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Volume 91, Issue 4 September 27, 2010

Beyond scholarship support

Developing the entire student
and performing arts events. Student
Courtesy CSM Foundation recipients have exemplary academic
records, demonstrated leadership
The SPIRIT Scholars Program abilities and a strong interest in be-
was initiated in 1998 by Phillips Pe- coming the future leaders of the en-
troleum Company, and has provided ergy industry. During the 2010-2011
talented Mines students with invalu- school year, 21 SPIRIT Scholars will
able hands-on exposure to the com- participate in the program at Mines
pany and to the energy business ever in the areas of Chemical Engineering,
since. ConocoPhillips partners with Petroleum Engineering, Mechani-
Mines through the program to offer cal Engineering, Geophysics and
students a unique set of enrichment Geology. A top campus recruiter,
and professional development op- ConocoPhillips currently employs
portunities. Mines is one of only eight more than 150 Mines graduates and
universities in the country at which continues to invest in the school with
ConocoPhillips has established this funding for Marquez Hall, depart-
program, which provides students ments and student organizations.
with $5,000 scholarships, along with Bryan Martinez-Rahoe, third year
hands-on industry experience, men- SPIRIT Scholar, comments “To me,
toring and professional development, being a SPIRIT Scholar  brings me
and valuable leadership and service the hope that someday I WILL make
opportunities. Past SPIRIT Scholars it through Mines!”
Program activities have included SPIRIT Scholars Program ap-
community service projects with plications are being accepted until
the Susan G. Komen Race for the October 31, 2010 for the 2011-
Cure, Habitat for Humanity and the 2012 academic year – visit http://
Golden Gallop charity run, exclusive to
dinners with company representa- apply. Please contact Christie Sava
tives, cooking classes, professional at or 303-
development lunches and sporting 273-3523 for additional information.
Current Spirit Scholars receive their awards. PHOTO COURTESY CSM FOUNDATION

ASCSM reapproves fee, responds

to actions on campus and off pay for a new bond to construct a by the Graduate Student Associa- a similar message. what color these shirts would be. It
Zachary Boerner
Wellness Center, meant to replace tion. Both letters are in response The final piece of new business was also noted that three separate
Copy Editor
the current Student Health Center. to a comment made by Fisher before the ASCSM Senate was committees discussed the issue of
Debra Roberge, Director of the during the September 9, 2010, city voting on the approval of a letter shirt colors.
Prior review of opinions printed Student Health Center, said of council meeting where Fisher said, to the editor in response to last Tuesday’s ASCSM Executive
in the school newspaper, a re- the new build- “[This action] week’s editorial entitled “What’s Committee meeting revealed how
sponse to a comparison of Mines i n g , “ G o i n g “Going forward, our concept r e m i n d s i n the difference?” Approved in a 15- ASCSM intends to pay for the
to 1930’s Germany made by a city forward, our [sic] the late 7-3 vote, the letter, available in this shirts. ASCSM appears to have
council member, and a clarifica- c o n c e p t i s is that we’re going to broad- 1930s there week’s issue of “The Oredigger,” had a larger than expected rollover
tion on fee hikes were all part of that we’re go- was a country attempts to address many of the is- balance from last year, in addition
the exciting discussions at last ing to broad- en [our care]. We’re going that would go sues raised in the original editorial. to the $32,150 in funding provided
Thursday’s ASCSM Meeting in en [our care]. and take little During discussion on the issue, by budget committee. “We nor-
Ballrooms A & B. We’re going to bring counseling into our bits of other Nicole Kostelecky, a Junior Class mally don’t have a rollover” said
to bring coun-
The Associated Students of
the Colorado School of Mines seling into our
building. This will allow us to countries.”
few moments
A representative, raised the idea of
having “The Oredigger” seek coun-
Lott. She continued, “ we can
afford this.” It was not stated why
(ASCSM) began their third meeting building. This coordinate your care instead later the com- sel from ASCSM before printing ASCSM had a rollover balance nor
of the semester with a presentation will allow us ment was other such articles. Kostelecky’s was it mentioned at the regular
by Derek Morgan, Director of Stu- to coordinate of fragmenting it” concluded sentiments were seconded by meeting on Thursday.
dent Activities and Associate Dean your care in- with, “I think Student Body Vice President Lisa George Funkey, Director of
of Students. Morgan addressed stead of frag- we all know Truong. Zach Aman, GSA Presi- Services Consolidation and In-
a resolution brought forward that menting it.” The fee was originally what happened.” The action re- dent and former Editor-in-Chief for tegration, Policy, and Planning,
evening regarding student fees. “At charged to students this semester, ferred to by Fisher was Mines’ “The Oredigger” responded, “Talk- briefly presented at the meeting,
the last ASCSM meeting in April... but after the issues with the bond attempt to convert 16th Street into ing about having [Ryan Browne, announcing that October is Na-
ASCSM approved a schedule for were realized, it was refunded. The a pedestrian corridor. “The Oredigger” Editor-in-Chief] tional Cyber-Security Awareness
charges and fees,” Morgan said. resolution, which was approved Aman’s letter requests a letter interface with the council... is month. He presented some of the
The Academic Construction Build- with one vote against, will take of apology from Fisher “addressed actually unconstitutional as it is.” reasons for the month’s focus,
ing fee was raised by $100, which effect this spring. to the students, staff, and faculty Ann Lott, Treasurer of ASCSM, re- discussed some of the events that
was part of the original resolution, ASCSM also discussed sending of Colorado School of Mines.” The sponded, “Fact checking is a com- would be happening, and asked
and the Health Services Fee was a letter to the Golden City Council letter also invites Fisher to GSA mon practice at every newspaper. the assembled Senate to help by
raised by $10. “I, in my ignorance, Ward 4 representative, William events to “share how we, as Gold- Every newspaper. You don’t have promoting the event.
said this was for a bond payment. Fisher. The letter would echo the en residents, are contributing to a to ask us about every article. You Discussion of the Student Hon-
This was a bad on my part, and sentiment expressed in another global scientific community.” The just have to ask us what is correct.” or Code was postponed until the
I apologize. It’s a new bond pay- letter, which was written by Zach letter from ASCSM was approved Minor notes at the meeting in- next meeting due to the Board
ment,” said Morgan. Aman, Graduate Student Associa- unanimously with a note to talk to cluded a 15-minute discussion on of Trustees Representative being
The increase would help to tion (GSA) President, and approved the Faculty Senate about sending a new logo for ASCSM shirts and absent.

News - 2 Lifestyle - 4 features - 8 opinion - 10 satire - 12

~world headlines ~Music Reviews ~Tech Break -Minds at mines ~greek life eliminated
~scientific discoveries ~Cooking Corner ~Athlete of the Week ~Letter to the Editor ~we require more gas
page 2 n e w s september 27, 2010

Joshua Kleitsch, Staff Writer

Almaty, Kazakhstan - A Rus-

sian Soyuz rocket successfully
undocked from the International
Space Station Friday after resolv-
ing two issues that had prevented
the undocking operation Thursday.
The capsule, carrying two Russian
cosmonauts and an American as-
tronaut, is expected to land in the
plains of Kazakhstan at 11:21 AM
Norman, Oklahoma - Scien- local time after six-months docked
Dublin, Ireland- Magnetic storms
tists have discovered what may with the ISS.
launched from the Sun can still hit
cause the violent earthquakes Earth, even if they leave the Sun from
Pasadena, California - associated with fault movement. the poles. Known as Coroneal Mass
Scientists at the California In- Known as ‘fault gouge’, a pow- Ejections, or CME’s, these highly
stitute of Technology in Pasa- der results from two faces of charged, hot gas particles flying away
dena have discovered what a fault grinding together under from the Sun at 1,118,000 miles per
appears to be a magnetic extremely high pressure. At a hour can cause extensive damage to
field they suspect could be left certain temperature, the powder satellites, power grids on the ground,
over from the Big Bang. While becomes very slippery, essen- astronauts in orbit, and TV and radio
the true origin of this magnetic tially weakening the fault enough transmissions. Scientist initially thought
field is unclear. The distortion to allow it to slip at a meter per that only CME’s launched from the
and static from super-massive second, the normal speed of fault Sun’s equator were a danger to Earth,
black holes and supernovae movement during an earthquake. but this new evidence shows that the
is the primary obstacle at this
magnetic field of the Sun can bend
point in time, but scientists
the storms ejections back down to the
believe that the static can be
equatorial plane in line with Earth.
eliminated from the signal.

Oredigger Staff Local News

Ryan Browne
Headlines from around the world
The Mines Men’s Soccer
Ian Littman Joshua Kleitsch, Staff Writer
Interim Managing Editor team played Metro State on
Sunday afternoon. The game
Abdullah Ahmed ended in a 0-0 tie, after a double
Business Manager The Republican party is asking web. If convicted, he could face tain whose boat collided with a overtime. Manville Strand made
many Hispanics to step up to 10 years in prison. Japanese coast guard ship. 4 saves during the course of the
Steven Wooldridge take office this year, as an effort Iranian President Mahmoud Verizon is planning to of- game, with 12 shots attempted.
Webmaster to draw more Hispanic voters in Ahmadinejad stated that much fer tiered data services giving
2012. In the past, Hispanics have of the world believes that the US users the option to buy only as
Barbara Anderson largely voted Democratic due pri- orchestrated the September 11, much as they expect to use. This
Design Editor
marily to immigration policies. 2001, attacks. option will also allow Verizon to
Zach Boerner However this paradigm is chang- Aafia Siddiqui, a 38 year old balance usage with the capacity
Copy Editor ing for 2010, with the Hispanics Pakistani woman, was sen- of current wireless technology. Burke Fort, a Colorado
on the GOP ballot taking tough tenced to 86 years in prison Fashion trends are coming School of Mines faculty mem-
Neelha Mudigonda stances on immigration, support- after being convicted of trying to back to old-style, rugged cloth- ber, was named to a 21 person
Asst. Design Editor ing Arizona’s decision on illegal kill U.S. soldiers and FBI agents ing with L.L. Bean’s return to the venture capital investment advi-
immigration. two years ago in Afghanistan. runway. The fashion-conscious sory committee. This commit-
Robert Gill According to the FBI, a Bank She has been diagnosed with a no longer have to wear skinny tee, created by Governor Ritter
Asst. Business Manager,
Sales and Marketing of America teller in Coral Gables, mental illness. men’s suits and can now go for is intended to provide advise on
FL had a bomb strapped to his Japanese officials have re- the rugged, well-worn look of a how to bring more venture capi-
Trevor Crane body and was forced to steal leased the Chinese boat cap- lumberjack instead. tal investment to the state.
Content Manager money from the bank. The bank
teller, who did not wish to reveal
Katie Huckfeldt his identity, was taken from his

Content Manager home in an apartment complex
Shira Richman early Friday. The robbers es-
Faculty Advisor caped in a stolen red Ford The 15th annual Colorado
Mustang with an unde- School of Mines Athletics Hall of
termined amount of Fame class will be inducted on

cash. Friday October 8th. This class
$1.4 million in included two former student
services over 4 athletes, Chad Freihauf and
years were al- Hannah Davey-Briggs as well
legedly stolen as the 2004 football team.

by Mr. Edwin
Andres Pena,
a 27 year
old computer
hacker, posing

as a legitimate
wholesaler of
the service.
Police report
that over 10
million min-

utes of tele-
phone calls
were trans-
mitted over the

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
september 27, 2010 n e w s page 3

This week in Making the leap from

Colorado history college to career
Deborah Good present reputation of the mill and
Erik Charrier and abilities. As such, it serves as any special awards .
Staff Writer its management, coupled with the
Staff Writer a gateway to and a background for When writing a résumé, it is
valuable dump-piles which dot our
the second round, the interview. important to understand how
Revolutionary Mining Tech- mountain slopes…will secure it a
Typically, we come to Mines Employers use résumés to filter the it will be read. Boyle notes that
nology steady and permanent business;
primarily to become engineers. list of applicants down to a man- recruiters will often scan through
Technology is not the exclusive and we feel reasonably certain
We spend thousands of hours ageable sized list of the best candi- résumés quickly in order to find
domain of the 21st century, as the that any mineral which cannot be
learning everything from calculus dates for interviews. ones that match certain criteria,
article “Clear Creek County: Silver successfully treated at the Silver
to fluid mechanics, expecting our According to Boyle, the pur- such as GPA. The top of the ré-
Plume Concentration Works” il- Plume Concentration Works may
merit to be judged by our abil- pose of a résumé is to commu- sumé will get the most atten-
lustrates. This week in 1877, The be considered worthless”
ity to solve technical problems. nicate your relevant knowledge, tion, so critical sections should
Colorado Miner spotlighted the Sil- In other news…
Unfortunately for many, this illu- experience, skills, and activities to be closer to the top. Within the
ver Plume Concentration Works, Speaking in the opera house
sion is shattered before we even a prospective employer. However, sections of your résumé, items
a mill run by a man known as E. is a good way to promote a po-
graduate. No amount of calculus not all jobs are the same and, as should be in approximate chron-
Eddy, Esq. This then-revolutionary litical campaign, but the citizens of
can prepare us to make that criti- numerous recruiters have told this ological order with the most re-
mill was able to process 25 tons of Georgetown found a more exciting
cal leap into a job where we can reporter, different companies are cent items at the top. Education
rock per day while employing only one in September of 1877. The
use our technical abilities. Fully looking for different abilities. For generally should be placed at the
5 workers. The rocks, containing town woke one morning shortly
communicating your abilities and example, while sharing some of top. A good GPA, generally a 3.0
only very small amounts of the de- before Election Day to discover
qualifications are simply not pos- the basic engineering skills, a field or above at Mines, should be
sired minerals, were first thorough- the message, “Women’s Suffrage
sible using calculus. This is why engineer working for an oilfield placed prominently where it will
ly crushed, and then sifted down Approved” affixed to the door of
Mines has the Career Center. services company is not going catch the eye. A less impressive
to the slime tables. Eventually, the the home of “a noted bachelor.”
As part of its ongoing efforts to need the same set of skills as GPA, usually below 3.0 at Mines,
rock was removed and the desired Whether this particular campaign
to prepare students for taking a consultant. As such, customiz- should be placed in a less promi-
mineral emerged. met with any success is unknown.
the leap into employment, the ing a résumé to highlight different nent position in the education
The original article concluded It would be 43 more year before
Career Center has been hosting aspects for different companies is section. Key information such
the discussion of the mills with, the message was true nationally.
workshops ranging from résumé important. Boyle suggests that you as job titles, should be bold or
“The machinery of the mill com-
workshops to the hiring process. keep what she calls a ‘grandparent otherwise distinguished in order
bines simplicity with perfection in a From the pages of The Colora-
Last Thursday, CSM hosted Julie résumé’ that contains all of your to attract the eye of the person
remarkable degree; and the entire do Miner (Georgetown, CO) Sep-
Doyle of CDM for a workshop en- possibly relevant information and reviewing the résumé. For exam-
separation of the different miner- tember 29, 1877 accessed from
titled “Strong résumés and Great trim it down to suit the particular ple, if a recruiter is looking for a
als, the clean work done, and the

At the CoRE of
Interviews.” company for which you are apply- specific type of information, bold
After deciding that you are in- ing. This focused résumé is called headings will help them find the
terested in a company, the first your working résumé. Information relevant category, increasing the
item in the hiring process is typi- for the grandparent résumé would odds that they notice the infor-
cally your résumé. Your résumé is include academics, organizations, mation you were trying to com-

Mines Research Mines students support

used to give a potential employer extracurricular activities, political municate.
an overview of your strengths and government involvement, and Continued on

John Bristow achieved. By increasing this con-

St. Jude’s Hospital

Staff Writer nection, CoRE looks to inspire other
partnerships to increase the world’s
In terms of research at Mines, knowledge of oil and gas-based
the Chevron Center of Research processes.
Excellence (CoRE) is arguably one Along with this transfer of knowl-
of the most prized institutions. Lo- edge and skills, the center also acts
cated in the basement of Berthoud as a forefront in the world of reser-
Nicholas Matthews vember 3 and is an evening of let- So, don’t forget to save the date,
Staff Writer ter writing, raffles, and fun activities. November 3. If you would like more
Hall, CoRE was formed in 2003 as voir modeling, which is important
Some of last year’s prizes included a information about Up ‘Til Dawn or if
a long-term agreement between for the exploration, drilling, and ef-
Last week St. Jude’s Children’s Nintendo Wii and a $250 Best Buy you would like to participate, contact
Chevron’s Energy Technology Com- ficient extraction of hydrocarbon
Research Hospital’s held its annual gift card, among Sarah Spangler
pany and CSM, meant to bring resources.
experts together in petroleum and The primary team of the CoRE
Up ‘Til Dawn Awareness Week. At other things. At campuses across the at sspangle@
campuses across the country, con- This year, the If
geological engineering. As it cur- center is a combination of research-
rently stands, this goal is being met ers both from CSM and industry
cerned students attracted the atten- Mario Brothers- country, concerned stu- you would like
tion of their peers to raise aware- themed Up ‘Til to help raise
by the amazing staff at this facility. professionals and is bolstered by
ness for the St. Jude’s Children’s Dawn, entitled dents attracted the atten- money but want
Most of the geologi- a dedicated group
Hospital. “Game Over, to get started
cally inclined faculty The impressive ele- of students. With
Up ‘Til Dawn is a letter writing Cancer,” is look- tion of their peers to raise before No-
on campus have focuses on stratig-
event to bring recognition for every- ing to be even vember, there
nothing but respect ment of research at raphy, sedimentary awareness for the St. Jude’s will be a fac-
thing that St. Jude’s does and raise more lightheart-
and admiration for studies, and reservoir
money to contribute to its operation. ed. ulty wing-eating
CoRE and the work Mines is the desire modeling, the center Children’s Hospital.
St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hos- To participate contest at the
they are performing. will likely be a power-
The abstract post- for the school and house and an asset
pital, located in Memphis, Tennes- this year, regis- homecoming
see, is entirely donations operated, tration is free. All that is needed is a football game. For every $5 dollars
ers on the walls near to the Mines commu-
the Center display the industry to work nity for many years to
and at an operating cost of $1.5 mil- list of addresses and a desire to give that is raised, a regular wing will be
lion a day, this is no small feat. De- a little bit of your time (and sleep) taken out and replaced with a blaz-
sheer volume of re- come.
together. The impressive el-
spite the fact that the average cost to help brighten, and possibly save ing wing. Come and help support a
search that has been
of treating a patient is $570,000, some children’s lives. hospital that is changing kids lives.
done and is currently ement of research at
anything that is not covered by the
being pursued. On top of this vast Mines is the desire for the school
patient’s insurance is covered by the
amount of knowledge, the CoRE and industry to work together. Just
hospital. This allows children who
functions all around the world as recently the school adopted a policy
would have no other way of afford-
most of its members are out across that allowed certain researchers the
ing treatment to get a chance at life.
the globe. In fact, a main area of fo- ability to serve as a bridge between
The question certainly on some
cus is the Ainsa Basin in the Spanish Mines and the National Renewable
minds is how the hospital is sup-
Pyrenees, where they are research- Energy Laboratory. Another facet of
ported. As St. Jude’s receives a
ing trends of basin-fill succession. combined research is the possible
majority of its support through public
Closer to home, CoRE is studying joint venture into the world of rare-
donations, it comes as no surprise
the Uinta Basin in Utah and its use earth element mining and recycling
that there must be major fundraising
of hydrocarbon fuels. It is likely in the as these are becoming more and
involved to keep the hospital in op-
future, even more places throughout more crucial to modern technology.
eration. Up ‘Til Dawn, just one of the
the world of hydrocarbons will come Even now, more research grants are
hospital’s many fundraising events,
under the scrutiny of the CoRE. being given to Mines for such ven-
is a letter writing event in which
Not all of the focus of the institu- tures as the CoRE and the NREL
teams of five each address pre-
tion is directed at the world’s geol- connection. Hopefully with more
written letters to friends, family, and
ogy. There is an ambitious effort to recognition we will be able to form
acquaintances, giving them the op-
begin a knowledge transfer to bet- more bonds. It is through combina-
portunity to help support St. Jude’s.
ter both Chevron and CSM. More tions like this that Mines will become
Last year, despite being snowed
recently these endeavors have in- even more of a beacon in the world NICHOLAS MATTHEWS / OREDIGGER
out, the event still raised $11,000.
creased and a better understanding of resource recovery and explora-
As the name implies, Up ‘Til Volunteers for Up ‘Til Dawn raise awareness near Kafadar.
of geological interpretations is being tion.
Dawn occurs overnight on No-

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
page 4 l i f e s t y l e september 27, 2010

No need to forgive Not your parents’ Hall & Oates

this rock record
Tim Weilert modern listener. ing drum machine heard on the
Something Like Sound The record starts out with an Hall & Oates version.
Music Blogger original Bird & Bee song: “Heard Overall, I would not be sur-
It On The Radio,” a tune that is prised to hear any cuts from this
John Bristow luckily for the listener, this is not the The Bird & The Bee are unde- incredibly reminiscent of good record at a wedding or dance
Staff Writer end. niably hip. Singer/bassist Inara 1980’s pop music. “Kiss On My party. The songs could manage
The final element of the album George (the bird) has a smooth- List,” “Private Eyes,” and “Rich to draw young and old to the
Broken Social Scene has done begins with the emotionally sad yet-powerful delivery, the likes Girl” take on more upbeat dance dance-floor; something that can’t
it again, and while it is not on the sounding “Sweetest Kill.” This of which reminds me of Feist or grooves while maintaining the be said for many new releases.
same level as their smash hit “You leads into a much more upbeat and Astrud Gilberto. Matching her vo- soulful feel of the original ver- Final verdict: The Bird & The Bee
Forgot It In People,” Forgiveness tranquil “Romance To The Grave.” cals with the modern synth-pop sions. Slow jam “One On One” have managed to do Hall & Oates
Rock Record is worth the invest- This tranquility leads into the heavi- styling of Greg Kurstin (the bee) outdoes the original by smooth- their proper justice while still
ment. Like most albums in the er rock based “Water In Hell.” Of all has already resulted in a pair of ing out the overall feel of the song maintaining a distinct and creative
genre, this album starts of ramping the songs on the album, this par- excellent records on jazz-label and getting rid of the odd-sound- atmosphere.
up into a slower but calming intro ticular one is, in my opinion, one Blue Note Records. At a first
with the languid but calm “World of the most fun since it has slight glance, their newest record In-
Sick.” The following few change echoes of David Bowie and other terpreting the Masters Vol. 1: A
the pace, with “Chase Scene” be- artists from that era. Finally, we are Tribute to Daryl Hall and John
ing my preferred choice as it has left with “Me And My Hand.” A part Oates sticks out from the crowd.
the feel of a futuristic chase scene, of me wishes this album would end I was first exposed to this
as the title implies. slightly more upbeat, but this song record listening to Radio 1190
The meat of the album returns is nonetheless good, albeit solemn. while driving to dinner a few
to an upbeat calming nature that Overall, this album is much bet- weeks ago. A bubbly, dance-
is fairly common for Broken Social ter than most of the other music beat-infused rendition of “Rich
Scene. Songs like “All To All” carry produced these days, and while it Girl” had me dancing along in the
a distinct element of happiness holds true to the overall varied and seat of my car. At that point I had
and almost a coy excitement. It is jumbled sound of Broken Social to ask, “Did I really just get groovy
this part of the album that I could Scene, it is not their best work. to a Hall & Oates song?” which
put on repeat and listen to all day. Would I recommend getting it lead to the subsequent question,
This section ends with “Sentimen- though? Highly, just as long as you “What would my parents think?”
tal X’s,” which in itself would be a have some of their other albums While I have always found the
spectacular end to the album, but such as You Forgot It In People. mustachioed album sleeves of
the 1980’s pop-soul duo to be
a delightful reminder of regret-
table fashion trends gone by, it’s
hard to dismiss the songwriting
genius that was Hall & Oates
in their prime. Reinvented for a
new generation, The Bird & The
Bee’s cover album updates sev-
eral classic songs which might
otherwise get overlooked by the PHOTO COURTESY THE BIRD AND THE BEE

The Town ranks high in new movies

Stephen Hejducek that he holds up. This complicates Doug also has to deal with his long
events as she is the only person time friend, James Coughlin, who
Staff Writer
who can identify the people who persuades Doug to complete this
Bank robberies are taken to a robbed her bank. one last job. When all is said and
new extreme in “The Town.” “The Jon Hamm, as Special Agent done, the pulse pounding action
Town”, directed by Ben Affleck, Adam Frawley, boasts a tremen- and realistic effects of “The Town”
sports an amazing cast including dous performance while he chases will leave the viewer speechless as
Ben Affleck, Jon Hamm, and Jer- down the ultimate fugitive team. the events of Doug’s life unfold.
emy Renner. Set in Georgetown, The bank robbers come from a line The movie is a decent length at
a project near Boston, Massa- of bank robbing ancestors. As the about two hours, so it will not eat
chusetts, Doug Macray, played by saying goes, “like father, like son.” up your entire weekend. It also has
Ben Affleck, is a bank robber who In “The Town”, this expression great acting, an amazing story with

Frights for your

wants to get out of the business. comes full circle once Doug real- great plot twists, and an all-star
But as any movie-goer knows, it izes that for the final job that he has cast that shares film time excep-
is easier to get in than it is to get to perform is for a man for whom tionally well. When all else fails, be
out. Unfortunately for Doug, he falls his father worked. If that does sure to have a plan B when you are

Friday nights Delicious, variable pita chips

in love with a manager at a bank not complicate emotions enough, in “The Town.”

Charlotte Adams great time.

Nicholas Matthews evenly coat the pitas with the garlic stitute cinnamon and sugar for the
Staff Writer Here are some tips for your
salt and pepper. Cut the pitas into garlic salt and black pepper.
haunted house adventures: Staff Writer
eighths, and place them in an alu- Other Variations--
October is almost here and 1. Bring a Coat! - Most haunted
Everyone loves a good guaca- minum casserole dish (jelly-roll pan) Other simple spices can be sub-
that means it is nearly haunted house lines are outside and will be
mole. However, guacamole just is that has been lightly coated with stituted to create your own favorite
house season. A pastime enjoyed long! It is important to stay warm
not the same without something to cooking spray. Bake for 20 minutes. variety of pita dish. For example,
by everyone from tweens to se- and comfortable prior to your
scoop it with, and that is where this Enjoy. along with the original ingredients,
niors, haunted houses create the haunted house experience.
week’s recipe comes in. Pita chips Dessert Variation-- simply dust a package of Hidden
spooky environment needed for 2. Wear Comfortable Shoes -
are delicious and come in a variety To make an excellent, albeit Valley ranch dressing mix over the
Halloween. Whether you go for the Make sure shoes are comfortable
of flavors, but buying bag after bag simple, dessert you can simply sub- pitas.
adrenaline rush or just to watch enough to stand in. Generally the
of them can quickly bust a student’s
your friends freak out, haunted security guards patrolling the line
budget. So instead, this simple
houses are a great way to spend a don’t like it when those waiting
recipe will allow you to make your
weekend night in the month of Oc- sit down. Also the lines may be
own pita chips at home. These
tober. This month, weekly haunted muddy, don’t where brand new
chips, or their variations, are excel-
house reviews will be searching for designer loafers, they might not
lent when paired with your favorite
the most frightening Friday night. survive the journey.
dip or even as a standalone snack.
News for this haunted house 3. Bring Your Friends - Haunt-
season includes Thirteenth Floor’s ed houses are much more excit-
move to a new location. Now ing when you can throw your big
6 Six-inch Pitas
closer to downtown at I-70 and friend between you and a frighten-
1/2 tsp Garlic Salt
Brighton Boulevard, Thirteenth ing ghoul. More laughs are guar-
1/4 tsp Black Pepper
Floor promises a much larger and anteed with friends versus a date
Cooking Spray
scarier venue. Also new is a spe- or going solo. However don’t bring
cial event known as blackout night too many friends to avoid being
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
where you navigate the haunted split up. Usually haunted houses
Fahrenheit. Spray one side of
house with only a glow-stick to have a limit of 6 people per group.
each pita with cooking spray and
guide you. The Thirteenth Floor Remember to join in next week
looks promising for a guaranteed for the first Haunted House review! NICHOLAS MATTHEWS / OREDIGGER

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
september 27, 2010 a d v e r t i s e m e n t page 5

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
page 6 a d v e r t i s e m e n t s september 27, 2010

yo u r e d u c at i o n
of is
1 /3 n d i n g tr a d i t i o n s fu
on s ta
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w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
september 27, 2010 s p o r t s page 7

Mines clobbers WNMU, 43-0 Trevor Crane ished with another monster game
Content Manager as he went 33/53 for 444 yards and
5 touchdowns. Renken caught 10
The Mines football team has of those passes for 112 yards and
turned into an offensive machine a score, and Doucet ended with 10
over their past few games. Led receptions for 123 yards and two
by quarterback Clay Garcia and scores.
wideouts Cody Renken and Jarrod But as the Arizona Cardinals
Doucet, the Orediggers steamrolled could attest to last year, a good of-
the Western New Mexico University fense means absolutely nothing un-
Mustangs 43-0 Saturday at Camp- less the defense is strong enough
bell Field in Golden. to back them up, and the defense
In recent years, CSM has had no was up to the task. Junior lineback-
trouble capitalizing when they have er Josh Ruff led the Orediggers with
had the ball, and this season is no 10 tackles and helped to anchor a
exception. In the past three games, defense that forced three-and-outs
the CSM offense has tallied a to- on the first three drives for the Mus-
tal of 1570 yards (523.3 yards per tangs.
game) and 20 touchdowns (6.7 TD It never got easier for the Mus-
per game). Saturday’s total of 578 tangs. The defense put constant
total yards was enough to dominate pressure on Western New Mexico
the Mustangs and lead Mines to its quarterback, Antoine Young, all
third straight victory. game long. Young was sacked a
Mines did not take its time in total of 10 times, twice by senior
Jerrod Doucet (#3) stylistically scores a touchdown in the first half of Saturday’s game. lighting up the scoreboard. On their Marc Schiechl, and never really had
second possession of the game, a chance to create any offense.
the Orediggers drove 56 yards in Mines picked up four more turn-
two plays, eating up only 32 sec- overs as sophomore Ryan Wood
onds as Garcia’s 14 yard strike to grabbed an inception for the sec-
Doucet gave Mines the 7-0 lead. ond game in a row and teammate
CSM then proceeded to score on Alex Laudenslager earned the first
three of their next four possessions, interception of his career.
only one of which settled for a field In the second half, CSM run-
goal. ning back Dan Palmer picked up
Garcia has been a surgeon as the running game by finishing with
of late, dissecting defenses and 8 rushes for 89 yards and a touch-
crippling the opponents. To put it down. Palmer was carrying the bulk
into perspective, at the conclusion of the rushing attack while team-
of the first half, CSM had already mate Trevor Florendo saw limited
garnered 368 yards through the action. Florendo, who left Satur-
air. Most teams would consider a day’s game early, recently under-
368 passing yard performance a went off-season back surgery and
good total for an entire game. The hopes to be back to full strength in
dominance in passing rendered the the next few weeks.
rushing attack nearly obsolete. The The shutout pitched by the de-
leading rusher for Mines at halftime fense was the first for the Oredig-
was Dan Palmer with only 7 yards, gers since October 18, 2008,
and as a team, CSM ended up with against Adams State College.
Cody Renken (#1) dodges a tackle for an Oredigger first down. -2 yards at the break. Do the math, For Western New Mexico, the
and that means that the passing at- struggles continue. The loss drops

MaRquez Hall
tack gained more than 100% of the the Mustangs to 1-3 overall, 0-2
total offensive production, a hard RMAC. Their offense is averaging a
feat to accomplish. mere 11.0 points per game. CSM
Whoever has been keeping stats (3-1 overall, 2-0 RMAC) heads to
for Mines in the past few days prob- Fort Lewis next week to take on the
ably needs to get a raise. Garcia fin- Skyhawks.

GrOundbreAkinG OctOber 8, 2010

Join the Mines community

Friday, October 8, 2010 at 4 p.m.
at the corner of 16th and Arapahoe
as we break ground for our world-class petroleum
engineering building.

Celebrate with the students, faculty, alumni and friends who

have helped make the state-of-the-art facility a reality.

Reception to follow •
Despite heavy pressure, Cody Renken (#1) makes a re-
ception to put Mines within the red zone.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
page 8 f e a t u r e s september 27, 2010

SPS: Outreach,
iPod nano
Inreach and
A few weeks ago, Apple re-
Ian Littman, Tech Break Collumnist

result, the nano suffers greatly on touch, albeit a $149-$179 com-

Physics fun!
leased the update to their smallest the user experience front. The UI panion position depending on the Jessica Ho takes place every year on Hallow-
digital media player ever to have feels somewhat like that of the capacity (8GB or 16GB) that you Staff Writer een in the Student Center Ball-
a screen, the iPod nano. The de- iPod touch or iPhone, with multiple decide to buy. If you want to watch
rooms. “We take as many fun,
vice stands as a radical departure pages of icons arranged in a 2x2 videos, the nano can no longer do
Contrary to popular belief, phys- cool, interactive physics demos
from the previous members of the grid for access to the player’s func- that; its square screen would be a
ics can be fun, especially with the as we can come up with that are
iPod nano family (and the iPod mini tions. However, the “Home” button poor viewing area anyway. If you
Society of Physics Students (SPS). sort of Halloween-related… and
before it), substituting a tiny touch of the iPhone, iPad, and iTouch is want to quickly navigate a larger
SPS is a national organization that we let kids come play with the
screen for Apple’s hallmark “click replaced with the left-swipe, one of music collection, the nano’s touch
works to develop student interest demos,” said Otzenberger. “If any-
wheel” as a navigation method. the few gestures that works well optimization means that you will
in physics through numerous out- body has any ideas that they think
The Mines Bookstore was gra- on such a small screen. When it get frustrated rather quickly; only
reach and inreach events. Revital- would be awesome for it….we’re
cious enough to loan me one last comes to actually tapping items four artists are viewable onscreen
ized in 2007, the Mines chapter of always open to suggestions.” In
week, so I could find out for myself onscreen, the whole situation gets at any given time, compared with
SPS is extremely active, and they past years, over 300 people have
whether Apple’s newest form fac- even more iffy. Despite being prob- over a dozen on the previous gen-
have received national recognition shown up to see the demos. This
tor is a workable one. ably the finest-grained capacitive eration nano. Video recording on
on a number of occasions. year, SPS is hoping for an even big-
First off, the positives of the touch screen in existence, the the previous-generation device
Since its revival, SPS has been ger turnout by collaborating with
device. It is small almost beyond iPod nano’s UI elements was a bit of a gimmick, but
“really involved in the community. some of the Greek houses.
belief. Second, its capacitive touch are simply too small to the feature did exist and
Every semester we try to have at As if SPS did not have enough
screen, slightly more than an inch navigate with- quality was sur-
least two outreach to do, “The last thing
square, is responsive. Third, the out giving the prisingly good. Every semester we do is try to get
events where we’re
build quality of the device is top- device your Audio recording
working with high physics majors out
notch. Apple is marketing the new full atten- was less of a
school to elementary we try to have at of Meyer Hall. It’s a
nano to people wanting an exer- tion. The gimmick,
age kids introducing lot harder than you
them to physics and least two outreach might think,” Ot-
cise-friendly music player with a d e - yet it
screen and, from a size and build vice too is
letting them see the
quality perspective, this device may gone
fun side of it,” Amy
events where we’re zenberger laughed.
“This year, we’re
works for that role. That said, the b e with
Garland, Secretary working with high doing movie nights
nano is small enough that a watch- f i n e this it-
of SPS, explained. once a month where
style form factor would be quite for using eration,
Shirley Moore, Presi- school to elemen- anybody can come
interesting. In fact, one vendor has while run- despite the
dent of SPS, talked in and hang out,”
already created a watch band into ning, but forget fact that its
which the nano can clip. about trying to presence was
a little more about tary age kids in- Garland added.
ER the outreach events Knowledge bowls,
Compared to the previous gen- change tracks while G useful and its qual-
they do. Partners in troducing them to ice skating nights,
eration, the new iPod nano drops keeping pace; it simply RE ity high.
/O Physics was a new and bowling nights
event where “we physics and letting are also on the SPS
voice recording, video playback, cannot be done. M
A N I will make an unso-
gaming, and video camera fea- To Apple’s credit, volume TT licited prediction about the
N went and taught the social agenda.
Mitchell Elementary them see the fun
tures. However, the pedometer buttons and a sleep/wake button IA current-generation iPod nano:
SPS member-
and FM radio stick around. Oth- are still very much in hardware, it will be phased out in favor of
School kids about ship is open to ev-
erwise, the system is standard lining the top edge of the device. something similar to, but slightly
waves. We did a little
side of it.
eryone, regardless
iPod fare including music, photos, However, these buttons are slightly more compact than, the previous
science show, and of major. Last year,
“Genius Mixes,” and a shake-to- harder to press than they should version of the product line the next
we built space phones, wave ma- Levi Miller started showing up to
shuffle feature that works... some- be, and the volume control does time an iPod revision is in order.
chines, and little straw kazoos.” SPS meetings with only a slight
times. Syncing with Apple’s iTunes not allow for the quick volume Apple did it with the flop that was
In addition to outreach events interest in physics. Now he is the
software is simple enough, though changes that were easy on a click the third-generation, button-less
with local schools, SPS tries to do Vice President of Outreach for SPS
you will need the new iTunes 10 wheel based device. iPod shuffle and they will do the
a lot of events on campus. “Our and a declared physics major. “It is
to do anything with the new nano, Going back to Apple’s feature same thing with their latest ex-
most notable event on campus just a great way to meet a bunch
and songs transferred to the player omissions for a minute, the iPod ample of function-follows-form de-
is probably Celebration of Mines. of physics students and really get
very quickly over the iPod USB nano feels like a deliberate upsell sign by developing a music player
Everybody knows that we’re the a feel for what the department is
sync cable. for the iPod touch at this point, that eschews features and ease of
liquid nitrogen ice cream people,” like,” Miller said. “The first part of
The negatives of this device whereas the previous generation use in favor of having the smallest
said Marty Oztenberger, Demon- meetings we have official busi-
come from putting form over func- of the player actually included fea- widely-used multi-touch screen in
strations Librarian. Despite the two ness and then it’s just mingling and
tion. Honestly, the device feels like tures that the iTouch did not, most the world.
ice cream trucks giving away free food.” SPS meetings are held ev-
Apple user experience engineers notably the FM radio (still included As always, comments, critiques
ice cream during the Celebration of ery Tuesday at noon in Meyer 357,
were given the device in its cur- on the new nano) and the video and discussions are welcomed.
Mines, SPS gave out over six gal- so don’t hesitate to stop by and
rent form and told, “Make a user camera (now available on the iPod Drop me an e-mail at ilittman@my-
lons of their homemade ice cream. see how much fun physics can be.
interface that works well on this touch). I would go so far as to say or comment on the
Another big on-campus event For more information, visit the SPS
device. You cannot change the that the new nano is angling for online version of this article if you
is the Haunted Physics Lab, which website at
hardware you were given.” As a a companion position to the iPod have something to say.

Trevor Crane
Leading the charge defensively
Week It makes it almost like a high What is your schedule like?
... Holly Hutchison,
Sophomore: Volleyball

Content Manager for the Lady Orediggers is middle school atmosphere. In season, we go until 7:00
blocker Holly Hutchison. Hutchi- What is your least favorite [PM] and homework is after that.
The Colorado School of Mines son, a sophomore from Colorado part about being a student ath- You learn how to manage your
Athletics is witnessing unprec- Springs, is playing in her first sea- lete? time.
edented and widespread success son as a starter and leads Mines I mean, the academics are Where does the team hope
throughout its varsity athletics. in blocks (15) and blocks per set hard, but that’s why I’m here. I to be at the end of the season?
The Men’s Cross Country is domi- (1.5). Last week, Hutchison was love being here Definitely to get a good seeding
nating their competition and is named RMAC/Baden Defensive What is your least favorite in the tournament. Last year we
chasing a national championship. Player of the Week. For her per- class? were seeded pretty low and had
The Men’s Soccer team opened formance this season, Hutchison [Almost before I finished the to play [Concordia-St. Paul].
their season with a bang by top- is this week’s Athlete of the Week. question.] Physics. It’s definitely What are some of the big-
ping then #1 ranked Fort Lewis not my thing. (smiles) gest games this season?
and is currently ranked #3 in all [Oredigger] What is it like to How is college play different Nebraska-Kearney. That is al-
of Division II. The Football team is go from the bench to a starting from high school? ways a big game and definitely a
demoralizing defenses and eyeing role? The team spirit is very similar, rivalry. We also have tough games
an RMAC title. And meanwhile, [Hutchison] It’s definitely a privi- but the game is a lot faster and against Metro State and Regis,
the Women’s Volleyball team has lege; to have that first year of tak- a lot more technical. A lot more but the entire RMAC is getting a
quietly risen to a 9-2 record overall ing it all in, and then to now to feel strategy goes into each play. lot stronger.
and are leading the RMAC stand- like you are a contributor. How did you transition? Did you have a sports hero
ings. They are currently 6-1 at What is your favorite part That is basically what freshman you looked up to?
Lockridge Arena and undefeated about being a student athlete? year was for, for me. I got to learn Mia Hamm, actually. I played
in RMAC play and have the mak- Just the whole support from under two seniors last year. It was soccer when I was little and she Above, Holly starts against
ings of a solid postseason team. the city of Golden and the school. a great opportunity. was my favorite. Western State.
w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
september 27, 2010 f e a t u r e s page 9

ACS demos turn out a blast Coffee lover?

Stephen Hejducek
Staff Writer
nesium. The question behind this
demonstration is, “How would
magnesium burn in a non-oxygen
balloon does have to wait to mix
with air before it can burn.
The cannon demonstration,
Windy Saddle Cafe
has you covered
On Tuesday, September 21, environment?” The answer to this done after the balloons, is a sim-
the American Chemical Society question is, not very well, at first. ple contraption that consists of
held their second meeting to per- After many attempts to make the a reservoir for acetylene gas and
form some fun demonstrations. magnesium burn, a substance an ignition source such as flint. A
Nine demonstrations were chosen called potassium chlorate was simple reaction of calcium carbide Joshua Kleitsch key, avocado, cheese and Windy
which included liquid nitrogen, a added to the reaction as a cata- and water produces the acetylene Staff Writer Saddle’s homemade chipotle
luminol reaction, and an oscillat- lyst. Potassium chlorate is a very gas that burns rapidly and makes mayonnaise. The food was de-
ing clock reaction. President of the powerful oxidizing agent. Once a loud boom, a sound that is very For those that appreciate a livered promptly in less than ten
Mines chapter of ACS Matt Hartle the magnesium was lit, a block of similar to the exploding hydrogen fine cup of black gold, the Windy minutes. The sandwich itself was
stated, “We chose these experi- dry ice was placed on top of the and oxygen filled balloon. Saddle Cafe at 1110 Washington very good, carefully balancing
ments out of past experience and burning magnesium and it created The luminol reaction, which had Avenue has much to offer. The the spicy notes of the chipotle
with a little help from [Dr. Mark] a beautiful glowing, much like a never been tested before by ACS, coffee at Windy Saddle is truly spread and the subtle, unique
Seger.” lantern. was first attempted at the event. something to relish. Roasted in flavor of the avocado.
The first demonstration per- Following the magnesium lan- Fortunately, it worked, glowing a Milwaukee, WI using only the Following the trend of the
formed was called the blue bottle. tern was fun with liquid nitrogen. neon blue. Unfortunately, it only finest fair-trade organic beans, times, Windy Saddle Cafe is
This experiment consisted of po- Many objects were dipped in the lasted for a split second. Maybe Alterra Coffee is what Windy housed in what appears to be
tassium hydroxide dextrose, a form liquid nitrogen such as racquet with more practice, ACS will be Saddle serves its numerous cli- an old shop, or garage, with
of sugar, and methyl-blue solution. balls, bananas, oranges, toma- able to make the demonstration entele. As a coffee lover, I was exposed red brick walls creat-
This experiment demonstrated an toes, latex gloves, flowers and last longer. very pleased with the Americano ing an old-world charm. The
oxidation and reduction reaction. even gummy bears. Any food The final demonstration for I was served; it was made exactly atmosphere was comfortable
When the solution had plenty of dipped in liquid nitrogen can be the night was called the howling right with the perfect levels of and unassuming, with a large
oxygen, the liquid appeared blue, eaten. Flash frozen gummy bears gummy bear. This simple reaction smokiness and bitterness, bal- picture window looking out onto
while when oxygen was not pres- and bananas taste amazing. The required only potassium chlorate anced out with mild acidity and Washington Avenue, letting in
ent in the solution, it became clear. frozen gummy bears taste like a and gummy bears. The reaction a warm, nutty aftertaste. Experi- lots of natural light. Sitting there
The next demonstration performed lollipop that quickly becomes goo- proceeded by dissolving the po- ence would dictate that if a shop enjoying a great sandwich and
was called the money burn. It be- ey in your mouth, while the frozen tassium chlorate in water and then can do an Americano well they one of the best cups of coffee
gan with a member of the audi- bananas taste like banana flavored dropping the gummy bear into the can do anything well. in months, one cannot help but
ence donating a large bill, such ice cream. After the liquid nitrogen solution. A large flame erupted Not everything Windy Saddle be at peace with the world. That
as a twenty. After the money was came the oscillating clock reaction. from the solution and the gummy serves is designed to give you a peace is not likely to be broken
acquired, it was dipped in an iso- This reaction went through three bear dissolved, or was shot out of caffeine kick however. They of- by the bill, either. The sandwich
propyl alcohol and water solution. phases: clear, orange, and purple. the test tube and converted into a fer a wide variety of fresh-baked cost just shy of $7, while a 12
Once the money was thoroughly The chemicals used were variants black tar-like substance. breakfast and lunch items includ- ounce Americano was $1.65.
soaked in this solution, it was ig- of hydrogen peroxide, deionized When asked why the ACS per- ing quiche, croissants, granola, Quite a reasonable price to sup-
nited by a match and, by the won- water, and magnesium sulfate. formed such as show, Seger re- burritos, sandwiches, and much port a local business committed
ders of chemistry, the money did Something fun and familiar for sponded, “We want to attract new more. Having never been there to quality and service. If you are
not burn. This occurred because any student who was in Seger’s members for ACS. It is just sup- before, my first impulse was to one of those people that enjoys
the water cooled the burning of the Chemistry I and II classes last year posed to be a fun night.” Students get the most popular sandwich, making your own coffee at home,
alcohol at the same rate at which was the oxygen and hydrogen and other ACS members who at- which according to the barista Windy Saddle sells whole-bean
the alcohol burned. Unfortunately, balloon demonstration. For those tended the demonstrations had a at the counter, was the Thunder- Alterra Coffee in bulk for $10.95
by the end of the experiment, the were not in Seger’s class, this good time. “I mostly came to get bird, a flavorful sandwich with tur- a pound.
twenty dollar bill had been burned demonstration consists of two bal- away from the long hours of study-

The stars shine

ever so slightly at the tip, yet anoth- loons. One is filled with hydrogen ing and to experience the magical
er object is sacrificed for the good and the other filled with an oxygen adventures of chemistry,” explains
of science. and hydrogen mixture. The idea sophomore Kyle Tivnan, “Plus,
The third demonstration was behind this demonstration is to the experiments were very astute

brightly above
the called the magnesium lantern. show which balloon burns faster. and they included the audience.” If
This experiment, while simple, is The answer is the oxygen and hy- you want to become involved with
also very difficult to achieve suc- drogen mix because that reaction ACS, come to their next meeting
cessfully. It required dry ice, which does not have to wait to mix before on October 6 in the Coolbaugh
is solid carbon dioxide, and mag- igniting, while the pure hydrogen Atrium at 6 p.m.

Mines: Sagittarius
John Bristow ter of the Milky Way galaxy. While
Staff Writer we cannot see it, a super-massive
black hole lies in Sagittarius, around
As the nights get longer here in which we rotate to form the beauti-
the northern hemisphere, the stars ful spiral arms of the galaxy.
seem to shine brighter and with Personally, Sagittarius is a favor-
a more ethereal glow. These fall ite constellation of mine. It is easily
nights feature the start of new win- recognizable, and when you spot
ter constellations while still retaining it, you will have found the Milky
many of the most beautiful summer Way’s most dense and visible sec-
constellations. If you find yourself tion. The constellation also has La-
out just after twilight and you have goon Nebula, which if you have a
a clear view of the telescope, should
southern skies, These fall nights feature be one of your
be sure to look for first targets since
the teapot shaped the start of new winter it is both easy to
set of stars. If you find and colorful.
can find the slight- constellations while still If you are having
ly illuminated strip a hard time find-
of stars that forms
retaining many of the ing this stunning
the Milky Way and most beautiful summer set of stars, look
follow it to the ho- to the south-west
rizon, you will find constellations. up about 10 de-
Sagittarius. grees (remember
When the ancient Greeks to use one fist at arm’s length to find
looked up to this set of stars, they this angle). In Golden, this is entirely
identified them as the centaur Chi- worth a night-time hike up South or
ron firing his bow into the heart of North Table Mountain or a trip up
Scorpio, an equally beautiful con- to a higher elevation in the moun-
stellation. For modern astronomy, tains with a view in that direction. If
this constellation has tremendous this does not work, you can use the
significance. At current count, 16 of tools on the internet, especially that
ACS put on a series of demos to show the the main stars of the constellation of
more interesting aspects of chemistry. have planetary systems, the most Yoursky.
of any constellation. Additionally, Peace, and may the stars shine
within the constellation lies the cen- brightly in your skies.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
page 10 o p i n i o n september 27, 2010

Letter to the Editor organizations. Budget committee Committee. In fact, BSO is more
Alec Westerman, Mike consistently funded the entire cost than willing to help any Club or Or-
Ashwood of retreats and covered half of the ganization with any issue they have
Student Body President, overall cost of conferences, unless encountered, no matter how small

Minds at Mines
those expenses were already more or big the problem.
than half covered. This decision ASCSM wants to be transpar-
was made on the basis that retreats ent when it comes to policies and
Dear Editor, are geared towards organizational decisions, so don’t hesitate to find
Given last week’s editorial, growth, whereas conferences are us in the hallways or join us at our

Campus beef
“What is the Difference,” we feel it is typically more for personal growth. meetings. Regular ASCSM Senate
important to clarify and expand on Perhaps the most confusing meetings occur every other Thurs-
some of the statements made and policy of all is the one concerning day night in the Ballrooms, with the
to make clear what the difference T-Shirts. They cannot be bought next meeting being held on Octo-
Alec Westerman really is. with the intention of giving them ber 7th at 7 p.m., and all present
Staff Writer The majority of funding cuts from away to just the members of the are welcome to participate in the
Campus is home to most students, many of whom wish that it could requested budget amounts actu- Club for free. They can, however, be Public Forum. Feel free to ask us
be better in some way or another. Contrary to popular opinion, the cam- ally came from larger organizations, used in fundraisers, sold to anyone questions and bring us your con-
pus can be made better, but sometimes the problems people have are namely MAC, Sports Club Council, at a subsidized rate, or even given cerns. We are here to help the Stu-
not properly communicated and therefore the potential for fixing them The ORC, IM Sports, the Oredigger, away to anyone on campus, which dent Body and nothing else. That is
remains limited. As Mines begins to transform into a home for more and GSA, and even ASCSM. is what ASCSM intends to do as the difference.
more students with the addition of new residence halls, it is important The funding cuts on food, im- part of our new campaign to foster Having only just begun, we
to make sure that our college is a happy home. This week, the Oredig- posed even on budget committee’s school spirit. Other than the T-Shirt have already done four appreciable
ger wanted to give students a platform to voice their concerns. Minds at four hour meetings, were made be- restriction, once a Club or Organi- things for students: set aside half
Mines wanted to know the top three things that should be changed at cause funding is always short and zation has received their funds from of the ASCSM Presidential Pay
Mines. having food at regular meeting was ASCSM, they are free to purchase to support school spirit, enabled
viewed as an unnecessary luxury. any items that benefit the club or returning students bearing large
However, the committee funded campus. Examples of this would be water guns to participate in the M-
other food costs for events and the purchase of folding tables and Climb without preregistration, held
1. The cycle of disrespect for one. I think special meetings, no matter how chairs for club use, Senior Stetsons, a public forum on parking (the bulk
a lot of it is passive aggression be- closed or publicized the event. or stickers to be given away as ad- of concerns have been met or are
cause we are so shy... It results in There was also an agreement vertising, whereas a plasma screen being met), and just recently put our
an unpleasant atmosphere. peo- upon the distinction between re- TV for a Club Officer would not be support behind a letter demanding
ple are shocked when you just treats and conferences. Retreats funded. an apology from our district repre-
talk to them. You have people who are defined as internal events at- We don’t claim that the budget sentative after he made insensitive
are terrified of being different and you tended by almost the entire club allocation process is perfect, but we remarks about Mines.
have people who don’t care. membership and are intended to have endeavored to be as consis- Looking forward, there is a lot
2. People walk around like automaton’s. give clubs a direction for the next tent as possible with our metric and in store. Several highlights include
I had this realization the other day. You think two semesters. Conferences usually we will always listen to suggestions. revitalizing old traditions, creating
Mines guys are creepy... Mines guys don’t consist of no more than six or seven The most straightforward chan- new ones to make the Mines expe-
even have enough confidence to be creepy, Club members attending an event nel for communicating concerns rience more enjoyable, encouraging
they’re just respectful. at which thoughts and ideas are regarding club funding would be school spirit, and making Thanks-
3. People never say bless you... It’s the discussed with others from similar through BSO or through the Budget giving break a whole week.

Exams unfairly unrepre-

most cold, isolating, and empty feeling when
there are fifty people around and they say noth-
ing when you sneeze.
“Bless You” Man

1. The food.
2. Mines guys need some social skills.
sentative of classwork
3. The waffle maker is the wrong POed Mines Student you, they are not. our knowledge of the principles
temperature. It seems odd to me to say this, taught and was ‘geared’ to a much
Malinda Miller So last week I took the first but there is one glimmer of hope. higher common denominator than
Statics exam of my career here at The PHGN 200 exam I took last actually existed.
Mines, and I’m sorry to say that I week was surprisingly easy. I scored Is it too much to ask that exams
wasn’t surprised at how it went. I higher than any exam in PHGN 100, be at least similar to the practice
have become jaded towards exams and Dr. Kohl affirmed that the aver- problems and homework? That
at this school because our faculty age was higher than in previous doesn’t seem like an unreasonable
seems to enjoy giving us exams that years. One can only wonder: what request, even when I say it out loud
are much more is going on here? to myself. No, no, it really isn’t an
1. More computers in CTLM. You go in at peak difficult than any- I have become jaded I’m guessing that unreasonable request. Sure, we’re
hours and you can’t find a computer to save your thing we’ve done professors must Mines students, we’re the smart-
life... I guess more areas to just study and group before; whether it towards exams at this constantly as- est of the smart, we set records,
up and stuff. be in-class prob- sess how much we define the upper echelon. While
2. Berthoud hall basement should never have lems or practice
school because our facul- ‘smarter’ this it sounds nice to hear these things
a test there. The tables are way to small... you exams from the
shouldn’t have a test where you have such ty seems to enjoy giving years’ students shouted at us every day, it doesn’t
previous year. are in compari- help that we’re getting humiliated
a tiny desk you can’t even fit a piece of Sadly, this exam us exams that are much son to previous and stressed out by an exam that is
paper on it. only served to years, but you obviously beyond our ability. It’s bad
3. They got rid of their ability to reinforce that bad more difficult than any- would think that enough that we have all these ex-
give clubs rooms that are needed... attitude I’ve de- when they give pectations without the added pain
I’d like to see them do it on a need veloped because thing we’ve done before. you a practice of an exam we know we can’t beat.
basis rather than by rank. it was far more set, that’s what If it’s all the same to you, I’d like
Ryan Miller difficult than the practice exam pro- you need to know how to do. Alas, an exam that’s actually similar in
vided. such is not the case for those of us difficulty to problems I’ve already
Silly me, I should have learned that have the misfortune of being in done. I mean, it’s not like I have any
1. Parking garages need to be the first prior- from PHGN 100 last semester, but Statics this semester. other classes that I have to study
ity for campus! They need places for people no. When a professor gives you a It would be unjust for me to harp for or anything. This is your friendly
to park before building dorms for more people practice exam, telling you that this on our professors and say that they neighborhood POed Mines Stu-
to stay in. level of difficulty is what you should intentionally try to fail us, but I must dent, signing off.
2. Since there’s no parking spots, everyone expect on the actual exam, you admit, at times it seems as though
is riding their bikes. Lets see if we can actually need to take that with a 55-gallon that were the case. I recognize the
Editorials Policy
The Oredigger is a designated public forum. Edi-
have enough bike racks to park our bikes on to drum of salt and study your back- difficult job they must have, and I tors have the authority to make all content deci-
fulfill the rule that we’re not supposed to lock side off. As much as I hate to say acknowledge the effort they put into
sions without censorship or advance approval
and may edit submitted pieces for length so long
our bikes to anything else. this, and I really do, I don’t think our teaching us. My beef is more with as the original meaning of the piece is unchanged.
3. Meyer hall is slowly becoming professors really understand how what seems like a simple act of mis-
Opinions contained within the Opinion Section do
not necessarily reflect those of Colorado School
more and more broken and decrep- hard this material is for us lowly stu- interpreting data. I don’t think the of Mines or The Oredigger. The Oredigger does
it. We need to build a new physics dents. Just because the concepts Statics professors and the PHGN
not accept submissions without identification and
will consider all requests for anonymity in publica-
building, right after the parking ga- are the same and not necessar- 100 professors really know how tion on a case-by-case basis. Submissions less
rages. ily that difficult, doesn’t mean the much their students can do. The
than 300 words will receive preference.
Jason Buster problems are the same. I assure exam that was supposed to assess

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
september 27, 2010 s a t i r e page 11

Course websites reach

critical mass
Janeen Neri
Something Clever
off age for computer fluency”. Hav-
ing grown up in an era when tech-
assignments are spread out over
multiple websites.
Top ten things to do instead of at-
The Mines campus is on high
nology was used only by a few, this
generation tends not to understand
Students are advised to attend
class only as long as their profes- tending an ASCSM meeting
alert after Friday’s report that the that at this point, the tools allow- sor appears normal. “We’ve had
Steven Wooldridge
number of course websites used ing them to do what they want to scattered reports that the affliction
at CSM reached critical mass. might be spreading to students,
Dissociated Student
do already exist, and do not need
Officials are unsure how this situ- to be reinvented. Also, the older too,” Meitner warned. CCIT is cur- 10) Sleep
ation will unfold, but they say that generation uses the internet in a rently working on a network barrier 9) Coors Lab
the results could be dire and far- fundamentally different way. Unlike to protect unaffected individuals, 8) Play frisbee
reaching. “It’s exactly as bad as their students, they approach the and contaminated people are be- 7) Find free food
it sounds,” said CCIT representa- World Wide Web only with a spe- ing found and isolated. “The prob- 6) Go to a sports game
tive Lisa Meitner, “the number of cific task in mind. It makes sense to lem really blew up in the teacher’s 5) Cruise Safeway
course websites has reached the them to partition each class into its lounges,” Meitner said, “because 4) Play foosball
point where new websites begin own site, even though aggregators too many excited URLs started 3) Go to class
forming spontaneously.” like Blackboard exist specifically to bumping into each other. We hope 2) Do homework (Seriously, it is a better use of your time)
Meitner said that professors prevent this. if we separate the teachers or at 1) Just about anything imaginable
“have been warned” about the po- Unfortunately, the students as least keep them from talking about
tential consequences of coming up well as the faculty are now paying course websites for a while, the
with their own special course web- the price. Students went to their chain reaction will die down.” In the

site for every single course rather classes on Friday only to find that meantime, CCIT is also working
than using the sites that already a few of their instructors had been on a more aggressive campaign
exist. Besides the likely meltdown turned into helpless automatons, explaining the benefits of aggrega-
that will happen on campus some- spewing URLs and updated syl- tors. “Once we get this hopefully
time today, “it’s kind of a jerk thing labi with barely a pause for breath. cleaned up,” Meitner said, “we’ll
to do to the students,” Meitner The problem has since spread to actually be asking the instructors
said. afflict most of the faculty, blocking to use plain old email for a while
However, many professors are all attempts at teaching. Most stu- until we can scrub out all the fall-
above what Meitner calls “the cut- dents will now find that even single out.”

Golden Trivia Crossword



1 Freshman’s orientation trek 2 “Testing Lab” beer brand
4 Historic Golden restaurant (2 wrds) 3 Library’s coffee brand (2 wrds)
5 Location of the Mines mine (2 wrds) 6 Mine’s girls are often compared to
7 School Color (2 wrds)
9 Geologic concert venue (2 wrds) 7 Mine’s animal mascot
10 Guggenheim has one of the largest in Colorado 8 River through Golden (2 wrds)
(2 wrds) 12 Petroleum Engineering building
11 Miner’s headgear 15 Campus spring celebration
13 Name of downtown mainstreet 17 Group that runs Thrusday movie night
14 Popular computer game (abr.) (abr.)
16 Honors minor program
18 Freshman eatery (2 wrds)
19 Popular pizza place

Katie Huckfeldt / oredigger

See for solution.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t

page 12 a d v e r t i s e m e n t september 27, 2010

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