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Business Web Portal can be pronounced as a business community, from where anyone
can get any information about any type of company. In today’s world, when any
company starts a business then they have updated with every type of information which
help them to do their business properly.
Anyone or any company can do their registration in this web portal. So
details about their company are present in this portal. Any company can get information
about other company from here. Different companies can give their different features in
this web portal for publicity reason of this company. Different company owners can
collect their sponsors and new share holders for their company.
There is blog facilities of this web portal is also present. In this blog
section customers or persons related with business can give and take their own
suggestions, criticisms and advises.
The companies not only can post their information, but, also can enter into
communication with the other registered companies under the website. This increases the
inter company communications and there by can increase trade. Not only this, the portal
also benefits establishing coordination among the company sub offices by providing
instructions and information via the portal. The portal will therefore also enhance the
intra company communications and coordinations among the various branch offices of
the site registered companies.
In this context, all have to remember one thing that through or by this web
portal companies or any businessman can share or fetch only information about business
but can not do business with another company. This is a media where companies can
make publicity of their company, with their prospectus but can not exchange money or
can not do any business deal through this portal.

Business world is a very important and completely money oriented industry. So in this
field everyone must be updated with the market strategy and other details which will help
in the business. So if there is any process which helps business companies for doing their
business then it must be very advantageous for every businessman. But if the process is
manual then it must be very complicated to handle. So this system is automated system
for maintaining business details of different companies. The various tasks that this system
is capable of handling are as follows:
 Information of several business organization or companies is present here. The
companies who made their registration in this portal have their full information
 Any outsider or any common man can gather information about any company
from here even the registration payment details which is also present here.
 The name, address, contact no, contact person, established year & lots of other
details are available here.
 Every company has their own process for doing their business, so that information
is also kept in this portal also.
 In today’s world, website is another important way of communication. So every
company has their own website, even more than one. The name of those websites
is also kept in this portal.
 For expanding their business every company needs more investors and more share
holders. So every company gives information to customers about how to join their
company, what is the procedure etc. all that information is also kept in this portal.
 This portal also gives facility to the customers to complain (if any) against any
company here.
 This portal also benefits the common users as they can give their qualification and
job experience information on registration to the website along with their address
and contact numbers. This will open a scope for job appointments and interview
callings of theses common users by the site registered companies.
 The blog facility for the companies is also present in this portal. Here anyone can
make comment on any working step of any company and also can give suggestion
to any company for doing good business and make profit in their field.

The whole information is entered and updated by administrator. And the comments
made by those users who made their registration in this portal
Working Procedure of the BUSINESS WEB PORTAL

faq & complain details

Faq & Complains responses Administrator Login

verify verification
companies Verification Registration
& users
Enter Into Register according to data registration
Website specification result
company make

Receive Payment receive payment


already registered
user( company/ admin verification
general) Blog Posting &
Company Interaction
posting information

View Blog Posting registered site users successful verification

successful registration
registered user
Registration of
new general user
General user

Note: Non-Registered user can only View and Search site information


This project comes under the category of RDBMS based Informative Web Online

Definition:- Relational DBMSs (RDBMS) probably have the simplest structure a

database can have. In an RDBMS, data is organized in tables. Tables, in turn, consist of
records, and records of fields. Each field corresponds to one data item. Two or more
tables can be linked (joined) if they have one or more fields in common. RDBMS are
easy to use and have flourished in the last decade. They're commonly used on low-end
computer systems. In the last few years, however, their use has expanded to more
powerful computer systems. Oracle, Informix, and Sybase are some popular RDBMS
available in the market.

Most RDBMS perform the following functions:-

 Store data
 Create and maintain data structures
 Allow concurrent access to many users
 Enforce security and privacy
 Allow extraction and manipulation of stored data
 Enable data entry and data loading
 Provide an efficient indexing mechanism for fast extraction of
selected data
 Provide consistency among different records
 Protect stored data from loss by backup and recovery process

The reasons why this project comes under RDBMS category:-
a. Data model (Entity relationship Diagram) is used to represent the entire
b. Tables are created on the basis of model used.
c. Data redundancy is removed by normalization.
d. Use of Structured Query Language to manipulate the data storage
e. Use of Backend [SQL Server] storage that can store, retrieve & manipulate data
& use of reporting tool via the Front end [.NET] for report generation.
f. Use of join queries to access with some common field.

The reasons why this project comes under Internet category:-

As the application is a web portal so it is obvious that it is concerned with
online features. It provides information of the various companies & business houses and
thus behaves as an informative application. Again these information are provided online
and thus it is rightly categorized under informative web online application. Moreover
online transactions are carried out and these are done by the supporting RDBMS.


Hardware Configuration: -
o Pentium IV Dual-Core Processor
o 512 MB RAM
o 120GB HDD
o Intel Motherboard
o LG DVD Writer
o 1.44 MB FDD
o 15’’ LG Color Monitor
o 104keys iball Keyboard
o iball Optical Mouse
o Creative Speakers

Software Configuration:-

Tools used to develop the software:-

SQL Server
Windows XP
MS Word, Paint.

Facilities of using Windows XP: With the above mentioned hardware some operating
system & software are required. Here Windows XP is the desired Operating System
because Visual Basic is a GUI based language and any Window based OS, unlike DOS,
supports graphical user interface features. Thus Windows XP is chosen as the well-suited
platform for the development of the project. However the project could be well executed
under any Windows 32 – bit platform with some minor changes arising due to the
supporting features of the operating system for the tools used for the development of the

Facilities of using ASP.Net:
• Integration: It allows Windows applications, Web applications, XML Web Services
and Windows Services to be integrated easily with one another.
• Great Tool Support: Provides one of the strong debugging tools for applications. The
Enterprise versions of Visual Studio .NET deliver lifecycle features to help organizations
plan, analyze, design, build, test, and coordinate teams that develop Windows/Web
• Microsoft .NET Outperforms J2EE: Head to head comparison metrics with web
application developed using .NET framework and J2EE are below:
• .NET application are 28x faster,
• .NET application used only 1/6th processor utilization
• .NET application require only 1/4th line of code
when compared to application developed on J2EE platform.
• Reliable: Automatic Memory Leak, Deadlock and Crash Protection. ASP.NET
automatically detects and recovers from errors like deadlocks and memory leaks to
ensure your application is always available to the users.
• CLR: CLR stands for Common Language Runtime. It handles runtime services,
including language integration, security & memory management so that developers can
focus on the applications development.
• Class Libraries: More than 4500 classes. Provides reusable code for most common
tasks, including data access, XML web Services, Web and Windows forms.
• XML Web Services: XML Web services allow applications to communicate and share
data over the Internet, regardless of operating system or programming language.
ASP.NET makes exposing and calling XML Web Services simple. Any class can be
converted into an XML Web Service with just a few lines of code, and can be called by
any SOAP client.
• ASP.NET and IIS is the currently the World's fastest Web application server.
• Language Independent: Application developed on .NET framework is language–
independent. Developers have freedom to write their code with the programming
language they are comfortable with.

• Configuration File: It provides a configuration files (web.config for web applications
and app.config for window applications) which is an XML file to save the application
configurable information like database connection string, error handling information,
session information and many more. This information can be changed anytime without
having to reboot the server.

Facilities of using SQL Server 2000: SQL Server 2000 provides the following benefit.
o High Storage Database
o Good compatibility with Visual Basic
o Data Security is high
o Easy to install and configure
o Easy to learn

Facilities of using other tools (MS Word, Paint):

 Create and save a document; open an existing document; editing techniques.
 Navigate in a large document by using the mouse and keyboard
 Edit a document using sophisticated techniques, including moving and copying
text within a document and between documents.
 Apply and remove character and paragraph formatting.
 Using tab and create and modify table structure
 Adjust margins, add and delete page breaks, and create headers and footers.
 Drawing tools are also available here so using different types of colors and auto
shapes the write-up can be well documented very easily.
 Page appearance can also be controlled by adjusting –margins, page break, and
adding headers and footers.
 Printing tools are also available for printing a document page set up can also be


Problem Definition
Once upon a time there are so many problems in communication. And
whenever it comes to the matter of big company then it is a big problem if they can not
communicate between each other. Due to the mailing and phone line problem people and
companies can not Communication problems means not mailing problems but the proper
communication with proper source for doing proper work or in short getting proper
In a company there are so many problems. The company can not increase
their business due to labors problem, outsourcing problem etc. If there are so many
problems which hamper the business of the company and the company can not solve the
problems then it becomes a big trouble. The company can not understand with whom
they should consult for solving the problems. These are some communication problems.
A little company can not increase their business without the help of good
business strategy. If the company can not communicate with proper company/person who
gives the proper advice then it also becomes a big problem. This is also a communication
So if there are these types of problems in a business sector then it is very
important for implementing a system which can solve these problems.

Requirement Specifications

According to the problem definition there are also some suggested solutions. After
concept of internet implemented any type of communication is become very easy. So for
solving these problems a web based system must be implemented. The facility of using
web based application is the following:

In internet searching is very easy. So if anyone has many problems then also there
is no problem for searching help for the related topics.
This system is place where only companies are making their registration, so there
is only company related suggestions and information are present. Nobody can not
confuse to find there help topic.
Any company can get information about other company’s business strategy and
other facilities, seeing which they can become interested to do business with that

For these proposed requirements this system is very useful. So this web
based portal for company can give many companies for increasing their business. The
web portal will provide the following functionalities:
 Register various companies all over the globe and allow to post them their
profiles, website links etc.
 Establish communication among different companies to provide
information exchange and thereby increase business yields.
 Provide a blog for information exchange among the various executives of
different companies along with the scope for other common users to
gather experiences and job scopes by participation in the blog postings.
 Provide upload options that will enable the companies to upload their
details related to work activities, business achievements etc.
 Provide upload options that will help in article, journal, newsletter
postings by the registered site users.
On a whole the website will provide all features that will enhance inter and intra
company communications with information exchanges among the company users and the
normal site users.

Project Planning

Preliminary Investigation & Feasibility Study

System Analysis

System Design



Implementation & Maintenance 

When any manual system is converted into automated system then the
SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) is followed. Why the system is to be made
and what reason lies behind the making of this software can be known from the Waterfall
Model. A brief discussion of the process is mentioned below:

Preliminary Investigation and Feasibility Study:

Software demand must be clarified properly before considering the
Systems analysis and the Project should be checked properly that it is completely
technically, economically and operationally feasible system or not.

System Analysis:
Software demand is accepted; its cost, precedence, completion time, and
personnel requirement are estimated. Some tools are used in analysis like Data Flow
Diagram (DFD), on-site examination and questionnaires.

System Design:
In this stage how the problem will be solved technically is decided.
Number of modules, hardware, software, algorithms etc. is decided in this phase.

In this phase the actual complete project code is developed. With the
written code segment the comments and description corresponding to code also should be

As the coding phase precedes every unit module is tested before being
delivered to the next phase. All the modules that have been developed before and tested
individually are integrated in this phase. Final Software is then tested under System

Implementation & Maintenance:

Once the System passes all the test during System testing the system is
delivered to the Customer where it has to be implemented successfully. Maintenance
phase includes addition of modules, modification of the hardware and software.

Diagrammatic representation of Planning

Stages of Waterfall Model Start Duration End Duration

Preliminary Investigation & Feasibility Study 15th March 2nd April
System Analysis 2nd April 2nd May
System Design 2nd May 11th May
Coding 11th May 4th July
Testing 4th July 2nd August
Implementation & Maintenance 2nd August 15th September

Project Scheduling

Activities 15th March 15th April 15th May 15th June 15th July 15th August 15th Sept


Activity 2

Activity 3

Activity 4

Activity 5


Activity1 = Preliminary investigation and Feasibility study

Activity2 = System Analysis Activity5 = Testing
Activity3 = System Design Activity6 = Implementation and
Activity4 = Coding Maintenance

Business companies find it difficult to perform communication over a wide
geographical region at a very less amount of time. Few of the popular mechanisms used
for communication are via phone lines, Video Conferencing etc. But all these
methodologies get more expensive over time. This website provides a simple solution to
this problem. Companies all over the world can communicate with each other and share
views via the internet. The various features provided by this website are as follows:
 Information of several business organization or companies can be maintained.
 Information regarding any company can be available to the common public
 The name, address, contact no, contact person, established year & lots of other
details are available here.
 Every company has their own process for doing their business, so that information
is also kept in this portal also.
 For expanding their business every company needs more investors and more share
holders. So every company gives information to customers about how to join their
company, what is the procedure etc. all that information is also kept in this portal.
 The blog facility for the companies is also present in this portal. Here anyone can
make comment on any working step of any company and also can give suggestion
to any company for doing good business and make profit in their field.

And more such features justify the feasibility of the system.


The analysis proceeds with the formulation of the Dataflow Diagrams and
the Entity Relationship Diagram. The Dataflow Diagrams (DFDs) consists of the Context
Diagram, the level1 dataflow diagram and the level2 dataflow diagrams. The DFDs
describes the functional activities of the components processes of the system. The entity –
relationship diagram describes the scenario of how the entities comprising the system are
related to each other. The entity – relationship diagram forms the base of the database
table design.

Symbols used in Dataflow Diagrams

External Entity




Symbols used in Entity Relationship Diagram




Data Flow Diagram

Context Diagram

Company name, id,

Company upload details, Site Viewers
achievements details,
link path, hyperlink,
complains, messages

Posting date, posting

Registration id, title, content, upload,
payment, payment rating, average Rating, total, count,
mode, month, validity average, posting_id,
period dt, title, content,


Category name and Business category

description description


1st Level DFD:

Business category description,

registration type, amount Administrator
Comp_id, comp_nm,
estb_yr, country,cuname,
locality, address, Company_registration Company_acheivements
contactno, contact
person, email, Year, post_dt, decription
1. Category_id,
category_nm, Business_category
Company category description
Initial Entry Business_process
regtypename, for Business process, head of
months, amount Registrastion_type department, contact no, email,
Upload_id, type, description
Company_upload dt, description Companylogins
Amount, mode, mode no, 2.
starting month, starting loginid, pwd, hintques,
year, ending month, Registration_payment Company hintans, type
ending year, mode dt, General Branch_id, branch_nm,
validity for Achievement,
date, process Information branch_address, cont_no,
detail, branch contact_person, email
Company name, contact,
name, address,
details, location details,
amount, paymode, month Companies contact details, Company_branches
upload data Search_content,
duration, mode date, hyperlink,
validity period linkcaption Search_data
data, links and
3. link_path
website Company_links
Comp_id Link
Information total_rating,
tot_users, average
complain content
Complain for other
companies, message
title, attachments, 4. msg_id, Title,
contents Company contents, dt_time
upload_id, size
faq answers, date
posting_id, dt, title,
content, upload Blog_posting
username, password, personal details, 5.
Site Viewers Posting date, posting title, content,
upload, rating, average, faq queries
Blog & FAQ
uname, name, passw, add, Rating, total,
Genuser count, average Blog_rating
conta, heduq, eid, jexp,
uname, que, qdt,
Faq res, rdt
2nd Level DFD:

Process-1: Company Initial Entry


regtypename, for
Registration_type months, amount
Category_id, 1.2.
1.1. category_nm, Registration
category description Business_category
New Type

Category name Type name, for

and decription Administrator months, amount
Amount, dt, validity, Name, location details,
mode, details Companies content details

1.4. 1.3.
Type_id Company
Payment Registration Comp_id, comp_nm,
estb_yr, country, cuname,
locality, address,
Amount, mode, mode no, starting month, starting year, contactno, contact
ending month, ending year, mode dt, validity for person, email,

Process-2: Company General Information

login id,
password, description,
recovery data, Branch_nm,
type location,
2.1. Business
Company User Process
Business process, head of department,
loginid, pwd, hintques, Year, contact no, email, description
hintans, type post_dt,
details, dt,
decription Business_process
type, Companylogin
description Company_achievments
2.5. contact details 2.4.
Company Company
Upload_id, type,
Uploads dt, description Branch
Branch_id, branch_nm,
Company_uploads branch_address, cont_no, Company_branches
contact_person, email

Process-3: Company Link Information


Link path, Rating total, Content,

comp_id count, hyperlink,
average hyperlink text,

3.2. 3.3. 3.1.

Company Rating Search
Links Data

link_path Search_content,
total_rating, hyperlink,
tot_users, linkcaption
Company_links Search_data


Process-4: Company Interaction
message, complain
title, against date,
content, date complain
and time reason

4.2. 4.1.
Company Complains
msg_id, Title, contents, dt_time complain content

Company_message Company_complain


Size and file to upload upload_id, size


Site Viewers username, password,

personal details genuser
Process-5: Site Blog uname,
& FAQ 5.1. namw,
Registration passw, eid,
uname add, conta,
heduq, jexp,
Posting date,
content, uname

5.2. 5.4.
Blog Frequently uname, que,
Rating qdt, res,
Posting Asked resdt
dt, title, total,
content, count,
upload average

faq faq
Blog_posting Blog_rating queries answers

Site Viewers

Entity Relationship Diagram:

Upload_id size Msg_id contents dt_time

m contains 1 title
Messege_attachment Company_messege
m Business_process Head of department

sends description
Login_id hintques hintans contactno Email
Company_login 1 Company 1 1 processes m Business_process
pwd type Post_dt
compnm estbyear year description

Company_loads m uploads 1 achieves m Company_achievements

1 1
country cuname
description compid
UploadID type categoryID categorydescription
m selects 1
Company_registration Business_category categorynm
1 locality
Branch Cntct_prsn
creates address Type_id Reg_type_name
Branch_id Branched Email For_months
to Brnachnm cntctno
contactno m Pays for 1
m Registration_type
amount amount
Company_branches gives modeno 1
Email Starting_month
Contact_person m
Branch_address Registration_payment m gets

complains 1 Starting_year
Complain_content Validity_for
modedt Link_path
1 has m
1 Company_links
1 m
Tot_users posting_id date
Search_content title
Total_rating average
m m Blog_posting
hyperlink Search_data calculates 1 Company_rating
content 1 upload
add jexp eid make calculates
conta 1 m
name rating Blog_rating average
passw sends
total count
regdt m rdt
qdt res

Modules Description

Module for Registration details-

All type of registration details like new business category, registration type, registration
payment and company registration are present in this module. Particulars about category
id no and name are present in this module. This modules also deals with the registration
type i.e. registration type name, registration no, for how many months registration is done
all these information are also in this module. For doing registration the payment amount,
mode of payment, payment date and mode no, validity period of the registration details
are also present in this module. Whenever a company is done a registration then the detail
about the company’s registration i.e. company id, name, address, state, country,
established year, contact no, contact person and email address are also present in this

Module for Company details-

This module deals with company details. Information about different branches of
company like branch id, name and address, contact no, contact person and email address
are present in this module. The business process details of the company i.e. details of the
department, head of the department, contact no and email address are also present in this
module. Description of company achievements is also available in this module. This
module also deals with company uploads i.e. upload id, date, type and description.
This module also deals with company’s different links that means
information about the different website of the company. Information about company
rating is also available in this module. The details about total_rating, tot_user and average
are present. The desired information about the company can be fetched from company’s
search data section. The search content, link caption and hyperlink is present in this

All message information of the company is present in this module also. The message id,
title, contents and date-time is available here. The message attachment i.e. upload id and
size are present in this module. The detail information about the complains against
anything which is related to the company is also present in this module.

Module for Blog entry and FAQ management-

This module contains information for blog details and Frequently Asked
Questions of users and their responses. The blog posting detail i.e. posting id, date, title,
content and upload can be achieved from this module. The information about blog rating
like rating, total, count and average can also be obtained from this module. The FAQ
section manages user posted queries and their responses as given by the site
administrator. In order to post FAQ queries the site user has to register under the website.
On successful registration the user can post FAQ queries. The site administrator is
responsible for answering to these FAQ queries.

Database Tables

 Business_category: Stores details about category of business

Field Name field type Constraints Description
Stores description about business
category_id char Primary Key
category id
categoryname Char Stores name of the category
Char Stores description about category

 Company_registration: Stores details about registration of company

Field Name field type Constraints Description
comp_id char Primary Key Stores id of company
compname Char Stores name of the company
Stores established year of the
estbyear date
country char Stores country of the company
cuname char Stores user name of company
locality char Stores locality of the company
address char Stores address of the company
contactno int Stores contact no of the company
contact_person char Stores name of the contact person
Stores email address of the
Email char
Foreign Key(Ref:
Stores registration id of the
Typeid char Registration
Foreign Key(Ref: Stores description about business
category_id Char
Business_category) category id

 Company_achievements: Stores details about achievements of the company

Field Name field type Constraints Description
Foreign Key (Ref:
comp_id char Company_registr Stores id of company
Year date Stores year of the achievements
Stores post date of the
post_dt date
Stores description about
Description char

 Business_process: Stores details about business process
Field Name Constraints Description
Foreign Key (Ref:
Comp_id char Stores id of company
stores description about
businessprocess char
business process
Stores name of the head of the
headofdepartment char
Stores contact no of the
contactno int
Stores email address of the
email Char
Stores description of the
description Char
business process

 Registration_type: Stores details about the type of registration

Field Name field type Constraints Description
type_id char Primary Key Stores id of registration type
regtypename Char Stores name of the registration type
Stores for how many months the
formonths int
registration is valid
amount int Stores amount of registration

 Registration_payment: Stores details about payment of registration

Field Name field type Constraints Description
Foreign Key (Ref:
comp_id char Company_registr Stores id of company
Amount int stores registration amount
Mode char Stores mode of payment
Modeno int Stores mode no
Startingmonth date Stores starting month
Startingyear date Stores starting year
Endingyear date Stores ending year
Endingmonth date Stores ending month
Modedt date Stores mode date
validityfor int Stores no of validity days

 Company_upload: Stores details about company uploads
Field Name field type Constraints Description
upload_id Char Primary Key Stores upload id
Foreign Key (Ref:
comp_id char Stores id of company
dt Date Stores date of posting
type Char Stores type of upload
description Char Stores description of uploads

 Company_branches: Stores details about different branches of the company

Field Name field type Constraints Description
branch_id char Primary Key Stores individual branch id
Foreign Key (Ref:
comp_id char Company_registration)
Stores id of company
branch_name char Stores name of the branch
branch_address Char Stores address of the branch
cont_no int Stores contact no of the branch
contact_person Char Stores details of contact person
Stores email address of the
email Char

 Company_login: Stores details about company login

Field Name field type Constraints Description
Foreign Key (Ref:
comp_id char Stores id of company
Stores details about company
login_id char Primary Key
login id
Stores password of the company
pwd Char
hintques Char Stores hint questions
hintans Char Stores hint answer
type Char Stores login type

 Company_message: Stores details about different company messages

Field Name field type Constraints Description
msgid char Primary Key Stores message id
Foreign Key (Ref:
from_id Char From Company Login ID
Foreign Key
to_id Char (Ref: To Company Login ID
title Char Stores title of the message
contens Char Stores contents of the message
dt_time date Stores date & time of the message

 Message_attachment: Stores details about attachments of company message
Field Name field type Constraints Description
upload_id char Primary Key Message Attachment upload ID
Foreign Key (Ref:
msgid char Stores message id
size Char Stores size of the message

 Blog_posting: Stores details about blog posting

Field Name field type Constraints Description
Stores description about blog
posting_id char Primary Key
posting id
date Date Stores date of posting
title Char Stores title of posting
content Char Stores contents of the blog posting
upload Char Uploaded materials as attachments

 Blog_rating: Stores details about blog rating

Field Name field type Constraints Description
Foreign Key (Ref: Stores description about blog
posting_id char
Blog_posting) posting id
Stores description about total
rating_total char
amount of blog rating
count Int Stores the count
average Int Stores average details

 Company_complains: Stores details about complains against company

Field Name field type Constraints Description
Foreign Key (Ref:
bycomp_id char Complaint by Company
Foreign Key (Ref:
againstcomp_id char Complaint against Company
complain_content char Stores content of the complain

 Search_data: Stores details about searched data

Field Name field type Constraints Description
Foreign Key (Ref:
comp_id char Stores id of company
search_content char Stores content of the searched data
Stores different hyperlink of the
hyperlink char
linkcaption char Stores link caption of the company

 Company_links: Stores details about links of the company
Field Name field type Constraints Description
Foreign Key (Ref:
comp_id char Stores id of company
link_path char Stores link path of the company
 Company_rating: Stores details about company rating
Field Name field type Constraints Description
Foreign Key (Ref:
comp_id char Stores id of company
totalrating int Stores total rating of the company
tot_user int Stores total no of users
average int Stores average of rating

 Faq: Stores details about frequently asked question

Field Name field type Constraints Description
Foreign Key (Ref:
Uname Char username of general user
que Char Stores faq query
qdt date Stores query date
res char Stores faq answer
resdt date Stores answer date

 Genuser: Stores details about general users of the site

Field Name field type Constraints Description
Uname char Primary Key username of general user
Name char Stores name of general user
Passw char Stores password of general user
Add char Stores address of general user
Stores contact number of general
Conta bigint
Stores highest education
Hedq char
jexp char Stores job experience details
eid char Stores email id
Stores general user registration
regdt date

Process Logic (Algorithm)

Algorithm for Registration details entry

Step1: Start
Step2: Display the menu
A. New category
B. Registration type
C. Company registration
D. Registration payment
Step3: Enter the choice as desired

Step4: If the choice is ‘A’ then go to Step5 else go to Step3

Step5: Enter the list of entries according to the fields given under choice ‘A
a. category_id, b. category_nm, c. category_description
Step6: If any entered field is empty then go to Step5 else go to Step7
Step7: Check the Numeric field validation; if yes go to Step8 else go to Step5
Step8: Save the details into Business_category Data storage

Step9: If the choice is ‘B’ then go to Step10 else go to Step3

Step10: Enter the list of entries according to the fields given under choice ‘B’
a. Type_id, b. rgtypnm, c. formonths, d. amount
Step11: If any entered field is empty then go to Step10 else go to Step12
Step12: Check the Numeric field validation; if yes go to Step13 else go to Step11
Step13: Save the details into Registration_type data storage

Step14: If the choice is ‘C’ then go to Step15 else go to Step3

Step15: Enter the list of entries according to the fields given under choice ‘C’
a. Comp_id, b. comp_nm, c. estb_yr, d. country, e. state, f. locality,
g. address, h. contactno, i. contact person, j. email,
Step16: If any entered field is empty then go to Step15 else go to Step17
Step17: Save the details into Company_registration data storage

Step18: If the choice is ‘D’ then go to Step19 else go to Step3
Step19: Enter the list of entries according to the fields given under choice ‘D’
a. Amount, b. mode, c. mode no, d. starting month, e. starting year,
f. ending month, g. ending year, h. mode dt, i. validity for
Step21: If any entered field is empty then go to Step20 else go to Step12
Step22: Check the Numeric field validation; if yes go to Step23 else go to Step21
Step23: Save the details into Registration_payment data storage
Step24: Stop

Algorithm for Company details entry

Step1: Start
Step2: Display the menu
A. Achievements
B. Process of business
C. Branches
D. Company uploads
E. Search data
F. Links of company
G. Complains
H. Attachment
I. Messages of company
Step3: Enter the choice as desired

Step4: If the choice is ‘A’ then go to Step5 else go to Step3

Step5: Enter the list of entries according to the fields given under choice ‘A
a. tear, b. post_dt, c. description
Step6: If any entered field is empty then go to Step5 else go to Step7
Step7: Check the Numeric field validation; if yes go to Step8 else go to Step5
Step8: Save the details into Company_achievenents Data storage

Step9: If the choice is ‘B’ then go to Step10 else go to Step3
Step10: Enter the list of entries according to the fields given under choice ‘B’
a.business process, b. head ofdepartment, c. contact no, d. e-mail,
e. description
Step11: If any entered field is empty then go to Step10 else go to Step12
Step12: Check the Numeric field validation; if yes go to Step13 else go to Step11
Step13: Save the details into Business_process data storage

Step14: If the choice is ‘C’ then go to Step15 else go to Step3

Step15: Enter the list of entries according to the fields given under choice ‘C’
a. branch_id, b. branch_nm, c. branch_address, d. contact no, e. contact
person, f. email
Step16: If any entered field is empty then go to Step15 else go to Step17
Step17: Save the details into Company_branches data storage

Step18: If the choice is ‘D’ then go to Step19 else go to Step3

Step19: Enter the list of entries according to the fields given under choice ‘D’
a.upload_id, b. type, c. date, d. description
Step21: If any entered field is empty then go to Step20 else go to Step12
Step22: Check the Numeric field validation; if yes go to Step23 else go to Step21
Step23: Save the details into Company_uploads data storage

Step24: If the choice is ‘E’ then go to Step25 else go to Step3

Step25: Enter the list of entries according to the fields given under choice ‘E’
a.search_contact, b. hyperlink, c. linkcaption
Step26: If any entered field is empty then go to Step25 else go to Step26
Step27: Check the Numeric field validation; if yes go to Step28 else go to Step26
Step28: Save the details into Search_data data storage

Step29: If the choice is ‘F’ then go to Step30 else go to Step3

Step30: Enter the list of entries according to the fields given under choice ‘F’
a.link path

Step31: If any entered field is empty then go to Step30 else go to Step32
Step32: Save the details into Company_link data storage

Step33: If the choice is ‘G’ then go to Step34 else go to Step3

Step34: Enter the “complain” field under choice ‘G’
Step35: Save the details into Company_complain data storage

Step36: If the choice is ‘H’ then go to Step37 else go to Step3

Step37: Enter the list of entries according to the fields given under choice ‘H’
a.upload_id, b. size
Step38: If any entered field is empty then go to Step37 else go to Step39
Step39: Save the details into Message_attachment data storage

Step40: If the choice is ‘I’ then go to Step41 else go to Step3

Step41: Enter the list of entries according to the fields given under choice ‘I’
a. msg_id, b. title, c. contents, d. dt_time
Step42: If any entered field is empty then go to Step41 else go to Step43
Step43: Save the details into Company_message data storage
Step44: Stop

Algorithm for Blog details entry and FAQ management

Step1: Start
Step2: Display the menu
A. User Registration
B. Blog posting
C. Blog rating
D. FAQ Queries
E. FAQ Answers
Step3: Enter the choice as desired
Step4: If the choice is ‘A’ then go to Step5 else go to Step3

Step5: Enter the list of entries according to the fields given under choice ‘A’
a. uname, b. name, c. passw,, d. add, e. conta, f. hedq, g. jexp, h. eid, i. regdt
Step6: If any entered field is empty then go to Step5 else go to Step7
Step7: Save the details into Genuser Data storage
Step8: If the choice is ‘B’ then go to Step9 else go to Step3
Step9: Enter the list of entries according to the fields given under choice ‘B’
a. posting_id, b. dt, c. title, d. content, e. upload
Step10: If any entered field is empty then go to Step9 else go to Step11
Step11: Check the Numeric field validation; if yes go to Step12 else go to Step9
Step12: Save the details into Blog_posting Data storage
Step13: If the choice is ‘C’ then go to Step14 else go to Step3
Step14: Enter the list of entries according to the fields given under choice ‘C’
a. rating, b. total, c. count, d. average
Step15: If any entered field is empty then go to Step14 else go to Step16
Step16: Check the Numeric field validation; if yes go to Step17 else go to Step14
Step17: Save the details into Blog_rating data storage
Step18: If the choice is ‘D’ then go to Step19 else go to Step3
Step19: Enter the list of entries according to the fields given under choice ‘D’
a. uname, b. que, c. qdt
Step20: If any entered field is empty then go to Step21 else go to Step19
Step21: Save the details into Faq data storage
Step22: If the choice is ‘E’ then go to Step23 else go to Step3
Step23: Enter the list of entries according to the fields given under choice ‘E’
a. res, b. resdt
Step24: If any entered field is empty then go to Step23 else go to Step25
Step25: Save the details into Faq data storage
Step26: Stop

Implementation Methodology

Since this is a web based project thus the main components of these projects are the web
pages. They are the building blocks of the entire system. The user in the internet all over
the planet accessed these web pages and retrieves and manipulates data.

To implement such a system which is globally accessed first we need to install a web
process application which will allow the web pages to be globally visible by providing a
directory which globally shared. Apart from this it also provides a background process
which makes the website running.

After the system has been developed first it needs to be placed in a web server. The
owner of the website will buy internet space from the provider. Later with the IP address
of the provider the database owner registers a domain name for the website. This domain
name refers to the IP address of the server computer which is actually hosting the
website. This information is kept in a special kind of server known as the DNS. After this
whole process is completed a web page can be viewed over the internet.

Examples of some Data Input Screens

Customer Registration Page

Company Registration Payment Page

Blog Posting

List of Reports likely to be generated

Apart from various functionalities the system also has the capability of generating various
reports. A few samples of such reports which are being generated in this system are as
Site Administrator Report

1. Business Category:
This report will display different Business categories details used by
companies for registration on the Web Portal.
Business Web Portal
Category_id Category_name Category_description

2. Company Registration:
This report will list all registered companies details which registered in the
Web Portal.

Business Web Portal

Comp_id Comp_nm Estb_yr Country cuname Locality Add Cntct_no email

3. Company Achievements:
This report will display the registered companies’ achievements details.

Business Web Portal

Yr Post_dt Description

4. Registration Type:
This report will display different Registration Type details used by companies
for registration on the Web Portal.

Business Web Portal

Type_id Reg_type_nm For_mnths Amount

5. Blog Posting:
This report will display all the Blog posting contents details with date

Business Web Portal

Posting_id Dt Title Cntnt Uplod

6. Blog Rating:
This report will display Blog Rating for the Blog posting contents.

Business Web Portal

Rating_total Count Total

7. Company Rating:
This report will display the Company Rating with total user.

Business Web Portal

Total_rating Tot_user Average

8. Registration Payment:

This report will display registered companies registration payments details with
the validity period for registration.
Business Web Portal
a Comp_nm Mode_no Mode Strtng Strtng_yr Endng_yr Endng_mnth Mo Validi
m _mnth de_ ty_for
t dt

Registered Company Report

1. Business Process:
This report will list all the business process related information conducted
through the Web Portal by the company (different for each company).

Business Web Portal

Business_process Hd_of_dprtmnt Cntct_no Email Description

2. Company Upload:
This report will list all the upload details, uploading through the Web Portal
by the company (different for each company).
Business Web Portal
Upload_id Dt Type Description

3. Company Branches:
This report will list all Branches details registered by the company in the Web
Portal for their Business works (different for each company).

Business Web Portal

Branch_id Branch_name Branch_add Cont_no Cont_prsn Email

4. Company Login:
This report will list all company login user s (different for each company).

Business Web Portal

Login_id Hint_ques Hint_ans type

5. Company Message:
This report will list all message exchange details for the company
(different for each company).

Business Web Portal

Msg_id From_id To_id Title Cntnts Dt_time

6. Message Attachment:
This report will list all message attachments details for the company
(different for each company).

Business Web Portal

Upload_id Msg_id Size

7. Company Complain:
This report will display all the complains made for and by the company
(different for each company).

Business Web Portal

Complain_to Complain_from Complain_content

8. Company link:
This report will display all the related links of the company registered by the
company through the Web Portal(different for each company).

Business Web Portal

Com_id Lin_path

9. General User:
This report will display all registered user specific details information (like
their name, address, contract -no, highest educational qualification,

Business Web Portal

uname name address Cont_no H_edq Job_exp E_id

Overall Network Architecture
The entire network which will be responsible for the proper execution of this current
website is shown in the following diagram:


   
Web Server Web Server Web Server Web Server

Web Page

 Website name

Internet User

The Website Network Architecture is given below:


Every system whatever it is must be secured from every type of

unfairness. This system contains many important, valuable data and information. So this
system must be equipped with all kinds of security mechanisms and during
implementation of this security mechanism some points are should be kept in mind. They
are the followings:

All members who give and take information through this portal must have
registration in this portal. This registration indicates the legality of the user for
fetching information and using this system.
The system must be protected with specific user name and password. With this
facility any unwanted user can not use this system and can not change any data of
any company.
Though this portal does not handle with money oriented dealing so there is no
chance of cyber robbery but any hacker can takes some offensive means to harm
anyone’s business in other ways.

All these above mentioned are the security mechanisms which should be
taken in this system.

Future Scope of the Project
A system which helps business houses and companies in doing their
business has a great future to shine. Every company have to do their publicity because
still when other companies do not come to know about their strategy, their business
process and facilities till then no one can do business with them. At that situation this
system can give companies to do their publicity and helps to gather information about
other companies. So with the help of portal companies take their decision about business
very sincerely. So in future this business web portal will be very famous among the
business world and companies.

Through this portal any company can not do their business with other
company. In very short, we can say about this portal that this is a way to make publicity
of business but can not carry out their business through this portal. This portal must be
more advanced and updated with that type of facility with the help of which any company
can do their business with other company. This system must be consisted with video
conferencing type facility with the help of which companies can do their meeting here.
Important meetings and business dealing is also done by this system. If this type of
facility is present here then this system will become more popular and more useful to all
business houses and companies.
Further Enhancement of the Project
In today’s world, website is the best way to communicate with anyone. So
with the help of this portal any company can fetch information from anyplace of the
world. That company can make their business better with the help of that information
gathering from this portal. In future enhancements can be made to the existing website so
as to increase its features. Certain enhancements that could be added are:
 Instant Message servicing
 Chatting
 Video conferencing
 E-Commerce dealings


Software Engineering 1) Software Engineering--A Practitioner's

Approach, Rogers Pressman, 4th Edition,
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
2) Software Engineering: Planning for Change,
David Alex Lamb, Publisher: Prentice-Hall
3) A Practical Handbook for Software
Development, N.D. Birrell and M.A. Ould,
Publisher: Prentice-Hall

ASP.NET ASP.NET Unleashed by Stephen Walther

SQL Server 2000 SQL Server 2000 Black Book by Paul Whitehead,
Patrick Dalton


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