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Club President & Vice President

Rotaract Club President & Vice President Tutorial

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… 2
2. The role of the President ………………………………………………………. 2
3. Responsibilities before taking office ……….…………………………………. 3
4. Responsibilities in office ……………………………………………………….. 4
5. The role of the vice president …………………………………………………. 5
6. Rotary Information ……………………………………………………………... 6

1. Introduction
This guide has been produced by Rtr. Nael El Menshawy, After Reading, Editing, Adding, Simplifying
and Collecting a lot of data from RI and different Resources to provide advice on being a Rotaract
Club President & Vice President.

This pack is not a definitive guide to being a Club President / Vice President and you should always
work closely with your predecessor.

2. The role of the President “Family Leader”

A good leader is prepared, delegates authority, has the ability to get things done, and makes
people feel appreciated. As the club leader, the president helps members develop as leaders
and works to ensure that the club's professional and leadership development activities and
community and international service projects are successfully promoted and completed. And
always remember A Good Leader Builds A New Leaders For The Future.
The president must be committed to the aims and purposes of his/her Rotaract club and
system, must be respected and admired by peers and the community.
Under the leadership of the Rotaract club president, club members plan professional
development activities, leadership training, community and international service projects,
fundraisers, and social events.

The President’s primary responsibility is to Build Leaders for the Future and Keep the Family in
a Strong Bond. Responsibilities include:
 Identifies members' skills and interests and puts them to work in club projects

 Maintains club operations, delegating responsibilities and establishing meeting


 Develops a plan for the year as early as possible.

 Presides over all meetings of the club and its board of directors (following
parliamentary procedure may help to keep discussion relevant).
 Appoints all standing and special committees, with board approval, and follows up on
committee progress with the help of the vice president.

The President also responsible for maintaining regular communication with:

 Sponsoring Rotary club through joint activities and meetings or even attending Rotary
Club Meetings.

 District Rotaract representative through club participation in district activities and


 Rotary International through participation in the Rotaract Preconvention Meeting,

annual reporting & Working on The Rotaract Presidential Citation.

To help facilitate communication, the above groups should also receive the club's bulletin or
newsletter featuring the outstanding Rotaract club projects or activities. Try always to be
updated and join Rotary Ideas & Rotary Showcase.

3. Responsibilities before taking office include:

 Study the Rotaract Club By-Law.

 Meet with the incoming elected board of directors to put year plan of activities.

 Appoint all standing and special committees with board approval, and serve as an ex
officio member of all committees.

 Recommend and Run out elections for the club committee directors (Your
recommendation should be based on their experience), and discuss with the elected
directors about their choices for committee members.

 Communicate with the president of your sponsoring Rotary club, and your Rotary
Sponsor for your club.

 Meet with the past president and past board of directors to review the club’s records and
discuss its past & current activities.

 Decide which of the existing committees should be kept for the upcoming year, and
consider ideas for new committees.

 Learn more and be aware about Rotaract International, District events, Organizations &
Rotary Programs such as :

 World Rotaract Week

 Rotaract Global Model United Nations (Rotaract MUN)
 Rotaract Preconvention
 Rotary International Convention
 Interota
 Presidential Elect Training Seminar (PETs)
 District Training Seminar (DTS)
 Presidential Meeting (PM)
 Rotaract District Conference
 Rotaract District General Assembly
 Multi District Informational Organization (MDIO)
 Rotary Programs :-
A. Rotary Peace Fellowships (i.e Rotary Peace Centers)
B. Rotary Community Corps
C. Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)
D. Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE)
E. New Generations Service Exchange
F. Rotary Grants
G. Rotary Scholarships

4. Responsibilities in office include:

 Conduct effective meetings by preparing a detailed agenda with Club Board that
outlines what will be covered and for how long, allowing enough time for reports from
officers and committee members.

 Plan creative programs for club meetings well in advance, and arrange for speakers,
panel discussions, trips, and entertainment that appeal to a wide range of interests.

 Delegate responsibility to help other members develop their leadership skills and to
avoid getting overwhelmed with details. Always remember to be available for helping
them and be sure that they are on the right track.

 Identify members’ skills and interests, and put them in the right club projects.

 Be sure that the club’s activities and service projects are successfully promoted and
carried out. And that the club’s name is always in the picture in the best way.

 Pay attention to Membership Growth, Development & Retention, and maintain a

balance among age, gender & the right club’s Quality Group.

 Always be in touch with your Club Founder or the oldest club past presidents.

 Communicate and collaborate actively with the Rotarians and the District Rotaract
Committee (RDC).

Finally, keep in mind that you will be successful if you model the kind of behavior you want
from others. As a leader, your actions are highly visible to others. By planning ahead,
listening, organizing and keeping your commitments & Promises, you will inspire others to
do the same! And always remember a great leader builds good leaders for the future.
And always remember that we are here to learn through serving
community and most important By Having Fun!

5. The role of the Vice President “A Future Leader”

The club vice president can serve more effectively by understanding the year's goals, projects,
and activities, and being well versed in community and Rotary resources. To that end, it is
important that the club president and vice president work together as a team.

The vice president’s primary role is to support the president. Some clubs may choose to have
the incoming president serve as vice president before taking office. The vice presidency is not
an automatic stepping-stone to the presidency, but it provides excellent training for a future club

The Vice President’s Responsibilities Include:

 Preside over meetings when the president is absent.

 Serve as a member of the Club board of directors and as an ex-officio member of all

 Acts as the "officer at large," responsible for all assignments that are designated by the

 Work with the president to handle special assignments.

 Liaises with the district committees whenever required.

 Stay up-to-date on all the club’s goals and ongoing activities.

 Assists the president in ensuring the club meets any required deadlines.

 Communicate with the president of your sponsoring Rotary club, and your Rotary
Sponsor for your club.

The Vice-President is a key person in any effectively functioning organization. As a "Right Arm"
to the president, the Vice-President is the "doer" - the organizer, Coordinator and facilitator of all
committee and project work. The Vice-President speaks with the President regarding his/her
role, and confirms those duties that he/she is to perform.
A well-organized and responsible vice president is often the key to a successful Rotaract year.
The vice president can reduce the administrative load, allowing time for the president to develop
new and exciting club projects and activities.
The Vice-President shows responsibility for assisting in the operation of the Rotaract club. It is
important that you be as well informed as the President. You must be prepared to assume more
responsibility if needed.
It is important that you have specific duties as well.
A key task could be “Coordinator of Committees”:

 Meet with all Committee Heads.

 Keep a record of projects delegated to Committees and make sure by your help that
they write full reports about the club projects and handled to the club secretary.

 Sit with each Committee at their meetings.

 Keep a list of each Committee's Timeline and Plan.

If a Club Director finds any problems, the Vice-President can make suggestions, inform the
President, the Club Founder (or the oldest past president) , the Immediate Past President of the
problem, and participate in meetings called to solve problems.

6. Rotary Information

World Rotaract Week :-

Every Year Rotaractors and Rotarians around the world celebrate World Rotaract Week during
the week of 13 March to commemorate the founding of the first Rotaract Club, Rotaract Club of
Charlotte North Sponsored By Rotary Club of Charlotte North in Charlotte North Carolina,
United States in 1968. World Rotaract Week is a time for celebrating the success and
importance of the Rotaract Program. This is also an excellent opportunity to inform members of
your community about the amazing work that Rotaract clubs do, and give them an opportunity
to get involved.

Rotaract Global Model United Nations (Rotaract MUN) :-

Rotaract Global Model UN (or Rotaract MUN) started in 2013 when several young and
ambitions members from Rotaract Club Baia Mare Team gathered forces to achieve
something impossible to change the world by shaping the hearts and minds of others like
them. Their vision was to be embraced by many young leaders from around the world and a
mere dream became reality. In 2016 Rotaract MUN had the distinguished privilege to be
organized at the UN Headquarters in New York which is a testament of its success and
highlights the visionary ambitions of its founders. Rotaract MUN gives young people from
all over the world the chance to have their voices heard at the UN. Be a part of your (our)
future today!
Each edition of Rotaract MUN takes place in a different country and organized by a
different Rotaract Club.

General information About Rotaract MUN :-

Following the historical structure of the United Nations mechanism and its procedures,
Rotaract Global Model United Nations aims to bring young people’s solutions to global
problems to the attention of the UN. To achieve this dream, Rotaract Global Model
United Nations promotes excellence in education, professionalism in organization and
integrity in performance.

In general and depending on the body in which each participant decides to work,
different topics of international importance will be discussed and debated based on
strict rules of procedures which will be implemented by the Secretariat. Each participant
has the possibility to express the views and interests of the country he/she represents.
Therefore, besides accumulating strong knowledge of global issues, participants will also
master: the art of negotiation, public speaking using the official UN language and using
the procedural mechanisms set in motion by the UN.

Rotaract Global Model United Nations transcends from a mere simulation to an actual
youth decision-making process. It goes beyond a simple conference and ensure that the
outcomes of your discussions and debates are presented, edited and transmitted in a
clear and concise manner to the regional and international decision-making bodies (such
as EU and UN) and the world at large. Through this novel and innovative approach,
Rotaract Global Model United Nations brings a new vision to the MUN Network and to
the other conferences of this type.

Besides the chance to get trained as a young diplomat, Rotaract Global Model United
Nations grants you the opportunity to explore different cultures and test your
interpersonal and intercultural dialogue skills. Participants may come alone, but will
discover an ocean of possibilities in establishing friendships with other participants.
Rotaract Global Model United Nations is waiting for young enthusiastic, visionary and
self-motivated people to join their team!

By simulating the United Nations, we encourage knowledge of international
affairs, research, understanding of parliamentary procedures, analytical
reasoning, problem solving, professionalism in negotiation, oral and written
presentation of ideas, etc. By working together as a team, drawing from the
past and present, we are preparing youth for the future and we empower them
to be a part of decision making at all levels.

Rotaract Global Model United Nations transcends from a mere simulation to an

actual youth decision-making process. It goes beyond a simple conference and
ensure that the outcomes of your discussions and debates are presented, edited
and transmitted in a clear and concise manner to the regional and international
decision-making bodies (such the UN and EU) and the world at large. Through
this novel and innovative approach, Rotaract Global Model United Nations
brings a new vision to the MUN Network and to the other conferences of this
The mission is to promote and encourage awareness, understanding, tolerance
and acceptance of different people, cultures, beliefs and attitudes by organizing,
sponsoring and promoting Model United Nations conferences and other
international events. We believe that people’s involvement at all levels of
decision making (local, national and global) is essential in order to achieve the
goals of the United Nations.

Together we are building an international Youth Decision Making Body where

the voice of youth is heard worldwide.

Rotary in Action simulating the United Nations with the participation of young
professionals from around the globe. A true global family

Rotary International Convention:-

The Rotary International (RI) Convention is an annual event held in a different city around the
world each year. The purpose of these conventions is to bring members of the Rotary family
together from all around the world to share projects, advice, and fellowship. The first Rotary
International Convention was held on August 15, 1910 in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
 The first RI Convention was held in 1910 in Chicago, Illinois, USA with a total attendance
of 60.
 The most highly attended RI Convention was Osaka, Japan in 2004, with a grand total of
43,381 officially checked in!
 RI Convention sites are selected at least five years in advance.
 RI Conventions have only ever been in the months of May, June, July, and August. With
a vast majority of them held in May or June.

Interota :-

Interota is a worldwide Rotaract meeting that organized and sponsored by Rotaractors every
three years. First held in 1981, It provides Rotaractors with a forum for sharing ideas, concerns,
and experiences with other Rotaract club members around the world. Participants also treated
to sightseeing and other cultural events throughout the weeklong event.

Although Interota is not an official Rotary International meeting, the RI Board of Directors
recognizes its value and supports the event by approving its program content and by ensuring
representation of RI leadership. This triennial meeting offers workshops, discussions, and
speakers on topics of interest. It is also an opportunity to network and socialize with fellow
Rotaractors from around the world. At the meeting, delegations from various countries present
conference proposals for the upcoming Interota, and participants then, vote to select the next
meeting site.

The first Interota was organized in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1981 with more than 450
Rotaractors in attendance. Egypt has hosted the 11th Interota for the 1st time in 2011.

Multi District Informational Organization (MDIO):-

A Multi District Informational Organization (MDIO) is a two or more Rotaract Districts that have
agreed to form a central organization dedicated to the collection and distribution of Rotaract
information. The duties and responsibilities of a MDIO and its leadership varies depending on
the original constitution formed for the MDIO.

Egypt (Rotary District 2451, Zone 20B) - for the mean while “till 2018” - belongs to MED MDIO
(Mediterranean Multi District Informational Organization).

The Rotary Peace Fellowship:-

Each year, Rotary selects up to 100 professionals from around the world to receive fully funded
academic fellowships at our Rotary Peace Centers. Through academic training, practice, and
global networking opportunities, the Rotary Peace Centers program develops leaders who
become catalysts for peace and conflict prevention and resolution. These fellowships cover
tuition and fees, room and board, round-trip transportation, and all internship and field-study

In just over a decade, the Rotary Peace Centers have trained more than 1,000 fellows for careers
in peacebuilding. Many of them are serving as leaders at international organizations or have
started their own foundations.

Each year, the Rotary Foundation awards up to 50 fellowships for master’s degrees and 50 for
certificate studies at premier universities around the world.

Master’s degree programs: Last 15 to 24 months and require a practical internship of two to
three months during the academic break.

Professional development certificate program: For experienced professionals and lasts three
months with two to three weeks of field study.

Rotary Community Corps (RCC):-

A Rotary Community Corps is a group of people who share our commitment to change the world
through service projects.

Rotary Community Corps members plan and carry out projects in their communities and support
local Rotary club projects but are not members of a Rotary club.
There are more than 8,500 corps in over 90 countries. Rotary Community Corps are active
everywhere Rotary is present: in urban and rural areas, and in both developed and developing

"Rotary Community Corps are local. They are part of the community and help mobilize the
community. They ensure that local needs are met, and most significantly, a Rotary Community
Corps has a vested interest in its own success. Their members have to live with the results of
their work; their commitments are the basis for sustainability. Rotary grant projects that
establish Rotary Community Corps help to ensure that the project’s impact lives on in the
community long after Rotary’s direct support ends."

 Ron Denham, founder of the Water and Sanitation Rotarian Action Group

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA):-

Do you have what it takes to become a dynamic leader and change not only yourself but the

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is an intensive leadership experience organized by

Rotary clubs and districts where you develop your skills as a leader while having fun and making

 What are the benefits?

Connect with leaders in your community and around the world to:

 Build communication and problem-solving skills

 Discover strategies for becoming a dynamic leader in your school or community
 Learn from community leaders, inspirational speakers, and peer mentors
 Unlock your potential to turn motivation into action
 Have fun and form lasting friendships

 What’s Involved ?

RYLA events are organized locally by Rotary clubs and districts for participants ages 14-30.
Depending on community needs, RYLA may take the form of a one-day seminar, a three-day
retreat, or a weeklong camp. Typically, events last 3-10 days and include presentations,
activities, and workshops covering a variety of topics.

Your community might host a RYLA event for secondary school students to hone their leadership
potential, for university students to develop creative problem-solving strategies, or for young
professionals to learn ethical business practices.

Rotary Youth Exchange:-

Rotary Youth Exchange builds peace one young person at a time. Students learn a new language,
discover another culture, and truly become global citizens.
New Generations Service Exchange:-
New Generations Service Exchange is a short-term, customizable program for university
students and young professionals up to age 30. Participants can design exchanges that combine
their professional goals with a humanitarian project.

Rotary Grants:-
For 100 years, The Rotary Foundation has been turning project ideas into reality. Our clubs
receive funding to support humanitarian projects, scholarships, and international exchanges.

Rotary Scholarships:-
Rotary invests more than $7 million a year in our future leaders and philanthropists by funding
scholarships for undergraduate and graduate study.

The Rotary Foundation:-

The Rotary Foundation is a non-profit corporation acts like the Rotary International Treasury
that supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace
through international humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs. It is
supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends of the Foundation who
share its vision of a better world.

The Foundation was created in 1917 by Rotary International's sixth president, Arch C. Klumph,
as an endowment fund for Rotary "to do good in the world." It has grown from an initial
contribution of US$26.50 to more than US$1billion. It has one of the largest and most
prestigious international fellowship programs in the world.

Written By : Rtr. Nael EL Menshawy

Club Founder & Adviser
To My Family Rotaract Club of Alexandria Mariout Royal
& Interact Club of Alexandria Mariout

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