for
custody metering applications, including straight pipe runs and instrument taps locations..

7.4. Gas Chomatograph

Contractor shall provide complete Gas Chromatograph assembly for complete gas analysis
for custody metering applications.

The Gas Chromatogarph shall be Emerson Daniel Danalyzer model 770XA. Contractor shall
provide complete system including design and engineering for the Barrick Meter Station. The
Gas Chromatograph installation shall include the following items:

• Stands, panels, etc for complete integrated system.

• Sampling lines with manifolds, valves, etc.

• Sample heating assembly.

• Calibration lines, valving, manifolds, calibration gas bottle and pressure transmitter
for monitoring purposes.

• Carrier Gas (helium) bottle, associated tubing, valving, manifolds and pressure
transmitter for monitoring puproses.

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7.5. Flow Computer

Contractor shall provide and install flow computer for custody metering applications. Flow
computer shall be installed at the Barrick Metering Station and shall interface with new DCS.
The flow computer shall be Emerson Daniel FlowBoss. Contractor shall verify AES existing
flow computer model number and provide identical device for Eastern Gas Pipeline. If there is
a direct replacement or a newer similar model is available it shall be provided.

7.6. Gas Operated Open/Close Valve

A. At the Barrick Station the Contractor shall supply open/close control valves (tandem
pressure regulating valves) with pilot solenoid valves with a minimum of one open and
one closed limit switch on the valve indicating actual open and close valve status. The
limit switches shall have a minimum of two (2) normally open and two (2) normally closed
electrically independent contacts. Magnetic proximity limit switches shall be supplied.

B. Pilot solenoids valve shall be supplied by Contractor as either single pilot solenoid valves
(Fail Open or Close) or dual pilot solenoid valves (Fail Last Position). Each gas operated
control valve shall be provided with filter regulator, consisting of a combination regulator,
filter, inlet and outlet pressure gauges, and relief valve shall be used at individual control
valves. Each control valve shall have its own filter regulator and individual shutoff valve.

C. In each block valve station a local control system will be installed which will close
automatically the ball valves in case of Low-Low or High High events of pressure or
pressure drop. Such automatic operation of these valves shall be conveyed to the AES
Andres control room through the SCADA system. To operate the actuators devices, gas
from the gas pipeline will be used. To open the valves, however, manual and local
operation is necessary.

D. The automatic operation of these block valves shall ensure that the AES Andres facility
will not trip and supply to other users is not disrupted. The operation scheme of the
isolation block valves shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Owner for review and

7.7. Fiber Optics

Fiber optic cable will be double jacket single armor loose tube type, singlemode fiber, with
twenty-four (24) fibers,suitable for underground installation. Installation procedure and testing
will be defined following the vendor’s recommendation. Fiber optics shall be installed buried
in the same pipeline trench.

7.8. Radio Links

Radio links for SCADA and communication systems shall be included as a backup of the fiber
optics connection.

7.9. Smart Monitoring and Security System

Contractor shall provide Smart Monitoring and Security system for the Eastern Gas Pipeline.
The system shall include fiber optic based perimeter intrusion detection system, movement
sensor(s) and security/surveillance camera(s) for each valve station. The system shall be
integrated into new SCADA system. The system shall be designed as complete package

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including all hardware and software. Contractor shall provide a separate breakout price for
this item.


8.1. General

Contractor shall design, furnish and install the following per the requirements described

A. Soil investigation work;

B. Site grading;

C. Earthwork;

D. Concrete work of the grade floor slab;

E. Masonry work;

F. Structural steel for pipe supports;

G. Buildings

8.2. Survey

Surveys shall be performed for topographical works during the design phase for detailed
selection of corridor and population density analysis, during construction for tube pre-bending
and bending and during pre-commissioning activities to produce “As Built” drawings.

All instruments and equipment employed in survey activities shall have certified calibration

Survey work shall be done in conjunction with the Dominican Republic national geodesic net.
The level of accuracy for this survey shall be the determined by specificities required by the

8.3. Prior Investigation

Prior to excavation, the Contractor shall make an investigation in the areas of Work to
determine the location of existing utilities and structures in relation to new Work.

Should undocumented or incorrectly documented piping, other utilities, or structures be

encountered during excavation, the Contractor shall notify the Owner of the location of
existing facilities whenever they affect the Work. Contractor shall be responsible for keeping
respective services and facilities in operation. Contractor shall coordinate physical
interferences with Owner, and utility owners and property owners as required to relocate
utilities as necessary for the installation of new Work. Contractor shall repair damaged
utilities, if applicable, to the satisfaction of Owner. Considering turn-key EPC nature of this

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Contract, such conditions are deemed to be included in Contractor’s scope of work under this

8.4. Signs and Barricades

The Contractor shall place and maintain adequate barricades, construction signs, warning
lights, and guards as required at all times during the progress of the Work to protect persons
from injury and avoid property damage.

All material piles, equipment, and pipe which may serve as obstructions to traffic shall be
enclosed by fences or barricades and shall be protected by proper warning lights when
visibility is poor.

The rules and regulations of OSHA and appropriate authorities with respect to safety
provisions shall be observed and followed.

8.5. Protection of Property, Structures and Drainage Facilities

Trees, shrubbery, fences, poles, curbs and other property and surface structures shall be
protected during construction unless their removal for purposes of construction is required.

Contractor shall submit for approval to the Owner in writing if any of the above conditions
require removal, and shall obtain written acceptance of such removal prior to proceeding with
the Work.

Any fences, poles, and man-made surface improvements which are moved or disturbed by
the Contractor shall be restored to the original conditions, after construction of such section is
complete, at the Contractor's expense, and at no additional cost to Owner.

Any trees, shrubbery, and other vegetation which are approved in writing by Owner for
removal in order to facilitate construction shall be removed completely, including stumps and

Contractor shall dispose of demolished items in a legal manner that is acceptable to Owner.
Contractor shall be responsible for locating the area for disposal of demolished items,
earthwork, debris, etc. and obtaining necessary permits for the same.

Temporary support, adequate protection and maintenance of all underground and surface
structures, drains, sewers and other obstructions encountered in the progress of the Work
shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor. Any structures which may have been
disturbed shall be restored by the Contractor at the completion of the Work at its expense,
and at no additional cost to Owner.

If, in the course of construction, it may be necessary to block a ditch, pipe or other drainage
facility, temporary pipes, ditches or other drainage facilities shall be installed to maintain
adequate drainage, as approved in writing by Owner. Upon completion of the Work, the
temporary facilities shall be removed and the permanent facilities restored. Soil erosion
control methods shall be used to protect ditches and other drainage facilities during
construction and restoration Work.

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8.6. Surface Removal

The Contractor shall remove the surface materials only to such widths as will allow a trench
to be excavated and which will afford sufficient space for proper execution of the Work.

Where concrete pavement, sidewalk, asphalt pavement, curbing, or curbing and gutter is
removed, the width of the removal shall exceed the actual width at the top of the trench by
not more than three hundred millimeters (300 mm) on each side of the trench, or a total of six
hundred millimeters (600 mm) wider than the trench.

The dimensions of pavement removed for large appurtenant structures such as manholes or
vaults shall not exceed the dimensions of the opening required by more than three hundred
millimeters (300 mm) in any direction.

Concrete pavement shall be removed to neatly sawed edges. Saw cuts shall be made to a
minimum depth of forty millimeters (40 mm). If a saw cut falls within nine hundred millimeters
(900 mm) of an existing construction joint, cold joint, expansion joint, or edge, the concrete
shall be removed to the joint or edge. The edges of existing concrete pavement adjacent to
trenches, where damaged subsequent to saw cutting, shall again be saw cut to neat straight
lines for the purpose of removing the damaged pavement areas. Such saw cuts shall be
parallel to the original saw cuts or shall be cut on an angle which departs from the original
saw cut not more than twenty-five millimeters (25 mm) every one hundred-fifty millimeters
(150 mm).

Concrete sidewalks or driveways to be removed shall be neatly sawed in straight lines either
parallel to the curb or at right angles to the alignment of the sidewalk. No section to be
replaced shall be less than seven hundred-sixty millimeters (760 mm) in length or width.
Curb and gutter shall be sawed to a depth of not less than forty millimeters (40 mm) on a neat
line at right angles to the curb face.

Bituminous pavement shall be removed to neat straight lines by saw cutting. Saw cuts shall
be made a minimum depth of one hundred millimeters (100 mm) or the thickness of the
pavement, whichever is less. The edges of the existing pavement adjacent to trenches,
where damaged subsequent to saw cutting, shall again be saw cut to neat straight lines for
the purpose of removing damaged pavement areas.

Care shall be taken to protect against fracture and disturbance of pavement beyond
reasonable working limits.

Topsoil suitable for surface restoration and landscaping shall be stockpiled separately in a
location specified by the Contractor and preserved for later use, at the Contractor’s expense,
and at no additional cost to Owner. Contractor shall protect temporary stockpiles from
fugitive dust and sediment erosion by using appropriate erosion control devices and
employing best management practices.

8.7. Restoration of Surfaces

The Contractor shall restore the surfaces within the extent of Work, and include construction
of new surfaces to replace the surfaces damaged as part of a utility installation, to like-new
conditions with surfacing materials matching pre-construction conditions. Restoration work
shall be performed to the satisfaction of the Owner. This restoration work includes

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replacement of road sections where the right of way along the highway did not provide
adequate space for pipe installation.

8.8. Trenching, Lowering and Backfill

The ditch shall be dug with trenchers and excavators. This activity shall begin at the earliest
possible time in order to avoid the risk of delays in construction and mechanical failures of
excavating equipment.

If hard rock exists at the bottom of the ditch that can affect the pipe coat, pipe shall be
padded with a soft material like sand.

After lowering the pipe, a padding soft material, such as sand, shall be issued to cover up to
twenty centimeters (0.20 meters) on top of the pipe, assuring there shall not be any damage
to the FBE coat. The rest of the ditch shall be back-filled and compacted with material
removed at the time of excavation with the same equipment used during the pipeline
construction. Contractor shall take this into account and evaluate another option to get proper
back-filling material in case material removed has not adequate hardness for back filling.
Over the padding, a gas pipeline warning safety tape shall be placed as well as below any
communication fiber optic wire.

See typical trench design on Appendix K.

8.9. Installation

Prior to performing any Work, in any part of the Gas Pipeline project, and prior to any
excavation in the area of Work, the Contractor shall make a thorough field check at the job
Site and otherwise for the purposes of verifying existing conditions that may affect the Work,
such as possible errors in work done by others, and dimensions and other matters relating to
the interconnections of the Work with the work of others. The Contractor’s Work shall include
a thorough investigation of the potential interferences and difficulties that it may encounter in
the proper and complete execution of the Work, including the field location and identification
of underground or embedded utilities within and adjacent to the limits of the construction.

The Contractor further acknowledges that it has satisfied itself as to the character, quality,
and quantity of surface and subsurface materials and obstacles, including underground or
embedded utilities, to be encountered insofar as this information is reasonably ascertainable
from an inspection of the site (including field location and identification of the underground or
embedded utilities) and/or is generally expected in the populated area/roadways of this
nature and all exploratory work done by Owner, as well as from information presented by the
drawings and specifications made a part of this contract, the character and extent of existing
work thereto, and any other work being performed thereon at the time of the submission of
bids. Notwithstanding, what is stated above, Contractor acknowledges and confirms that it
may not be possible to ascertain all underground or embedded utilities, by way of inspection
and there may be certain amount of unforeseen underground/embedded/over ground
utilities/structures for which enough contingency has been kept in the Contract Price and
Project Schedule.

Should the Contractor fail to perform any of the obligations set forth above, Contractor’s later
plea of ignorance of existing or foreseeable conditions which create difficulties or hindrances
in the execution of the Work will not be considered as an excuse for any failure on the part of
the Contractor to fulfill in every detail the requirements of the Technical Specification, the

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drawings and Contract, nor will such a plea be acceptable as the basis of a claim for
additional compensation.

During installation the Contractor shall maintain a 2 foot (600 mm) "design" clearance with a
12 inch (300 mm) absolute minimum clearance for all underground structures and utilities.
The Contractor shall maintain a 4 foot (1200 mm) clearance from existing water lines.

8.10. Inspection

Civil work design specifications such as concrete, steel and other materials to be used,
should include, but shall not be limited to the corresponding codes referred.

8.11. Access

Contractor shall provide sufficient clearances for access to equipment, valves, etc., for
maintenance, operation, and inspection when designing the new masonry walls and
foundation. Minimum walkways shall be 1 meter wide.

Existing maintenance and access aisles shall not be blocked temporarily or permanently by
Contractor Work unless an alternate means of access is provided by Contractor and
approved by Owner. This includes both inside the valve station and exterior to it, as well as
general site access.

8.12. Means of Egress

Contractor shall provide additional security door for a secondary means of egress. Proposed
door location is shown on the Design Drawings. Egress door shall be designed to match the
existing door shown in reference drawing 51015-03-005. Contractor shall refer to Chapter 7
(Means of Egress) in NFPA 101 – Life Safety Code and any local codes, if more stringent, in
designing and locating additional door for means of egress.

8.13. Buildings

Structural works at the Block Valve Stations shall include masonry buildings with cast
concrete roof suitable for PV solar panel installation and full roof access via caged, interior
building ladder. Refer to Appendix E for a typical block valve station building.

Soil shall be improved if it is necessary as a result of soil studies. Walls shall be of masonry
and paint. Natural and forced ventilation shall be utilized to ensure a safe operating
environment within the building, utilizing the number of air changes per hour required by
NFPA to manage flange or connection leakage points.

Natural lighting and interior LED lighting systems shall be provided, suitable for service within
the area classification to illuminate the interior and exterior of the valve station. The lighting
systems shall be backed up by the PV solar system and include 8 hours of illumination and
backup power for the valve station.

Interior and exterior security systems, including video, fire and gas detectors shall be
included within the building design. An elevated guard station shall be included outside of the
valve station with an elevation and/or catwalks across the building roofline to provide
unobstructed viewing of the area around the valve station. The guard station shall include a
primary wired communication and a backup radio communication system, a power outlet for

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security accessories, lighting, a weather proof viewing station, and sufficient space for two
security guards (one active, and one standby).

A double door, suitable for flatbed truck access, shall be provided with suitable valve station
entry from the nearby road. All doors shall be cold rolled steel. Interior surfaces of buildings
shall be cast concrete with suitable openings for piping stub-ups. The valve station building
shall be weatherproof and hardened in a manner to prevent intrusion, theft, or operation of
any station control systems by unauthorized users. Areas around the station shall include
sufficient gravel road access, drainage, and parking space for two (2) guards and (2)
maintenance trucks.

To improve the security of the installations against vandalism in those stations located
outside of property of the Owner or its clients, the height of building walls shall be six meters
(6 m) high with razor-wire barriers at the roof line.

Contractor shall provide additional security door for a secondary means of egress. Proposed
door location is shown on the Design Drawings. Egress door shall be designed to match the
existing door shown in reference drawing 51015-03-005. Contractor shall refer to Chapter 7
(Means of Egress) in NFPA 101 – Life Safety Code and any local codes, if more stringent, in
designing and locating additional door for means of egress.

8.14. Block Valve Station Access

The location of the Block Valve Stations are depicted in Appendix B. Contractor shall provide
an access road to each block valve station off the nearest road. Depending on the Block
Valve Station Site orientation relative to the service road, the Block Valve Station will either
be oriented parallel or perpendicular to the service road. Configurations where the Block
Valve Station is parallel to the service road are annotated with “A” in the table below, and
Block Valve Stations that are perpendicular to the service road are annotated with “B”. A
turnoff with a service road (distance shown in the Table below) shall be provided for the Block
Valve Stations that are not adjacent to the main road.

BLOCK VALVE / Orientation
Access Road Property distance
BARRED TEE (Refer to Appendix E1)
from Road (m)
Existing Flange,
Metering and BVS0 NA NA NA
Launcher Station
BVS1 A Shoulder NA
BVS2 A Turn-off 25
BVS3 A or B Existing Shoulder NA
Intermediary Block
BVS4 B Shoulder NA
Valve Stations
BVS5 B Turn-off 20
BVS6 B Shoulder NA
BVS7 A or B Turn-off 20
Receiver Station BVS8 Refer to Appendix E3 NA NA

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Appendix A1: Conceptual Process Flow Diagram – Provided for Reference

APPENDIX B – ROUTE DESCRIPTION – Provided for Reference

Appendix B1: Eastern Pipeline Route Description
Appendix B2: Google Earth KMZ file
Appendix B3: Pipeline General Layout
Appendix B4: Pipeline Layout Image


APPENDIX D – RTU Communications – Provided for Reference

Appendix D1: Existing AES Andres RTU Communication system
Appendix D2: Reference Communication System Diagram
Appendix D3: Estimated I/O Count

Appendix E1: Eastern Gas Pipeline Block Valve Station Configuration
Appendix E2: Eastern Gas Pipeline Barred Tee Configuration
Appendix E3: Gas Yard Arrangement
Appendix E4: Existing Station Valve layout

APPENDIX F - Typical Trench Detail – Provided for Reference

APPENDIX G - Location Class Determination - For Reference

APPENDIX H – Piping and Valve Design Requirements – Provided for Reference

APPENDIX I - Original AES Andres P&ID – Provided for Reference

APPENDIX J - Master Document List

APPENDIX K - Typical Daniel ultrasonic meter – Provided for Reference


APPENDIX M – Regulations and Excavation on Public Works


APPENDIX O - Performance Guarantees and Acceptance Test Program

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